1、大学自费留学申请书格式范文高校自费留学申请书格式范文 Dear _, I was born and grew up in a country energetically developed, which is China, and my childhood and teenage years coincided with the highly developmental periods of China economy. Enlightened by what I witnessed, I had developed a keen interest in economics by the ti
2、me I took the university entrance exams and thus when the time came to choose a major, I picked economics. I was accepted to the Economics department of _ University, and spent the next three years fulfilling the required core classes: Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Financial Management, and Econom
3、ics Law etc. Through the studies of those courses, I had the solid foundations of economics theories. However, the more I learned about my subject of study, the more unsatisfied I felt with the curriculum's lack of innovative economics classes based on the current market model. Therefore I activ
4、ely participated in many practice activities such as investigation of peasant workers into city instructed by Development Economics Group of Economics College of _ University, the economy investigation of _x, _x province, research on the data of China _ and China _ and study on restriction factors o
5、f tertiary industry development with the information acquired from State Statistics Bureau, from which I benefited a lot. Spring of 2005, I participated in the project of investigation about peasant workers into city organized by Development Economics Group of School of Economics in _ University, wh
6、ich was to investigate the life of peasant workers and the reasons for their moving into the city, analyze the effects on urban economy brought by this special group of people with economic analysis, and then put forward rational suggestions. As the leader of the investigation group in _ District, _
7、, I had to deal with a lot of thingsorganized and participated in the design of questionnaires, led the group to instruct the survey and composed the final report. In _ District, I led my group to communicate with peasant workers to know their life, income and occupation, and the reasons for their m
8、ovement into city. According to our survey, we composed the report “Dynamic Reason Analysis on the Migration of Rural Labor to Urban Areas”. In this report, we analyzed the reasons for peasants movement into city, their rural economic situation, their income in city and we also discussed the positio
9、n of this special group in the development of urban economy. Then we analyzed the effects on urban economy that this special group brought and proposed policy and suggestions. Peasant workers are regarded as an especial principal part of economy, because they give up their rural life and come to cit
10、y to work. As their income and life are in still in lowest class, they cant get rid of peasants status and merge themselves into city. Under such terrible condition, what drives them into city and what kind of influence they have brought to urban economy and even the national economy. In order to ge
11、t the answers, we collected _ pieces of information from our survey. Because I know if we do not contact the reality by ourselves and study the real cases, we never experience hardships and never get first-hand precious information. In the whole process, I learned a lot. I learned how to deal with s
