1、各类信函开头及结尾常见句型各类信函开头及结尾常见句型1)1) 投诉信投诉信: :开头开头: :ImIm writingwriting toto complaincomplainaboutaboutthatthatI I mm writingwritingtoto makemake a acomplaint aboutcomplaint aboutImIm writingwriting toto informinform youyouthatthatImImdisappointeddisappointedaboutaboutdissatisfieddissatisfiedwithwithImIm
2、 writingwriting toto adviseadvise youyouthatthatI Ifindfindunsatisfactory.unsatisfactory.中间:中间:1There were several aspectsThere were several aspectsof the service that were notof the service that were notsatisfactory.satisfactory.MyMy firstfirst complaintcomplaint is is thethefee.fee.WeWe shallshall
3、 havehave toto askask youyoutotomakemakecompensation/compensatecompensation/compensateforfor thethe lossloss thatthat wewe havehavesuffered.suffered.We feel that we must makeWe feel that we must makea claim against you.a claim against you.I I feelfeel badsorrybadsorry toto troubletroubleyou, but Im
4、afraid I haveyou, but Im afraid I have2totomakemakea acomplaintcomplaintaboutabout结尾结尾: :I I trusttrust youyou willwill taketake mymycomplaintscomplaintsseriouslyseriouslyandandI I willwill appreciateappreciate it it veryverymuch if you couldmuch if you couldI I wouldwould bebe gratefulgrateful if i
5、f youyoucould could I understand you will giveI understand you will giveimmediateimmediateattentionattention/prompt/prompt responseresponse toto thisthismatter.matter.3Id like to have this matterId like to have this mattersettled by tsettled by the end ofhe end of2)2) 询问信询问信: :开头开头: :ImImwritingwrit
6、ingforforinformation aboutinformation aboutIdIdlikeliketotoreceivereceiveinformation concerninginformation concerningImIm writingwriting toto askask if if youyoucould possiblycould possiblyI would be most grateful ifI would be most grateful ifyouyoucouldcouldsendsendmemeinformationinformationregardi
7、ng/regarding/concerningconcerning4I Iwonderwonderif ifyouyoucouldcouldprovideprovidememewithwithinformation regardinginformation regarding结尾结尾: :I I mm expectingexpecting youryour earlyearlyreply .reply .ImImlookinglookingforwardforwardtotohearing from you.hearing from you.ThankThankyouyouforforyour
8、yourconsideration.consideration.I I looklook forwardforward toto youryourimmediate response.immediate response.YourYour promptprompt attentionattention totothis letter would be highlythis letter would be highly5appreciated.appreciated.3)3) 道歉信道歉信: :开头开头: :ImIm writingwriting thisthis letterletter to
9、toexpress my regretexpress my regretImIm writingwriting thisthis letterletter totoapologize forapologize forI would like to give you myI would like to give you myapology for.apology for.ImImveryverysorrysorrytotosaysaythatthatImIm writingwriting toto saysay sorrysorryforforI Imustmustapologizeapolog
10、izeaboutabout6(not) doing(not) doingPleasePlease acceptaccept mymy sinceresincerea apology forpology forSomeSome mistakesmistakes mustmust havehavebeen made inbeen made in结尾结尾: :HopeHope youyou cancan acceptaccept mymyapologiesapologies andand understandunderstandmy situation.my situation.OnceOnce a
11、gain,again, ImIm sorrysorry forforany inconvenience caused.any inconvenience caused.WeWe willwill certainlycertainly replacereplacethe damaged goods.the damaged goods.WeWe areare readyready toto cancelcancel7youryourorderorderandandcompensatecompensate forfor thethe losslossincurred.incurred.PleaseP
12、lease allowallow meme toto saysaysorry again.sorry again.I I sincerelysincerely hopehope thatthat youyouwill be able to think in mywill be able to think in mypositionpositionandandacceptacceptmymyapologies.apologies.I I wantwant toto letlet youyou knowknowhow regretful I am feelinghow regretful I am
13、 feelingnow.now.4)4) 感谢信感谢信: :开头开头: :8ImImwritingwritingtotoextendexpressconveyextendexpressconvey mymysincere gratitude thanks sincere gratitude thanks appreciation forappreciation forImIm writingwriting toto showshow mymysincere appreciation forsincere appreciation forIdId likelike toto conveyconv
