1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上自动化立体仓库1. 自动化立体仓库的优越性 由于自动化立体仓库的特殊结构,使其在与传统的仓库相比中具有以下优点:1.1 提高空间利用率 早期立体仓库的构想, 其基本出发点就是提高空间利用率, 充分节约有限且宝贵的土地。在西方有些发达国家, 提高空间利用率的观点已有更广泛深刻的含义, 节约土地, 已与节约能源、环境保护等更多的方面联系起来。有些甚至把空间的利用率作为系统合理性和先进性考核的重要指标来对待。自动化立体仓库的空间利用率与其规划紧密相连。一般来说, 自动化立体仓库其空间利用率为普通平库的2- 5 倍。1.2 便于形成先进的物流系统, 提高企业生产管理水平 传统
2、仓库只是货物储存的场所, 保存货物是其唯一的功能, 是一种“静态储存”。自动化立体仓库采用先进的自动化物料搬运设备, 不仅能使货物在仓库内按需要自动存取, 而且可以与仓库以外的生产环节进行有机的连接, 并通过计算机管理系统和自动化物料搬运设备使仓库成为企业生产物流中的一个重要环节。企业外购件和自制生产件进入自动化仓库储存是整个生产的一个环节, 短时储存是为了在指定的时间自动输出到下一道工序进行生产, 从而形成一个自动化的物流系统, 这是一种“ 动态储存”, 也是当今自动化仓库发展的一个明显的技术趋势。它有利于企业形成先进的物流系统,从而提高企业的整体管理水平。1.3 可以解决备品备件等零碎物料
3、的复杂的特性备品备件物资供应部门管理着整个企业零零散散众多各类零部件、备品备件物资。物品的体积大小不规则, 重量不一甚至温度、湿度仓储环境要求不同造成了物资总体物理特性复杂多样的现状。解决这些不同物理特性物资合理存放与管理是自动化立体仓库在备品备件物资管理工程应用的难点。高架库系统是解决这一问题的最有效的手段之一。这是因为:以自动化立体库为中心的工厂物流系统,解决了生产各环节的流通问题和供求矛盾,使原材料的供给和零部件的生产数量和生产所需的数量可以达到一个最佳值;计算机网络系统的建立使原材料和零部件外购件的采购更及时和满足实际需求;计算机管理系统的建立加强了宏观调控功能,使生产中各环节生产量更
4、能满足实际需求;建立成品库和半成品库,以解决市场供需的暂时的不一致,充分发挥企业的生产潜力。在采用自动化仓库后, 库存物资占用金额比过去明显降低,节约了资金。1.4 可以提高仓储自动化水平自动化立体仓库作为现代化的物流设施,对提高仓储自动化水平起着举足轻重 的作用 ,主要体现在四方面:第一、 自动化立体仓库不仅含有对底层自动化设备的控制和管理,而且针对某一具体的自动化仓库的基本数据进行管理的系统。降低了工人的劳动强度,提高了物流工作的效率。第二、 自动化立体仓库管理与控制系统是比较独立的一个子系统,可以实现对立体库所有出入库作业进行最佳分配及登录控制,并对数据进行统计分析,以便对物流实现宏观调
5、控,最大限度地降底库存量及资金的占用,加速资金周转。第三、 自动化立体仓库对一具体仓库中的材料、货位等基本信息进行管理,优化了仓库存储的效率,管理材料的在库情况并控制仓库中的自动化设备,实现仓库中材料的自动出入库操作和存储操作。第四、 自动化立体仓库可以有效的利用空间。分离式仓库其高度受结构厂房的限制,一般不能过高。而自动化立体仓库实现了库架合一,能够承受较大的风载,其高度较高,能够有效合理地利用空间。2. 技术发展方向未来我国自动化立体仓库技术发展的基本趋势如下:(1)传统产品的升级虽然我国在过去30年间,经过几代人的努力,物流技术与产品取得了长足的发展。但从总体来说,还存在产品规格单一,工
8、,还体现在物流系统集成技术的发展。系统集成技术涵盖系统规划、流程设计、设备选型、土建配合、项目管理、系统接口、系统测试、系统搬迁、系统上线诸多方面,是一门涉及多学科、多行业的复杂系统工程。 今天的物流发展,正朝着规模化、自动化的方向发展。超大型的物流配送中心的建设此起彼伏。仅2010年,建设成功和启动开工建设的超过5万平方米的配送中心不下20项。如北京高等教育出版社物流中心、北京物美商业集团物流中心、上海农工商新物流中心、李宁公司荆州物流中心、京东商城亚洲一号物流中心等。大型的自动化物流中心建设,对系统集成技术提出了新的要求。3. 企业的发展方向未来与立体化仓库应用有关的企业的发展,可以从几个
10、业发展的灵魂要在未来的广阔物流装备市场拥有一席之地,企业的创新是必由之路。依靠价格战赢得暂时的订单将不会长久。与其他行业一样,创新是企业发展的灵魂。只有不断的创新,生产出符合市场需求的产品才能在市场中经久不衰。4. 行业发展方向(1)仓储作业管理自动化水平逐步提高先进的工业化国家,由于工业高度自动化及计算机的广泛应用,生产得到了很大的发展,依靠生产技术的开发来获取利润的速度趋于稳定。过去很少有人注意的物流系统开始受到重视。物流领域的技术继生产和销售后将成为开发的重点。自动化立体仓库作为物流系统的重要组成部分将受到人们的重视。应用计算机和相应的控制装置使自动化立体仓库的作业管理水平获得了较大的提
11、高。随着生产的进一步发展,对物流系统的要求将更加严格。具体说来,就是在要求的时间内,在准确的地点,按准确的顺序与方法,提供准确的品种和数量的物体。要做到这一点,必须继续提高仓储作业的管理自动化水平,充分发挥人、物和控制系统之间的协调作用。(2)自动化仓库协作化进一步发展 几家企业共同利用仓库设施,共同发货,协作作业,能很好的提高储运效率。这样容易形成集团化仓库。它促进了仓库的联合运输,使车辆利用率增加,并节省了能源,提高了效率。(3)仓库作业向柔性化发展 多品种小批量的生产将是今后的发展方向,物流系统如何适应这种生产方式,将会是今后研究的一个重要课题。随着柔性化的普及,自动化立体仓库的仓储作业
13、能力和更快的运行速度,从而缩短出入库操作周期,获得更大的生产能力。(4)人工智能和专家系统也大量运用到自动化仓库系统中如高容错搬运系统、自诊断专家系统等已出现于部分复杂自动化仓库系统中。 智能自动化仓储技术, 即人工智能技术发展从自动化技术向更高级的阶段-智能自动化方向发展。现在,智能自动化仓储技术还处于初级发展阶段。以后仓储技术的智能化将具有广阔的应用前景。5.结束语自动化仓库是集多种高科技为一体的行业, 是典型的技术密集型、人才密集型的行业,是物流系统中的一个重要部分, 对实现企业生产自动化和一个国家的发展有着很大的作用。自动化立体仓库的产生和发展是现代制造业和现代物流业发展的结果,其自动
14、化程度高、容量大,满足现代物流业高速发展的需要,对它的研究已成为现代物流发展的重要内容。在计算机技术,通信技术和信息技术的推动下,信息化已成为自动化立体仓库发展的趋势,各仓库间不再独立,而是能够共享仓储资源,相互协调合作,降低运行成本,使仓库的整体运行效率达到最优成为现代物流系统的重要组成部分。 可以预见,国家今后将制定与推行一系列与国际接轨的自动化立体仓库技术标准,大力培育与规范立体仓库市场,倡导专用、特种仓库的研究与开发,重视冷链仓库的研发与应用,推动符合构建节约型社会、循环经济理念、节能减排、绿色环保的立体仓库技术与产品的研发,实现我国自动化立体仓库行业在“十二五”期间的跨越式发展。Au
15、tomated Warehouse1. The superiority of an automated warehouse Because of the special structure of the automated warehouse, it has the following advantages compared to the traditional warehouse:1.1 Improve space utilization Early warehouse idea, the basic starting point is to improve space utilizatio