12、ome economic problems, study and analyze economic phenomenon with my knowledge. Whats more, this experience strengthened my enthusiasm on economics. Also, the challenges and difficulties involved in this project made me firmer, more persistent and daring to challenge any limit, which guaranteed the
13、successes of my future graduate studies. I also liked communicating with others, especially with the teachers, about the knowledge both in my major as well as in other fields. One my economics teacher, _x, Economics PHD from USA, had always told us his studies there, and from the way he spoke and fr
14、om what he said, I could be greatly enlightened by his plentiful experiences in USA and the highlights of his thoughts. More importantly, he made me deeply understand the advanced Economics education and perfect economics systems at abroad and made me more determined to further study Economics abroa
15、d as well. Survey on economy of _x, _x, mainly focused on the economic status, advantages and inferior resources as well as proposed suggestions and made development plans. In this project, I was the assistant of the professor. During this time, I assisted the Professor to collect and sort informati
16、on, communicate with local authorities and enterprises and compose survey paper. Due to my diligence, aborative plan and honesty, I acquired the archives kept in government as well as relative data from government officials, enterprises and the places rich in resources. _x is rich in forest. However
17、, as economy is rapidly developing and peoples environment consciousness is strengthened in modern society, aboriginal forest, which cant support peoples life nor agree to sustainable development, is not applicable. Therefore, local government and enterprise representatives invited professors of Eco
18、nomics College, _ University to take investigation and help them to make plans for their future development. I was lucky to go with professors and worked as a research assistant. When facing such an important and tough task in _x, I realized shortage of my knowledge. In terms of development plan, I
19、didnt know where I should go first. In the next one month, I eagerly learned knowledge at work with instruction of Professors. I earnestly completed fussy work, including collecting each piece of information, recording each talk and taking investigation, which was the essential to final strategy. Wi
20、th persistent hard work, we got all the essential information and professor proposed the general foreground and would make out accurate scheme based on further analysis after going back to university. At the same time, I finished my study here and completed my paperResearch Report on self-supporting
21、 economic model of _x, which was published in Future Economists, economic magazine published by Economics College of _ University. I benefited a lot from the experience in _. I learned how to analyze complicated economic problems. Most importantly, it generated my strong interests in Applied Economi
22、cs, particularly in the respect of Public Economics,Labour Economics,Urban Economics and case analysis. I hope to solve actual problems with my efforts, not just to rest on theoretical research. With the globalization of the worlds economy and the opening of Chinas capital markets after its entry in
23、to the WTO, China now has a desperate need for people who know about economics in China, who have the best education in economics in the world, and who have an international economics perspective. With this in mind, I decided to visit USA - a country with advanced Economics education. Top School aca
