1、Word小学二年级英语作文带翻译:为小青蛙找家 星期天,我和邻居双胞胎兄弟到小区的池塘边玩,发觉池塘里有许多小青蛙,它们刚刚长出两条后腿,很可爱。但是,池塘里的水快要干了。我想:小青蛙是人类的好伴侣,我肯定要救它们。 On Sunday, my neighbors twin brother and I went to play in the pond of the community and found that there were many small frogs in the pond. They had just grown two hind legs and were very lo
2、vely. But the water in the pond is about to dry out. I think: little frogs are good friends of human beings. I must save them. 说干就干,我赶忙招呼兄弟俩和我一起抓青蛙。小青蛙活蹦乱跳的,可不是那么简单就能抓住的。没方法,我只好跑回家取来网兜(du)。我轻轻地举起网,趁小青蛙们不备,一下子网住了好几只,不一会儿就攒(zn)够了一大瓶。我们跑到小河边,当心翼(y)翼地把小青蛙倒进了清亮(ch)的小河里。 Just do what I say. I hurriedly as
3、ked my brothers to catch frogs with me. Its not so easy to catch the little frog jumping around. I cant help but run home to get my net bag. I gently raised the net, while the little frogs were unprepared, I caught several of them at once, and in a short time I saved (Z n) enough for a big bottle. We ran to the river and carefully poured the frog into the clear river. 今日玩得真快乐,由于我们为小青蛙找到了一个洁净舒适的家。 I had a good time today because we found a clean and comfortable home for the little frog. 2