1、雅思口语题库话题范文之拥挤的地方雅思口语题库话题范文之:Describe a time you went to a place crowded with people(拥挤的地方) Describe a time you went to a place crowded with people. You should say Where it was When you went there What you did there And explain why you went there / how you felt about the crowded place 返回口语p2话题范文之:a p
2、lace crowded with people(拥挤的地方),查看更多范文 1.适用人群:全适用 2.主题:曼哈顿唐人街 3.故事线:唐人街位于纽约的曼哈顿。这是全国最拥挤的地方之一,也有许多人来这里参观。 The Chinatown is located in Manhattan in New York. This is one of the most crowded places in the country and a good number of people visit there. This is mostly a neighbourhood in Manhattan and s
3、urrounded by some other residential and commercial areas. This is also the home of Chinese people living in New York. It appears as a nice candidate task card for me. I will talk about this place in a brief. I visited this place a couple of months ago. I went there to meet one of my Chinese mates an
4、d greet her on her birthday. She studies marketing with us at the university. It was difficult for me to seek out the location at the beginning. The entire area was crowded with lots of people and the majority of them were Chinese. They were speaking in their own language while some of them were spe
5、aking English as well. The shops and the sellers were interesting. I went there with Jim, Silvia, Blake, David, and Rocky. In fact, we were invited to the birthday party of our Chinese friend Chunhua. She invited us to attend the party and after her demands, we went there. It was a trouble to find o
6、ut the location. All the places appeared similar to us and getting the right holding was extremely difficult for us. But finally, we reached Chunhuas place. It was a nice evening. The feelings were mixed. In fact, it was the very first visit to any Chinese home. So, I could not think what to do or h
7、ow to respond. Besides, travelling to the crowded place was another exciting event. I have not seen such a crowd before. People were everywhere and all of them were Chinese. At first, I was a bit anxious but gradually everything turned normal. 雅思口语题库话题范文之:Describe a time you went to a place crowded
8、with people(拥挤的地方) Describe a time you went to a place crowded with people. You should say Where it was When you went there What you did there And explain why you went there / how you felt about the crowded place 1.适用人群:全适用 2.主题:圣地亚哥动物园 3.故事线:最近去圣地亚哥动物园的经验给我带来了一段好玩的经验。那是一个我以前从未去过的嘈杂的地方。动物园里的四周到处都是来自
9、动物和前来参观的人们的噪音。 My recent visit to the San Diego zoo provided me with an interesting experience. It was a noisy place that I have not been to before. The surrounding places inside the zoo were filled with noise both from the animals and people who came to visit them. Thank you for the nice cue card a
10、nd hope the description will not make you feel bored as I was during my visit. I did not have the experience to visit a zoo. So, I went to visit the San Diego zoo with some of my college friends. The experience was outstanding. But the noise around me was intolerable. I did not have the idea that th
11、e animals could make so noise. In fact, I could not enjoy the visit there only for it being a noisy place. I went to the zoo to see animals that I have watched only on books and movies. Actually, my parents did not allow me to move outside of the home without any important reasons. And visiting in p
12、laces and meeting with friends was wasting time they believed. But when I grew up and started studying college, they became more friendly to me and allowed all the things that they did not permit before. So, the real-life knowledge for me is limited, and I started to gain some knowledge. As part of