24、demic experience can build on my western economics knowledge, my multi-cultural and multi-lingual background to prepare me well for working in the large multi national company as an outstanding economist in ten years. I am applying to your esteem university because its rigorous program, outstanding
25、faculty, and excellence in Economics will allow me to develop the skills I have acquired so far. As a student born and raised abroad, I will bring a new perspective to your program. It takes courage and optimism to move to another country, and to study and work in a culture radically different from
26、one's own. I have made the best of a unique opportunity, and I will continue to take calculated risks as they come along. Moreover, I appreciate diversity and enjoy the process of learning itself, and believe I have much to contribute to the dynamic student body in your esteem university. Yours
27、sincerely, 奥地利留学本科费用须要多少钱 一、高校德语班 每学期一般收取人民币2000-3000元,当学生通过德语考试进入高校后则享受免费教化。 奥地利公立高校包括国立音乐高校,不收取中国学生的学费。高校德语班每学期一般收取人民币2000-3000元,当学生通过德语考试进入高校后则享受免费教化; 私立音乐学院一般每学期学费折合人民币也不到1万元; 德语学校的费用则凹凸不同,每学期一般在人民币2000-1万元不等; 英语授课的私立高校(有肯定的托福、或雅思成果与经济基础,即可申请)费用较高,学士学位课程每学年需8000欧元上下,2年的硕士学位需16000欧元。 二、本科学费 奥地利公立
28、高校一般免收学费,私立高校学费在8000欧10000欧左右。私立音乐学院一般每学期学费折合人民币也不到10000元;英语授课的私立高校(有肯定的托福、或雅思成果与经济基础,即可申请)费用较高,学士学位课程每学年需10000欧元左右。 三、生活费 在奥地利,留学生可以通过学生餐厅或自炊方式解决吃饭问题。奥地利学生餐厅,价格一般是2-4欧元/餐;留学生必需先购票(“Mensapickerl”),然后凭学生证可以享受实惠价格,不习惯奥地利饮食或想省些钱的留学生,可以自己做饭,奥地利的大超市一般都供应亚洲食品;对留学生来说,高校餐厅供应的食物以自助式快餐为主。 四、住宿费 对于留学生来说,生活费中的开
29、销就是房租。在奥地利各个城市的标准都不同,不过也都大同小异的,不会相差的太大。 学生宿舍双人间一般是从140200/月不等,单人间从180/月300/月不等。假如宿舍申请不到的话租私房,那价钱就依据房子的大小,有无家具等因素来定了,确定因素太多。不过一般来说是住学生宿舍实惠。 五、交通费 一般用于交通方面的费用在100-150欧元/月 六、保险费 每个月18欧元左右 七、助学金 为减轻高校生的负担,经过长期的探究及实践,如今奥地利已经形成了一套完善的助学金体系。它通过不同渠道,以各种方式资助在校的高校生,使他们特殊是贫困学生能更好地专注于学习,尽快完成学业。 广义的助学金包括家庭补助金、助学金
30、、车票补贴、医疗保险补贴、毕业阶段补贴、国外留学资助、特别支出补贴、奖学金等,此外还有奥地利高校基金。 奥地利留学必带生活用品 一、学习用品 作为学生,大家要带的东西中,上课须要用到的东西自然是最为重要的,其中尤其是参考书,在本地买价格会很贵,从国内带过去虽然比较重,但是会省钱许多,纸和笔也是同理。 不过书籍也可以打算电子版的,会更加环保一些,带上平板、手机和电脑,都能够成为很好的载体,其中后两者平常学习上课写作业和休闲也须要,记得打算好转换电源的插头和插座。 二、生活用品 床上的三件套是比较重要的,因为大家的住宿在抵达当天就须要进行支配,铺床也是当天要做的事情,提前备好的好可以干脆运用,不须
31、要再临时去选购,自己也会比较满足。 而洗护类的东西,从国内可以带过去便携装,这样大家抵达后的前一周不须要空出时间去购买,记得要包装好不然有可能会漏;还有毛巾等东西,也可以从国内带过去。 三、厨房用品 奥地利的饮食习惯,是特别典型的西方特色,和国内是完全不同的,而这里的中餐种类少而且口味不一样,价格还偏贵,所以留学生是自己带是能够基础调料,自己开火做。 这里可以打算好一个功能比较齐全的小型电饭煲,还可以带上一些比较常见的调料,这样只须要自己购买食材,就可以获得正宗的中餐,不过厨艺须要在国内就炼好。 四、衣着用品 日常穿的衣服打算抵达之后应季的几套即可,贴身穿的内衣和袜子可以多打算几件,这样大家的
32、行李会减轻许多,而且在本地买衣服价格其实也不贵,还能够紧跟潮流。 记得打算一套正装,女生还须要打算礼服,因为参与比较正式的场合,是不能够随意穿衣服的,须要大家正式对待,从国内定制会相对便宜和合身一些。 奥地利艺术留学费用解读 一、学费 去奥地利学艺术专业,有许多公立的学校,但是也有不少的私立学校,公立的学校一般是不收学生的学费的,但假如学生的某些条件没有达到的话,要先去读语言学校,就须要先交学费了,每个学期也许要收学生2000元到3000元左右。在经过相关的语言的学习,并通过考试之后就可以去读公立的学校,这就是不收取学生的学费的了。奥地利的私立学校是要学生交学费的,一个学期要交的学费也许是一万
33、元左右,也有少于一万元的,假如你想读运用英语讲课的私立学校的艺术专业的话,学费要比德语讲课的高,每年须要也许六万元左右。 二、生活费 1.购物 这部分的支出弹性是的,因为大家的家境有差异,消费观也不同,这里以一般学生为例,大家的日常购物加上服饰的选购,平均下来一个月要打算好3000元左右。 2.餐饮 可选择的方式有三种,去食堂、自己做和出去吃,食堂是大多数时间下的选择,有做饭条件的学生会选择自己做,只有少数的土豪会选择出去吃,一般的学生一个月吃饭须要1500-2500元。 3.住宿 留学生大多数状况下会选择在OEAD的上申请学生公寓,这是比较规范化的住宿,比宿舍简单申请,比自己租房便宜,有单间
34、和多人间选择,价格一个月在1000-5000元不等。 4.保险 奥地利是人人都有保险的国家,保险对留学生当然是必不行少的,不管是办居留卡还是延签证都很重要。保险指的就是社保,里面包括了医保。 留学生一般选择的是WGKK,现在的留学生保险价格为每月400元左右,凭学生证和入学证明一年去办一次,不能交现金,也是只能银行卡扣款。 三、交通费用 交通费用是这些费用里面花的最少的了,奥地利的学生坐车一般都是有实惠价的,一般一个月的交通费用也许是824到1236元不等。 四、收入 奥地利的学生,每个周都有十个小时的工作时间,为了不影响学生的专业学习,一个星期的打工时间有限制,是不能在十个小时以上的,打工一般是在做和专业相关的工作。假如你每个月打工所得的收入超过了2200元的话,是须要交税的,假如每个月没有挣这么多钱的话,是不须要来交这个税费的。 高校自费留学申请书格式范文