1、management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to information technology security, information technolog
2、y security, entrust XX City Center for educational information and equipment dedicated to the work. Network security leading group was set up, chaired by the Education Bureau Chief, head, for XX education Metro-network and information security emergency response leadership. Deputy group leader for X
3、X educational metropolitan area network and information security emergency response coordination, command. The team assist leader and deputy leader, responsible for network XX network security and information . Team. Information security work Conference held each semester, and deployment of informat
4、ion security of documents issued on a regular basis. Information security assessment is included in the annual index. Strictly implement the information security budget to ensure information security of investment. By XX, education information and equipment Centre XX network network security and inf
5、ormation security. According to the information technology security requirements, issued a document requires schools (units) implement, defined the information security guidelines, specific work practices, procedures, and requirements. Clear industry information security incidents (accidents) to det
6、ect, report and disposal processes. According to self-examination, the school (units) basic established has network security management system; the school (units) according to this units actual, established has units personnel management, information system room management, and equipment management,
7、 and media management, and network security construction management, and shipped dimension management, and service outsourcing, management system; developed has computer and the network of network security responsibility held system, signed has network security responsibility; website of information
8、 management personnel is responsible for confidential management, password management, on computer enjoys independent right, User name and password of the computer for its proprietary, and release of provisions is prohibited, such as leaks, investigated for responsibility. According to who is in cha
9、rge of whos in charge, who is running and who is responsible for, who uses principles of who is in charge of management schools (units) defined the roles and responsibilities of information security, assurance responsibilities to schools. XX city schools (units) total site 20, 19 of which were not c
10、lassified security protection assessment, of which 1 (XX education and resource network) for classified security protection levels, without third-level information systems. Total education information systems 1 (XX education cloud platform), contains features with e-Government, resource library, tes
11、t database, mail services, such as e-books, all intranet services. No for grade protection grading record and evaluation of school (units), requirements the school (units) according to information security grade protection about policy and standard, organization carried out information security grad
12、e protection security management system construction, and technology measures construction and grade evaluation, implementation grade protection system of the requirements, makes information system security management level obviouslyfacility up to 160 million Yuan, according to the standard, high qu
