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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上DQBS-13延陵学院届毕业设计外文阅读与翻译毕业设计题目 外文中文题目 外文英文题目 原文 出处 百度文库 专业 姓名班级 学号 职称指导教师中文翻译红外遥控及芯片介绍人的眼睛能看到的可见光按波长从长到短排列,依次为红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫。其中红光的波长范围为0.620.76m;紫光的波长范围为0.380.46m。比紫光波长还短的光叫紫外线,比红光波长还长的光叫红外线。红外线遥控就是利用波长为0.761.5m之间的近红外线来传送控制信号的。常用的红外遥控系统一般分发射和接收两个部分。发射部分的主要元件为红外发光二极管。它实际上是一只特殊的发光二极管,由于其内部材

2、料不同于普通发光二极管,因而在其两端施加一定电压时,它便发出的是红外线而不是可见光。目前大量使用的红外发光二极管发出的红外线波长为940nm左右,外形与普通 5发光二极管相同,只是颜色不同。红外发光二极管一般有黑色、深蓝、透明三种颜色。判断红外发光二极管好坏的办法与判断普通二极管一样:用万用表电阻挡量一下红外发光二极管的正、反向电阻即可。红外发光二极管的发光效率要用专门的仪器才能精确测定,而业余条件下只能用拉距法来粗略判定。 接收部分的红外接收管是一种光敏二极管。在实际应用中要给红外接收二极管加反向偏压,它才能正常工作,亦即红外接收二极管在电路中应用时是反向运用,这样才能获得较高的灵敏度。红外


4、接收头的载波频率。红外遥控常用的载波频率为38kHz,这是由发射端所使用的455kHz陶振来决定的。在发射端要对晶振进行整数分频,分频系数一般取12,所以455kHz1237.9 kHz38kHz。也有一些遥控系统采用36kHz、40kHz、56kHz等,一般由发射端晶振的振荡频率来决定。红外遥控的特点是不影响周边环境、不干扰其它电器设备。由于其无法穿透墙壁,故不同房间的家用电器可使用通用的遥控器而不会产生相互干扰;电路调试简单,只要按给定电路连接无误,一般不需任何调试即可投入工作;编解码容易,可进行多路遥控。由于各生产厂家生产了大量红外遥控专用集成电路,需要时按图索骥即可。因此,现在红外遥控

5、在家用电器、室内近距离(小于10米)遥控中得到了广泛的应用。多路控制的红外遥控系统 多路控制的红外发射部分一般有许多按键,代表不同的1控制功能。当发射端按下某一按键时,相应地在接收端有不同的输出状态。接收端的输出状态大致可分为脉冲、电平、自锁、互锁、数据五种形式。“脉冲”输出是当按发射端按键时,接收端对应输出端输出一个“有效脉冲”,宽度一般在100ms左右。“电平”输出是指发射端按下键时,接收端对应输出端输出“有效电平”,发射端松开键时,接收端“有效电平”消失。此处的“有效脉冲”和“有效电平”,可能是高、也可能是低,取决于相应输出脚的静态状况,如静态时为低,则“高”为有效;如静态时为高,则“低

6、”为有效。大多数情况下“高”为有效。“自锁”输出是指发射端每按一次某一个键,接收端对应输出端改变一次状态,即原来为高电平变为低电平,原来为低电平变为高电平。此种输出适合用作电源开关、静音控制等。有时亦称这种输出形式为“反相”。“互锁”输出是指多个输出互相清除,在同一时间内只有一个输出有效。电视机的选台就属此种情况,其它如调光、调速、音响的输入选择等。“数据”输出是指把一些发射键编上号码,利用接收端的几个输出形成一个二进制数,来代表不同的按键输入。一般情况下,接收端除了几位数据输出外,还应有一位“数据有效”输出端,以便后级适时地来取数据。这种输出形式一般用于与单片机或微机接口。 除以上输出形式外

7、,还有“锁存”和“暂存”两种形式。所谓“锁存”输出是指对发射端每次发的信号,接收端对应输出予以“储存”,直至收到新的信号为止;“暂存”输出与上述介绍的“电平”输出类似。影响遥控器遥控距离(Remote distance of RF Remote Control)的因素主要有如下几点:1、发射功率:发射功率大则距离远,但耗电大,容易产生干扰;2、接收灵敏度:接收器的接收灵敏度提高,遥控距离增大,但容易受干扰造成误动或失控;3、天线:采用直线型天线,并且相互平行,遥控距离远,但占据空间大,在使用中把天线拉长、拉直可增加遥控距离;4、高度:天线越高,遥控距离越远,但受客观条件限制;5、阻挡:目前使用

