1、2021湖南竞赛类试题考试真题卷(1)本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共40题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.某时人工观测的10分钟最多风向缺测,而自动气象站测得的10分钟平均风向为22,该时人工观测的10分钟最多风向记录为_。A缺测B22CNNE 2.烟叶复烤加工企业将调入的烟叶投入复烤生产线加工,最后加工出成品片烟和副产品。产成品总重量一般不高于原烟交接重量的95%,原烟的片烟出片率约为()。A60%70%B65% 70%C60%75%D65%75%3.各台站的GPS文件命名规范为_。AZ_O_GPS_C5_I
2、Iiii_yyyyMMddhhmmss.zipBZ_O_GPS_IIiii_yyyyMMddhhmmss.zipCZ_O_GPS_IIiii_yyyyMMddhhmmss.Mdb 4.观测最高温度表时,发现温度表水银柱上滑,脱离开窄管口,_。A稍抬温度表顶端,使水银柱回到正常位置,再读数B记录按缺测处理,在备注栏注明C稍抬温度表顶端,使水银柱回到正常位置,再读数,并在备注栏注明 5.I think my problems at work _the fact that I never really wanted to go into accountancy as a career.Abring
3、backBstir upClie behindDspring from 6.What do the speakers decide to doAGrab something to eat togetherBBuy a pack of biscuits for lunch.CTreat themselves to a nice meal. 7.Tom: Which tie shall I wear for the interview Do you think my blue silk one would look all right Jane: _ Id wear something with
4、a small pattern squares or spots, something like that. Tom: _ I think Ill wear the plain one.AYes, thats all right.; I agree with you.BNo, I dont think so.; Thats a good idea.CA bit boring!; Oh, sorry, I dont know.D Good choice!; Thank you for your advice. 8.以下不属于专卖内管信息系统主要作用的是()。A有效实施日常监管,可操作性强B有效实
5、施责任追究C促进专卖内管机构专业化,利于垂直监管和同级监管D有利于与监管对象协调关系9.Customs Officer :_ MrsJohn son :No,nothing at all Customs Officer :No perfume,alcohol or cigarettes? MrsJohn son :Well,I have 200 cigarettes;thats allADo you have anything in the bag,maam?BDo you have anything to declare,maam?CDo you want to buy something,
6、maam?DIs there anything I can do for you,maam? 10.Traditionally, _ on Thanksgiving Day in New England.Awhen served is sweet ciderB when sweet cider is servedCis served sweet ciderD sweet cider is served 11.The disturbances continued night after night until they finally petered out on September 5At t
7、he Old Bailey Judge Salmon later handed down exemplary _ of four years each on nine white youths who had gone“nigger hunting”AdecisionsBstatementsCtrialsDsentences 12.在自动气象站正式运行后,台站天气报发出的正点时效是_。A正点后5分钟B正点后6分钟C正点后10分钟 13.If you took more than your share of the money, you should at once byreturning th
8、e extra amount.Acome aboutBmake amendsCfeel ashamedDget punished 14.The internal police witness statements provide graphic evidence of the motives of the mobsat one point crowds several thousand strong roamed the streets of Notting Hill,_ homes and attacking any West Indian they could findAplunging
9、intoBbreaking intoCseeking forDsearching for 15.产生风的原动力是_。A水平地转偏向力B水平气压梯度力C摩擦力 16.在对烟叶种植收购调拨企业开展定期检查时,如果“从烟种(烟苗)发放倒推种植面积”或“烟叶种植收购合同签订面积”“烟叶计划种植面积”,则需要进一步核实是否存在()的问题。A无合同种植烟叶B虚签烟叶种植合同C空白合同D超计划种植烟叶17.烟草专卖品准运证管理办法的正式施行日期是()。A2002年1月1日B2002年6月4日C2002年7月1日D2003年1月1日18.下列选项中不属于日常市场检查工作计划要素内容的是()。A怎么去检查B对哪
10、些对象进行检查C要哪些专卖执法人员来检查D检查后如何处理19.The bill, which was approved in its first reading, bans tobacco advertising in the media,_ sponsorship of public events by tobacco producers.Aand so doesBnor was itsCas well asDand might as well 20._she disliked the idea of marriage, she knew that political reasons mig
