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1、 14. Whatis the mans advice about taking exams?A. T alki n g w ith others . B. W orking h ard.C. Keeping h ealth y .C. C lean.听第二段材料,回答第 15 和 16 小题。 初中九年级上期英语期末考试题初中九年级上期英语期末考试题15. Whatdid Jack think of the lake?A. Beau ti fu l.B. Di rty.( 全卷共九个大题 满分:150 分 考试时间:120 分钟)16. Why did Jack tak e the w at

2、er and dead fish to the p ark leader?A. To enjoy th em w ith the lead er.注意事项:B. To give th em to the leader as p resents.1、试题的答案填涂或者书写在答题卡上,不得在试卷上直接作答。2、作答前认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项。C. To show the pollution of lake.第四节 短文理解:听短文选答案 (每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分)听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。第 I 卷(共 9

3、5 分)I. 听力测试。(共 30 分)17. Mr. and Mrs . White decided to painttheir house th em s elves because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .A. itw as eas y to paint第一节 情景反应:听句子选应答语(每小题 1.5 分,共 9 分)听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的应答语,并把B. th ey w anted to s ave m oney答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。C. No one w ould h elp th em1. A. Me,

4、 too.B. I think so.C. T hank you.18. T hey b egan to paintthe b ack of the house _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .2. A. Im sorry to hear that.3. A. I am kind.B. Thats all right.B. Sure. H ere you are.B. Yes, I li ke.C. No p rob lem .C. Not at all.A. On S atu rday m orningC. On Sunday m orningB. On S

5、 atu rday aftern o o n4. A. Yes, I do.C. Yes, Id like to.C. For three hours.C. It doesnt matter.19. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p ainted the front of the house.A. Mr. and Mrs . White5. A. Tom orrow .6. A. No, thanks.B. At3 pm .B. Mr. WhiteB. Youre welcome.C. Mrs . White第二节 短对话理解:听短对话选答案 (每小题 1.5 分,共 9

6、 分)听一遍。根据你所听到的短对话和问题,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。20. Whatw ould th ey do if th ey w anted to painttheir house again?A. T hey w ould do it them s elves .B. T hey w ould be m ore careful or pay som eone els e to do it.C. T hey had no i dea.7. A. No, she cant.B. Yes, she can .B. Classm ates .

7、C. We dont know.8. A. A teacher and a student.9. A. She ag rees w ith the m an.C. She li kes pop singers.10. A. Its good for our eyes.C. We can learn nothing.11. A. In the res tau ran t.12. A. 9:00.C. A father and a dau ghter.II. 单项选择。 (每小题 1 分,共 10 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。

8、B. She di s agrees w ith the m an.B. Its bad for our health.21.H ello ! May I sp eak to Ali ce?S o rry, she _ _ _ _ _ Shanghai.B. On the s treet.B. 9:15.C. At hom e.C. 9:30.A. h ave gone toB. has b een toC. has b een inC. Eas ilyD. has gone toD. C arefu lly22.Do you know the accident last night?第三节

9、长对话理解:听长对话选答案 (每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分)听两遍。根据你所听到的长对话,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。Yes. _ _ _ _ _ , no one gothurtin the acci den t.A. L uckilyB. Qu i ckly23._ _ _ _ _ the evenin g of August8th, 2008, the 29th Oly m pic Gam es _ _ _ _ _ in Beijing.A. In; h eld B. On; was h eld C. At; h eld D. For;

10、w ere h eld听第一段材料,回答第 13 和 14 小题。13. Whats the womans problem?24.Well travel to Hainan Island next weekend. Would you like to go with us?No, I cant _ _ it at present.A. She feels nervous about the test.B. She doesnt work hard.C. She has n ever taken any tes ts .A. affo rdB. s aveC. o fferD. refu s e

11、九年级英语试题卷第 1 页(共 10 页)九年级英语试题卷第 2 页(共 10 页) 25. Bo ys and girls, p leas e li s ten to m e carefu lly. I h ave _ _ _ _ _ to tell you.b alan ce(平衡), you must keep moving. It doesnt matter that you have fallen once or maybem any tim es. L ife goes on! Your biggest en em ies are hiding in youlaziness, fe

