1、2021江苏在职攻读硕士联考考试模拟卷(9)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.在公民享有的宪法基本权利体系中,不属于公民政治权利的是_。A受教育权B示威自由C选举权和被选举权D言论自由 2.下列选项中,不是由全国人民代表大会选举产生,而是由国家主席提名、全国人大决定的是_。A国家副主席B最高人民法院副院长C国务院总理D中央军事委员会主席 3.1803年美国的马伯里诉麦迪逊案的意义在于_。A开创了州法院审查州法律是否符合州宪法的先例B开创了州法院审查州法律是否符合联邦宪法的先例C
2、开创了联邦法院审查州法律是否符合联邦宪法的先例D开创了联邦法院审查联邦法律是否符合联邦宪法的先例 4.在一起行政诉讼案件中,被告进行处罚的依据是国务院某部制定的一个行政规章,原告认为该规章违反了有关法律。根据我国宪法规定,下列有权改变或者撤销不适当规章的机关是_。A国务院B全国人民代表大会常务委员会C最高人民法院D全国人民代表大会法律委员会 5.Speaker A: I love your skirt. Its so beautiful on you! Speaker B:_AThank you! Its just an ordinary skirt.BOh, really Do you li
3、ke it I bought it in Yunman.CThank you! Im glad you think so.DOh, no. Your dress looks more beautiful than my skirt. 6.Speaker A: I cant seem to find a color TV of the new model. Speaker B:_AWhy dont you try the new store on Kings RoadBTheres also something wrong with my TV set.CDont you know the ne
4、w model you want is not on the market yetDThe new model is far more expensive than those old ones. 7.Man: I think Im going to give up playing tennis. I lost again today. Woman: Just because you lost Is that the reason to quit Question: What does the woman implyAThe man should stick to what hes doing
5、.BThe man should take up a new hobby.CThe man should stop playing tennis.DThe man should find the cause for his failure. 8.Speaker A: What seems to be the problem with the blouse, miss Speaker B:_AHow do you know I have a problem with the blouseBNo, thank you. There is nothing wrong with the blouse.
6、CI was not careful and spilled some coffee on it.DWell, look what happened the first time I washed it. The color changed completely. 9.Speaker A: Could I trouble you to return these two books for me Speaker B:_AIts no trouble at all.BYes, please.CWhy didnt you go to the library yourselfDSure, Ill be
7、 glad to. 10.Speaker A: Look, its going to storm. Take my umbrella. Speaker B: _AHow will you go home if you give it to meBI have a raincoat in my office. Thanks anyway.CI think you need to use it yourself.DIt doesnt matter. I will go without having your umbrella. 11.Woman: Your dormitory room isnt
8、very large, is it Man: I can hardly turn around in it. Question: What does the man meanAHis room is quite small.BHe had to walk around the dormitory.CIts hard to find a room in the dormitory.DIts his turn to look at the dormitory room. 12.Man: The snow is really coming down, isnt it Woman: Rarely do
9、 we get so much snow in December. Question: What does the woman meanAIts typical December weather for this region.BIt wont really snow until December.CSuch a large amount of snow is unusual for this month.DThere has never been much snow down South. 13.Woman: Next, shouldnt we get a telephone install
10、ed in the hall Man: Fixing the shower pipe is far more important. Question: What do we learn from the conversationAThey have different opinions as to what to do next.BThey have to pay for the house by installments.CThey will fix a telephone in the bathroom.DThe mans attitude is more sensible than th
11、e womans. 14.He was surprised to find his room thoroughly cleaned and everything arrangedAat its placeBup to dateCin good orderDto the full 15.The research scientists often meet with problems_new types of instrument for their solution.ArequiringBrequiredCto requireDbeing required 16._I phoned the po
12、lice, then I made a list of what had been stolen, and then I made myself a cup of tea.AAt firstBFirstCIn the first placeDAt the start 17.There are many disadvantages in grouping pupils just according to their intellectual ability. In fact, bright children are rarely_by mixed ability teaching.Aheld o
13、utBheld backCheld upDheld in 18.Women have long been neglected, or else they_a lot more achievements to the country in all fields.Awill makeBwould have madeCwould makeDhad made 19.The vast differences in the ways students learn are often_when they are taught the same thing, in the same way, at the s