11、ht make it necessary.AMuch asBAs muchCMuch thoughDThough much 21.Jim: Oh, are you going out Tony: Yes, Im going for a walk. _ Jim: Yes, as a matter of fact, I need some stamps. Tony: Okay, then. Ill drop in at the post office for you on my way back.AArent you going shoppingBShall I come back in abou
12、t an hourCDo you want to come with meDCan I pick up anything for you 22.在调查取证方案的准备中,确定调查人员时,不包括()。A选定调查负责人B选定特情人员C组织相应的办案力量D注意调查人员的回避23.What award did the film Babel getAThe Golden Globe for best director.BThe Golden Globe for best dramatic picture.C The Golden Globe for best actor 24.某站5月2日漏观测最低温度表
13、酒精柱读数,正确的做法是_最低温度表酒精柱。A于6日补读一次B参照前日读数C37日连续观测 25.某站出现强降水,直接用雨量筒的外筒承接,因观测时来不及用量杯量取,直接用钢尺量得水深为54cm,此时降水量可记录为_mm。A(540.0)B540.0C172.0 26.天空为连续分布、未布满全天并带有纤缕结构的云幕,太阳被云层遮蔽,时而可以分辨位置,但不能分辨其轮廓,该云应记为_。ACs fliBAs traCAs op 27.The miners escaped the danger by _.A a hair breadthB hair breadthChairs breadthDa hai
14、rs breadth 28.烟草行业行为准则是()。A讲责任、讲文明、讲效率、讲奉献B讲责任、讲诚信、讲成效、讲奉献C讲责任、讲诚信、讲效率、讲奉献D讲责任、讲诚信、讲效率、讲竞争29.Among the _ was Majbritt Morrison ,a young white Swedish bride of a JamaicanAoffendersBriotersCvictimsDresidents 30.One of the worst things that can happen when you are in the _ for composing is a total lack
15、 of ideas.AnotionB mindCmoodDmotive 31.在WINDOWS操作系统不安装第三方软件的情况下,要使计算机具有FTP服务功能,必须_。A设置网络共享文件夹B启动IIS服务,并建立FTP站点C关闭防火墙 32.在OSSMO中,系统运行日志只能通过“系统日志查阅器”查阅,需要修改时解锁口令为_。A值班员口令B管理员口令C软件维护人员设置的专用口令 33.以下不属于专卖内管长效机制的主要作用的是()。A预防B宣传C纠偏D惩戒34.在太阳辐射能中,紫外辐射、可见光和红外辐射占太阳总辐射的比例分别为_。A7%、43%、50%B7%、50%、43%C10%、47%、43%
16、35.It was odd that you _ for Margies address. I just got a letter from herthe first one since her family moved on August 1 1983.Ashould have askedBwould have askedCshall askDmight ask 36.Which country didnt press Burma to speed up its reformsAVietnam.BThe Philippines.CThailand. 37.Britain is a _ cou
17、ntry.ACatholicBChristianCOrthodoxDMormon 38.大气中含量最多的酸性气体是_。ACO2BNO2CSO2 39._ you told me earlier, I _ something about it.AHad; could have doneBHave; can have doneCHad; should have doneDHave; must have done 40.How many revolutions must the largest cog make in order to bring the cogs back to their ori
18、ginal positionsA56B48C36D12 二、多项选择题(共40题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意) 1.各级烟草专卖局依法在对非法运输烟草专卖品活动进行检查和处理过程中,可以采取()的措施。A单独或会同有关部门依法对涉嫌从事非法运输烟草专卖品活动和场所进行检查B对涉嫌非法运输的烟草专卖品及其运输工具进行保管检查C对涉嫌非法运输烟草专卖品的有关合同、发票等进行查阅、复制D对涉嫌非法运输烟草专卖品的当事人、嫌疑人、证人进行调查和询问2.关于烟草行业“两个至上”共同价值观,下列说法正确的是()。A是烟草专卖制度的立法宗旨的核心体现B是对中国优秀传统文化的传承和弘扬C是坚持立
20、量超过上月销量50%以上的品牌卷烟,要提出预警,确定为异常品牌C客户零售业态从超市变更为食杂店的D某市公司合同购进数与实物扫码数不符6.情报利用的条件不包括()。A拥有一定数量和质量合格的情报资料B情报资料与市场监管、案件查办等工作需求有关联C情报资料应有明确的情报需求目的D情报资料应具有利用的意识7.管理者所扮演的人际角色是()。A代表人角色B领导者角色C信息员角色D联络者角色8.对烟叶复烤加工企业生产经营日常监管的重点包括对加工过程中产生的()等副产品及废弃烟草专卖品处置的监管。A烟梗B碎烟C烟末D片烟9.对情报利用的途径,下列说法正确的是()。A情况通报属于情报利用的传输途径B情报利用最常用的一种途径是查询途径C对情报进行分类筛选属于情报利用的加工途径D对情报资料进行鉴别和推理判断属于情报利用的分析研究途径10.关于培训效果评估,当前较多是从受训执法人员的知识、行为、态度、绩效等四个方面的变化来进行培训效果评估的,具体分为()等层次。A反应层次B学习层次C行为层次D结果层次第17页 共17页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页