1、雅思口语万能模板之独处话题雅思口语万能模板之独处话题 1. Do you like being alone? Yeah, I dont mind being alone. I guess as long as its not, like, for a really long length of time, its fine. You know, its kind of um I dont really know how to put it, but I suppose what Im basically trying to say is that it feels kind of relaxi
2、ng being alone. You know, it gives me the chance to ponder and reflecton certain stuff. So um yeah, I find it quite enjoyable, but if Im alone for a long length of time, then I guess it can get quite depressing. 是的,我不介意独自一人。我想只要不长时间就好了。你知道,有点我真的不知道该怎么说,但是我想我基本上想说的是,独处感觉很放松。你知道,它给了我思索和思索某些东西的机会。嗯嗯,是的
3、,我觉得它很好玩,但是假如我独自一个人呆很长一段时间,那么我想它会变得特别令人懊丧。 2. What do you do when youre alone? I would say, on the whole, I mainly like to read when Im alone. Thats one of the things I most enjoy doing, you know, sitting down with a book. Its just a really relaxing way to pass the time! And apart from that, um. wha
4、t else do I like doing on my own? Uh Sometimes I might watch a bit of TV, because if its too quiet around me it can feel a bit discomforting, if you know what I mean, it just adds to the loneliness. So if Ive got the TV on, it feels kind of nice having some sound around me, which in a way, gets rid
5、of the loneliness to some extent. 总的说来,我主要喜爱在我一个人的时候读书。这是我最喜爱做的事情之一,你知道,坐下来拿一本书。这只是一种放松时间的方式!除此之外,嗯我还喜爱自己做什么?嗯有时我可能会看一点电视,因为假如四周太宁静,就会觉得有点不舒适,假如你明白我的意思,那只会增加孤独感。所以假如我打开电视,四周有声音感觉很好,在某种程度上消退了孤独感。 3. Do you prefer to spend time with your friends or just stay at home alone? Um thinking about it, Id say
6、 I generally prefer to spend time with my friends, simply because I always have a good time whenever Im with them. But thats not to say I dont like being on my own at home, its just that its not as fun! You know, Im quite a sociable person by nature, so I tend to preferbeing in the company of others
7、. 嗯想想看,我通常喜爱和挚友在一起,只是因为我和他们在一起的时候总是很快乐。但这并不是说我不喜爱独自呆在家里,只是它没有那么好玩!你知道,我天生就是一个擅长交际的人,所以我倾向于和别人在一起。 4. When was the last time you were alone? Um I suppose it really depends for how long. Because I mean, pretty much every day Im alone for some parts of the day, although it may just be for a very short
8、period of time. But umlet me seethe last time I was alone was yesterday in fact, when I was doing some reading in my room. And I was on my own for about two or three hours or so. 嗯我想这要看多长时间。因为我的意思是,几乎每天我都会独自一人度过一天的某些时间,尽管那可能只是很短的一段时间。但是,嗯让我想想上次我独自一人的时候,昨天是我昨天在我房间里读书的时候。我独自一人呆了大约两个或三个小时左右。 雅思口语高分词组 a
