1、2021年安徽自学考试考试真题卷(3)本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.在正文中用括号的方式直接对引证资料的出处、前后内容的呼应或对正文的补充解释进行注释,这种注释是_A文后注释B文前注释C文内注释D页下注释2.描述性研究报告与解释性研究报告的区分常常是_A明确的B相对的C客观的D绝对的3.我国的新闻性杂志节目最早出现于_。A北京B上海C天津D广东4.新闻性节目的构思过程包括三个环节,即聚集材料,提炼思想和_。A加工稿件B筛选材料C结构布局D确定主题5.在新闻节目中,信息丰度是
5、B贴近生活C引导舆论D关注热点22.美国电视新闻发展史上的第一个新闻节目主持人是_。A唐休伊特B爱德华默罗C丹拉瑟D沃尔特克朗凯特23.狭义国际收支建立的基础是_A收付实现制B国际交易制C权责发生制D借贷核算制24.广义国际收支建立的基础是_A收付实现制B国际交易制C权责发生制D借贷核算制25.储备资产与金融账户中的直接投资、证券投资和其他投资项目中所反映的金融交易的最根本不同点在于_A资产持有者不同B负债持有者不同C资产和负债持有者不同D资产和负债持有者相同二、多项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意) 1.简述资本结构的作用。 2.根据来源的不同,风险的类型有哪些 3
6、.某物流公司的一个项目于2000年动工,2002年投产,从投产起,每年末可得到收益10000元,按年利率6%复利计息计算,求该公司投产10年的收益的终值是多少? (FVIF6%,10=1.791;FVIFA6%,10=13.181;PVIFA6%,10=7.36) 4.某物流公司拟发行面值1000元,期限为5年,票面利率为6%的债券5000张,每年结息一次。发行费用为发行价格的3%,公司所得税率为30%,试分别计算发行价格为1000元,1400元时,该债券的资本成本。 5.根据下表资料,要求按8%的贴现率计算下列方案的净现值,并说明此方案是否可行。(PVIFA8%,5=3.993,PVIFA8
7、%,4=3.312) 6.甲公司委托乙物流公司管理存货,己知甲公司每天正常耗用A零件为300件,该零件的订货提前期为20天,预计最大耗用量为每天400件,预计最长提前期为25天,问:A零件的保险储备量和订货点是多少 7.试述股票投资的特点。 8.Alice likes to listen to classical music, and Jessica likes to listen to classical music too.(simple sentence) 9.The shutters are closed tightly to keep cool. It is burning heat
8、 outside. (compound sentence) 10.Susanna was eating the fish. She began to feel sick. (complex sentence) 11.He hated evening self-study classes. The road to school was long. There were no lights lining the road. (compound-complex sentence) 12.The community college is making it easier for older stude
9、nts to attend college in a number of ways. (periodic sentence) 13.I spent almost two hours on the phone yesterday. I tried to find a garage to repair my car. (sentence with to opener ) 14.His investment had been lost in the stock market crash. Smith became another person. (complex sentence) 15.Jim b
10、ought his wife a Christmas gift. He didn t tell her beforehand. (sentence with a modifying phrase ) 16.Lakey is the most beautiful one of the group of girls. She is also the most intelligent and the most resourceful one of them. (sentence with parallel structure) 17.The next day, Mrs. Harris got up
11、and sat on the edge of her bed. Her head began to swim. She lay down again. (compound-complex sentence) 18.There is a very beautiful garden on campus, that is nay favorite spot. 19.She closed her eyes. Thinking back through the years of being mother, wife, friend, daughter, and sister. 20.The teache
12、r assigned the homework to the students that was too difficult. 21.His grades are not as satisfactory as Jim. 22.Wading through the stream, a rock cut one of my bare feet. 23.Read the following paragraph and underline the topic sentence. The most vital difference between Muslims in America and their
13、 brothers in Europe is the U. S. enduring emphasis on religious liberty. Religion is given far more respect in the U.S. than in Europe. Think about it. The U.S. is in the midst of a resentful debate over immigration in which many Americans reject hyphenated (带连字符的) identities like Mexican-American a
14、s a threat to national unity. Yet while Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Americans may disagree strongly among themselves, the religious basis of their identity is not seriously questioned by anyone. If Muslim Americans are not so readily accepted today, it is not because they are believers. In Europ
15、e, by contrast, Muslims are resented and marginalized precisely because their religion threatens strong secular (世俗的) values. 24.Choose the best topic sentence from the group below. Write the letter of your choice in the blank provided. A. As a freshman I felt all the difficulties of managing money.
16、 B. Most college students are economically dependent on their parents. C. Doing a part-time job can increase the sense of financial responsibility for college students. D. Manipulating money wisely is an absolute necessity for everyone, especially for college students. Topic Sentence:_ 25.It was mid
17、-June the morning we graduated, and I fainted in the huge hall for the Commencement (毕业典礼) from the heat. Afterwards Frani s parents took several of us to lunch at the Silver Swan. My grandparents had not come for the occasion, but sent me a check for a trip to Europe that was a graduation present,
18、and a wedding present as well, they wrote. Yes, the decision of marriage had eventually been made. We had already had an interview with the curate (牧师助理), and it was exactly one week after the Commencement and my twenty-first birthday when we stood up together in the chapel. John told me that I woul
19、d never become a good actress. We had a one-night honeymoon at an inn in Briarcliff, and there all of a sudden I had an attack of panic. As we climbed into the big bed, I knew, too late, that I had done the wrong thing. To marry a man without loving him, which was what I had just done, not really perceiving it, was a wicked action, I saw. Stiff with remorse and terror, I lay under the thin blanket through a good part of the night.第13页 共13页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页