1、2021年江西在职攻读硕士联考考试真题卷(7)本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.李白成农民军1644年初建政权,其同号为()。A大西B大顺C大齐D张楚2.商品是一个“天生的平等派”,它不管个别生产者如何生产,在市场上出卖时,只能是同样的商品基本上卖同样的价钱。这主要是因为()。A同样的商品具有相同的价值和使用价值B商品的价值量是由生产商品的社会必要劳动时间决定的C生产同样的商品不同的商品生产者所耗费的劳动量是一样的D价格与供求关系相互影响、相互制约3.关于气压带、风带的叙述,正
3、是正确的,阐明了客观世界是不依赖于人的意识的6.选出字形、注音、字义全对的一组()。A万籁(lài)从孔穴里发出的声音 明眸善睐(lài)看 赏赉(lài)钱 倩(qiàn)影美丽 B隽(jùn)秀同俊 长歌当(dàng)哭当作 喋(dié)血血流出来的样子 愤懑(man)抑郁烦闷 C玷(diàn)污使有污点 平畴(chóu)田地 引擎(qíng)往上托 沁(qìn)人心脾渗入 D谛(引)听仔细 回溯(sù)往上推求或回想 馨(
4、xin)散布很远的香气 好高骛(wù)远追求 7.阿Q的()使他常常陷入一种自欺欺人的精神满足状态,多年来,人们形象地称之为阿Q主义。A精神胜利法B心理战胜法C要革命精神D剪辫子精神8.公民购买债券、银行储蓄、参加商业保险的共同点是()。A都以获利为主要目的B都是支援国家经济建设C个人投资,利国利己D都是风险投资行为9.宋代词人()雨霖铃中的名句“执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎”,更常被用来表现亲朋洒泪而别、欲语难言的感人场面。A苏东坡B秦观C李清照D柳永10.莎士比亚名剧()描写了丹麦王子对谋杀他父亲、骗娶他母亲并篡夺了王位的叔父进行复仇的故事。A第十二夜B李尔王C奥赛罗D哈姆雷特1
8、北大西洋公约21.学习古诗,不仅是为了学习欣赏,古人许多文质兼美的诗句,仍然活在我们今天的语言里。唐代诗人杜甫登高一诗中的名句“(),()”,今人常用来表达旧事物终将衰落、历史长河仍将向前之意。A高江急峡雷霆斗,古木苍藤日月昏。B云移雉尾开宫扇,日绕龙鳞识圣颜。C无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。D听猿实下三声泪,奉使虚随八月槎。22.It is () for her to wear a formal suit at the homely little party.Aout of orderBout of questionCout of placeDout of practice23.My pa
9、rents want me to be the best at anything, but I dont have such high ().AinstructionsBrestrictionsCsuspicionsDambitions24.He was () admission of the restaurant for not wearing a tie.AdeniedBgrantedCacquiredDappealed25.It is () he is determined.Abuying a new car thatBto buy a new car thatCto buy a new
10、 car whatDbuying a new car which二、多项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意) 1.求过原点的圆周(x-3)2+(y+2)2=4的两条切线的方程 2.直角三角形的直角边长度为3和4,求内切圆的半径 3.The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is taking steps to protect the countrys blood supply. People give blood to the centers, where it is kept until it is needed for me
11、dical purposes. The FDA has provided new rules for the blood centers. The government agency says new rules are designed to improve the blood supply system. The new rules call for blood centers to develop more ways to make sure their work is done correctly. These rules are another way to help keep th
12、e blood supply pure. A leading concern is that someone with AIDS virus might give blood to a blood center. For this reason, there are tests to find out if blood contains viruses that cause AIDS and other disease. Each year blood transfusion has saved millions of lives, however, if there is no secure
13、 blood, its increasingly risky for the recipient of blood to be infected with HIV. 4.(1)根据下图描述我国男女工资比例的差异。(2)分析数据反映问题。(1)根据下图描述我国男女工资比例的差异。(2)分析数据反映问题。 5.在中国的家电市场上,海尔一直有点独来独往的味道,每次的价格大战几乎都很难看到海尔的身影,而且很少对国内的价格大战发表评论,这使许多消费者疑惑不解:海尔何以能置身事外呢前不久,海尔的首席执行官张瑞敏揭开了这个谜底:海尔主张要打价值战,而不要打价格战;要搞价值竞争,不要搞价格竞争。关于“价值战”
14、“价值竞争”,对于我们消费者来说,还是一个很陌生的词,很难领悟其内在的深刻含义,但是,通过海尔的“星级服务”,人们又不难理解这一点。同样一件家用电器,从购买、上门安装到以后的维修,海尔以其独有的“星级服务”,使其产品的价值得以提升,使消费者享受更多的实惠,从而赢得消费者的信任,进而赢得更多的市场。这大概就是张瑞敏先生所说的“价值竞争”。 6.下面的题干是某个公司董事会上讨论报告的一部分: 公司收入下降的同时伴随着生产的迟滞,接下来,这种生产上的迟滞在很大程度上归因于在购买金属上的计划不当,进一步考虑的话,公司购买金属原材料的部门经理在普通业务、心理学和社会学方面的背景很不错,然而他却对金属的特
15、征和性质知之甚少。因此,公司应该将该部门经理转移到销售部门,在公司采购部门引进一位研究领域的科学专家。 7.One of the most important components of Corporate Resource Management is to recruit and retain the best workforce possible. Unfortunately, hiring qualified employees is tougher today than it has ever been before. Competition for well-educated and
16、 highly experienced candidates is incredible and companies no longer control the hiring as they did in the past. New job creation has reached an all-time high of more than three million new positions per year. As a result, compensation packages required to attract the right candidates, especially fo
17、r technical positions, have increased in a dramatic way. The recruiting landscape has changed virtually overnight. Not only is it a job seekers market, but the demand for technical talent has vastly increased while fewer technology raw recruits are entering the job market. It is incredible that the
