1、Word小学国庆节英语作文范文带翻译:烧烤会 在祖国妈妈生日的那一天,我们全家在阳台上进行了一年一次的烧烤会。 On Mothers birthday, our family held an annual barbecue on the balcony. 国庆节的早上,我家的那只大公鸡显得特殊有活力,大声地叫着:懒虫起床,懒虫起床我被这声音叫醒了,立马起了床,一想到晚上要烧烤,我就浑身是劲。 On the morning of National Day, the big cock in my family appeared to be particularly energetic, shout
2、ing loudly: Lazy bugs get up, lazy bugs get up. I was woken up by the sound and got up immediately. The thought of having a barbecue in the evening made me energetic. 我们吃完早餐,就全家出动,去超市买晚上要用的烧烤材料。一路上,五彩缤纷的鲜花开满了大街小巷,广场上的红旗迎风飘扬,耳边响起了很多的爱国歌曲大街上人来人往,喧闹非凡,人们的脸上写满了幸福。为了表达对祖国的喜爱,有的人举着一面面小红旗;有的人把国旗印在自己的衣服上;还有
3、的人干脆把国旗贴在自己的脸上人们用各种方式表达对祖国的喜爱。最终到商场了!哇!商场里的人好多呀!我赞叹道。我们快速地买了烧烤汁、火腿、肉丸、鸡翅、蜂蜜等烧烤材料,回家后,我内心感动地期盼着晚上的到来 After breakfast, the whole family went out to the supermarket to buy barbecue materials for the evening. Along the way, colorful flowers bloomed all over the streets and lanes, red flags fluttered in
4、the square against the wind, and many patriotic songs were ringing in my ears. People come and go in the street, and peoples faces are full of happiness. In order to express their love for the motherland, some people hold a small red flag; some people print the national flag on their clothes; others
5、 simply stick the national flag on their faces. People express their love for their motherland in various ways. Finally, I arrived at the mall! Wow! There are so many people in the mall! I exclaimed. We quickly bought barbecue juice, ham, meatballs, chicken wings, honey and other barbecue materials.
6、 When we got home, I was excited to look forward to the evening. 最终到了晚上,我们把材料都拿到了阳台上,往下一看,街上车水马龙、霓虹灯闪耀,喧闹程度丝毫不亚于白天。大家都拿起烧烤叉,插上食物,放上调料,放在架子上烤了起来。我们大家有说有笑的,特别快乐 Finally at night, we took all the materials to the balcony. Looking down, the streets were full of traffic and neon lights flashing, and the
7、level of excitement was no less than in the daytime. Everyone picked up the barbecue fork, put in the food, put the seasoning, and put it on the shelf to roast. We all laughed and talked. We were very happy. 我抬头凝视着天上的星星,一闪一闪的,似乎是为祖国妈妈点上的生日蜡烛 I looked up at the stars in the sky, flashing like a birthday candle for my mother. 3