1、提出问题,诱人思考结尾欣赏仅供参考欢迎阅读*by questioning thinking#提出问题,诱人思考结尾欣赏the only question left to be settled now is: are women persons? and i hardly believe any of our opponents will have the hardihood to say they are not. being persons, then, women are citizens; and no state has a right to make any law, or to e
2、nforce any old law, that shall abridge their privileges or immunities. hence, every discrimination against women in the constitutions and law of the several states is today null and void, precisely as in every one against negroes.那么,现在要解决的惟一问题是:妇女是不是人?我很难相信,反对我们的人中有谁敢说她们不是人。妇女既然是人,也就是公民。无论哪一个州都无权制定新
3、法律或重新执行旧法律来剥夺妇女的权利或特权。因此,现在,无论哪一州的宪法或法律,一切歧视妇女的法律,正如以往一切歧视黑人的法律一样,都统统被视为无效的、非法的。*by prospecting supporting#展望、共勉式结尾欣赏i utter this word with deepest affection and from the very bottom of my heart. today i am obliged to retire, but for a few days only. the hour of battle will find me with you again, b
4、y the side of the champions of italian liberty. let those only return to their homes who are called by the inoperative duties which they owe to their families, and those who by their glorious wounds have deserved the credit of their country. these indeed, will serve italy in their home by their coun
5、sel, by the very aspect of the scars which adorn their youthful brows. apart from these, let all others remain to guard our glorious banners. we shall meet again before long to march together to there demolition of our brothers who are still slaves of the stranger. we shall again before long to marc
6、h to new triumphs.我从内心深处说出这些最真诚挚爱的话。今天我不得不暂时离开几天。等到战斗打响,你们会发现我又来到你们中间,站在为争取意大利自由而战的战士身旁。让家里有紧迫事情而必须回家的人回去吧,让为国光荣负伤的人回去吧,他们无愧于自己的祖国。他们必定会在后方继续为国家服务,他们的伤痕就是忠于意大利的光荣标记。除了他们之外,让其余的人都留下来捍卫我们光荣的旗帜吧。不久我们就会重聚在一起,共同进军去解救那仍在异族奴役之下的兄弟,不久我们就会重聚在一起,向新的胜利进军。you ought to thank god tonight if, regardless of your ye
7、ars, you are young enough in spirit to dream dreams and see visions-dreams and visions about a greater and finer america that is to be: if you are young enough in spirit to believe that poverty can be greatly lessened; that the disgrace of involuntary unemployment can be wiped out; that class hatred
8、 can be done away with; that peace at home and peace abroad can be maintained; and that one day a generation may possess this land, blessed beyond anything we now know, blessed with these thingsmaterial and spiritualthat make mens life abundant. if that is the fashion of your dreaming then i say: hold fast to your dream. american needs it.无论你们年岁几何,假如你们在精神上青春常在,善于梦想,能够想像出一个未来更伟大优越的美国;相信贫穷现象将会彻底消灭;相信阶级仇恨将完全消除;相信国内的安定与国际的和平能永远保持;相信子孙后代有一天能够使我们的国家掌握现在想像不到的物质和精神财富,令人类的生活丰富无比。如果你们怀有这样的青春梦想,今夜你们应该感谢上帝。如果这就是你们的梦想,那么我说:深深地沉入你们的梦想,牢牢地把握并实现它吧。美利坚需要它。 感谢阅读第 4 页 共 4 页