1、新GRE作文备考新GRE作文如何备考,快来一起,分享下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。新GRE作文备考自我定位 明确目标每位考GRE的考生专业背景、准备时间和英语基础都是不同的,因此在GRE作文中面临的问题也不一样,有的考生可能语言和思想都很出色,有的可能语言好,但思路经常扩展不出去,有的可能思想层面上有了,但不知道用什么语言表述出来,不知道如何正确的表达。因此,考生在准备GRE作文之前,要对自己做好定位,属于哪种类型,明确自己的弊端和优势,才能进行针对性的高效复习。提高效率 高效备考很多考生卯足干劲儿,一天一篇issue或argument,但到头来却发现收效甚微。因为如果不注重总结自己的问
2、题,犯过的错误一味走下去,沉溺于题海战术中,只能事倍功半。因此虽然建议多练习,但不推荐一味只知道写写写,而是找考友或老师帮助你修改得更好,让你可以通过修改了解自己语法或思维上存在的问题,找到问题的根源并解决它,下一次不再犯同样的错误,打好基础,方能稳步提高。实战写作 写好提纲如果时间很紧,你来不及都练一遍,但至少要都看一遍题库,因为考场上时间短,把太多心思花在构思上,相对的用于准备其他地方的时间就少,但如果题目都已看过,一眼就知道想要写的思路,就可以在语言等方面下更多功夫了,也就更容易写出好的文章。Argument也许用不着每个都准备提纲,但issue最好是能每一篇都仔细想一想大概怎么写,到时
3、再考场上,就能下笔如有神了。愿考生取得佳绩,实现美国留学梦!GRE写作解析The following appeared as a letter to the editor from a Central Plaza store owner. Over the past two years, the number of shoppers in Central Plaza has been steadily decreasing while the popularity of skateboarding has increased dramatically. Many Central Plaza s
4、tore owners believe that the decrease in their business is due to the number of skateboard users in the plaza. There has also been a dramatic increase in the amount of litter and vandalism throughout the plaza. Thus, we recommend that the city prohibit skateboarding in Central Plaza. If skateboardin
5、g is prohibited here, we predict that business in Central Plaza will return to its previously high levels. Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation is likely to have the predicted result. Be sure to explain how the a
6、nswers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.步骤:滑板增多之后生意下降;店主的话 滑板导致生意下降假设:没有它因;店主的话可靠反例:店主经营不善;经济危机;网购增多补充证据:商店策略的变化;社会经济环境的变化;消费习惯的变化步骤:滑板增多之后垃圾和破坏公物增多滑板导致假设:没有它因反例:管理不善补充证据:调查plaza对于环境维护的投入的变化步骤:滑板导致生意下降禁止滑板可以使生意恢复假设:滑板没有造成plaza声誉的毁灭性打击反例:滑板彻底使得消费者对plaza失去兴趣,并在其它地方形成了新的商业区,
7、形成了固定的消费行为补充证据:消费者目前有没有形成新的消费区域GRE写作官方题库高频ARGUMENT题目满分范文分享: reverse a decline in listener numbersGRE作文官方题库ARGUMENT题目:The following appeared in a memorandum from the manager of WWAC radio station: To reverse a decline in listener numbers, our owners have decided that WWAC must change from its current
8、 rock-music format. The decline has occurred despite population growth in our listening area, but that growth has resulted mainly from people moving here after their retirement. We must make listeners of these new residents. We could switch to a music format tailored to their tastes, but a continuin
9、g decline in local sales of recorded music suggests limited interest in music. Instead we should change to a news and talk format, a form of radio that is increasingly popular in our area. Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how
10、 the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.【满分范文赏析】This memo recommends that WWAC radio station shift from rock-and-roll (R R) music programming to news and talk programming. To support this recommendation the manager indicates that the number of WWAC listeners is decreasing while the num