16、n, limited and full of valuable land conservation. In some Western countries, improve space utilization point of view has been more widespread and profound meaning, conservation of land, has been with energy conservation, environmental protection and other areas more link. In some Western countries,
17、 improve space utilization point of view has been more widespread and profound meaning, conservation of land, has been with energy conservation, environmental protection and other areas more link. Automated warehouse space utilization and its planning are closely linked. In general, automated wareho
18、use space utilization of its ordinary level library of 2 - 5 times.1.2 Facilitate the formation of advanced logistics systems, improve production management levelTraditional cargo storage warehouse just a place to save the cargo is its only function is a static storage. Automated warehouse material
19、handling equipment using advanced automation, not only can automatically access the necessary goods in the warehouse, and can be connected with the organic production processes outside the warehouse, and through computer management systems and automated material handling equipment to make the wareho
20、use became production Logistics is an important part. Enterprises purchased parts and production parts made into automated warehouse storage is a part of the whole production, short-term storage at a specified time in order to automatically output to the next process of production, thus forming an a
21、utomated logistics system, which is a kind of dynamic storage , is a clear trend of automated warehouse technology development. It is conducive to the formation of advanced enterprise logistics system, thereby improving the overall management of the enterprise.1.3 Spare parts can be solved piecemeal
22、 materials such as complex featuresSpare parts and supplies department manages the entire enterprise piecemeal many various parts, spare parts supplies. The volume of irregular size items, and even different weight varying temperature, humidity, causing the overall storage environment requires compl
23、ex and diverse physical characteristics of the material status. Address these different physical properties of materials is the difficulty of proper storage and management of spare parts in the automated warehouse material management engineering applications. Elevated library system is one of the mo
24、st effective means to solve this problem. This is because: the Automated library as the center of the plant logistics system to solve the contradiction between supply and demand of circulation problems and all aspects of production, so that the number of required production volume and production and
25、 supply of raw materials and components to achieve an optimal value; Establish a computer network system enables outsourcing of raw materials and parts procurement in a more timely and meet the actual demand; Computer management system established to strengthen the macro-control function, so all asp
26、ects of production, production capacity to better meet the actual demand; Establish libraries and semi-finished products to address market demand and supply of temporary inconsistencies, give full play to the enterprises production potential. After the automated warehouse, inventory supplies occupy
27、significantly lower amounts than in the past, to save money.1.4 Warehouse automation level can be improvedAs a modern automated warehouse logistics facilities, to improve the level of warehouse automation plays an important role, mainly in four areas:First, the automated warehouse contains not only
