1、Word我爱春天英语作文300字带翻译 几天前,我就发觉春天来了,这是怎么样的春呢? A few days ago, I found that spring came. What kind of spring is it? 我来告知你吧。小草偷偷探出头来,一夜之间就是那么一点儿时间,它们就开头争先恐后地向上生长,生怕别人挡了自己的阳光。桃树也睁开眼睛,那小小的花苞里也有了一丝粉红,它们笑了,在风中歌颂春天、迎接春天。那一根根枝条,也遥望着那一片青草,愉快地晃了起来。 Let me tell you. The grass peeked out, and overnight - thats a l
2、ittle time, they began to rush up, afraid that others would block their own sunshine. Peach trees also opened their eyes, and there was a trace of pink in the little bud. They laughed, singing and greeting spring in the wind. That branch, also looking at that piece of grass, happily shook up. 鸟儿们在蓝天
3、下飞行,自由拘束,无忧无虑这春光真漂亮啊。 Birds fly in the blue sky, free and carefree The spring light is so beautiful. 春天是绿色、粉色是五彩的。草色遥看近却无,但太晚了点,青草以笔直的身子刺向天空,像一把把利剑。密密的草丛中已可见些篮子似的小花,他们正欢快又活泼地开放了,与草色遥看近却无相反,应当是花色近看遥却无才对。这花挺小,是蓝色的,有深色有浅色,有的是酣睡的小花骨朵,有的不情愿的开了一半,低着头,更多的毫无保留地对外公布自己的颜色,在阳光绿树青草的映照下,他们更加漂亮多彩了。 Spring is gree
4、n, pink Its colorful. The grass looks close, but its too late. The grass stabs the sky with a straight body, like a sharp sword. Some basket like flowers have been seen in the dense grass. They are opening happily and lively. On the contrary of grass color looks close but has nothing, it should be f
5、lower color looks close but has nothing. This flower is very small, blue, dark and light, some are sleeping flowers, some are reluctant to open half, head down, more unreservedly published their own color, in the sun, green trees and grass, they are more beautiful and colorful. 春天是生气勃勃的,河边上那如画的柔柳绽开了
6、自己嫩绿的叶子,远望河边上青烟四起,似仙境一般。小鸟唱歌,小猫玩耍,天气晴朗,白云飘逸,各种动物都为春天献上了自己的颜色。我多想大喊一声:我爱春天。 Spring is full of life. The picturesque willows on the river unfold their green leaves, and the blue smoke rises all around the river, like fairyland. The birds sing, the kittens play, the weather is fine, the clouds are flowing, all kinds of animals offer their own colors for spring. How I want to shout: I love spring. 2