12、ar and doubt.A. im portantsom ethingC. som ething im p ortant26. I as ked himB. anything im p ortantD. im portantnothingYou40 be a w arrior(斗士)of your dream s and g oals and fightfor them .out for a picnic today, but he didnt listen to m e.Thats too bad!31. A. m oney32. A. com e tru e33. A. ang ry34

13、. A. AllB. progressB. com e outB. lovingC. tim eD. fri en dsD. com e fro mD. w ildA. didnt goB. doesnt goC. notgoingD. notto goC. com e upC. p erfectC. Everyon eC. w hateverC. laughingC. four27. L isten! Som ebody is singing in the next room , whoitbe? Is it Wei Fang?No, itbe h er. She is atschool n

14、ow.B. NobodyB. w heneverB. playingB. th reeD. ItA. w ill, m ay notC. can, cantB. m ust, m ustntD. can, wont35. A. w hoever36. A. com ing37. A. tw oD. how everD. fightingD. fi ve28. _Mikes friends _he were invited to the party. And all of them spent aw onderful nightthere.38. A. SoB. Becau s eB. Keep

15、ingB. shouldC. AlthoughC. To keepC. needntD. IfA. Not only, butalsoC. Nei th er, norB. Ei ther, orD. Both, and39. A. Kept40. A. mustntD. K eepD. m ay29. He p lays b as ketb all very w ell, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ he is nottall enough.A. th en B. so C. althoughIV. 阅读理解。 (第 4143 小题,每小题 1 分;第 4459 小题,每小题 2 分

16、,共 35 分)阅读下列材料,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。D. because30.Do you know _ _ _ _ _ ?ASorry, I dont know.A. whats the population of JapanB. w hatthe population of Fran ce isC. how m uch of the population of Jap an isD. how m any is the population of Fran ceIII. 完形填空。 (每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)Mr. Sm i

17、th is an old m an. He is very kind, so m any people li ke him . He li kes traveli n g . Butth ere is som ething w rong w ith his eyes , so he cant see clearly.One day he cam e to New York by trai n . He w ent there to visithis best friend. After he gotth ere in the evening, he found his fri en d w a

18、sntathom e. So he had to find a hotel to li ve in.T he n ext day, his fri en d didnt com e b ack. In the aftern o o n he w ent to buy two b o ttles ofw ine. When he cam e b ack to his room , he found a fly ( 苍蝇)on the w all. Buthe thoughtitw as anail( 钉子), so he putthe b o ttles on it. Of cours e, i

19、t cam e dow n to the floor and th ey w ere broken.He had to buy another tw o b ottles .根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。One day, a son went to his father for advice. “Dad, I cant do this anymore,” he said. “ Mylessons are boring and tiring, and I havent made any31. I dont thi

20、nk Ill ever playT he w aiter in the hotel knew this, and th en he puta nail into the w all.When he cam e b ack, he lo oked up at the w all and found the fly was th ere again. So hew alked carefu lly and hit hard. At once he cri ed lou dly.football w ell and m y d ream w ill neverT he fath er loo ked

21、 at his son w ith3233. ”eyes and said, “Well, my dear son, everyperson has a d ream a goal of his life. It makes us do what we are doing, because its what we41. One day, Mr. Sm ith _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to New Y ork.believe in. We have to fight for it. ”A. w alkedB. took a busC. took the p laneD. took the t

22、rai nD. in a res tau ran t34has m om en ts w hen li fe s eem s too h ard, m om en ts w hen we feel like giving up is35 hard we try, well never reach our goals and achieve42. Mr. Sm ith s tayed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w hen he cam e to New Y ork.A. athis fri en ds hom e B. athis p arents hom e C. in a hotel43.

23、 In fact, the second tim e Mr. Sm ith saw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on the w all.the only choice. We think th at,our dreams. Its OK to feel down for a little while, but never stop36. When ourd ream s di e, we di e.A. a flyB. a nailC. a b o ttle of wine D. a pictureBA m an w ith wisdom once said, “ There are 37

24、stages for a mans growingknowingthat not everyone is just around us and for us; knowing that how ever hard w e try , the goals andd ream s s eem alw ays far aw ay; knowing that how ever far aw ay the d ream s are, w e w ill s till tryeverything we can . ”What are your p lans for the sum m er vacati

