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1、真实条件句和虚拟条件句的用法点击真实条件句和虚拟条件句的用法点击英语中的条件状语从句是表示前提或条件的从句结构,分为真实条件句和虚拟英语中的条件状语从句是表示前提或条件的从句结构,分为真实条件句和虚拟条件句(也叫非真实条件句)两大类。条件句(也叫非真实条件句)两大类。u u【真实条件句】【真实条件句】1.1. 定义:真实条件句是表示将来的事件是可能发生的,或句中的条件是事实。定义:真实条件句是表示将来的事件是可能发生的,或句中的条件是事实。2.2. 用法:真实条件句常见的有以下几种类型:用法:真实条件句常见的有以下几种类型: If +现在时,主句 If +现在时,主句+ +情态助动词。其中的现

2、在时包括:一般现在时、现在进情态助动词。其中的现在时包括:一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时、现在完成进行式和行时、现在完成时、现在完成进行式和 can / mustcan / must 等等, ,从句用一般将来时。例从句用一般将来时。例如:如:If it rains, the match will be cancelled.If it rains, the match will be cancelled. 如果下雨,比赛将被取消。如果下雨,比赛将被取消。( (一一般现在时般现在时) )If I have read it, I will return the book on Monday.If

3、 I have read it, I will return the book on Monday. 如果我读完了,我如果我读完了,我会在周一把书还回去的。会在周一把书还回去的。( (现在完成时现在完成时) )If you are sittingIf you are sitting in it, the police wont take your car away. 如果in it, the police wont take your car away. 如果你坐在里面,警察是不会把你的小车弄走的。你坐在里面,警察是不会把你的小车弄走的。( (现在进行时现在进行时) )If she has b

4、een waiting, she should / ought to phone me.If she has been waiting, she should / ought to phone me. 如果她一直等如果她一直等着,她应该打电话给我。着,她应该打电话给我。( (现在完成进行式现在完成进行式) )If sheIf she cantcant understand it, she can ask me. understand it, she can ask me.如果她不明白,她可以问我。如果她不明白,她可以问我。( (情态动词情态动词 can)can)祈使句祈使句+ +连词连词+ +

5、陈述句。祈使句相当于陈述句。祈使句相当于 ifif 从句,比从句,比 ifif 从句表示的更为紧迫。从句表示的更为紧迫。例如:例如:Fail to pay andFail to pay and theyll cut off the electricity. 你theyll cut off the electricity. 你 ( (如果如果) ) 不付款,不付款,他们就要断电。他们就要断电。Tell us what to do andTell us what to do and well get on with it. 你well get on with it. 你 ( (如如) ) 告诉我们

6、该做什告诉我们该做什么,我们就会干下去。么,我们就会干下去。Take a taxi, otherwiseTake a taxi, otherwise youll miss your train. 你youll miss your train. 你 ( (如如) ) 不叫出租车,不叫出租车,你就会耽误火车。你就会耽误火车。Drop that gun, orDrop that gun, or Ill shoot you. 放下枪,不然我就打死你。Ill shoot you. 放下枪,不然我就打死你。u u【虚拟条件句】【虚拟条件句】1.1. 定义:虚拟条件句是表示从句中的假设条件与事实相反或是说话

7、人认为不太定义:虚拟条件句是表示从句中的假设条件与事实相反或是说话人认为不太可能实现的情况。可能实现的情况。2.2. 用法:与现在事实相反的假设、与过去事实相反的假设和与将来事实相反的用法:与现在事实相反的假设、与过去事实相反的假设和与将来事实相反的假设。主句和从句中谓语动词的具体形式如下:假设。主句和从句中谓语动词的具体形式如下:用于与现在事实相反的假设(指现在的假设)。例如:用于与现在事实相反的假设(指现在的假设)。例如:This soup would taste better if it had more salt in it.This soup would taste better i

8、f it had more salt in it. 如果多放点盐如果多放点盐的话,这个汤味道一定更好。的话,这个汤味道一定更好。I should be a bit more careful if I were you.I should be a bit more careful if I were you. 我要是你,会更加小心的。我要是你,会更加小心的。用于与过去事实相反的假设(指过去的假设)。例如:用于与过去事实相反的假设(指过去的假设)。例如:If I had not told him about it, he would never have known the fact.If I h

9、ad not told him about it, he would never have known the fact.要要不是我告诉他那件事,他永远都不会知道真相。不是我告诉他那件事,他永远都不会知道真相。If you had previewed the text, youIf you had previewed the text, you wouldnt have failedwouldnt have failed to answer the to answer thequestion.question. 如果你提前预习了课文的话,就会回答这个问题。如果你提前预习了课文的话,就会回答这个

10、问题。用于与将来事实相反的假设(指将来的假设)。例如:用于与将来事实相反的假设(指将来的假设)。例如:If your mother knew this tomorrow, she would be angry.If your mother knew this tomorrow, she would be angry. 万一你母亲明天万一你母亲明天知道了这件事,她会生气的。知道了这件事,她会生气的。What would you do if you were to get into an accident?What would you do if you were to get into an a

11、ccident? 如果发生事故,如果发生事故,你怎么办?你怎么办?If you should change your mind, no one would blame you.If you should change your mind, no one would blame you. 万一你要改变万一你要改变主意,没有人会指责你。主意,没有人会指责你。【即学即练】【即学即练】I.I. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1.1. What will you do if it What will you do if it(rain)(rain)tomorrow?to

12、morrow? We have to carry it on, since weve got everythingWe have to carry it on, since weve got everything ready. ready.2. If I had been you then, I2. If I had been you then, I him. him.( not( notquarrel) withquarrel) with3.3. IfIf I I(see)(see) himhim tomorrow,tomorrow, I I wouldwould bebe veryvery

13、happy.happy.4. If I asked him, Im sure he4. If I asked him, Im sure he(help) me.(help) me.5. If I5. If Id left sooner, Id left sooner, I(be) on time.(be) on time. 单项填空:真实条件句和虚拟条件句的用法比较。. 单项填空:真实条件句和虚拟条件句的用法比较。1. If he1. If hein a day or two, I would wait forin a day or two, I would wait forhim.him.

14、A. returns A. returnsB. should haveB. should havereturnedreturned C. were to return D. have returned C. were to return D. have returned If he If hein a day or two, I will wait forin a day or two, I will wait forhim.him. A. returns A. returnsB. should haveB. should havereturnedreturned C. were to ret

15、urn D. have returned C. were to return D. have returned2. If I2. If Itime, Itime, Ia achat with you soon.chat with you soon. A. have; will have A. have; will have B. had; will have B. had; will have C. had had; would have had C. had had; would have had D. have had; would have had D. have had; would

16、have had If I If Itime last night,time last night,I Ia chat with you.a chat with you. A. have; will have A. have; will have B. had; will have B. had; will have C. had had; would have had C. had had; would have had D. have had; would have had D. have had; would have had3. If it3. If itthis afternoon, well put off thethis afternoon, well put off thesports meet.sports meet. A. rain A. rainB.B.rainsrains


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