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1、letters and calls, and do practical things for the masse s combine good, effective through reachi ng pe ople at the service of the “last mile“. Third, foster the development of new energy, new Ge neral Secretary XI Jinping stressed devel opment of innovation forest restruct uring, revitalization of

2、the old industrial bases i n Northeast China is the States major strategy, Central has issued comprehensive opinions of revitalizing Nort heast Chi na and other ol d industrial bases, the CPC Central Committee on revitalization in Northeast China were . Vigorous determination does not waver, the wor

3、k does not slacken off. Be firm with in the development has more to do with hard, and not muddle along, passive inaction. To rely on their ow n efforts, cant wait, cant wait, stand still. This not only provides new opportunities for development in our region, and gave us new requirements. We must se

4、ize the opportunity, full use of national policy, has to be more complicated, t o start and target, give full play to the initiative of leading cadre s at all levels, active, active, focusing on building new momentum for development, accelerating transformation of forest development. To implement th

5、e new development philosophy. Philosophy is the action guide, new ideas and new developments. Carrying out innovation, coordination and development of green, ope n, shared ideas, must be measurable, direct action with new development concepts, training cadres. In a new development concept as a yards

6、tick. Established in line with the new concept of evaluation system and evaluation criterion, embodies the new developme nt policy, organization, mandate implementation, always measured by the new development philosophy, continuous correction of forest transition course. In a new development concept

7、 for the path command. As part of the implementation of the new development phil osophy followed and action guidelines, firmly adjusted, corrected and reject unsuitable, inappropriate and even against the new development ideas, behaviors and practices, more pragmatic approach base d on a broad visio

8、n, a nd creatively carry out ecological construction, industrial development, improving peopl es livelihood, such as the work to ensure that new deve lopment ideas take root in forest areas. In a new developme nt concept for weapon training cadre. Education leaders “in t he new, nothing“ two article

9、s, enhanci ng vitality and power. Combined development “six big industry“, and implementation “three big engi neering“, and create “two big environment“, strengthening on new development, and new economy concept of learning, and grasp and using, real put thought and action unified to new development

10、 concept up, at with new development concept armed himself, and guide practice, effective do adv ocate innovation, and focused on coordination, a nd advocate green, and thick plant ope n, and advance shared. Second, we must rely on Science and technology affects. Technical innovation is the promotio

11、n of e conomic transformation and upgrading, quality and efficiency “first power“.ivelihood, is related to people s well-bei ng and social harmony and stability. We need to protect a nd improve the livelihood of the people as the starting point and endi ng point of transition and improve forest peop

12、les feeling and happiness. To promote poverty relief and developme nt work. Implementing poverty alleviation crucial project is a major strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee, is also determined by the provincial “first project“, we must unify thinkng and action to the re quirements of

13、 the Central, provi ncial, resol utely win the poverty battle. The previous phase I to 18 stations, Tahe, Pine Ridge research, vi sited many of the poor, go, the heavier, more pressure. For poverty relief and development work, we must pay attention to it, always in mind, grasping hands, should not b

14、e blindly optimistic, there can be no slack. Poverty alleviation and development lies in preci se, accurate. Present, in order to find out the real base of poor people as soon as possible, come up with feasible poverty standards, state card, built on the basis of document management. To firmly estab

15、lish the “poverty reduction“ concept, increase the intensity of resource int egration, and related funding, with limited funds wisely. By using a combination of employment, entrepre neurship forpoverty eradication poverty eradication, education, poverty alleviation, medical aid of poverty means, due

16、 to effects of policies, those poli cies, ensure the com pletion of mission objectives for poverty eradicati on for the year. To actively promote the construction of new towns. In February this year, promulgated by the State Council on further promoting urbanizati on construction of new opi nions, p

17、roposed to adhere to the peopl e-centered, four modernizations synchronization, optimization, ecology civilization and cult ural heritage of new urbanization path with Chi nese characteristics. According to district-wi de constructi on of civilized city and the be autiful countryside, further streng

18、thening of urban transport, water supply and drainage and sewage, waste disposal ground, underground, such as infrastructure construction, strive to create a safer and more livable environment. o a ctively seize the full stop and opportunities for poverty alleviation and development, further efforts