28、the underlying automation equipment control and management, and basic data for a specific automated warehouse management system. Reduce labor intensity and improve the efficiency of logistics work.Second, automated warehouse management and control system is relatively independent of one subsystem ca
29、n be achieved on the three-dimensional database of all the best jobs out of storage allocation and access controls, and the data for statistical analysis in order to achieve macro-control of the logistics, the maximum limits to drop at the end of the occupation and capital stocks, accelerate cash fl
30、ow.Third, automated warehouse in the warehouse for a specific material, cargo space and other basic information management, optimize warehouse storage efficiency, the material in the library case management and warehouse automation control equipment to achieve automatic access to material warehouse
31、library operations and store operations.Fourth, the automated warehouse can effectively utilize space. Separate storage of plant height restricted structure, generally not too high. The library implements automated warehouse rack one, able to withstand greater wind loads, its height is higher, can b
32、e effective and rational use of space.2. Technology development The basic trend of the future automated warehouse technology development as follows: (1) Upgrading traditional products Although our country in the past 30 years, through the efforts of several generations, logistics technology and prod
33、ucts have made great strides. But generally speaking, there is a single product specifications, technological backwardness, product standards behind the product of large-scale production and low levels of a distinct disadvantage. This aspect will affect the market competitiveness of our logistics au
34、tomation equipment products, more important is the impact of Chinas economic development. Therefore, improving the technical content of traditional products, the level of development of the industry is the future direction for a long period of time effort. (2) Development key technologies Automated
35、warehouse technology focused on the key technical aspects of high speed, high efficiency and high reliability. This is one of the key technologies of the future development of logistics. High speed performance stackers, conveyors, sorters products. Such as the development speed over 300 m / min pall
36、et stacker, speed of more than 400 m / min shuttle speeds up to 150 m / min sorting machines. China is still a big gap in this regard. Although there are companies reached a certain height in the laboratory, but from the practical application there is quite some distance. High efficiency is manifest
37、ed in dealing with the logistics capability. Including sorting more than 10,000 high-speed sorting machines, integrated transport conveyor over 2000, as well as the efficiency of more than 100 pallets / hour speed palletizing machines. In addition, the development of independent property rights AGV,
38、 robot, etc., will also become the future direction of development. In short, tall, new, sharp development strategy is still the mainstream of future development. (3) Development information identifying technology and drive technology Automated warehouse technology is high-tech. Which automatic iden
