1、2021山西在职攻读硕士联考考试模拟卷(8)本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Tom: Thats a very nice jacket. Susan: Does it really look OK Tom: Yes, and I like the color too. It matches your hat. Susan: And I got it on sale. Tom: _.AThats incredible !BThats impossible !CIts all r
2、ight!DIts crazy! 2.Kate: Do you mind opening the door for me Bob: _.AYes, Ill do itBIts nothingCThats all fightDNot at all 3.Woman: Thank you very much for your help. Man: _.ANever mindBNot at allCIt doesnt matterDNo thanks 4.Mary: Tom, would you like to go to a party this Saturday Tom: _. What kind
3、 of party Mary: Its a birthday party.ASounds goodBLooks niceCSeems all rightDFeels excellent 5.Phone caller: Hello. Could I please speak to Helen Helen: _.ASpeakingBI am HelenCIts meDThis is me 6.Jack: _ Lora: Im an engineer. Jack: Oh, are you Lora: How about you Jack: I work for a trading company.A
4、How are you doingBWhat do you doCHow do you doDWhat are you doing 7.Customs officer: Could I have your name, please Passenger: Its Paine, Sarah Paine. Customs officer: _ Passenger: Its P-A-I-N-E.AHow do you spell your last nameBWhat is your last nameCHow to pronounce your last nameDHow could I speak
5、 your last name 8.The songs of Bob Dylan are very popular among young people, who regard him other musicians.Amore superior thanBmore superior toCas superior toDsuperior than 9.She wasnt feeling very well; otherwise, she _ the meeting so early.Awouldnt leaveBwouldnt have leftCdidnt leaveDhadnt left
6、10.Mary always _ things over with her parents before she makes an important decision.AsaysBtalksCtellsDstates 11.We were heartedly arguing about the financial matter, _ the telephone rang unexpectedly.AwhileBasCwhenDas soon as 12.Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is _ loud
7、 continuous noise.Asubjected toBfilled withCassociated withDattached to 13.Those students dont have to be made _. They are all diligent students.AlearnBlearnedClearningDto learn 14.Dont be so _ to me. Im here not to quarrel with you but to explain the whole matter to you.AsuspiciousBhostileCangryDho
8、spitable 15.They lost their way in the forest, and _ made matters worse was night began to fall.AthatBitCwhatDwhich 16.Speaker A: Are you feeling better nowSpeaker B: _.AWell, not too better yet, thank youBWell, not too good yet. Better than I was thoughCWell, it doesnt matter, Im all right nowDWell
9、, never mind, Im much better now 17.Speaker A: Did you have a good crossingSpeaker B: _. It was really rough and Im not a good sailor.ANo, Im afraid notBYes, very pleasant crossingCNo, I hadntDYes, it did 18.Customer: _. if youd serve me as quickly as possible as Ive got an appointment at two fiftee
10、n.Waiter: Ill do my best, Madam.AIt would be very kind of youBIt would be very helpfulCId be most delightfulDId be most grateful 19.Bob: Can I help with your luggageMary: _.ANo, thanks. I can manage itBNo, many thanks. I can doCNo, not necessary. Thank you anywayDNo, you neednt. Thank you anyway 20.
11、Speaker A (Treading on Bs foot. ): _. I hope I havent hurt you.Speaker B: Its all right.AOh, Im sorryBOh, Im regretfulCOh, excuse meDOh, forgive me 21.Guest:Clerk: Certainly. Do you have a reservationGuest: Yes. The name is Morales. Mr. and Mrs. Morales.Clerk: Here we are. For five nights. Could you