19、 to increase forest villages merge, population to the County (district) Council sites and centres concentrated in villages and towns. Combined development of urban construction and tourism industries, careful pla nni ng and construction of a number of suitable for residential and farm tour towns and

20、 villages, forming one village one product, a feature pattern. Closer to the masses. Since last year, our in-de pth implementation of the leading cadres of grassroots masses at work, solve the problems of a large number of people, get the masses give wholehearted support to and praise, this work wil

21、l carry on, absolutely cannot or movement. Grassroots masses a nd cadres in combination w ith poverty reduction, combined with the steady work of河北工程大学 2008 2009学年第二 学期期末 考试试卷( A)卷一、不定项选择题: (每题 2 分,共 20 分)1.消费者未能得到满足的感受状态称为()A.欲望B.需要C.需求D.愿望2.以企业为中心的市场营销管理哲学包括()A.社会市场营销观念B.市场营销观念C.推销观念D.产品观念E.生产观念3.

22、市场营销环境()A.是企业能够控制的因素B.是企业不可控制的因素C.可能形成机会也可能造成威胁D.是可以了解和预测的E.通过企业的营销努力是可以在一定程度上去影响的4.组织市场需求的波动幅度()消费者市场需求的波动幅度。A.小于B.大于C.等于D.都不是5.属于产业市场细分变量的有()A.社会阶层B.行业C.价值观念D.地理位置E.购买标准6.某工程机械公司专门向建筑业用户供应推土机、打桩机、 起重机和水泥搅拌机等建筑工程中所需要的机械设备,这是一种()策略A.市场集中化B.市场专业化C.全面市场覆盖D.产品专业化7.影响企业定价的主要因素有()A.定价目标B.产品成本C.市场需求D.经营者意

23、志E.竞争者的产品和价格8.有些产品品牌差异明显,但消费者不愿花长时间来选择和估价,而是不断变换所购产品的品牌,这种购买行为称为()A.习惯性购买行为B. 减少失调感的购买行为C. 寻求多样化购买行为D.复杂的购买行为9.产品组合的长度是指()的总数A.产品品种B.产品线C.产品种类D.产品项目10.某服装店售货员把相同的服装以800 元卖给顾客A,以 600 元卖给顾客B,该服装店的定价属于()A. 顾客差别定价B.地点差别定价C.时间差别定价D. 产品形式差别定价二、简答题: (共 35 分)1.简答新、旧营销观念的主要区别表现在哪些方面?(7 分)2.影响企业开展市场营销活动的社会文化因

24、素主要有哪些?( 7 分)3.消费者购买决策过程的主要阶段是什么?(7 分)4.细分消费者市场主要依据哪些变量?(7 分)5.市场追随者的竞争策略有哪些?(7 分)三、论述题: (15 分)试论述产品生命周期各阶段的特征及其相应的营销策略。四、案例分析: (共 30 分)五连矿泉水的营销诊断五连矿泉水地处东北,是世界三大冷泉之一,常年温度在2 到 4 度,含有丰富的微量元素和矿物质,在中国3500处可开发矿泉水源中,唯一天然含气。它曾经获得多项荣誉,通过ISO9001 和 ISO14001 双项认证,是第六届华商大会指定用水, 2001 年全国人大、政协(两会)文艺晚会指定用水等等。该产品有如

25、下特点:、世界三大冷泉之一,与世界最好的法国维希矿泉水齐名、天然含气,在非碳酸型饮料中非常罕见、口感很独特,乍喝辛辣清爽,喝一口想吐,喝一瓶有感觉,喝两瓶就容易上瘾、包装特殊,中国矿泉水中不多见的用玻璃瓶包装,外型象一滴水珠、营养价值高,在当地被誉为“神泉”,可治多种疾病包装和市场零售价(号称中国最贵的水):330ml 5.5 元letters and calls, and do practical things for the masse s combine good, effective through reachi ng pe ople at the service of the “la