13、ality planning XX educational metropolitan area network realizes Wan Zhaokuan to schools, hundreds of megabytes of broadband to the table, wire (ie: Web, video, audio) to the target, electronic whiteboards, multimedia classrooms, remote interactive video teaching system of modern educational equipme
14、nt in the classroom. . With Intel company on XX Education City domain network of topic case design, relies on Cisco company thought Shu aid chuan project staff free provides has three years technology support, from 2009 began, according to high standards, and high of work thought, and manpower plann
15、ing, and points step implementation, using school earthquake Hou reconstruction of opportunities, again planning elementary and middle schools campus network and education city domain network, and local broadcasting network company cooperation, using broadcast TV network, will physical fiber laying
16、to each school, to minimum of cost achieved has physical fiber school school pass; Each school construction standards of campus network and network access to all rooms; XX education metropolitan area network center machine room equipment in the Ministry of education standardization management platfo
17、rm, the Central Library of audio-visual education resources, set up a Chinese teacher education cloud platform, implemented links the two platforms. At present, the citys primary and middle school students to computer 3198, vitality than 10:1; 809 equipment classes through the classroom (primary and
18、 secondary); 36 of the campus network. The establishment of an advanced, practical Gigabit educational metropolitan area network, the citys schools have access to educational metropolitan area network, schools have computer networks, closed-circuit television network, broadcast networks into the cla
19、ssrooms, realize the triple play. Schools share Internet bandwidth, can meet the needs of teaching of the school office and at any time. According to Ministry of education on full started implementation teaching points digital education resources full cover project of notification (taught technical
20、letter (2012) 74th,) and XX Province Department of education on issued XX province teaching points digital education resources full cover project implementation views of notification (chuan taught letter (2013) 18th,) requirements, I city 6 a teaching points implementation teaching points digital ed
21、ucation resources full cover project, combined I city specific situation, developed issued has XX City Bureau on teaching points digital resources full cover project of implementation programme, Established XX, full coverage of digital resources in modern distance education teaching project leading
22、group, XX, chaired the Secretary for education. Established, digital resources in modern distance education teaching, XX full coverage project group, XX, Director of the Center for educational information and equipment chaired Zhu Guiyan, responsible for distance education digital resources covering
23、 project work. Projects in XX city school digital resources in modern distance education teaching full-coverage project leading group, digital resources in modern distance education teaching, and XX full coverage project group leadership and organization, in accordance with the unified arrangement o
