1、-精选公文范文-关于哈尔滨的英语作文 4 篇各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟!篇一:介绍哈尔滨 harbin is the capital ofheilongjiang province, with a populationof 5.3 million and covering an area of18,000squarekilometers.locatedineastern songnen plain, its a rolling landwith low hills, and shallo
2、w valleys andcrossed by the songhua river. it has asemi-humid temperate climate with anannual average temperature of 3.5 degreecelsius, rainfall of 530 millimeters and afrost-free period of 140 days. its mineralresourcesarecoal,quartzite,marble,copper, lead and zinc etc.harbin is one ofchinas key in
3、dustrial bases, with machinebuildingindustryasitsmainstay.foodstuff,petroleum,chemicalsand-精选公文范文-1-精选公文范文-textiles are its important prop-ups. theoutput value of its pharmaceutical industryranks first in china. the main agriculturalproducts are wheat, soybean, beet, flax,tobacco, poultry, etc. its
4、among chinasmajor beet growing areas.harbin is thecommercialcenterofheilongjiangprovince as well as the communicationhub in the northern part of north-east china,withawell-developedrailwayandhighway network. it has regular air linkswith over 30 cities at home and abroad. thesonghua river is an impor
5、tant waterway forshipping.篇二:介绍哈尔滨 harbinis asub-provincial city and the capital of theheilongjiang province in northeast china. itlies on the southern bank of the songhuariver. harbin is the tenth largest city inchina (pop. 9.87 million), serving as a keypolitical, economic, scientific, cultural an
6、dcommunications hub in northeastern china.now,imainlyfocusesontwo-精选公文范文-2-精选公文范文-aspects,architecture and culture. harbin isconsidered one of chinas most beautifulcities. the cityiswell-knownforitsunique,russianandeuropean-influenced architecture.zhongyang street (central street, also known askitai
7、skaya st.), one of the main businessstreets in harbin, is a perfect remnant ofthebustlinginternationalbusinessactivities at the turn of the 20th century.thelong street is a veritable museum ofeuropean architectural styles: baroque andbyzantinefaçades,therussianorthodox church, saint sophia cath
8、edral, isalso located in this central district of daoli.st. sophia took nine years to build and wascompleted in 1932. it has now been madeinto a museum as a showcase of themulti-cultural architecture of harbin.harbintoday is still very much influenced by itsrussian past.the local cuisine in harbin i
9、salso russian-influenced. harbins bakeries-精选公文范文-3-精选公文范文-are famous for their bread (lie-ba in localdialect, derived from the russian wordkhlebfor“bread”).harbinssausages(qiu-lin hong-chang) are another notableproduct, in that they tend to be of a muchmore european flavour than other chinesesausag
10、es.the annual harbin internationalice and snow sculpture festival has beenheld since 1985.the “harbin internationalice and snow festival” is one of the worldsfour largest ice and snow festivalsharbinsummer music concert (concert for short)is a national concert festival during theconcert, multiple evenings, concert, raceand activities are held. the artists comefrom all over the world.各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟!-精选公文范文-4