14、ey inin thisthisletterletter mymy heartfeltheartfelt thanksthanksto you forto you forThis is to thank you againThis is to thank you againforforyouryourwonderfulwonderfulhospitalityhospitality andand toto telltell youyouhowhowmuchmuchweweenjoyedenjoyedseeing you again.seeing you again.9I I feelfeel d
15、eeplydeeply indebtedindebted totoyouyouandandI Ireallyreallydontdontknowknow howhow toto thankthank youryourenough for your help.enough for your help.结尾结尾: :ThankThank youyou againagain forfor youryourgenerous help.generous help.MyMytruetruegratitudegratitudeis isbeyondbeyondthethewordswordsdescript
16、ion.description.I Ifeelfeelmostmostobligedobligedtotothank you once more.thank you once more.Im most grateful for yourIm most grateful for yourselfless donation.selfless donation.10Please accept my gratitude,Please accept my gratitude,now and always.now and always.Your early attention to thisYour ea
17、rly attention to thisreservationreservationwillwillbebeappreciated.appreciated.5).5).申请信申请信: :开头开头: :ImIm writingwriting inin responseresponse totoyouryouradvertisementadvertisementininChina Daily of July, 8.China Daily of July, 8.I I writewrite thisthis letterletter toto applyapplyforfor thethe pos
18、itionposition thatthat youyouhavehave advertisedadvertised inin BeijingBeijing11Youth ThursdayYouth ThursdayYour advertised position ofYour advertised position ofgeneralgeneral managermanager assistantassistantinterests me.interests me.ImIm writingwriting toto expressexpress mymyinterestinterest ini
19、n youryour recentlyrecentlyadvertisedadvertised positionposition forfor a asecretarysecretaryI I wouldwould likelike toto applyapply forforthe vacancy of the vacancy of ImIm writingwriting thisthis letterletter totorecommendrecommend myselfmyself asas a aqualified candidate for thequalified candidat
20、e for thejobjob ofof seniorsenior accountantaccountant12you have advertised inyou have advertised in信中信中: :A A copycopy ofof mymy resumeresume is isenclosedenclosedforforyouryourreference.reference.I Ihavehaveexcellentexcellentproblem-solvingproblem-solving skillsskills andandfeelfeelthat,that,if if
21、givengiventhetheopportunity, I would be anopportunity, I would be animmediateimmediate asas wellwell asas a along-termlong-termassetassettotoyouryourfirm.firm.I I believebelieve thatthat I I havehave thethetraining,training,experienceexperienceandandqualitiesqualitiesthatthatyouyouareare13looking fo
22、r.looking for.ImIm goodgood atat /I/I havehave a afair/fair/ thoroughthorough knowledgeknowledgeof/ I m proficient inof/ I m proficient in结尾结尾: :IveIve enclosedenclosed mymy resumeresumethatthat outlinesoutlines inin detaildetail mymyqualificationsqualificationsandandexperience.experience.ShouldShou
23、ld youyou grantgrant meme a apersonalpersonalinterview,interview,I Iwould be most grateful.would be most grateful.ThankThankyouyouforforyouryourconsideringconsideringmymyapplicationapplicationandandImIm14lookinglookingforwardforwardtotomeeting you.meeting you.If If youyou needneed toto knowknow more
24、moreaboutabout me,me, pleaseplease contactcontactme atme atAnyAnyfavorablefavorableconsiderationconsiderationofofmymyapplicationapplication willwill bebe highlyhighlyappreciated.appreciated.6)6) 推荐信推荐信: :开头:开头:The bearer of the letterThe bearer of the letterImImwritingwritingtotoyouyoutotorecommendr
25、ecommend15IdId likelike toto presentpresent forforyour consideration in youryour consideration in yoursearchsearchforfora aqualifiedqualifiedmanager.manager.WithWithreferencereferencetotoyouryourrequirements,requirements,I Ishallshallrecommendasrecommendas anan idealidealcandidate.candidate.HeHealwa
26、ysalwaysdistinguisheddistinguishedhimselfhimself fromfrom othersothers withwithhishis diligentdiligent andand originaloriginalthinkingthinkingwhichwhichprovedprovedhimhim toto bebe quitequite adequateadequatefor research.for research.16hashasa averyveryunusualunusualcombination of bination of qualit
27、ies.结尾结尾: :Therefore, I dont hesitateTherefore, I dont hesitatetotorecommendrecommendasasthetherightrightpersonpersonforforyouryourconsideration.consideration.IdId likelike toto lendlend mymysupport to for hissupport to for hisImIm willingwilling toto standstand bybyMr forMr forYourYourfavorablefavo