26、st mile“. Third, foster the development of new energy, new Ge neral Secretary XI Jinping stressed devel opment of innovation forest restruct uring, revitalization of the old industrial bases i n Northeast China is the States major strategy, Central has issued compre hensive opinions of revitalizing

27、Nort heast Chi na and other ol d industrial bases, t he CPC Central Committee on revitalization in Northeast China were . Vigorous determination does not waver, the work does not slacken off. Be firm with in the development has more to do with hard, and not muddle along, passive inaction. To rely on

28、 their ow n efforts, cant wait, cant wait, stand still. This not only provides new opportunities for development in our region, and gave us new requirements. We must seize the opportunity, full use of national policy, has to be more complicated, t o start and target, give full play to the initiative

29、 of leading cadre s at all levels, active, active, focusing on building new momentum for development, accelerating transformation of forest development. To implement the new development philosophy. Philosophy is the action guide, new ideas and new developments. Carrying out innovation, coordination

30、and development of green, ope n, shared ideas, must be measurable, direct action with new developmentconcepts, training cadres. In a new development concept as a yardstick. Established in line with the new concept of evaluation system and evaluation criterion, embodies the new developme nt policy, o

31、rganization, mandate implementation, always measured by the new development philosophy, continuous correction of forest transition course. In a new development concept for the path command. As part of the implementation of the new development philosophy followed and action guidelines, firmly adjuste

32、d, corrected and reject unsuitable, inappropriate and even against the new development ideas, behaviors and practices, more pragmatic approach base d on a broad vision, a nd creatively carry out ecological construction, industrial development, improving peopl es livelihood, such as the work to ensur

33、e that new deve lopment ideas take root in forest areas. In a new developme nt concept for weapon training cadre. Education leaders “in t he new, nothing“ two articles, e nhanci ng vitality and power. Combined development “six big industry“, and implementation “three big engi neering“, and create “t

34、wo big environment“, strengthening on new development, and new economy concept of learning, and grasp and using, real put thought and action unified to new development concept up, at with new development concept armed himself, and guide practice, effective do adv ocate innovation, and focused on coo

35、rdinati on, a nd advocate green, and thick plant ope n, and advance shared. Second, we must rely on Science and technology affects. Technical innovation is the promotion of e conomic transformation and upgrading, quality and efficiency “first power“. ivelihood, is related to peoples well-being and s

36、oci al harmony and stability. We need to protect and im prove the livelihood of the people as the starting point and endi ng point of transition and improve forest peoples feeling and happi ness. To promote poverty relief and development work. Implementing poverty alleviation crucial proje ct is a m

37、ajor strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee, is also determined by the provi ncial “first project“, we must unify thinking and action to the requirements of the Central, provincial , resolutely win the poverty battle. The previous pha se I to 18 stations, Tahe, Pine Ridge research, vis

38、ited many of the poor, go, the heavier, more pressure. For poverty relief and development work, we must pay attention to it, always in mind, grasping hands, should not be blindly optimistic, there can be no slack. Poverty alleviation and development lies in precise, accurate. Present, in order to fi

39、nd out the real base of poor people as soon as possible, come up with feasible poverty standards, state card, built on the basis of document management. To firmly establish the “poverty reduction“ concept, increase the intensity of resource integration, and related funding, with limited funds wisely

40、. By using a combination of employment, entrepreneurshi p f or poverty eradication poverty eradicati on, e ducation, poverty alleviation, medical aid of poverty means, due t o effects of policies, those policies, ensure the completion of mission objectives for poverty eradication for the year. To ac

41、tively promote the construction of new towns. In February this year, promulgated by the State Council on further promoting urbanization construction of new opi nions, proposed to adhere to the people-centered, four modernizations synchronization, optimization, ecol ogy civilization and cultural heri

42、tage of new urbanization path with Chi nese characteristics. According to district -wide construction of civilized city and the beautiful countryside, further strengthe ning of urban transport, water supply and drainage and sewage, waste disposa l ground, underground, such as infrastructure construc

43、tion, strive to create a safer and more livable environment. To actively seize the full stop and opportunities for poverty alleviation and developme nt, further efforts to increase forest villages merge, population to the County (district) Council sites and centres concentrated in villages and towns

