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1、Word小学二年级英语作文带翻译:晾衣服 今日早上,妈妈拿衣服在洗衣机里洗后就急匆忙的出去了,只有我和李心怡在家,我看了看洗衣机的衣服,打算帮妈妈晾衣服。 This morning, my mother took the clothes to wash in the washing machine and then hurriedly went out. Only Li Xinyi and I were at home. I looked at the clothes of the washing machine and decided to help my mother hang the c

2、lothes. 我先拿来一个盆子,把洗衣机里的衣服全部放到盆子里,我拿着盆子,来到了阳台上。然后我叫李心怡把衣服一件件的拿出来,我就拿了很多衣架把衣服和裤子一件件的挂上去,整理好,之后拿衣称把衣服上的衣架一起晾到圆杆上。还有些衣服太滑了,所以就用夹子固定好,再晾上去。过了一会儿,衣服最终被我们整整齐齐地晾好了。 First, I brought a basin and put all the clothes in the washing machine in the basin. I took the basin and came to the balcony. Then I asked Li

3、 Xinyi to take out the clothes one by one. I took a lot of hangers to hang up the clothes and pants one by one. After finishing, I took the clothes scale and hung the hangers on the clothes on the round bar. Some clothes are too slippery, so they should be fixed with clamps and then dried. After a while, the clothes were finally air by us. 1


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