1、2021年留学俄罗斯申请书2021年留学俄罗斯申请书1 Dear _, I am interested in pursuing a Geography course at University. Studying Geography will provide me with a better understanding of topical issues that affect the world around us, and also improve my presentational skills and independent learning skills. I am currentl
2、y studying A-Levels Geography and Drama, which has provided me with a keen interest in current affairs; therefore I am interested in areas such as development and environmental issues I feel that these subject areas will provide me with a sound background to build a degree My interests in Drama star
3、ted early in College where I found that I enjoyed many of the techniques used within Drama. This gave me the confidence to take part in college productions, I have also developed my knowledge of Greek Tragedies, Physical Theatre and Monologues, and whilst studying an A-Level in Performing Arts I hav
4、e developed my leadership skills and confidence to a mature standard During my work experience I had the opportunity to work with a professional and extremely dedicated armourer. I used these two weeks to great advantage by broadening my knowledge in a diverse trade, which requires skill and extreme
5、ly good technique. These two weeks helped me develop many skills such as concentration and independent working, work experience has also provided me with experience in a trade which can be used to fall back on, due to the fact that this is a family trade I therefore I have a platform in which to sta
6、rt up Within college I play an active role within college and also within my tutor group. I was elected student Council Representative, which has not only developed my communications skills but furthered my organisation skills. Within my tutor group I interact as much as possible by taking part in t
7、he tutor football team, and helping out my tutor with international dimensions week, which consists of helping younger students to develop skills they can use in the future. I have also worked with the P.E department by refereeing sports day football As part of my personal development personal devel
8、opment, I helped in a Year 7 Drama class and used my own skills to help students out with plays, this taught me qualities of leadership such as motivation and patience My hobbies include a wide range of sports, most notably rugby where I play at club level and county level, I hope to use this sporti
9、ng background to play in a University team. I also take a great interest in football, golf and occasionally play tennis, I work part time within the College itself working in the Site Team, which has developed my reliability and communications skills I regard myself to be an extremely friendly and h
10、ard working person. I have become very determined and independent as a result of pursuing my A-Levels; and hope this provides a good background for University. I look forward to the challenge of University life and the opportunities that will arise as a result. Yours sincerely, xuexila 2021年留学俄罗斯申请书
11、2 Dear _, My interest in Psychology and social science is the motivation for me applying to study Psychology and Criminology. Psychology is my favourite subject and I have thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of the A-Level course. In addition to Psychology I have also studied Sociology, Photography and
12、Film Studies. Studying Psychology has given me a more in-depth understanding of human behaviour and interaction, which I can relate into everyday life. Studying Sociology has enhanced my understanding of the society we live in and how it functions. These subjects have demanded commitment and time ma
13、nagement and have improved my comprehension and analytical skills. Participation in clubs and work placements has enabled me to develop key character attributes. When on work experience at a junior school I was able to advance my communicative skills, this allowed me to teach children to read and to
14、 express themselves using paragraphs and grammar correctly. Whilst working as a Recreation Assistant I have become more confident with working around both adults and children; I have learnt valuable people and observational skills. A few years ago I joined St John Cadets where I have learnt first ai
15、d skills. Through structured interviews and presentations I was chosen to represent North East Wales to compete for cadet of the year. I am also a black belt in karate and have helped others improve their technique. I have enjoyed an active role in school life. Whilst at _ School I was appointed as
16、Prefect and I was nominated by my peers to act as Form Captain. As a result I was trusted to voice the beliefs of my peers and hence I have developed key people skills. In addition, I have helped to organise sports day, the harvest festival and school open days. In my spare time I enjoy reading; my
17、favourite books include: The Curious Incident of the dog in the Night time, books by Dan Brown and Harry Potter. I also enjoy swimming, going to my local gym, walking and socialising. The career I am hoping to go into once Ive finished the course would be to join the police force or within prisons a
18、s a forensic psychologist. I am very interested in helping reform criminals whilst inside prison and on parole and have always been interested to find out how the criminal mind works and why they committed the crime. This course will lead me into this career and open up many opportunities to work wi
19、th and help criminals. I believe that university will provide me with the opportunity to develop as a person. I am hard working, intellectually curious and determined to be successful. I look forward to the new experiences and opportunities, university will provide me with and guarantee to participa
20、te whenever possible. Yours sincerely, xuexila 出国留学俄罗斯申请流程 1.打算 办理申请材料:护照、成果单公证书、照片等。 审查递交的申请材料,并向国外学校递交申请材料。 打算经济担保金:中国银行存款6000美金或5万人民币以上,存在学生名下。 2.取得高校入学通知书 报名后约5-7周内可收到高校入学通知书。 进行出国前语言培训。 3.办理学生公证书外交部认证、通知学生体检身体 4.办理出国签证 签证材料须要:学生身份证复印件、护照原件及复印件、邀请函原件、体检证明原件、照片2张白底两寸、银行保证金证明。俄罗斯留学生签证一般是7个工作日出签证。 5.购买出国飞机票,打算登机 中国飞往俄罗斯的飞机有直达、有转机,依据自己须要选择。 6.办理各种入学手续 办理入学、住宿相关手续; 到当地公安局办理境外落地签证; 到当地医院体检身体; 购买医疗保险; 到银行开户、办理手机卡等; 熟识校内及四周环境; 7.打算上课。 2021年留学俄罗斯申请书