1、2021博士留学条件申请书怎么写申请书”查看更多 2021博士留学条件申请书范文 Dear _, The desire to know more about the nature has motivated me to step into the broad world of science. I have cultivated my great interest in physics and a lot of related fields since I was very young. I was armed with strong foundation in physics due to
2、my three years time in Tianjin Nankai High School (one of the most famous high schools in China). In the September of 2000, I entered University of Science and Technology of China and became a member of physics department since then. During the period of hard trying to adapt the new life, both my kn
3、owledge and my maturity have remarkably grown and I finally got overall GPA3.5/4.0, and major GPA 3.8/4.0. My hard working finally earned me the Outstanding Student Scholarship in 2003. My two years research in Structure Research Laboratory of USTC has brought me to a more extensive and practical fi
4、eld of physics. Served as an undergraduate research assistant in Professor Xianhui Chens group, I have devoted most of my time to the research and my knowledge in condensed matter physics and its related field have greatly increased. I have obtained all the basic experimental skills in a very short
5、time and in order to keep with the pace of the latest achievement in my research field, I have spent a large amount of time in reading related journals, such as Appl. Phys. Lett., J. Appl. Phys., Phys. Rev. B, Phys. Rev. Lett., J. Solid State Chem. and so on. At the beginning of 2003, I began my sys
6、tematical work in exploring the growing method and transport property investigations in hole-doped single crystal BSLCO (Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO4+y) series and electron-doped NCCO (Nd2-xCexCuO4-y) series. My work was focused on the single crystal preparation and physical property measurement, especially the
7、transport property and magnetic properties. After so many times of attempt of method, I successfully grew a great deal of single crystals with high quality. Moreover, I have spent so many days and nights together with my colleagues in lab measuring the resistance of the samples. We finally obtained
8、plenty of meaningful data and by analyzing the normal state property. Later, I have submitted a paper titled “Field-induced log (1/T) diverging resistivity deviation from normal state in superconducting cuprates” to Europhys. Lett. in 2003 as the third author. However, my work was not stopped and wi
9、th further investigation in the 2D weak localization system is still given. Meanwhile, I have got several papers submitted to the international journals this year. Besides, through the work, I obtained almost all the skills of manipulation of the corresponding instruments from physical preparation t
10、o characterization. Whats more, I can skillfully use software, (GSAS and etc), to analyze the structure of the material through X-ray diffraction data. Actually, the happiness I gained from the cooperation with others and the approach of the physics science was greater. I often have discussion with
11、other members in my group on the current encountered problem and new ideas for research. During the weekly group meeting, we exchanged our views on our current research project and I have learned a lot through this communication. Meanwhile, I never give up searching for more extensive and challengin
12、g field. Actually, some of my present work is from my own idea. For instance, I have grown some single crystals of highly efficient thermoelectric materials, such as Bi2Sr2CoO6+y, Ca3Co4O9.,aimed to find the relationship between the misfit structure of CoO2 layer and the high thermoelectricity, magn
13、eto-resistance and magneto-power. Whats more, I have paid extra attention to the update technique in synthesizing the nanowires and nanoparticles. I grasped a number of methods, such as micro-emulsion, hydrothermal method, sol-gel and other soft chemical ways to synthesize the nano scale materials.
14、Under the available condition, I am synthesizing the nano scale superconducting material YBCO and nanowires of magnetic materials, such as La0.5Ba0.5MnO3. During my exploring of the novel polycrystalline Co1212 and Fe1212, I realized the importance of cooperation. Because of the limitation of experi