8、的无线遥控器使用国家规定的UHF频段,其传播特性和光近似,直线传播,绕射较小,发射器和接收器之间如有墙壁阻挡将大大打折遥控距离,如果是钢筋混泥土的墙壁,由于导体对电波的吸收作用,影响更甚。考虑到本次设计的硬件体积应偏小以便嵌入遥控器中,因此我们选择了20个引脚的单片机芯片AT89C2051。下面即介绍此芯片的功能。1). AT89C2051的内部结构及性能AT89C2051是一带有2K字节闪速可编程可擦除只读存储体(EEPROM)的低电压,高性能8位CMOS微型计算机。它采用ATMEL的高密非易失存储技术制造并和工业标准MCS51指令集和引脚结构兼容。通过在单块芯片上组合通用的CPL1和闪速存

9、储2器,ATMEL AT89C2051是一强劲的微型计算机,它对许多嵌入式控制应用提供一高度灵活和成本低的解决办法。AT89C2051是与8051兼容的CHMOS微控制器,其Flash存储器容量为2KB。与CHMOS工艺的80C51一样,具有空闲和掉电两种节电运行方式。其性能如下:8位CUP;2KB的Flash存储器;工作电压范围2.76V;128KB的数据存储器;全静态工作方式:024MHz;15根输入/输出线;一个可编程串行口;2个16位定时/计数器; 有片内精密模拟比较器;5个中断源,2个优先级。可编程串行UART通道;直接LED驱动输出;AT89C2051的内部结构如图1所示。2).

10、AT89C2051的芯片引脚及功能为适应智能仪表的嵌入要求,AT89C2051在芯片的引脚配置上进行了简化,主要变化为:(1)引脚由40根减为20根;(2)增加了一个模拟比较器。3AT89C2051的引脚图如图b所示。AT89C2051引脚功能:1. Vcc:电源电压。2. GND:地。3. P1口:P1口是一8位双向I/O口。口引脚P1.2P1.7提供内部上拉电阻。 P1.0和P1.1要求外部上拉电阻。P1.0和P1.1还分别作为片内精密模拟比较器的同相输入(AIN0)和反相输入(AIN1)。P1口输出缓冲器可吸收20mA电流并能直接驱动LED显示。当P1口引脚写入“1”时,其可用作输入端。

11、当引脚P1.2P1.7用作输入并被外部拉低时,它们将因内部的上拉电阻而流出电流(IIL)。P1口还在闪速编程和程序校验期间接收代码数据。4. P3口:P3口的P3.0P3.5、P3.7是带有内部上拉电阻的七个双向I/0引脚。P3.6用于固定输入片内比较器的输出信号并且它作为一通用 I/O引脚而不可访问。P3口缓冲器可吸收20mA电流。当P3口引脚写入“1”时,它们被内部上拉电阻拉高并可用作输入端。用作输入时,被外部拉低的 P3口引脚将用上拉电阻而流出电流(IIL)。P3口还用于实现AT89C2051的各种功能,如下表1所示。 P3口还接收一些用于闪速存储器编程和程序校验的控制信号。45. RS

12、T:复位输入。RST一旦变成高电平,所有的I/O引脚就复位到“1”。当振荡器正在运行时,持续给出RST引脚两个机器周期的高电平便可完成复位。每一个机器周期需12个振荡器或时钟周期。6. XTAL1:作为振荡器反相放大器的输入和内部时钟发生器的输入。 7. XTAL2:作为振荡器反相放大器的输出。P3口的功能如表1所示。3). AT89C2051的软硬件约束AT89C2051单片机由于引脚的限制,没有设置外部存储器的接口,所以,对于外部存储器的读/写指令如MOVX等不起作用。由于ROM空间为2KB,所以,对于跳转指令要注意转移的目的地址范围(000H7FFH),超出地址范围时,将产生不可遇见的错

13、误结果。数据存储的范围是(00H7FH),堆栈操作时亦应加以注意。模拟比较器的输入信号经原来的P3.6引脚引入到单片机内,所以原来的P3.6脚已 无法再外部使用。模拟比较器可以方便的比较两个模拟电压的大小,若外接一个D/A转换器并将其输出作为模拟比较器的一个输入,而由模拟比较器的另一个输入端引入被测电压,通过软件的方法也可以实现A/D转换。 4). AT89C2051的Flash存储器编程AT89C2051单片机提供有2KB的片内Flash程序存储器,它允许在线修改或使用专用编程器编程。aFlash存储器加密位AT89C2051单片机有2个加密位,可以编程(P)或不编程(U)以获得不同的加密功