12、 fill in the registration card, please And Ill need your credit card.AId like rest here, pleaseBId like to rent a room, pleaseCId like to check in, pleaseDId like to stay in, please 22.Susan: Im going to the cinema this evening.Gordon: _Susan: Its a Western: Cowboy Comes Home.AWhats inBWhat is acted
13、CWhats onDWhat is performed 23.Clerk: Lost property department. Can I help youCaller: _ I left it on the Margate Mermaid when we crossed from Olsten yesterday morning.AI want you help me find my lost camera.BI wonder if you have a camera of mine.CDo you think if you have a camera of mineDI doubt if
14、you could help me find my lost camer 24.By the end of this month we surely _ a satisfactory solution to the problem.Ahave foundBwill have foundCwill be findingDare finding 25.Guest: Have you a single room for tonight and tomorrow night with a telephone and showerClerk: We havent any rooms with a sho
15、wer free just now, but theres a bathroom available on each floor.Guest: _.AOh, sorry. Forget itBHow regretful! I give it upCAll right. It doesDAll right. Thatll do 二、多项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意) 1.20个人,17个人能干A工作,18个人能干B工作,15个人能干两种工作,选一个人,他既不能干A工作也不能干B工作的概率是多少? 2.从15个人中取5个人,且有3个人不能都取,问有多少种取法? 3.在
16、数列7,6,9,10,4)中分别加入三个数:3,7,12,问哪个可使新的数列的中数(median)等于它的算术平均数(mean)? 3 7 12 4.两个三角形全等,面积比为1:2。小三角形一边长为A,大三角形类似的一条边为B,用A来表示B的长度。 5.从8个人中选三人组成三人小组,其中5女3男,问至少有一个男的有几种组合有且仅有一个男的有几种? 6.若一块含水的木头重60克,水重30克,则它的含水量为100%。问一块含水量为20%,重为1200克的木头中含有多少克的水? 7.N为199之间的整数,问满足N(N+1)被3整除的N的概率。 8.从4个A,6个B从中挑取3个,且至少有1个A,问共有
17、多少种挑法? 9.一个龙头灌水的速度是另一个的1.5倍,两个一起灌要四小时,问效率高的单独灌要多少小时? 10.简述撤销缓刑的事由及法律后果。 11.简述职务侵占罪与侵占罪的区别。 12.请对“只要构成数罪,就必须实行数罪并罚”的说法进行辨析。 13.甲(女,1984年7月20日生)因其同居男友乙已另有新欢丙而生恨意。2004年6月7日,甲得知当晚丙一人独居于郊外的出租屋,遂叫来好友丁(男,1986年12月13日生),要其晚上去强奸丙,并给了500元“报酬”给丁,丁同意。晚9点,甲领着丁来到丙住处附近,指认了出租屋,并给了丁一把其从男友处偷来的钥匙。晚10点左右,丁找到出租屋,因房门未锁而顺利
19、罪量刑有无影响?为什么?(3)对甲能否判处死刑缓期二年执行?为什么?(4)甲是否构成累犯?为什么?(5)指出丁具备的法定量刑情节及其处罚原则。 14.刑法第239条规定:“以勒索财务为目的绑架他人的,或者绑架他人作为人质的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑,并处罚金或者没收财产;致使被绑架人死亡或者杀害被绑架人的,处死刑,并处没收财产。以勒索财务为目的偷盗幼儿的,依照前款的规定处罚。”试说明:(1)“以勒索财物为目的绑架他人的”的含义应如何理解?(2)本条规定中的“绑架他人作为人质的”的含义应如何理解?(3)以非法占有为目的劫持他人并强迫被劫持人当场交付财物的行为,应当如何定罪?为什么?(4)以
20、勒索财物为目的抢动婴儿的行为应如何处理?为什么? 15.案例:在雅典奥运会女子跆拳道67公斤以上级的决赛中,中国选手陈中以12:5击败法国选手巴特维尔卫冕成功,为中国代表团本次奥运会的比赛画上了完美的句号。2003年的冬训,也就是备战雅典奥运会的最后一个冬训,跆拳道队为陈中制定了一个目标,就是从冬训开始到比赛之前,要打满100场大于比赛强度的实战比赛。平均算下来,就是每3天就要有1场正规的比赛。一系列比赛的锤炼,使陈中在到达雅典后,能够信心百倍,精神愉快,身体健康,并以最佳的技术状态出现在赛场。这次陈中在打比赛时有一个突出的特点,就是面带微笑,但却蕴藏杀机,在作风上也得到了世界各国跆拳道观众的
21、认可。 问题:请说明这种“以赛促练”、“以赛代练”的训练方法对运动员或运动队的竞技能力提高、创造运动成绩的影响。 16.案例:一项对雅典奥运会上中、美、俄三国参赛运动员的年龄情况进行的统计的结果是,中国运动员的更新率达到了79.4%,高于美国的58.3%,更高于俄罗斯的33%。换句话说,美国有58.3%的运动员是第一次参加奥运会,而41.7%的运动员曾经参加过奥运会;俄罗斯队更是有67%的运动员曾经参加过奥运会。而中国只有20.6%的运动员参加过奥运会,剩余的79.4%的运动员是第一次参加奥运会。 问题:请依据运动训练理论说明导致我国许多运动员过早退役的原因有哪些。应采取什么样的对策以求改善
22、17.试述制定多年训练计划的必要性。 18.试述全程性多年训练的阶段划分及各阶段的主要训练任务和负荷特点。 19.运动员基础训练阶段的训练学要点有哪些(训练年限、主要任务、训练内容、负荷特点) 20.根据训练课的主要任务和内容分类,可将训练课分为几种类型各种类型训练课的特点和要求有哪些 21.运动员最佳竞技训练阶段的训练学要点有哪些(训练年限、主要任务、训练内容、负荷特点) 22.运动员专项提高训练阶段的训练学要点有哪些(训练年限、主要任务、训练内容、负荷特点) 23.运动员竞技保持训练阶段的训练学要点有哪些(训练年限、主要任务、训练内容、负荷特点) 24.何为训练课的结构训练课的结构可分为几部分各部分的主要任务是什么 25.一堂课的训练负荷量度是如何确定的第15页 共15页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页