25、on ? H ere are th ree sum m er cam ps in 2020. Youcan choose for your sum m er vacati on . If you join the sum m er cam ps, you w ill feel exci ted andenjo yab le.38you need to remember one thing, “Life is justlike riding a b icycle.39your九年级英语试题卷第 3 页(共 10 页)九年级英语试题卷第 4 页(共 10 页) Smart Camp 2020fil

26、l her stomach with water because its polluted, and who has watched her father, little brotherand sister die b ecaus e the fam ily is too poor to see a doctor. Is it h ard to b eli eve? For Mari aPas to ra, thes e are the real li fe.Sm art C am p is exciting w ith ro ck cli m bing, row ing, swim m in

27、g and other activities.Cam p Dates : Ju ly 10-23Age: 13-16 y ears oldMari a w ould g ladly w alk m i les to school, but her m other n eeds her at hom e. If Mari agrow s up w ithoutgoing to school, w hatw illbe her future?Cost: $135T el: 9619-2389But just spending 52 cen ts a day, you can sponsor a c

28、hild like Maria. Through “Save theChildren”, you can help Marias mother get the tools, the ways she can turn their poor food intoa good dinner, the m oney she n eeds to buy clo th es and school things fo r Maria.To h elp Mari a m ost, you m oney is put to g ether w ith th at of other sponsors, soh a

29、rd-working people can help themselves. Build a school, a hospital bring in clean water.This is what “Save the Children” has been about since 1932.Http:/www. Rh fleet. org/ events/ sum m er-cam .Social Skill Camp 2020T each students to m as ter som e social s ki lls in group, such as listening, m aki

30、ng and keep ingfriends ; im proving s elf-con fi den ce( 自信) and so on.Cam p Dates : Ju ly 13-20For you th ere are m any rew ards(回报). H ave the chan ce to w rite to or h ear fro m yoursponsored child. Recei ve photos or progress rep orts . Know you are helping an other person.Thats how “Save the Ch

31、ildren” works. But without you, it cant work. Please take a momentnow to fill in and postthe fo rm b elow to h elp a child li ke Mari a and her villag e. It can make such a difference in her life and yours.Cost: $270Pleas e call 9726-9580.To know m ore inform ati on and detai ls , p leas e visit our

32、 w ebsite: Http:/www. 9640 L o .Music Camp 2020Music Cam p is funny! Pleas e com e and join in the new and fun m usical acti vi ti es ! You cantak e p leas u re and learn all kinds of m usical know ledge h ere.Cam p Dates : Ju ly 17-3148. Mari a did all the follow ing EXCEPT(除了)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

33、A. w ashing clo th esB. w orking h ard in the fi eldD. w orking as a doctorC. looking after a baby49. “Save the Children” is _ .A. a group to h elp poor children g et clean w aterB. an o ffi ce of the governm ent to collect m oneyC. a p rogram shown at th eaters to h elp the poorCam p hours: 9:00 a.

34、m . to 6:00 p.m .Pri ce: $150 each w eekPleas e call 9935-8857 or visitour w ebsite: www. Music Cam p L o ver. com .D. a group who w orks fo r children in poor places44. Youd like to join _ if you are interested in how to go on well with others.50. The underlined word “ sponsor ” means “_ ” in Chine

35、se .A. Social Skill Cam p 2020C. Sm art C am p 2020B. Sports Cam p 2020D. Music Cam p 2020A. 回报B. 资助C. 感恩D. 抢救51. T he last sentence in the letter tells us that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .A. we w illgetsom e m oney if Mari a goes to schoolB. whatwe give is m ore th an whatwe tak e45. You can learn how toA

36、. m ake fri en dsin Sm art C am p 2020.B. sing and dan ceC. cli m b ro cks and swimD. im p rove your art abilitiesC. both Marias life and ours will change a lotD. Mari e and we can h elp each other at school46. Itw ill costyou _ _ _ _ _ _ to learn m usic fortw o w eeks in the cam p.A. $135 B. $270 C

37、. $150D. $30047. You w ill h ave to visit your uncle in an other ci ty from July 24 to July 26, youd better callDat_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the m issing days in the sum m er cam p.It is very im p ortant to learn about the environm en t. T h ere are m any w ays to unders tandhow to p ro tect the e

38、nvironm en t, such as readi n g books, asking som eone and so on. You arestudents. In your sp are tim e, you can read as m any books as possible. Books in the li b rary arew orth readin g. T hey w ill help you learn . Ask your classm ates or librarians for som e suggestions.T hey h ave good ideas .