14、ame time. Therefore many of them feel little enthusi astic and even hostile for the ways instruction is handled.AdisregardedBdistinguishedCdischargedDdiscerned 20.The conference_a full week by the time it ends.Amust have lastedBwould lastCwill have lastedDhas lasted 21._by the rude boys cursing that
15、 she cried and ran away at once.ASo Mary was seriously hurtBSo hurt seriously was MaryCSo seriously hurt was MaryDSo seriously hurt Mary was 22.I have read your article; to be frank, the editor justified_your works.Ato refuseBrefusingCbeing refusedDrefused 23.She_that it was a trick to get her invol
16、ved in the matter, for she knew them too well.AdoubtedBsuspectedCconceivedDconvinced 24.The reason why John left his home was_he felt hed brought shame to his parents.AbecauseBthatCasDfor 25.The leader should every suggestion worthy of careful consideration which is put for ward by the masses.Atake
17、charge ofBattach importance toCtake responsibility forDgive regards to 26.He was brought to consciousness when the doctor had_artificial respiration.AemployedBexploitedCutilizedDapplied 27.Some speculators were_cash and so they sold their shares at any price.Abadly neededBin badly need ofCbadly need
18、yDbadly in need of 28.They always lay in a large_of tinned food in winter in case they are snowed up.AprovisionBsupplyCproportionDstorage 29.Nearly two weeks passed_the old man was able to explain what had happened to him.AwhenBtillCbeforeDwhile 30.With some effective measures adopted in the worksho
19、p, the workers are safe_getting injured.AinBfromCagainstDwithout 31.I dont suppose you are serious,_Aare youBdo ICdo youDam I 32.With the pace of change quickening, more and more scientists find it hard to keep up with the latest development even in their own_.AdisciplinesBmajorsCrealmsDcircles 33.W
20、ould you be kind enough_me how to go to the officeAas to tellBto tellCtellingDtell 34.近年来,悄悄兴起的“电话拜年”改变了人们在春节时互相“窜门”的习惯。过去人们碍于情面不得不到熟人那里走走去致以问候,同时又觉得浪费了很多时间,是个负担。符合上段陈述的前提是_I“情面”在人们的生活中占有重要位置。人们已不再把春节看得很重要电话已逐渐“走入”家庭A只有第A项B只有第两项C第A、两项D第A、和项 35.根据我国有关的法律规定,下列选项中,诉讼时效适用1年期间的是_。A产品质量存在瑕疵造成财产损失要求赔偿的B互易合
21、同标的物被丢失或者损毁的C延付或者拒付仓储合同保管费的D身体受到伤害要求损害赔偿的 36.下列各组选项中,都属于用益物权的是_。A地上权、典权B抵押权、地役权C所有权、永佃权D质权、留置权 37.下列选项中,形成相对法律关系的是_。A甲将房屋出典给乙而在甲、乙之间形成的民事法律关系B债权人与担保人签订动产质押合同取得质权而形成的民事法律关系C因人身伤害向侵权行为人要求支付赔偿金而形成的民事法律关系D因创作作品而取得著作权而在作者与他人之间形成的民事法律关系 38.张某欲将祖传的一件玉器卖给李某,双方约定价款为10万元,交货时间为2005年10月1日,王某知道此事后,找到张某,提出愿以15万元购
22、买此玉器,张某同意,并当即将玉器交给王某,但王某当时未付款。根据上述案情,下列表述正确的是_。A李某可要求将玉器交给自己,因为李某与张某签订买卖合同在先B李某有权要求张某承担违约责任C王某不能取得玉器的所有权,因为玉器物权的变动并未公示D张某与王某达成的合同系恶意串通,从而损害了李某的利益,故二人应对李某负连带赔偿责任 39.下列选项中,属于永久性抗辩权的是_。A不安抗辩权B时效经过抗辩权C先履行抗辩权D同时履行抗辩权 40.下列选项中,不适用代理或不能认定为代理的情形是_。A代行债权撤销权B代行签订加工承揽合同C代行起诉D代行草拟发言稿 41.根据侵权责任法的有关规定,下列表述正确的是_。A
23、无民事行为能力人造成他人损害的,由监护人承担侵权责任,监护人尽到监护责任的,不承担侵权责任B完全民事行为能力人对自己的行为暂时没有意识造成他人损害的,应当承担侵权责任C完全民事行为能力人因滥用麻醉药品对自己的行为失去控制造成他人损害的,应当承担侵权责任D限制民事行为能力人造成他人损害的,应当由该行为人和其监护人承担连带责任 42.根据我国法律的有关规定,我国对于基金会的设立采取_的设立原则。A行政许可主义B严格准则主义C准则主义D强制主义 43.下列选项中,应当属于无偿法律行为的是_。A代理B委托C保管D遗赠 44.甲、乙签订买卖合同约定,甲向乙支付定金6万元,任何一方违约,另一方都必须向对方
24、支付违约金8万元。后乙违约,则甲获得_才能最大限度地保护自己的利益。A8万元B12万元C14万元D16万元 45.甲挑唆乙(甲、乙均已成年)去打正在熟睡的狗,狗被激怒后追乙,恰巧丙经过,乙便躲在丙的身后,狗将丙咬伤。根据侵权责任法的有关规定,下列表述错误的是_。A丙有权要求狗的主人承担侵权责任B丙有权要求乙承担侵权责任C丙有权要求甲、乙承担连带侵权责任D丙有权要求甲、乙承担侵权责任,但无权要求狗的主人承担侵权责任 46.下列选项中,具有法人资格的是_。A子公司B分公司C合伙企业D北京大学科技处 47.关于物权法的基本原则的表述,错误的是_。A物权法定原则要求当事人不得任意创设法律没有规定的物权
25、类型B一物一权原则是指在一个标的物之上只能存在一个物权,不能并存多种物权类型C任何物权的变动都必须公示D公信原则是公示原则的补充 48.下列选项中,属于身份权的是_。A荣誉权B探望权C名誉权D隐私权 49.甲生前没有立遗嘱,甲死亡后,继承人包括其子乙(已先于甲死亡)、丙、丁,女儿戊,此外,乙的妻子巳对甲尽了主要赡养义务,但已经改嫁。乙死亡后留有一子庚,一女辛。则根据继承法的有关规定,下列表述正确的是_。A甲的现实继承人包括丙、丁、戊、庚、辛,但巳不享有继承权B巳、庚、辛都享有对甲留有遗产的继承权,但丙、丁没有继承权C庚、辛是通过转继承的方式获得甲的遗产D丙可以获得甲遗产的1/5,辛可以获得甲遗产的1/10 50.根据商标法的有关规定,商标专用权的保护期限是_。A10年B15年C20年D30年第19页 共19页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页