18、number of students studying computer science in the US is half of what it was about 10 years ago. 8.(1)竞争已成为现代社会的突出特征。(2)竞争对于社会发展的积极作用。(3)结论。 9.To illustrate the obstacles that parents unconsciously place in their childrens educational path, Ill tell you a little story: An excellent, conscientious e
19、lementary school teacher who I know has a group of twenty-five 4 year-old children. The brand new school still lacks some basic supplies for the pupils. Also, consumable classroom materials, such as scissors and paper, generally tend to be paid for by their parents, who deposit funds into a common a
20、ccount for the teachers to draw from as needed. Anyway, the first general parent-teacher meeting was held and the teacher stated that after having evaluated the students development during the first week of class, her evaluation was that her primary objectives would include encouraging sharing among
21、st the children and stimulating an early interest in reading by providing them with a small library of picture books for them to leaf through, which would be donated to the class by the children themselves. As you would expect at this age, many of the little students were recalcitrant to share their
22、 property with the rest of their class. However, whats really surprising is that many of their parents were even more uncooperative with this teachers approach than their own children. The general feeling amongst these querulous parents was that if the teacher wanted to get those books, the school s
23、hould pay for them. Granted, their opinions are to be respected, but whether by commission or omission the eager teachers first two projects were shot down in their infancy. Sadly, I think it would take a mighty big-hearted teacher to risk approaching this particular group of parents, or any other f
24、or that matter, with another project of similar proportions. In short, if parents and students obstinately insist on making teachers and schools completely responsible for their childrens education, they can actually hinder it. Ironic, isnt it 10.由于实行经济改革,从1998 年起,中国开始出现大批下岗工人。下岗工人的出现给改革的顺利进行带来了困难。请
25、你就下岗工人的问题发表见解,并提出你的解决方案。 11.学制 12.教学原则 13.发展关键期 14.诊断性评价 15.内发论 16.怎样理解“学生的发展” 17.结合实际,阐述教学评价的发展性原则。 18.陈老师正在上地理课,却发现课代表王超这几天心不在焉,还不耐烦地把书翻得哗啦作响。这次陈老师忍不住了,便用提问法来”警告”他一下,没想到一连十来个问题没有难住他,陈老师增加了难度,涉及到他们未学的内容和课外知识,可王超还是能流畅地答出来。怎么办陈老师产生了一个大胆的设想:能否让他不随堂上课,节约出的时间,自己去查阅资料,研究问题,学习更多的知识呢 学校非常支持陈老师的想法,对王超实行了单科免
26、修。 从此,每当上地理课时,学校图书馆里多了一位小读者,查阅地理资料,研究自己感兴趣的问题,如全球气候的变迁、环境污染等等。陈老师呢,工作不但没有减轻,反而更重了:给王超提供相关的课题,指导他查阅相关资料,解答他提出的各处问题,教他撰写小论文。 一个学期下来,王超的小论文植被保护与资源开发一文获得全国中学生小论文评比优胜奖。 试从教学原则、学生的自主性和教师的主导性等方面对上述教学案例分析评价。 19.The modern Olympic Games were founded with the intention of improving health and education, promo
27、ting world peace, and encouraging fair and equal competition. But over the years, the Olympic saying, faster, higher, stronger, has pushed scientists as well as athletes to do everything possible to reach new levels. Doctors, engineers and coaches all use everything science has to offer to achieve t
28、hat little bit extra in competition. The reason modern technology has become part of sport is very simple: winning is just as important as it was 2,500 years ago at the Olympics of ancient Greece. Developments in technology have often been reflected in the methods of training and performance used at
29、 the Olympics through history. This technology falls into two main groups: improving an athletes performance in competition, and allowing results to be measured more accurately. The introduction of high-tech equipment means that athletes in all sports, from the 100-metres sprint to the pole vault, c
30、an now train more effectively and nourish their bodies better. 20.简要说明会计收益与经济收益的差异。 21.现金流量表的编制基础是什么现金等价物应具备哪些条件? 22.编制利润表有哪两种观点试结合利润表的作用对两种观点加以评述。 23.间接法下计算由经营活动所产生的现金流量时,须对本期净损益做哪些调整? 24.为什么在四张主要的会计报表之外,还需要提供会计报表附注? 25.会计政策变更应采用什么方法进行处理?第18页 共18页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页