39、You can als o get inform ati on about the environm ent on som e goodw ebsites. Bes i des thes e, I h ave som e suggestions.A. 9619-2389B. 9726-9580C. 9935-8857D. 9586-6634CDear Read er,Im agine an 11 -y ear-o ld girl w ashing clothes , looking after a bab y, w orking h ard in thefield all day. Imagi

40、ne a little girl who knows there will not be enough food for dinner, who cant九年级英语试题卷第 5 页(共 10 页)九年级英语试题卷第 6 页(共 10 页) In our everyday li fe, som e people use les s en erg y by carpooling. For exam p le, th ree orfour persons can ride together in one car ins tead of driving th ree or four cars to w

41、 ork. Us ually itis tim e-s avin g and convenient to carp ool w ith their neighbors to tak e their chi ldren to school.Whenever w e use electri ci ty, we should tu rn off lights, the T V , the com puter and so on w hen wedont use them .56. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sm all actions and their m eanings are m e

42、ntioned in the p assage.A. T h ree B. Four C. Five D. six57. If you tell your foreign fri en d aboutyour im portant test tom orrow , he w ould li kely_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .A. shrug his shouldersC. s cratch his h eadB. keep his fin gers crossedD. rub his chin58. Whats the main idea of the passage?On the oth

43、er hand, we should use energy -saving products. Som e products, li ke new en erg ycars , are m ade s p eci ally to s ave en erg y. T hese c ars can travel longer th an ordin ary cars . T heyproduce les s pollution, too. Som e p roducts li ke com p u ters and T Vs w ith the ENERG Y S AVINGlab el(标签)

44、are m ade to s ave en erg y. T he p roducts w ith thes e lab els w ill help us p rotect theenvironm en t.A. Body language is a good way to unders tand each o th er.B. Di fferen t ges tu res h ave di fferen t m ean ings.C. Som e basic m o vem en ts m ade by Wes tern ers and their m eanings.D. Fu lly

45、understanding w hatyou see is very im p ortan t.59. If we putthe passage into th ree p arts , w hich of the follow ing is the best?( = Para. ( 自然段)1 = Para. 2 = Para. 3 = Para. 4 = Para. 5 = Para. 6)Secon dly, we should buy recy clab le p roducts instead of n on -recyclab le( 不可回收的) ones.Recy clab l

46、e p roducts us ually tak e les s en erg y. W hen we go shopping, pay atten ti o n to therecy cle m ark on the p ackag e: a ci rcle and th ree arrow s( 箭头).A. ; ; C. ; ; B. ; ; D. ; ; 52. T he passage is m ain ly w ri tten forA. p roducers B. students53. T he underlined w ord “carpooling” in Parag ra

47、p h 2 refers to(指).V. 口语应用。 (每小题 1 分,共 5 分)C. businessm enD. dri vers阅读下面对话,从方框内 7 个选项中选择 5 个恰当的句子完成此对话。.A. How many times have you visited there?B. How far is it from here?A. sharing a carB. buying a carC. rep airing a carD. producing a car54. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ produce les s pollution.A. Recy clab le p

48、 roductsC. Did you take a ship or a plane there?D. Wow! Its really a beautiful city.E. I have never been there before.F. Which city in America do you like best?G. Me, too.B. New en erg y c arsD. Com p u ters w ithC. T Vs w ith55. T he best title of the passage isA. L earn aboutthe Environm ent.B. Us

49、e Energ y-saving Pro du ctsC. Som e Suggestions for Environm en t Protecti onD. Use L ess Energ y by C arpoolingA: Hi, Jason! You are going to Am eri ca again !B: Yes, Tom . I really lo ve that country.EA:B: T h ree tim es. E very tim e I traveled th ere, I could h ave di fferen t feeli n gs .A: Tha

50、ts amazing. 61B: L os An geles . Although itis notas m o dern as New Y ork, itstill has its own b eau ty.A: 62 Can you show m e som e p ictures you h ave taken ?B: Sure! Um Here, have a look.A: 63 I think I have to go th ere one day.B: Yes, you m ust.A: 6460Body language is one of the best ways to f


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