1、Word抗击疫情最美逆行者先进事迹英语作文素材_抗疫英雄刘智明 战斗,那是人们所抵抗的行为。病毒,那是令人畏惧恶魔。当年的非典,让人毛骨悚然。如今悲剧重演,疫情打破了安静。有多少人由于他,不能和家人团聚;有多少人由于他,依旧奋斗在抗疫前线;又有多少人由于他,失去了珍贵的生命。 War, thats what people are fighting against. Virus, thats the dreaded devil. The SARS in those days was very creepy. Now the tragedy repeats, and the epidemic br
2、eaks the peace. How many people cant be reunited with their families because of him, how many people are still fighting in the front line of anti epidemic because of him, and how many people have lost precious lives because of him. 有这样一位院士,带领着全部同志在病危前线战斗,每天早晚不停的工作,直至生命的最终一刻。他就是武昌医院的院长刘智明。1月21日,刘智明接到
3、任务,他所在的武昌医院即将接收499名肺炎患者。不眠不休的三天,刘志明实在忙不过来。医院的扩建,医护人员的调整,床位的增加,每一件事情都需要刘智明的确认,他实在忙的不行开交。 There is such a academician who leads all comrades in fighting on the front line of critical illness, working day after day until the last moment of their lives. He is Liu Zhiming, the director of Wuchang hospita
4、l. On January 21, Liu Zhiming was assigned to receive 499 pneumonia patients at his Wuchang hospital. For three days without sleep, Liu Zhiming was really busy. The expansion of the hospital, the adjustment of medical staff, the increase of beds, everything needs Liu Zhimings confirmation. He is rea
5、lly busy. 春节前夜,刘智明的身份彻底变了,与病魔抗争的他,如今也躺在ICU的病房里,CT中显示,他的肺部已被严峻感染。即使这样,病房中的他照旧马不停蹄,一会儿打电话问同事病人接收进来了没有,立刻又回复信息询问院内感染防控怎样。面对同事的关怀,他说道:我是院长,我丢不下!还叮嘱道同事不叫担忧他,等他康复还会再与大家并肩作战。 On the eve of the Spring Festival, Liu Zhimings identity changed completely. Now he is also lying in the ICU ward fighting against t
6、he disease. CT shows that his lung has been seriously infected. Even so, he kept on working in the ward. After a while, he called his colleagues to ask if the patient had received it. Then he immediately replied to the message to ask how to prevent and control the hospital infection. Facing the conc
7、ern of his colleagues, he said: Im the Dean, I cant lose it! He also told his colleagues not to worry about him. When he recovered, he would fight side by side with everyone. 刘智明的妻子,是光谷院区的一位护士长。妻子很想来照看刘智明,但他每次都回答道不要。刘智明知道让妻子留在岗位,会让更多的人有生的盼望。刘智明却不知道自己再也无法与同事们并肩作战。2月14日他的病情突然恶化,被转入其他医院进行抢救。直到2月18日上午,他
8、永久的离开了我们。刘智明这个名字我们也会永久的记在心中。 Liu Zhimings wife is a head nurse in Guanggu district. His wife wanted to take care of Liu Zhiming, but he always replied no. Liu Zhiming knows that keeping his wife in the post will give more people hope for life. Liu Zhiming did not know that he would never be able to
9、fight with his colleagues. On February 14, his condition suddenly deteriorated and he was transferred to other hospitals for rescue. Until the morning of February 18, he left us forever. We will always remember the name Liu Zhiming. 无论多么漫长黑暗的夜晚,黎明也终究会到来。疫情尚未结束,坚持还要连续,让我们为还在抗疫的英雄们加油! No matter how long the dark night, the dawn will come. The epidemic is not over yet. We must continue. Lets cheer for the heroes who are still fighting the epidemic! 3