9、s long as, its fine 只要就行 a long length of time= a long period of time I dont really know how to put it, - 我不知道怎样表达 I suppose what Im basically trying to say is - 我想说的基本上就是 Ponder - 深思 reflect - 反思 it can get quite depressing 会令我懊丧 pretty much every day 差不多每天 or so 左右 I generally prefer 我一般更喜爱 But th
10、ats not to say - 但这并不是说 Sociable - 好交际的 By nature - 天生地, 就其本质而言 being in the company of others= being with others, 跟别人在一起 on the whole 总的来说 discomforting -令人担心的 gets rid of -去掉 学雅思不孤寂:雅思口语失分点有哪些 雅思口语失分点一: 有些考生说话语速过快,完全没有轻重缓急,甚至已经听不出来正常的呼吸喘气,只能被考官理解成是“灵异现象”。这种answering machine的回答根据口语评分标准,考生应当得到的分数为5分
11、。 补救措施: 事实上,正常的停顿是必要的。流利和快速并非一个概念。在不影响到语言清楚的前提下,语速快些当然可以。但假如为追求流利而牺牲了语言的清楚和思索的时间,这就得不偿失了。况且,正常而流畅的交谈,本身就应当在句子和句子间作适当的停顿,以便对话双方可以特殊强调某些内容。所以,老师建议考生应将“把每个音发准、发正确”放在第一位,保持语速和音调的匀称顺畅特别重要,语速忽快忽慢,声调忽高忽低都显得突兀、夸张和不自然。其次,假如语速过快,考生反而没有给自己留下时间去思索下句话该说什么。除非考生已经能够达到纯英语思维,否则肯定会始终卡,每句话之间都会打“格楞”。所以对考生而言,将自己想说的话缓缓道来
12、,同时留给自己肯定的思索时间,才是上策。 雅思口语失分点二: 部分考生在回答问题时,往往秉持着一个固定的思维模式找寻标准答案,此类答案许多时候没有逻辑性,考生不知道如何表扬或指责一个事物,不懂得如何发表自己的观点,并去论证它。没有特性,没有自己独立思想的学生是得不了高分的。有的学生面对口语考试中的这些深层次的问题,别说是用英语,就是用中文也说不明白,平常想都没想过,也没功夫想。 请看下列对话: 问:How do people in China feel about genetic research? 单层回答:Er, genetic research, er, we think its ver
13、y good, er, er, we can find some methods to treat diseases 多层回答:Well, many people in the countryside have no idea about genetic research at all. In big cities like Nanjing, I think nine out of ten people support genetic research. 只要你把“in China”这样一个单层分界为“in the countryside”和“in big cities”两个层次,你的回答立即
14、在以下几个方面提升了分数:流利性、长度、组织结构! 补救措施: 多看,看读,多思索,有肯定的积累。这不光是为了考试,今后到国外高校去读书,被要求论证一个事情,这种功课是许多的。 雅思口语失分点三: 许多考生在考试的时候会对某个或某几个问题不甚了解,又或是题目中的某个词或词组不是很明白,在听不懂题目的时候,绝大多数同学实行的策略是:一猜二蒙! 当你揣测或蒙的时候,你在以下方面严峻丢分: (1) 对考题的理解实力 (2) 表述自己观点的实力(因为你的回答和考官想问的大相径庭,考官自然难以听懂) 补救措施: 假如你放松地、大胆地问考官 “Im sorry, could you rephrase th
15、e question?” 你压根不会被扣分。即便考官说明之后你要求他再次说明,你也仅仅可能因为“理解实力”而被扣个微乎其微的0.05分,而肯定不会因“听不懂”、“答跑题” 受到双重重罚。这样类似的问法还有:Would you please repeat it? What do you mean by ? I didn't follow/catch you.等。 学雅思不孤寂:口语考前大冲刺 如何做好雅思口语考前的最终冲刺 问:离考试还有一个月,应当怎样复习口语啊? 答:首先要知道雅思口语考试中最重要的是第一部分。那么要把这部分的问题自问自答,留意自己答案pronunciation, v
16、ocabulary, grammar and fluency .每天要练习2个话题,例如,周一a famous person who influenced Chinese history/a person who took care of you when you were little.最重要的就是把思路整理一下,这样考试中就可以有备无患了。一共70多个,那么每天2个就可以了。参与雅思口语考试 大家肯定要记得提前了解一下雅思口语标准,多做练习。 考过雅思的人都知道口语的分数有的时候要受外界因素的影响。首先假如你的话题卡是你熟识的题目,那么你的分数会高。例如,a friend/a leader。这两个卡片在一分钟的打算时间内,你应当后一个谈的好吧。其次,要达到6分,时态特别重要。考官问你, when did you last go to the park?那你必需要运用过去时,否则分数确定在6一下。所以6分就是语法,词汇的运用。例如,beautiful campus是个错误的用法,而要运用large campus/small campus.这种小细微环节也要留意。 雅思口语万能模板之独处话题