14、能。5加密功能表如表4.1-1所示。加密位内容的擦除只能通过片擦除操作来完成。bFlash存储器的编程和程序校验(1)AT89C2051单片机的片内Flash存储器编程模式如表4.1-2所示注:内部EPROM的计数器在RESET的上升沿复位到000H,并由XTAL1,引脚正 脉冲执行计数;片擦除需要10ms的PROG脉冲;编程期间P3.1被拉低来指示RDY/BSY.c.AT89C2051单片机的片内Flash存储器编程步骤如下:上电次序是在VCC、GND引脚加工作电压,RESET、XTAL1引脚接到GND,悬浮其它引脚,等待大于10ms以上时间;在RESET、P3.2引脚加高电平;在P3.3、

15、P3.4、P3.5、P3.7引脚加模式电平; 经P1.0P1.7对000H单元加入数据字节; 升高RESET到12V激活编程;使P3.2跳变一次,编程一个字节或加密位;6校验已被编程数据,使RESET从12V降到逻辑电平“H”并设置P3.3P3.7为正确的电平,可以在P1口输出数据;进行下一地址单元的字节编程,在XTAL1加一脉冲,使地址计数器加1,在P1口加入编程数据。重复步骤,完成整个2KB的编程。下电次序为:设置XTAL1、RESET为“L”,浮空其它I/O引脚,关闭VCC电源。(3)编程及校验电路如图c、d所示。说明几点:(1)编程期间P3.1被拉低来指示RDY/BSY; (2)单片擦



18、ed Remote And Chips Are IntroducedPeoples eyes can see the visible wavelength from long to short according to the arrangement, in order to red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, violet. One of the red wavelengths for 0.62 0.76 muon m, Purple is 0.38 wavelength range muon m. Purple is shorter than

19、the wavelength of light called ultraviolet ray, red wavelengths of light is longer than that of infrared light. Infrared remote control is to use wavelength for 0.76 1.5 muon m between the near infrared to transfer control signal.Commonly used infrared remote control system of general points transmi

20、t and receive two parts. The main component part for the launch of infrared light emitting diode. It is actually a special light emitting diode, due to its internal material differs from ordinary light emitting diode, resulting in its ends on certain voltage, it is a rather infrared light. Use of in

21、frared light emitting diode the infrared wavelengths, for 940nm appearance and ordinary, just the same light emitting diode five different colors. Infrared light emitting diode generally have black and blue, transparent three colors. Judgement of infrared light emitting diode and judgment method, us

22、ing a multimeter to ordinary diode electric block measure of infrared light emitting diode, reverse resistance. The infrared light emitting diode luminescence efficiency to use special instrument to measure precise, and use only spare conditions to pull away from roughly judgement. Receiving part of

23、 infrared receiving tube is a photosensitive diode.In actual application of ir receiving diode to reverse bias, it can work normally, i.e., the infrared receiving circuit application in diode is used to reverse, higher sensitivity. Infrared receiving diode usually have two round and rectangular. Due

24、 to the power of infrared light emitting diode (or less commonly 100mW), so ir receiving diode received signals is weak, so will increase high-gain ones.the amplifier circuit.In common CX20106A, etc PC1373H muon infrared receiving special amplifier circuit. In recent years both amateur or formal pro

25、ducts, mostly using infrared receiving head finished. The head of infrared receiving product packages generally has two kinds: one kind USES sheet shielding, A kind of plastic packaging. There are three pin, namely the power is (VDD), power negative (GND) and data output (VO or OUT). Infrared receiv

26、ing head foot arrangement for types varied, manufacturers instructions. Finished the advantages of infrared receiving head is not in need of sophisticated debugging and shell screen, use rise as a transistor, very convenient. But when used in the infrared receiving attention finished first carrier f

27、requency.9Infrared remote common carrier frequency for 38kHz, this is transmitted by using 455kHz TaoZhen to decide. At the launch of crystals were integer frequency, frequency coefficients, so commonly 12, so 455kHz 12 hundredth kHz 38kHz hundredth 379,000. Some remote control system adopts 36kHz,

28、56kHz, etc, general 40kHz launched by the crystals of oscillation frequency to decide.Infrared remote characteristic is not influence the surrounding environment and does not interfere with other electric equipment. Due to its cannot penetrate walls, so the room can use common household appliance of

29、 remote control without mutual interference, Circuit testing is simple, as long as given circuit connection, generally does not need any commissioning can work, Decoding easily, can undertake multiple remote control. Because each manufacturer produces a great deal of infrared remote application-spec

30、ific integrated circuit, when need press diagram suo ji. Therefore, the infrared remote now in household appliances, indoor close (less than 10 meters) in the remote control is widely usedMultiple infrared remote control system of infrared emission control buttons, there are many parts general repre

31、sentative of different control function. When pressed a button, correspondingly in the receiver with different output.Receiving the output state can be roughly divided into pulse, level, self-locking and interlock, data five forms. The pulse output is according to launch when the button, the receive