15、mental condition, our samples can not become superconducting. In order to solve the problem, we cooperated with Institute of Physics of China Academic Science to obtain the extreme pressure. I realized the cooperation within and without a group equally important, and sometimes accomplishment is gain
16、ed under several groups of people. We also have done some work in YBCO thin film transport property, collaborated with professor C. L. Chen of Superconducting Center Texas, U.S.A. In addition, I have also attend some of other sub-groups research project, such as using sol-gel method to grow Ru1212,
17、NaCoO2 transport property investigation and colossal magneto resistance materials preparation. Whats more, I have also attended the 7th National Superconductivity Conference and National Annual Conference of Physics in 20_. Research interest and future plan I have accumulated a large amount of knowl
18、edge in condensed matter physics. I am greatly interested in the low dimension system, highly correlated electron system. The past work on nanostructure materials and thin film also amazed me to do further research in these areas. Also, I have been looking forwards to reach a wider field in physical
19、 science. After two years research experience in Structure Research Lab, my experimental ability has been greatly developed and my potential for research has also been proved. I believe the appropriate areas for me to take research work may be more extensive. My experience both in physics and chemis
20、try should do well to my advanced study. I believe I fit for other related fields, such as particle physics, high energy physics, as well as biophysics. Hope to be a member of University of Notre Dame University of Notre Dame is world famous for its outstanding faculty and reputation. It has a dynam
21、ic present and promising future, and I believe it is the best place for me to continue my future study. The department of physics, with so many distinguished scholars and researchers, and so broad research areas, has impressed me a lot. Besides, the broad scientific fields and high level graduate pr
22、ograms ensure me that University of Notre Dame is the best choice for my future education. I am looking forwards to be a member of University of Notre Dame in the near future. Yours sincerely, 博士申请所须要的条件 GPA:本科成果很重要,尤其是专业课成果更重要。假如在国内取得了硕士学位,硕士的GPA也会纳入考核,尤其对于本科没涉及到或者本科没有学好的课程,那么硕士的课程就会弥补到这些短板。 IBT;主要
23、衡量的是申请者的语言实力,一般都是学校方面的要求。在托福成果达到要求的状况下一般不会成为教授录用与否的主要参考因素。但对于申请奖学金方面,尤其是TA托福的口语又特别重要。 GRE:至少须要Verbal和Quantitative,许多学校要求写作成果,也有个别专业的部分学校要求GRESUB。关于GRE和GPA两项可以量化参考的主要内容,在_网站许多学校都列出了录用的分数参考,有的是平均分,有的学校给的最低分。 个人陈述:一般分为两个部分,一是要写你的探讨经验,感爱好的方向,以及对自己将来的规划。其次部分就是要依据你所申请的学校量身定做,因为有的学校会对个人陈述有特定的要求:比如字数限制,须要说明
24、的内容等,肯定要确保PS符合要求。对于没有特别要求的学校肯定要去网站上找寻相关的信息,例如教授的探讨方向。在文书中对你选择的program有所体现。另外因为个人陈述是除了硬件外,录用委员会能够了解你的主要部分。所以写作过程中须要充分体会读者的感受。每一部分要说明什么内容,怎样让读者更简单接受,肯定要细致斟酌。这部分同时也会弥补托福或者GRE写作部分没考好的不足。 举荐信:美国学校比较看重第三方对你的评价,举荐信是展示自己的另一个渠道。为了增加劝服力,举荐人对你的探讨实力有所视察和了解,同时对于PS没有展示你的品质在举荐信上有所补充。所以在找举荐信的过程中,肯定要考虑于举荐人的关系,适当提示举荐
25、人供应某方面的信息。 简历:是对自己经验的排列,要写一份给人留下深刻印象的简历,肯定要从大一就有一个很好的规划,这样在写作过程中才会有所连接。达到貌似无形实有形的状态。 关于申请过程中套磁的作用:个人建议申请博士肯定要有套磁。套磁可以分为三大部分,前期套信息,中期套近乎,后期套奖学金。前期对于学校网站上找不到的信息须要发邮件做询问,找准自己的目标学校。中期虽然说为套近乎,但不是要“狗腿”,而是主要和教授探讨专业,加深对彼此的了解。 奥地利博士留学申请步骤及材料介绍 一、概述 奥地利留学博士申请人请先与录用高校或科研机构联系,确认是否须要审核部的审核证明。若您所申请的高校或科研机构要求您进行审核
26、部的审核,请您在审核部官方网站注册登记并寄来您的材料。审核部会对您的材料进行审核,审核过后会给您出具审核证明,无需到审核部进行面谈。 审核费用为 1000 元人民币。 二、申请步骤 1.在_网上注册并打印注册证明; 2.通过银行汇款 1000 元人民币审核费用; 3.将申请材料邮寄给审核部,也可以亲自或者托付亲友递交到审核部; 4.也许 4 周后获悉审核结果; 5.假如胜利通过审核,申请人会获得一份由审核部出具的证明向审核部递交以下申请材料一套。 三、申请材料 1.汇款单收据复印件; 2.完整填写的并附有护照照片的申请表; 3.申请人护照复印件; 4.奥地利高校或科研机构出具的在奥地利进行博士
27、探讨生课程或者博士后探讨工作的邀请信或录用通知书; 5.出具您长期有效的地址、姓名或回邮的收件人姓名(如不同); 6.高考成果证明公证复印件件及其翻译公证件; 7.在读申请者:在读证明公证复印件及其翻译公证件,已毕业的申请者:探讨生毕业证书和硕士学位证书公证复印件及其翻译公证件; 8.博士探讨生课程邀请信公证复印件及其翻译公证件; 9.高校成果单公证复印件及其翻译公证件(本科); 10.探讨生毕业证书和学位证书公证复印件和翻译公证件; 11.成果单公证复印件及其翻译公证件(硕士)。 奥地利留学签证申请攻略 一、签证类型 针对学习语言的学生,有特地的语言生签证,它属于短期签证,时间有自己确定,一
28、般不会超过一年,而且申请的难度也不大,基本上只要出示学校的录用通知即可。 针对准留学生,则是特地的留学生签证,及我们常说的留学签证,时间统一为一年,到期须要进行续签,续签很简洁,但是初次办理审核很严格,须要进行各个方面的打算。 二、申请材料 首先是申请的打算,包括申请表和证件照,前者须要大家登陆使馆的,找到相应的表格下载下来, 然后根据要求填写,运用英语;后者有严格的规格要求,白底彩色,35x45mm。 然后是学术材料,最重要的就是大家得录用通知书,还有语言考试成果单,这两大类须要大家进行复印并且接受公证,然后才能递交。 最终是身份材料,护照须要打算原件,个人的存款证明和体检报告,还有住宿证明和缴费清单,这些打算复印件即可,要真实有效。 三、办理流程 大家在下载申请表之前,须要先进行签证的预约,即越好递交材料的时间和地点,目前国内不仅仅只有一个四千点,大家就近选择即可,肯定要确定好时间。 然后根据约定好的时间前往,递交自己打算好的材料,等待初步审核,再缴纳手续费,并且将个人信息进行录入,然后就可以回家等待结果了。 手续费是120欧,须要大家产场缴纳,缴费胜利后才会获得收据,这份收据是大家领取签证的凭证,肯定要保管好。 2021博士留学条件申请书