1、Word英语小故事带翻译:小白兔买萝卜 英语小故事带翻译:小白兔买萝卜 小白兔来到嘟嘟熊的萝卜店,预备买1千克的胡萝卜去探望外婆。小白兔端详着众多用篮子装好的萝卜,从中选择了一篮萝卜,把它放在天平秤上秤后,嘟嘟熊指着天平上的刻度说:呀!你的眼光真好!这篮萝卜正好是1千克!说完,嘟嘟熊把萝卜递给了小白兔。 Little white rabbit came to Dudu bears radish shop, ready to buy 1 kg of carrots to visit grandma. The little white rabbit looked at a large number
2、 of radishes packed in baskets, and selected a basket of radishes. After weighing it on the scale, doodle bear pointed to the scale on the balance and said, ah! You have a good eye! This basket of radishes is exactly one kilogram With that, doodle bear handed the radish to the rabbit. 小白兔如数付费后,提着萝卜准
3、备走,站在一旁的机智猴指着萝卜篮子对它说:兄弟,你买萝卜回家吃,莫非连篮子也吃下肚子吗?小白兔深思了片刻,恍然大悟:呀,我太糊涂啦!我只顾着看装萝卜的篮子的形状,竟然忘了篮子自身的重量。它回头问嘟嘟熊:篮子的重量是多少呢?这篮子里毕竟有多少萝卜? After paying for all the money, the little white rabbit took the radish and planned to go. The clever monkey standing on the side pointed to the radish basket and said to it, b
4、rother, do you buy radish to eat at home, do you even eat the basket? The little white rabbit pondered for a moment and suddenly realized, ah, Im so confused! I just look at the shape of the basket containing radishes, and I forget the weight of the basket itself. Whats the weight of the basket? he
5、asked? How many turnips are there in this basket 嘟嘟熊重新取来一个一模一样的空篮子,放在天平上,称出重量为280克。随后,嘟嘟熊往里面放进了一些萝卜。这时,篮子与萝卜的总重量为1千克。小白兔摸了摸脑门儿说:篮子的重量为280克,萝卜的重量则为1000280720(克),还少280克萝卜。嘟嘟熊连续往篮子里放进一些萝卜,这时,萝卜和篮子的总重量为1280克。小白兔挠了挠脑袋说:现在,萝卜的重量为12802801000(克)。1000克1千克,这才正好是1千克萝卜呢!说完,小白兔提起这篮萝卜,开快乐心地朝外婆家走去。 As like as two
6、peas, the bear has taken a similar empty basket and put it on the scale, weighing 280 grams. Then, Dudu bear put some radishes into it. At this time, the total weight of the basket and radish is 1 kg. The little white rabbit touched his brain and said, the basket weighs 280 grams, while the radish w
7、eighs 1000-280 = 720 (g), which is 280 grams less At this time, the total weight of radish and radish in the basket is 1280 grams. The little white rabbit scratched his head and said, now, the weight of radish is 1280-280 = 1000 (g). 1000 g = 1 kg, which is exactly 1 kg radish! With that, the little white rabbit picked up the basket of radishes and walked happily towards her grandmothers house. 3