1、Word小升初英语满分作文范文带翻译:美丽的家乡 我的家乡在双河,它是一个漂亮的小山村。每天公鸡一叫,爷爷奶奶就会到田地里干活。 My hometown is in Shuanghe, it is a beautiful small mountain village. Every day when the cock crows, grandma and grandpa will work in the field. 走在乡间的小路上,就能观察一大片一大片绿油油的秧苗,它们在风的摩挲下,弹奏着欢快的圆舞曲。 Walking on the country road, you can see a l
2、arge area of green seedlings. They play a happy waltz under the touch of the wind. 听着秧苗成长的声音,让人感觉就像在一大片一大片绿色的海洋里!秋天,绿油油的秧苗变成了金黄色的地毯。一串串谷穗紧紧的抱在一起,就像过年时放的鞭炮。 Listening to the sound of seedling growth makes people feel like in a large green ocean! In autumn, green seedlings become golden carpet. A stri
3、ng of ears tightly held together, like firecrackers set off during the new year. 到收割的日子了,爷爷带着收割机把金色的地毯全都搬回了家,就像一座座小金山。 When it was time to harvest, grandpa took his harvester and brought all the golden carpets home, just like a small golden hill. 每个人都兴奋的笑了。由于这是爷爷奶奶的劳动成果。 Everyone laughed happily. Because its the work of grandparents. 我喜爱这个丰收的季节! I like this harvest season! 2