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1、学习目标:学习目标:1.本课主要让学生学会说农本课主要让学生学会说农场里一些动物的名称。如:场里一些动物的名称。如:hen、duck、cow等;等;2.帮助同学们理解并运用句帮助同学们理解并运用句型:型:what are these/those?Are they.?How many.can you see?Lets get on the bus and go to Old MacDonald s farm(农场)(农场).我们坐上车去我们坐上车去Old MacDonald 的农场吧。的农场吧。Welcome to my farm. I have a lot of animals.Do you

2、know them?Listen and GuessWhats this?Its a .It is big .fig pigdigLook at the . /I/What are these?They are pigs. sListen and GuessWhats that?Its a .duckcutfunsunLook at the duck,In the sun .It is fun . Cut the bread. /What are those?They are ducks.sListen and GuessWhats this?Its a .horseh hor -or -se

3、sehenWhat is this?Its a . henh hen -en -henWhat are these?They are .sWhat is this?What is this?Its a shIts a sheeeep.p. sheep ee i: sh pone sheep,sheep ,five sheep,six sheep, seven sheep,four three sheep,two sheep,sheep sheeps sheeps family father sheepmother sheep? sheeps family lambfather sheepmot

4、her sheeplmWhat are these?They are .lamb sThey are sheep.What about those?Its a _.What is this ?Its an animal(动物).Its black and white.We can get milk from it.cowCow奶牛ow -ow -c cau What is this?Goat 山羊goa / u/ tIts a goat.What are these ?They are goats.What are these/those?lambshenssheepcowshorseshen

5、horsecowlambsheepgoatLets play games: What can you see? If you can , Please say it loudly. Are they cows?Yes, they are.Are they cows?No, they arent.123456Hello, I am a sheep.How many goats do you have?I have Five goats.句 型:What are tWhat are these/thosehese/those? ?They are.They are.Are they ?Are th

6、ey ?How many can you see?How many can you see?单 词:I have a big farm.There are many animals.I have 2 pigs, 2 hens,3 sheep, 3 ducks and 4 goats. 1.-What are these? - BA.Its a pig B.They are pigs2.-Are these hens? - CA.Yes,it is B.No,it isnt C.Yes,they are D.They are hens3.How many/much cows are there on your farm?


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