1、Word雅思写作Task1书信考官范文(15) (英语作文)啦雅思频道特为大家收集整理了雅思写作Task1书信考官范文。仔细研读肯定的雅思范文及作文模板可以关心我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地汲取和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容更多雅思报名官网的最新消息,最新、最专业的雅思备考资料,(英语作文)啦将第一时间为大家发布。 You will move to a new city for work. You know some people who live there. Ask them for help finding accommodation Tell them where you would
2、like to live Tell them the type of place you are looking for You do NOT need to write your own address. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir/Madam, Model Answer: Dear Sir/Madam, I wanted to let you know that I am coming to live in (city) and I would like to ask if you can help me with a few things
3、 before I arrive and start my new job. Do you think you could give me a hand finding somewhere to live? Ideally I would like to live close to where I am going to be working, or in the downtown district. If possible I would like to be near some shops, like a supermarket and a DVD rental place. As I r
4、eally love sports it would be great to be near a park too. Im not too worried about the place itself. Obviously I will be looking for a flat, rather than a house, as it is just going to be me and I wont be able to afford too much. So, a place with one bedroom is fine, but I would like to have a priv
5、ate bathroom (not shared), a kitchen and some kind of living room. It doesnt matter if the kitchen is small, but it would nice to have one. I would prefer to live somewhere new, so anything in a modern apartment block would be great. Thanks for your help. Sincerely Yours, (Approximately 209 words) (This model answer can be followed as an example of a very good answer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.) 2