1、胡歌的演讲稿胡歌的演讲稿关于胡歌的演讲稿篇一:关于胡歌英文演讲篇一:关于胡歌英文演讲Different people have different idol, Im no different.Hu Ge, an actor known for a TV series adapted by a computer game, ismy favourite star.Hu was once a shy boy, and rarely spoke. To help him became moresociable, his parents sent him to an art troupe. At th
2、at time, it neveroccurred to him that he would have a career on stage or in front ofthe media.Unfortunately, a traffic accident occurred when he was on the peakof his career. Hearing the news that he could be disfigured, “Maybe Ihave to turn to behind-the-scenes if I am disfigured.”(如果我毁容了,那我可以转向幕后了
3、) he said with a smile. In his mind, the accident isa chance to learn more about himself as well as the world from thebeginning.(幸好我在获得重生的时候还能够看清世界,看清自己)作为胡歌的粉丝,我们叫自己胡椒。对于大多数的胡椒来说,胡歌本身的魅力远远超过他所饰演的角色的魅力。于我,他很有才华。他总是带着相机因为喜欢等待照片出来的兴奋感。他的微博显示了他对于文字的驾驭,他写下自己真实的想法和情感通过有意境的配图来表达自己,你能够感受到他对自己的那份自嘲似的幽默。我们常常
4、在微博上催他赶快结婚,他因此十分骄傲觉得的自己是中国娱乐圈的第一人,能跟自己的粉丝关系相处的很融洽。他觉得自己的粉丝跟别人家的完全不一样。(这段翻译得乱七八槽)更不用说慈善了,他以他朋友的名义捐了一所希望小学等等。他很感恩,很照顾粉丝的感觉,并尽量满足粉丝的请求。他说”是你们让我变得强大”。这些都只是你能在表面看到的一小部分。As the fans of Hu Ge, we called ourselves “Pepper”. To most of uspepper, the charm he owned is far more than the attractiveness of those
5、roles he played. From my point of view, my idol is pretty gifted. Takingphotos is one of his hobbies. Wherever he goes, He always takes hiscamera along with him and enjoys the exciting feeling of waiting for awonderful picture. His micro blog haswitnessed his talent in writing. Through all the words
6、 illustratedby appropriate pictures in his micro blog, he conveys his inner feelingsand thoughts, leaving readers deeply impressed by the mans self-deprecating 自贬的 humour. In the micro blog We pepper always urge himto get married as soon as possible, which made him so proud and considerhimself an un
7、ique star in China s entertainment circle.He thinks hispepper is a group different from other fans. Not to mention thePhilanthropy. He donates a hope primary school in a remote area inYunnan province on behalf of one of his friend. He is a person full ofgratititude.Taking care of his fans feeling, m
8、aking his efforts to meet hispeppers。demands as much as he can. He once said “youre the strength thatmakes me more powerful.” Those are very little parts of the man thatyou can find on thesurface.对于胡歌和胡椒来说,更多的是胡歌在创造了更好的胡椒,优质的偶像,在潜移默化中影响了喜欢他的粉们。有多少胡椒从胡歌身上学会了坚强,学会乐观,学会淡然看待是是非非。有多少胡椒从胡歌身上学会了踏实努力随和,有多少胡
9、椒学着胡歌的文艺范,抽风范,内涵范。这不是盲目的崇拜与模仿,只是发自内心的学习与进步,胡歌之于胡椒是一个榜样,一个努力的方向,一个交心的朋友。“Strength does not lie in what you have. It lies in what you cangive” I really enjoy the spirit that the sentence holds. To both of uspepper and Hu Ge, it is Hu who has a great influence on us to be abetter person and fan. A star
10、 can provide his fans with positive spiritand have a lasting impact on those people who love him gently. Many ofus, like him, learn to be optimistic and calm down when faced withmisunderstanding and question. We endeavor to be more hard-working,practical and easygoing because he is a man like that.
