3、题会为你的备考带来一定的便利,但正如很多GRE老师和考生都总结过的,GRE真题可以帮你,但救不了你。GRE考试说到底还是考察考生的综合实力,如果底子打不好,基础不扎实,想要靠着真题投机取巧搞定考试是不现实的。同学们还应该以平时的备考练习为主,脚踏实地的积累实力,为考试做好充分的准备,在这个基础上学习参考GRE阅读真题,才能让其发挥出最大的价值。关于正确使用GRE阅读真题的相关介绍就到这里,希望大家能有比较全面的认识和了解,并在此基础上正确使用,为备考带来一些帮助。新GRE阅读练习题In the United States, average fuel efficiency of newly ma
4、nufactured domestic cars, although remaining worse than that of newly manufactured imported cars, substantially improved between 1983 and 1988. Average fuel efficiency of new domestic cars has not improved since, but the difference in average fuel efficiencies of new domestic cars and new imported c
5、ars has steadily decreased. If the statements above are true, which of the following must also be true on the basis of them?(A) Average fuel efficiency of domestic cars manufactured after 1988 was better than that of imported cars manufactured before 1988.(B) Average fuel efficiency of newly manufac
6、tured domestic cars has steadily worsened since 1988.(C) Average fuel efficiency of newly manufactured imported cars has steadily worsened since 1988.(D) Average fuel efficiency of newly manufactured imported cars has steadily improved since 1983.(E) Average fuel efficiency of imported cars manufact
7、ured in 1983 was better than that of imported cars manufactured in 1988.答案:C新GRE阅读练习题The ancient Greek playwright Euripides followed the established conventions of verse composition less rigorously at the end of his career than at the beginning.Since the lines from a recently discovered Euripidean p
8、lay adhere to those conventions as rigorously as do lines from Euripides early plays, the recently discovered play must have been composed early in Euripides career.Which of the following is an assumption made in the argument?(A) All of Euripides plays were written in verse.(B) Euripides did not wri
9、te any plays late in his career in which he imitated the style of his early plays.(C) Euripides grew increasingly unaware of the established conventions of verse composition as his career progressed.(D) Late in his career, Euripides was the only playwright of his day who consciously broke with the e
10、stablished conventions of verse composition.(E) Ancient playwrights tended to be less willing to violate certain conventions early in their careers than they were later in their careers?答案:B新GRE阅读练习题Which of the following is most analogous to the relationship between the African American Revolutiona
11、ry War participants who settled in Canada after the American Revolution and the American revolutionaries, as that relationship is described in the passage?(A) A brilliant pupil of a great musician rebels against the teacher, but adopts the teacher s musical style after the teacher s unexpected death
12、.(B) Two warring rulers finally make peace after a lifetime of strife when they realize that they have been duped by a common enemy.(C) A child who has sided with a domineering parent against a defiant sibling later makes demands of the parent similar to those once made by the sibling.(D) A writer s
13、pends much of her life popularizing the work of her mentor, only to discover late in life that much of the older writer s work is plagiarized from the writings of a foreign contemporary.(E) Two research scientists spend much of their careers working together toward a common goal, but later quarrel o
14、ver which of them should receive credit for the training of a promising student.答案:C新GRE阅读练习题For many years, Benjamin Quarles seminal account of the participation of African Americans in the American Revolution has remained the standard work in the field. According to Quarles, the outcome of this co
15、nflict was mixed for African American slaves who enlisted in Britain s fight against its rebellious American colonies in return for the promise of freedom: the British treacherously resold many into slavery in the West Indies, while others obtained freedom in Canada and Africa. Building on Quarles a
16、nalysis of the latter group, Sylvia Frey studied the former slaves who emigrated to British colonies in Canada. According to Frey, these refugees-the most successful of the African American Revolutionary War participants-viewed themselves as the ideological heirs of the American Revolution. Frey see
17、s this inheritances reflected in their demands for the same rights that the American revolutionaries had demanded from the British: land ownership, limits to arbitrary authority and burdensome taxes, and freedom of religion.According to the passage, which of the following is true about the African A
18、merican Revolutionary War participants who settled in Canada after the American Revolution?(A) Although they were politically unaligned with either side, they identified more with British ideology than with American ideology.(B) While they were not immediately betrayed by the British, they ultimatel
19、y suffered the same fate as did African American Revolutionary. War participants who were resold into slavery in the West Indies.(C) They settled in Canada rather than in Africa because of the greater religious freedom available in Canada.(D) They were more politically active than were African Ameri
20、can Revolutionary War participants who settled in Africa.(E) They were more successful than were African American Revolutionary War participants who settled Africa.答案:EGRE考试时长到底多久 GRE考试时长到底多久?时间不够怎么办?今天小编给大家带来了GRE考试时长到底多久,希望 考托福雅思GRE对不出国的人有什么意义 考托福和雅思仅仅是为了出国么?如果你这样想就大错特错了!今天小编给大家带来了考托福 雅思VS托福、GREVSGMAT究竟哪个更好考 雅思 VS 托福、GRE VS GMAT究竟哪个更好考?今天小编给大家带来了雅思 VS 托福、GRE VS 如何同时准备TOEFL和GRE还互不耽误 如何同时准备TOEFL和GRE还互不耽误?“一心两用”是个技术活今天小编给大家带来了 第 9 页 共 9 页