24、f the whole province, responsible for university education digital resources covering project management and implementation. According to provinces arrangements, I Center has arrangements Gong装修管理培训之物业管理员管理员, 物业, 装修, 培训装修管理培训一、 装修管理的意义随着物业业主的相继进驻,物业管理企业的日常管理重点将转移到装修管理中来,如果说业主办理进驻手续是跟物业企业第一次打交道,那么装修管
26、务的认可。二、 装修管理的流程 业主在整个装修过程中按照时间先后大致可分为三个阶段:装修手续办理、装修过程、装修验收等阶段。下面就每个装修阶段的不同特点加以分析。1、 装修手续办理每个物业管理企业的装修手续办理可能有所不同,一般的装修手续办理需要以下手续:、填写装修申请表、签订装修管理协议、签订施工单位保证书、审核装修图纸、送达装修管理规定、交纳装修保证金、交纳装修垃圾清运费、办理施工人员出入证件、办理施工许可证明等手续。在业主办理装修手续和审核装修图纸的时候,要充分了解业主的真实装修意图,解答业主的相关问题。例如:在承重墙上开门打洞、拆除室内承重梁柱、改动室内门窗位置、移动水电线路、移动弱电
27、线路(可视对讲、有线电视、网络、电话等)、改变烟道开口位置、改变下水管道、改变暖气管道线路、改变阳台用途、改变窗户玻璃颜色、改变进户门颜色和式样、随意安装防盗网、在顶层搭建构筑物、改变室内楼梯位置和样式、改变空调安装位置等等。解答了业主的这些疑问,就等于告知业主,那些是可以改变的那些是绝对不可改变的,同时夸大改动后可能给业主带来的后果与麻烦,让业主无形中形成如果这样做将产生巨大损失的意识。2、 装修施工过程 业主办理好装修手续后就要开始进场装修,根据装修工程的工种大致可分为:水电施工、地板瓷片铺设、木工、油漆、粉墙、清洁扫尾等。不同的业主和施工单位的不同要求,各工序可能先后进行,也可能交叉进行
28、,物业管理人员可根据现场情况灵活掌握。 业主的装修过程将是物业企业装修管理中的重中之重,要求我们的物业管理人员发扬不怕苦不怕累的精神,勤跑、勤问、勤看,发现问题及时处理,不能处理的及时上报,并记录在巡查记录上,做到有据可查,有字(业主签字)可认。同时尽可能详细记录业主的装修进程,包括业主的水电改动情况。当业主入住后,如果装修工程发生问题,而物业企业能够从档案中找出问题所在,将会给我们的工作带来极大的便利,同时也会让业主感受到我们的细心、周到的服务,贯彻了公司的服务宗旨。3、 装修验收 当施工单位施工完毕,业主提出装修验收需求时,物业管理人员应当和业主、施工单位负责人一起对业主已经装修完成的房屋
29、进行验收。验收的主要任务是记录和确认业主在装修过程中的违规行为,划分相应责任。装修验收过程中如果发现容然存在相关问题,一定要让业主、施工负责人签字认可,尽量减少物业企业在以后的工作中所担的责任和维修工作量。 通过对业主装修工程的验收,可以替业主挑装修施工单位的毛病,让业主真实感受到我们为他着想的,进一步增进感情,同时可以从侧面了解相关施工单位的整体施工水平,为以后的对施工单位管理和施工人员管理提供经验。三、 装修施工过程的管理前面讲过,一般情况下业主的装修流程为:装修施工单位测量尺寸绘制施工图纸办理装修手续材料、工人进场水、电线路改造结构改动铺设地板、瓷片木工制作墙壁施工油漆打扫卫生入住。当然
30、这个流程并不是一成不变的,有时相关工作可能同时交叉进行。在大多数业主的装修过程中,上下水管线的改造最快,也就是2-3天的时间,长一点的大约7天左右,铺设地板和瓷片的工期大约在5天左右,木工根据业主的需要有很大的变数,但一般来讲,木工占总工期的时间最长,强、弱电线路的改造往往跟随木工的进程而定,墙壁处理一般在10天左右。分解业主的装修流程和大致时间,目的就是找出容易发生违规装修的阶段和时间段,以便我们在相应的阶段和时间段加大巡查力度,及时发现和处理违规装修。四、 装修巡检1、 装修前的准备工作当业主办理好装修手续以后,我们建议业主和上下左右邻居沟通一下:“打扰了,从今天起我家开始装修,影响了您的
31、生活,请您谅解!”。好话说到前面,一旦将来有些噪音影响,卫生影响,相邻业主也不好意思投诉,这一点尤其是大多数业主已经入住的小区更加重要。可能有的业主不愿意做,我们可以告诉业主,如果有业主投诉他家产生装修噪音、卫生污染,我们将严加管理,相信他会做的。2、 材料、工人进场时的管理在业主材料、工人进场时,需要安全部门岗的密切配合,如果发现有异常的装修材料进场,一定要问清楚:具体房号、材料用途,及时和业主沟通,了解材料的真实用途,对于违规装修用材料阻挡在小区门岗之外。所谓异常的装修材料包括:大量水泥砂子砖块、大型型钢材料、大量钢筋、脚手架等等。往往这些材料的进场预示着业主将大兴土木,在房间内砌墙、在顶
32、层复式露台上搭建构筑物。因为房间的地板的承受重量是进过严格计算后设定的,随意增加地板的荷重,将会给整个房屋带来极不安全的因素。而顶层楼台搭建任何构筑物都是违反物业管理条例和小区业主公约的行为,这些行为我们都要严加制止。3、 水、电线路施工管理水电线路的施工也是业主装修工程的正是开始,同时也是我们装修巡检工作的重头戏。绝大多数业主为了居住美观,都将冷热水管暗埋在墙壁和地板之下,外表好看了,但隐患增大了。大多数的水管材质是PPR热融管,相对来讲,容易漏水的地方是接头部位。我们可以建议业主要求施工单位用加压泵打压,然后封闭4个小时以上,观察压力表的读数变化情况,压力表在0.2个压力下变动为正常,否则
34、的墙壁要做防水处理,目的是防止相隔房间受潮发霉。强电线路的改动,要注意电线的质量和型号,对有大功率电器的线路一定要有相匹配的电线,线路改动时最好走垂直线路,接头和转弯的地方要设置接线盒,以便将来检修。房顶的混凝土层较薄,切槽深度不得超过1.5。所有线路暗埋必须串管(PVC管),穿线管内不准有接头。弱电线路的改动一定要注意,只有专业人士才能完成。小区的可视对讲、安全防范系统必须经过物业管理企业指定的专业人员才能移动,而且是收费服务,一旦私自移位造成单元系统损失的,要照价赔偿的。4、 结构改造小区的房屋户型,是经过专业的设计师精心设计的,业主在购买房产时已经认可该户型,因此没有必要进行改建,而且也
35、不准改建,任何改建都将会影响到整座楼的安全。如果业主改动结构,将会产生很大的响声,要求安全部的密切配合,一旦发现有可疑情况,及时查看,可以要求施工人员停工,等业主到现场后文明情况再行处理。5、 地板、瓷片铺设业主在铺设房间的地板时,建议干铺,不能铺设太厚的混凝土层,以防楼板荷重太大。不能大面积的灌水泡地板,因为除了卫生间,其他房间都没有设置防水层,不能让楼下“下雨”。卫生间的地板一定要做好坡度,可以相对大一些,以利于及时排水。地漏一定要用防臭的,地漏、阴阳角、管道等地方要多做一次防水,马桶安装不能用水泥,要用洼胶。 6、下水管道、烟道的施工厨房和卫生间的下水管道施工时,建议业主用塑料扣板封闭,
36、不主张用水泥板、瓷片封闭,否则将来维修时将增加难度和恢复成本,尤其是底层业主更应该注意。厨房的烟道开口位置是根据国家规范设计的,不能做任何改动,否则极易产生串烟现象。如果业主执意要改,应该告诉他物业企业不会在接受他的报修。如果业主已经改动,当发生串烟时,可以购买止逆阀安装上。厨房的燃气管道不能有改动,否则燃气公司将不会通气,同时也会存在安全隐患。连接软管的长度不得超过2.5m,连接软管不得封闭在墙内,一旦发生泄漏,后果将十分严重。7、 木工施工相对来讲,对于业主的木工施工管理比较轻松,只需要查看业主的装修进度,注意防范施工人员的用电安全、消防安全、在公共区域施工问题、环境卫生的保持等方面的问题