13、earning knowledge, I went to the San Diego Zoo and came to know about various types of animals. The zoo was noisy for some certain reasons. First of all, this is the place where the wild animals live and they create noise. I think they try to communicate with each other and thus create the sounds. H
14、ence, such noises are natural from the zoo animals. Besides, when the visitors come to the zoo, they also create noises. They shout and talk, and laugh seeing the animals before them. In fact, this is the natural expression of wonder for the visitors. But since there are no restrictions about sound,
15、 they create noise after their sweet wills. So, all the sounds inside the zoo create a noisy environment. Initially, it was a nice experience to me to be at the zoo. But after passing some moments inside there, I felt uncomfortable. I could not enjoy the trip to the zoo for the noise. It appeared th
16、at the visitors are making more noise than the animals inside. There should be a limit about noise which should be followed strictly. The animals will make noise which is natural but the noise from the visitors is completely undesired. Though I could not bear with the knowledge, I made the trip comp
17、lete inside the zoo as it was my very first visit. I think the authority should take steps to prevent such a noisy situation in this zoo. 雅思口语备考:时间和精力更重要 自雅思索试设立以来,口试始终是使诸多考生觉得难以启齿的一项:一方面,雅思口试的话题范围都特别生活化。从简洁的自身学习或工作介绍,到被认为是最难的科学独创、环保,都没有超出日常探讨的范围,也不包括任何专业性的内容,就这点来说,雅思口试和托福TSE或其它同类口试相比,要简洁得多;但同时,雅思口语
18、的涉猎面之广,却又使考生在复习时感觉特别麻烦。假如每个话题都要轮着复习过来的话,复习一圈下来在时间和精力上的奢侈都堪称huge。可悲的是,哪怕全部复习过了,考试的时候还有可能遇上头脑空白,不知所云的状况;抑或虽然考到了复习的内容,但考试的内容和复习的范围相比,只是冰山之一角,考生为之耗费的时间精力,却如湖面下的冰山,大都湮没于无形,这种复习效率的性价比实在太低。 面对时间和精力的双重压力,唯有正确运用复习策略方能运筹于帷幄之中,决胜于千里之外;唯有将复习与应试技巧相结合方能在口试时应对如滔滔江水,连绵不绝。笔者分别就复习时间的把握和精力的投放上作一番探讨,望能助考生在复习的苦海上找到希望的灯塔
19、,在无望的边缘看到成功的曙光。 一、复习时间的把握 考生在培训结束到考试的间歇阶段一般应限制在一到二个月左右。间隔短了可能复习不够充分,心理上简单产生惊慌焦虑;间隔长了可能出现效率低下、惰性太大的现象,正如背单词强调的一而作,再而衰,三而竭的定律,口语复习也应趁热打铁,力求在短期内直捣黄龙,一举攻破话题重点,在考试之前保持醒悟的头脑。 当然,除了整体把握时间之外,还应将复习时间量化,详细落实到每一天。每天考生都应辟出肯定的时间进行口头操练,在小时数上应秉持贪多嚼不烂的原则,依据个人承受实力选择时间,建议在一到两小时左右。因为口试和其他项目不同,是考生和考官的互动过程,因此在自我演练的时候应当克
20、服自身惰性,根据考试流程做课件和教材上的练习。考生可依据课件和教材上面的参考答案来评判自身尚存的差距。在答案的评判上应当留意踩点原则,将话题的重点作为回答的第一标准,因为这些都将是考试的得分点。 下面我以实例讲解并描述复习时间的拿捏方法。口语话题根据大类可以分为基本状况介绍(如考生的学习和工作、家乡、城市、建筑、爱好、人物、节假日、派对、科技、独创等),而精分一下则可以扩展至大约二十几个。因此假如把复习时间定为一个月三十天,把话题一共cover两遍的话,那么基本上一天复习两个话题足矣。每个话题花一小时左右复习,一天用两小时练口语。 至于针对每个话题的详细操作方法,笔者以学习这个话题来详细描述。
21、考生首先应当明确每部分的涉猎范围、出题模式,同时也应根据该话题在三部分的依次由浅至深地依次回答,答题时可以先自己口头做一遍,再看参考答案和得分点,看到自己离高分答案的尚存差距,有则改之,无则加勉。假如每个话题都能照此方法复习,那么必能娴熟驾驭口试流程并对每个话题做到在理解上驾轻就熟。 比如涉猎范围和出题模式,在关于学习的三部分考题中,第一部分是关于考生的就读专业、专业选择缘由以及对课业的好恶等。而其次部分则是对学校的描述、课程的描述等。第三部分更进一步地谈论到社会层面的问题,如谈及教化问题,让你给出建议等。 至于参考答案和得分点,比如看到选择专业的缘由,一般参考答案会提及自己对此比较感爱好,如
22、I enjoy every minute of it,或者说It suits me。虽然理论上讲口语不应当有什么参考答案,但是对基础相对比较薄弱的考生而言,这肯定是能一招制胜且不露痕迹的葵花宝典。在短时期能使考生对口试的大致范围做到心中有数。 二、精力的投放 为了应付口试中广泛的话题,许多考生在口试的复习过程中一味求全、求多,想尽力cover全部的问题。可是总觉得野火烧不尽,春风吹又生,一道题未搞定,一道题又侵袭-殊不知,题海战术行不通。 其实口语在练习时应留意横着练和竖着练。竖着练是按口试三部分的依次练。每部分适当地每天选几个题练习可以是三部分选一个话题,也可以三部分分别从各个话题中选出来练
23、习。在上文中举的学习一例就是根据竖练来做的。 而横着练则是一项更为重要的复习技巧,也是口试复习的重点。所谓的横着练,是指复习时很有必要留意话题的相通性。假如说生活是一本有章节的书,那么以日常生活作为话题的雅思口试就有许多相互关联的话题。比如说和媒体相关的包括有电视、电影、阅读、音乐、广告等。原来这么多考题对考生来说是一种压力,但假如考生能意识到这些话题的应对有许多相同的地方,那么在答题时肯定会进入一个别有洞天的境界。仍旧以媒体为例,口试中有一类描述性的题,如描述某个音乐、某部电影、某本书或是某个广告等等。当然考生会分别运用各种形容词来形容这些对象,但在复习时假如孤立地以每一道题为单位来记忆描述
24、的词汇,就会做大量重复性的工作,因为有些形容词对上述的话题都适用,如impressive, touching等等。可以试着选择一些比较大的词汇,它们往往是一个扔出来,适用一大片的回答。 另外再举个例子。许多人在打算口语时往往担忧要不要背句型,他们面对句型时总有句型,要想背你好难的感受。一方面觉得口语很敏捷,没法套句型,另一方面又觉得背不下来。但正如写作要背句型一样,要考好口语最好也能会一点句型,但切记要宁缺毋滥!比如在第三部分雅思索官往往要你指出目前中国在某个方面最大的某个问题。如谈到人口就是人口太多,环境问题就是吸烟、温室效应或酸雨等。其实无论遇到哪种社会现象或问题,你都能用I'm deeply/strongly concerned about _这个句型来谈某个问题,表示出你对此的担忧。这就是比较客套、比较合理的一种表达,而不总是盯着worry about, think about这些表达不放,用词显得毫无特色,也没什么地道可言。 因此,假如考生能学会概括话题,尽可能地运用适用面特别广的词或句型,就能大大地节约复习时间,达到事半功倍的效果。相反,考生只会被沉没在题海中不行自拔。 上述两点是对考生备考口试的建议,祝大家复习欢乐,口试胜利! 雅思口语题库话题范文之拥挤的地方