11、ber of older people in WWAC s listening area is increasing. The manager also points out that area sales of music recordings are in decline. Finally, the manager cites the success of news stations in nearby cities. Careful scrutiny of the manager s argument reveals several unproven assumptions, which
12、 render the argument unconvincing.【本段结构】本文采用了标准的Argument开头段结构,即CAF的开头结构。本段首先概括原文的Conclusion,之后简要提及原文为支持其结论所引用的一系列Assumption及细节,最后给出开头段到正文段的过渡句,指出原文的Flaw,即这些Assumption无法让原文逻辑上没有问题。【本段功能】作为Argument开头段,本段具体功能就在于发起攻击并概括原文的结论,即WWAC广播台应当把当下的摇滚音乐节目更换为新闻访谈节目。本段接下来提到了原文中为支持之前的Conclusion所提供的证据,包括WWAC的听众正在下降然而
13、WWAC广播地区的老年人的数量正在上升,这些地区音乐唱片的数量也在下降,以及邻近地区另外一家广播台的成功案例。文章提及这些信息,为是在正文段中对这些Assumption即将进行的具体攻击做铺垫。First, the manager assumes that the decline in the number of WWAC listeners is attributable to the station s current format. Perhaps the decline is due instead to WWAC s specific mix of R R music, or to
14、transmission problems at the station. Without ruling out these and other possible reasons for the decline, the manager cannot convince an audience that changing the format would reverse the trend.【本段结构】本段采用了标准的Argument正文段结构,即先是提及原文的第一个逻辑错误,之后分析该逻辑错误的原因,接下来,进一步分析这样的错误为什么让原文的Conclusion不成立。【本段功能】作为正文第一
15、段,本段攻击原文所犯的第一个重要逻辑错误因果类错误。原文当中假设广播地区的人数下降导致了WWAC听众下降的Assumption是不成立的,因为可能存在其他原因。因此在没有考虑这些因素的情况下,原文当中的这个观点是不合理的。Secondly, the manager s assumption that older people favor all-news programming is unsubstantiated. Perhaps WWAC listeners are dedicated R R fans who will continue to prefer this type of pr
16、ogramming as they grow older. Or perhaps as WWAC s regular audience ages, they will prefer a mix of R R and news programming rather than one format to the total exclusion of the other. Besides, the number of young people in the listening area might be increasing as well. In short, the mere fact that
17、 the number of older people in WWAC s listening area is increasing suggests nothing about WWAC s best programming strategy.【本段结构】本段采用了标准的Argument正文段结构,即先是提及原文的第二个逻辑错误,之后分析该逻辑错误的原因,接下来,进一步分析这样的错误为什么让原文的Conclusion不成立。【本段功能】作为正文第二段,本段攻击原文所犯的第二个重要逻辑错误因果类错误。原文假设老年人并不会喜欢在广播电视台收听摇滚音乐,但有可能实际情况是恰恰相反的,因为人们爱听摇
18、滚乐,即便岁数增大也会收听。或者另外一种情况,老年人数上升并不意味着摇滚音乐就没有了听众。在没有考虑到这些因素的情况下,原文的这个观点是没有说服力的。Finally, it is unwarranted to infer from the success of all-news stations in surrounding areas that WWAC will also succeed by duplicating the same format. Those stations might well owe their success to their powerful transmit
19、ters, popular newscasters, or other factors. Besides, the very success of these stations suggests that the area s radio listeners might favor those well-established news providers over the fledgling all-news WWAC.【本段结构】本段采用了标准的Argument正文段结构,即先是提及原文的第四个逻辑错误,之后分析该逻辑错误的原因,接下来,进一步分析这样的错误为什么让原文的Conclusio
20、n不成立。【本段功能】作为正文第四段,本段攻击原文所犯的第四个重要逻辑错误类比类错误。原文假设邻近地区某广播台的成功模式可以应用到WWAC广播台。但实际上这个广播台成功的原因并非是WWAC能够做到的,也就是这种类比并不能成立。所以,原文的这个观点是没有依据的。新GRE作文备考相关文章:1.带你了解托福与雅思的区别2.托福阅读备考重点提升托福写作的终极秘诀是什么 提升托福写作的终极秘诀是什么?今天小编给大家带来了提升托福写作的终极秘诀 ,希望能 雅思写作提高之从5分到6.5分的5天过程分享 雅思写作提高之从5分到6.5分的5天过程分享,一起来学习一下吧,下面小编就和大家分享, 第 9 页 共 9 页