39、tification technology, automatic control technology and drive technology is the key and core. However, it is regrettable that China so far, this part is used in the vast majority of imports. This aspect is market competition, but it also shows that our development is still in its infancy. How to mak
40、e a breakthrough in this regard, it may take several generations of effort. (4) Development Systems Integration Technology Development of automated warehousing technology, but also in the development of logistics systems integration technology. System integration technology covers systems planning,
41、the process design, equipment selection, civil cooperation, project management, system interface, system testing, system relocation, many aspects of the system line, is a multi-disciplinary, multi-industry complex systems engineering. Todays logistics development, is moving in large-scale, automated
42、 direction. Construction of large logistics distribution center after another. Only in 2010, the successful construction and start-up construction of more than 50,000 m2 distribution center in less than 20. Higher Education Press, logistics centers such as Beijing, Beijing Wumart logistics center, S
43、hanghai NGS new logistics center, logistics center Jingzhou Li Ning, Jingdong Mall of Asia One logistics center. Large automated logistics center construction, system integration technology put forward new demands.3. Development direction Future development and application of three-dimensional wareh
44、ouse related businesses, can be analyzed from several aspects:(1) specialized division of labor will be more clearlyWith the size of Chinas economy in 2010 than in Japan, demand for logistics companies will show an unprecedented situation. Previously restricted market demand for enterprise developme
45、nt will cease to exist, replaced with production capacity increased and margins to decline further to bring competition. Therefore, companies will move toward specialized division of labor. As a professional manufacturer of stackers, conveyors professional production enterprises, professional system
46、 integrators. Small but enterprises will face a serious crisis of survival. (2) companies will be increasingly high degree of integration With a clear specialization, enterprise integration will be higher. For the foreseeable future, the country is bound to have a number of companies and system inte
47、grators to enter the worlds top 20. Automated logistics systems become a world contender. Meanwhile, with the further expansion of the Chinese market, integrators around the world will shift its business focus to China.(3) Innovation is the soul of enterprise developmentTo have a place in the future
48、 the vast logistics equipment market, the companys innovation is the only way. Rely on price war to win temporary order will not last long. Like other industries, innovation is the soul of enterprise development. Only continuous innovation to produce products to meet market demand in the market endu
49、ring.4. Development of the industry(1) warehouse operations management and gradually increase the level of automation Advanced industrialized countries, due to the widespread use of highly automated and computer industries, the production has been a lot of development, relying on technology to develop and produce a profit rate stabiliz