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1、Huilong Primary SchoolMiss Shaoclean the living roomthe bathroomthe classroom the deskthe windowthe boardthe studyplay computer gamesfootballbasketballping-pongyo-yo sportsIm helpful !What do you do on Sundays?I help Mom do housework !sweep the floor clean the bedroom bed + roomcook the meals s wate

2、r the flowers s empty the trashA: What can Sarah do? She can B: Sarah is helpful ! What can you do? I can Im helpful ! A. cook the meals B. empty the trash C. water the flowers D. sweep the floor E. clean the bedroom F. clean the windows 1. do h usew rk 2. Im h lpf l ! 3. c k the m ls 4. sw p the fl r 5. cl n the b dr m 6. w ter the fl ers o o e ao oe ue e o oe a e o oa o w Im helpful. I can.Im helpful. I can, and . Homework1. Copy the new phrases three times.2. 听听 Lets chant , Lets learn 部分部分 的录音,并读给同伴听。的录音,并读给同伴听。3. 每天在家适当做点家务每天在家适当做点家务, 并用英语并用英语 和同伴交流和同伴交流.Goodbye!Thank you !


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