44、. Combined developmnt of urban constructi on and tourism industries, careful planning and construction of a number of suitable for residential and farm tour towns and villages, forming one village one product, a feature pattern. Closer to the masses. Since last year, our in-de pth implementation of

45、the leading cadres of grassroots masses at work, solve the problems of a large number of people, get the masses give wholehearted support to and praise, this work will carry on, absolutely cannot or movement. Grassroots masses a nd cadres in combination w ith poverty reduction, combined with the ste

46、ady work of2 238ml 4.0 元200ml 3.2 元在被集团投资亿元并购前,该矿泉水一直没有做大,仅局限在东北地区。集团正式运作该项目后,发现市场推广中,存在许多问题,主要是以下四点:、产品问题:由于该产品的特殊性,定位在中高档消费者是没问题,但细分之后,是象法国依云水打女性市场还是兼顾时尚青年还是从只从商务人士入手,很难确定。正常一个产品推向市场的步骤是一个一个卖点推出,由于该产品特点众多,反而束缚了思路,不知道先推哪一个后推哪一个,由此公司内部分为四派。“形象派”主张打国际牌,一开始在广告诉求中就突出五连矿泉水世界级水的尊贵; “气泡派”说,不要急,先从一个小的切入点含有

47、气泡入手,大打这是一瓶“会跳舞的水”; “口感派”说,你们没看到消费者反映,大多数消费者第一次喝没有不皱眉头的,我们现在应该解决第一口和第一瓶问题,只要消费者能把一瓶水喝下去,他就会继续喝下去;“健康派”说健康是一种时尚,好水喝出健康来,我们的水有这么好的健康功能,为什么不把它作为首要切入点。、价格问题:该产品的市场定价,在中国水行业中是最高的,但与相同品质的法国巴黎水相比只是其三分之二价格。在市场推广过程中,因为价格遇到许多难度,由此公司分为三派。“降价派” 主张一定要降价,这么高的价格,没有品牌知名度,如何能卖这么高的价格;“提价派”主张提价,说我们的水一点不比巴黎水差,能喝这水的都是有钱

48、人,不会在乎多一块两块的,我们要提价,用高价体现消费者的身份;“维持派” 说这个价格正好,我们不是国际名牌,比巴黎水低一点,正常。、渠道问题:由于该矿泉水不是普通矿泉水,所以对该产品的主要销售通路,公司分为四派。“宾馆派”认为,我们应该学习巴黎水,巴黎水主打高档宾馆,我们应该跟随,可取得许多便利条件,同时高档宾馆的消费群体是我们的目标客户,对他们不需要投入多少宣传费用;“酒店派”认为,我们应该以酒店餐饮为主,妙士奶就是从餐饮入手做起来的,只要酒店喝五连水成为时尚,一下子就可以火起来;“夜场派”认为我们应该从酒吧、迪厅、夜总会入手,那里的消费群体都是追求时尚的人,对新产品容易接受;“商超派”认为

49、我们应该从高档商场和大型超市,通过堆码展示我们高档产品的形象,同时高档商场和大型超市是信息集散地,在商超不断做活动就可以把该产品推起来。、促销问题:由于该产品是一个中高档产品,大面积在大众媒体投放广告是不合适的,所以公司认为应该主要把资金用在终端促销上。问题:1.你认为该产品如何进行市场定位,并说明理由。(10 分)2.请你为该产品制定一价格策略,并说明理由。(10 分)3.如果请你为该产品进行一简单的促销策划,你会如何做?(10 分)2008-2009 学年第二学期市场营销试题A 答案一、不定项选择题1.B 2.CDE 3.BCDE 4. B 5. BDE 6.B 7. ABCE 8.B 9.D 10.A 二、简答题(答案要点)1.答:文化,亚文化,社会阶层等2.答:消费者的购买决策过程由以下几阶段构成:确认问题;收集信息;方案评估;购买决策;购后评价。3.答:构思,筛选,概念形成,营销规划,商业分析,试制,试销,批量上市4.答:5.答:紧密跟随、选择跟随、距离跟随。letters and calls, and do practical things for the masse s combine good, effective through reachi ng pe ople at the serv


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