28、rableconsiderationconsiderationofofhishisapplication for would beapplication for would be17most appreciatedmost appreciatedShouldShould youyou wishwish furtherfurtherinformation,information, pleaseplease dodo notnothesitate to contact me.hesitate to contact me.7).7).自我介绍信自我介绍信: :Hi, this isIts a ple
29、asure to write to you.Hi, this isIts a pleasure to write to you.My name isIm honored to have this chance of doingMy name isIm honored to have this chance of doingIm very glad to have this chance to write to you.Im very glad to have this chance to write to you.Thanks for your attention and hope to re
30、ceive your helpThanks for your attention and hope to receive your helpIn addition, I want to express my sincere thanks for your attention.In addition, I want to express my sincere thanks for your attention.8)8)邀请信邀请信: :ImIm writingwriting toto inviteinvite youyouto .to .IdIdlikeliketototaketakethist
31、hisopportunityopportunity toto inviteinvite youyou18totoI thought you would like toI thought you would like toattendattendI think it would be a goodI think it would be a goodideaideaif ifyouyoucouldcouldparticipate inparticipate inMy family and I would feelMy family and I would feelhonored if you co
32、uld come.honored if you could come.WeWewouldwouldbebelookinglookingforwardforwardtotoyouryourparticipation in the party.participation in the party.I d like to meet you thereI d like to meet you thereandand pleaseplease letlet meme knowknowyour decision.your decision.19I really hope you can makeI rea
33、lly hope you can makeit.it.YouYouwouldwouldreceivereceiveourourstandardstandardhonorariumhonorariumtotocovercover travelingtraveling andand otherotherexpenses.expenses.Please let us know as soonPlease let us know as soonas possible if you can comeas possible if you can comeandand telltell usus whenw
34、hen youyou cancanmake the trip.make the trip.PleasePlease acceptaccept ourour warmwarmwelcomewelcomeandandsinceresincereinvitation.invitation.9)9) 证明信证明信ThisThis is is toto certifycertify thatthat Mr.FuMr.Fu RongRong completedcompleted a a coursecourse ofof EnglishEnglish20LanguageLanguage TeachingT
35、eaching fromfrom MarchMarch 1212 toto JuneJune 1212 , , 20022002 inin NewNew IdeaIdeaLanguage Center.Language Center.ThisThis is is toto certifycertify thatthat WangWang Mei,Mei, female,female, nativenative ofof ShenYang,ShenYang,LiaoNing, China; born in May, 5, 1980LiaoNing, China; born in May, 5,
36、198010)10) 祝贺信祝贺信: :Please accept our best and sincerest wishes for the New Year.Please accept our best and sincerest wishes for the New Year.Wishing you blessed St. Valentines Day and joyful holidays.Wishing you blessed St. Valentines Day and joyful holidays.We want to wish you a happy Mothers Day.
37、We want to wish you a happy Mothers Day.Wishing you many happy returns of your birthday!Wishing you many happy returns of your birthday!MayMay youryour marriagemarriage bebe thethe beginningbeginning ofof a a newnew periodperiod ofof domesticdomestichappiness.happiness.I I hopehope youyou receiverec
38、eive mymy gift.gift. PerhapsPerhaps it it willwill addadd a a bitbit toto youryourenjoyment on your birthday.enjoyment on your birthday.CongratulationsCongratulations onon youryour latestlatest promotion.promotion. I I knowknow youyou willwill makemakegood in your new job because you thrive on respo
39、nsibility.good in your new job because you thrive on responsibility.Im so glad to hear of your winning the Award of the most DedicatedIm so glad to hear of your winning the Award of the most DedicatedEmployee. I congratulate you on the marvelous opportunity.Employee. I congratulate you on the marvelous opportunity.We wish we would be with you to share the occasion.We wish we would be with you to share the occasion.Congratulations on the completion and opening of a new office.Congratulations on the completion and opening of a new office.21