37、。需要提醒业主的是:在吊顶和家具内安装的电线一定要穿线管,减少火灾隐患,尽量少安装大功率的照明设备。8、油漆施工 业主的墙壁和家具油漆施工,也是相对比较轻松的管理环节,需要提醒施工人员的是注意环境卫生,不能影响到相邻业主的正常生活,施工时一定要关闭进户门,提醒业主在注意劣天气情况下门窗要及时关闭,以防损坏已经完成的装修工程。9、装修工程的收尾及验收 所谓装修验收,就是将业主在装修过程中所发生的违规情况汇总,查看整改情况,对于没有处理的记录在档案中,由业主、施工负责人签字认可,分清责任。然后可以恭喜业主乔迁新居了,如果知道业主的详细搬家之日,到时上门恭喜,将会达到意想不到的效果。经过2个月左右的
39、人会对花粉过敏,要小心。 10、装修巡检的重点 了解了业主装修过程中的重点,也就明白了我们日常巡检的重点。在业主材料进场和水电路改造阶段,最少每天要巡查一次,有违规意图的业主,一天要巡检二次,否则:一天晚上他就可能破坏防水层,第二天封闭了,让你无法查看,留下隐患。对于后面的木工和墙壁施工,一般一天或二天一次巡检就可以了。五、 违规装修的管理虽然物业管理人员掌握了业主装修的流程,加强了日常装修巡检,但容然难以避免违规装修的出现,同时还有些业主为了自己的需求,明知装修违规却一意孤行,这就需要物业管理人员努力沟通,尽量减少重大违规装修的出现。1、结构改动 这一类违规装修是最严重的违规,主要表现在:在
40、承重墙上开门、开孔、做壁橱,改变室内楼梯位置,在室内砌砖墙,在天花板上安装很重的物品,在室内安装阁楼,拆除卧室窗下墙体,在外墙上随意打孔开门开窗等等。物业管理企业应该坚决制止这一类违规装修,必要时可以采取一些非常手段,同时上报相关管理部门共同处理。2、改变房屋用途 这一类违规装修主要表现在:扩大卫生间的门窗尺寸,更改卫生间干湿隔墙的位置,将卧室改为卫生间,将阳台改为洗衣间,将主卧卫生间改为书房或衣柜,改变空调的安装位置,改变燃气暖气管道等等。针对这类违规装修,物业管理企业应尽量阻止其改动,告知业主这样改动应该承担的责任,可能会对其以后的入住生活带来的麻烦等后果。将改动情况详细记录在档案中,并让
41、业主签字认可。3、线路改动以及房屋外观改变 这一类违规装修主要表现在:破坏了卫生间的防水层,上水管道暗铺在地板内,用水泥板和瓷片封闭卫生间和厨房的下水管道并没有预留检修孔,改动主下水管道,改变烟道的开孔位置,将污水管连接到雨水管中,可视对讲移位,改变进户门样式颜色,改变窗户玻璃颜色,随意安装防盗网等等。同样物业管理企业也应尽量阻止其改动,告知业主这样改动应该承担的责任,相应的地产公司保修期将取消。将改动情况详细记录在档案中,并让业主签字认可。4、破坏环境卫生 这一类违规装修主要表现在:装修垃圾没有按照规定运放,污染损坏公用设施设备,噪音污染,高空抛物,空气污染,将装修垃圾倒入下水管道等等。这一
42、类违规一般情况下是施工人员造成的,需要安全部和保洁部的密切配合,发现一起,严肃处理一起,必要时可以要求相关人员离开小区,但一定要及时联系施工负责人和业主讲明原因,避免不必要的误会。 综上所述,物业管理企业虽然尽力阻止违规装修的出现,但我们不是执法机构,没有执法权,相信随着物权法的颁布执行,每个业主都有维护自己财产的权力,我们可以借助相邻业主的力量,共同维护物业的完好。六、 装修管理中的人际关系处理(暂略 )1、 物业管理人员与业主的关系2、 物业管理人员与施工人员的关系3、 业主与施工人员的关系4、 业主与相邻业主的关5、 施工人员与相邻业主的关系七、 装修管理案例(暂略外商投资企业需改变登记
43、注册事项,应当及时办理变更登记。变更项目应在报经原审批机关批准后30天内向登记主管机关申请办理变更登记。improve, security prevention capacity obviously enhanced, security hidden and security accident obviously reduced, effective guarantees information health development. XX Education Centre regularly carry out day-to-day network security monitoring i
44、nformation and equipment. By the appropriate technical staff, XX network engine room maintenance staff on site management and maintenance on a regular basis, scheduled viewing of networks, systems, databases and associated equipment operating conditions, and make a record. Computer lab maintenance m
45、anagers regularly run a variety of devices in the school information system parameters, server systems and various data backup, so that there was a hardware failure in a system crash can resume quickly and efficiently. Computer lab maintenance managers establish a network antivirus system, Avira Vir
46、us system on a regular basis, and anti-virus software security assessment, time to upgrade. Computer lab maintenance management for all equipment in the room a regular dust, replace the old label. Regularly host servers, network switches, core routing, firewalls, hardware maintenance, such as equipm
47、ent failure, should be processed in a timely manner in order to ensure safe and reliable operation of the system. In XX city information and equipment was established within the Centre, educational metropolitan area network center machine room XX. Servers and data stores and applications to set up i
48、n XX City metropolitan area network center machine room. WindowsServer2003, windowsServer2008, windowsServer2012, Linux, the operating system, the database for SQL Server2008, Office software, such as Microsoft Office software. Schools (units) of computer, information system security products for domestic products, including the use of 360 and kingsoft Internet security software. XX education metropolitan area network used by the server for HP, firewall and information s