11、Thats not blindadmiration and imitation but learn from him and makes progress myself.He is a model to learn, a direction to strive for and a true friend totalk to.You may still have prejudice on him, yeah, I see, he is a man notmoney which everyone adores. Now, he is occupied with a drama and thisye
12、ar he may not be on the screen but we pepper will stand by him forever.I have finished my talk, thank you.篇二:关于胡歌篇二:关于胡歌胡歌你是最珍贵的一直在努力着希望时间的变迁减少我的娇柔做作。不曾想没有得到成熟却留下压抑。我一直在人群中刻意寻找最美的微笑也在期待,某天某时在人群中爱上某人嘴角的微笑,然后擦肩而过搜寻平生记忆,却不曾想,最美不过你的微笑。我习惯用文字记下让我感动的人和事,却从不曾提起你你的微笑,你的话语,你的所有,只是存在于我的脑海里以为会忘记,以为那些喜欢只是年少的娇作,
13、只要刻意回避你的所有不曾想,压抑的不光是对你的喜欢,还有自己对于自由的向往回避不了就享受,听到这句话时我似遇到知己。2012 年最受大突破男演员,你像个王者,站在舞台手捧奖杯,12 年的你,不仅主演了电视剧,还做了出品人。轩辕剑剧情实属狗血,可是,因为你,我看完了全部。当你出现时,我大喊好喜欢,朋友无奈的说,你还小。我很高兴,我很傻,傻到刚刚好仙剑一承载了太多的.回忆,李逍遥像一个白马王子深深的植入了我年轻的心脏,似恋爱般,疯狂的迷恋我用文字写过很多人,却从不曾提你,我多像用文字来喜欢你,可是,从不敢。别人说你花心,可是我记得,从头到尾,有人问到你最喜欢的搭档时,你说的只有依晨 别人说你老了,
14、可是我知道,经历车祸的你,受到多大的痛苦才恢复原样 别人说你。可是,我知道,你近乎完美,都以为经历车祸你的会变,会变的沉默,忧郁,也许有很多人等着看你的笑话,可是,你涅槃重生,仙剑三中的景天,活泼搞怪更甚逍遥被称为仙剑转用户,古装王子的你,都市剧同样演的好,无懈可击系列展示了成熟男人的魅力电影号码中的表演也令人感动一直在人群中寻找让我怦然心动的笑,可是,找来找去,你的笑却始终无法超越遇到车祸时坚强的笑,看到灵儿时幸福的笑,战胜敌人时得意的笑,说“演而优则”时力求完美的笑,甚至是说话时最不经意的一笑。时常想,你怎会如此乐观,面对媒体,永远一副高兴样,搞笑,扮丑从不在意,也许,如你所说,对自己的帅
15、气很自信也会想,你怎会如此多才,演员,歌手,出品人,信手拈来。曾有个朋友说,在他遭遇病魔折磨时是刘若英的为爱痴狂陪他走过,每当想放弃治疗时,听到那首歌都会重新鼓起勇气而对于我,你的歌,你的 mv,你的电影,你的电视剧,尤其仙剑一陪我走过了所有苦难我会微笑的面对所有人,以至于初中同学忘记了我的面容却记得我最有代表性的笑容 我曾尝试着不再喜欢你,也曾尝试着不看那些偶像剧,更尝试着只去欣赏红楼梦这种文学书,我是爱上了它们,可是却不曾忘记了你,当看到你时,心中还是无法形容的亲切 我从不奢望能站在你的身旁,我只愿挤在人群中,看台上最闪耀的你和你嘴角一丝放浪不羁的微笑13 年的第二天,再看完你上快乐大本营的视频后,终于忍不住,些出一些关于你的文字收集所有能形容你的话语,再提到你时,却想不起任何词语在这个还不算晚的夜里,写完关乎你我的故事,只想说,于我,你是最珍贵的。