32、r output terminals output corresponding effective, a pulse width 100ms in general. Level refers to the output launch press button, the receiver output corresponding output level , effective transmit to loosen the receiver level disappears.This effective pulse and effective, may be of high level is l

33、ow, and may also depend on the output corresponding static state, such as feet for low, static high for effective, As for the static, low high effective. In most cases, high for effective. Since the lock refers to launch the output of each time you press the button, a receiver output corresponding c

34、hange, namely originally a state for high level into a low level, originally for low level into high level. The output power switch and mute as control etc. Sometimes also called the output form for invert. The interlock refers to multiple outputs each output, at the same time only one output. The T

35、V sets of this case is selected, the other is like the light and sound input speed, etc.Data refers to launch the output some key, use a few output form a binary number, to represent different keystroke.Normally, the receiver except a few data output, but also a valid output data, so the timely to c

36、ollect data. This output form with single-chip microcomputer or are commonly used interface. In addition to the above output form outside, still have a latch and temporary10 two forms. The so-called latch refers to launch the output signal of each hair, the receiver output corresponding , new store

37、until you receive signals. Temporary output and the introduction of level output is similar.Remote distance (Remote Control effect of RF Remote Control distance) are the major factors as follows:1, launched in power transmission power: while distance, but great power consumption, easy to generate in

38、terference,2 and receiving the receiver sensitivity, receiving, remote distance increased sensitivity to improve, but easy to cause disturbance maloperation or abuse,3, antenna, using linear antenna, and parallel, remote distance, but occupies a large space, in use the antenna spin, pull can increas

39、e the remote distance,4 and the higher height: antenna, remote farther, but by objective conditions, 5 and stop: current use of wireless remote use of UHF band stipulated by the state, the propagation characteristics of approximate linear transmission, light, small, transmitters and receivers diffra

40、ction between such as walls are blocking will greatly discounted remote distance, if is reinforced concrete walls, due to the absorption effect conductor, radio waves.Considering the design of hardware volume small to be embedded in the remote control, so we chose 20 foot single-chip chip AT89C2051.

41、 Below is the introduction of the function.1) AT89C2051 internal structure and performanceAT89C2051 is a byte flash 2K with programmable read-only memory can be erased EEPROM (low voltage, high performance of eight CMOS microcomputer. It adopts ATMEL of high-density non-volatile storage technology m

42、anufacturing and industrial standard MCS - 51 instruction set and lead. Through the combination of single chip in general CPL1 and flash memory, is a strong ATMEL AT89C2051 microcomputer, its application in many embedded control provides a highly flexible and low cost solutions. The compatible with

43、8051 AT89C2051 is CHMOS micro controller, the Flash memory capacity for 2KB. And CHMOS 80C51 process, have two kinds of leisure and power saving operation mode.The performance is as follows:8 CUP, 2KB Flash memory,Working voltage range 2.7-6V, 128KB data storage, The static working way: 0-24MHz, 15

44、root input/output line, A programmable serial, 2 a 16-bit timing/counters.11There is a slice of inside precision simulation comparator, 5 the interrupt sources, 2 priority.Programmable serial UART channel, Directly LED driver output,The internal structure of AT89C2051 is shown in figure 1.2) AT89C20

45、51 chip pin and functionIn order to adapt to the requirement of intelligent instrument, embedded in the chip foot AT89C2051 simplified configuration,The major changes to:(1) the lead foot from 20 to 40 wires,(2) increased a simulated comparator.12as shown in figure b.AT89C2051 pin function: 1 the Vc

46、c: voltage. 2: to GND.3 P1 mouth: P1 mouth is an 8-bit two-way I/O port. P1.2 P1.7 mouth pin the internal resistance provides. P1.0 and P1.1 requirements on the external pull-up resistors. P1.0 and P1.1 also separately as piece inside precision simulation comparator with input (AIN0) and reversed-ph

47、ase input (AIN1). Output buffer can absorb the P1 mouth 20mA current and can directly LED display driver. When P1 mouth pin into a 1, can make its input. When the pin P1.2 P1.7 as input and external down, they will be for the internal resistance and flow current (IIL). In flash P1 mouth during the p

48、rocedure and program code data receiving calibration.4 P3: the P3.0 P3.5 P3, P3.7 is the internal resistance with seven two-way I / 0 lead. P3.6 for fixed inputs piece inside the comparator output signal and it as a general I/O foot and inaccessible. P3 mouth buffer can absorb 20mA current. When P3 mouth pin into 1, they are the internal resistance can push and input. As input, and the low external P3 mouth pin pull-up resistors and will use current (IIL) outflow. P3 mouth still used to implement the various function


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