1、8个托福写作技巧8个托福写作技巧,让你告别写作低分段!快来一起学习,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。8个托福写作技巧掌握这8个写作技巧完虐你在托福写作中忽视掉的语言表达!01孩子们心理上不太成熟,以至于不能够区分正确和错误的。错误:Children are so immature psychologically that they can t distinguish between right and wrong.正确:Children are so immature psychologically that they cannot distinguish between right an
2、d wrong.Tip1在写作中,一般不使用缩写。在规范性写作中,一定要避免缩写,这是美国大学中学术写作的基本要求。因此,can t,don t,doesn t,won t应该替换成cannot,can not,do not,does not,will not。2在游戏过程中,孩子们可以锻炼两种不同的核心能力:计划和管理资源的能力以及双手眼协调能力。错误:When playing video games, children could develop 2 crucial skills: planning and resource management skills and hand-eye c
3、oordination.正确:When playing video games, children could develop two crucial skills: planning and resource management skills and hand-eye coordination.Tip2在英语写作中,1-10的数字需要“写出来”,而且阿拉伯数字不能用在句子的开头。3学生获得来自他们教授的鼓励有很多种形式。错误:Encouragement that students receive from their professors can take a lot of forms.正
4、确:Encouragement that students receive from their professors can take many forms.Tip3在写作中,a lot of/lots of表示为“许多”,较为不正式,通常使用much/many表示。4人们对于学前教育对孩子学术成绩和个人发展的影响十分关注。错误:Great attention has been paid to the influence of pre-school education on a child s academic achievements and personal development.正确
5、:Parents are paying growing attention to the influence of pre-school education on a child s academic achievements and personal development.Tip4在写作中,用“主动语态”代替“被动语态”。5曼德拉从未停止过种族平等运动的抗争,虽然他曾入狱。错误:Mandela never stopped camaigning for racial equality, despite the fact he was incarcerated.正确:Mandela never
6、 stopped camaigning for racial equality, despite of his incarceration.Tip5在写作中,删除不必要的词,如几乎所有的fact,包括:owing to the fact that., in speite of the fact that., call your attention to the fact that., I was unaware of the fact that.等。6热情使我坚持自己的信念,并督促我完成艰难的任务。错误:Passion is the thing that holds my belief and
7、 propels me to finsh the difficult task.正确:Passion is the essential power taht holds my belief and propels me to finsh the difficult task.Tip6thing的使用使得语言过于抽象、含糊,因此需要换成具体的“实义”名词。7这些路几乎不能通行。但是,我们最终还是到达了营地。错误:The roads were almost impossible. However, we at last succeeded in reaching camp.正确:The roads
8、 were almost impossible. At last, however, we succeeded in reaching camp.Tip7However意义相当于nevertheless,在句子或从句中通常不在句首出现。eg. In Smith s view, however, since egotism was a stronger motivating force than altruism, the spirit of beneficence and reciprocity could not be relied on to take a weight of the co
9、mplex society.8如果学生没有被给予清晰的建议,就会疑惑进而不知道如何是好。错误:If a student is not given clear advice, he/she may become confused and he/she may even not know what to do.正确:If a students is not given clear advice, they may become confused and they may even not know what to do.Tip8在写作中,一旦牵涉到“男女有别”的句子,最好的处理方式是把主语换成复数
10、形式,提高整句句子的可读性。2017年11月11日托福考试写作解析11月11日托福独立写作题目Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Some parents give their kids (primary or middle school) a small amount of money weekly, while others fear this may have a bad influence on kids. What is your opinion?父母应不应该每周给零花钱给孩子?写作思路解析相信很多筒子看到的第一
11、反应当然是同意。确实,每个人都有些自己想买的东西,而这些东西有时候就是一只冰激凌,一个小本子,买他们除了解决当时之需,而且能带来一定的小快乐。有了这些小快乐,好多人都能开心一整天。另外,学期伊始一次性给一大笔生活费这种做法也不可取,小孩子很容易很快花完,然后又找父母要。不如每周给一点点,孩子也会知道就这么点钱,不能乱花。如果不同意,基本就是从 bad influence 下手,谈及孩子一般来说都没什么金钱观念,只要给钱了往往都会乱花,所以想要什么,先跟父母说,父母去买就行。反之,很小的时候如果给小孩过多自主,做什么事不太跟父母商量(比如父母给钱,小孩自己去买),那容易使得小孩子过分自由,到了青
12、春期,极易叛逆,经常忤逆父母。2017年10月14日托福独立写作解析10月14日托福考试考了一道关于成功的独立题10月14日托福独立写作题目:It is commonly believed that in life success is not important. Remaining happy and optimistic is more important.写作思路解析上来第一句就说大家都觉得成功并不重要 It is commonly believed that in life success is not important.对很多人而言,成功其实很重要。虽说世人大都追逐着某些东西,所
14、ining happy and optimistic is more important.保持乐观的心态,从一次次失败中吸取教训,从偶尔的小成功中总结经验,岁月自会给你一个交代。这道题目其实重复了2014年6月29日的原题:Remaining happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving success.措辞虽然有所不同,但本质是一样的。下面的范文从不同意的角度,认为获得成功和失败时保持乐观的心态都必不可缺,前者可以给予我们源源不断的动力一直向前,后者可以让我们被打倒时不屈服,跌倒后还能继续笑对人生。也许
16、新题,围绕大学生毕业前如何打造自己的真正实力。题目称,除了一些需要大学生达到的常规要求,比如修够足够的学分,如期提交毕业论文等,有些大学现在提出,应该规定所有大学生都去学公共演讲课程,以此提升他们在公众面前的说话能力。10月29日托福独立写作题目:Students are eligible for graduation when they have completed satisfactorily all the academic requirements of their degree program as specified by their major department, their
17、 college, and the university. In addition to the normal requirements, some universities are now considering requiring all students to take public speaking class in order to improve their public speaking skills. Some deems this extra requirement necessary while others have an opposite view. What is y
18、our opinion?写作思路解析这道题其实也是老酒装新瓶,早在老托的时候,官方就考过 writing ability 与 speaking ability 哪个更重要。现如今,无非就是把 “说” 这一项能力单独拿出来考我们,而且结合官方在出新题喜欢玩的套路 铺垫贼长。把与题目相关的背景先说一大通,然后再给出要探讨的话题。选择“同意”的写作思路从同意这种做法来说,能说会道对于毕业生来说确实是一项必备技能,正如前面所说,面试就是摆在他们面前的第一道障碍,通过清晰表达自己的能力,对工作的想法等,让面试官知道自己是有真材实料的,才能有机会踏进公司的门槛。另外,如果大学有这项课程必须学,那么也会促使
19、很多大学生从一开始就不忽略这项技能的培养,也是有助于他们在大学认真做presentation,甚至是做其他兼职时,都会比别人做得更好。选择“不同意”的写作思路如果不同意,可以从题目中的字眼 all students下手,有些学生本来就善于嘚吧嘚,所以说话技巧之类的课程有点浪费时间。另外,还有别的能力对毕业生来说更重要,比如如何写简历,毕竟在面试之前,如果简历被刷了,那,那就没有后话了2017年9月24日托福独立写作解析2017年9月24日托福独立写作题目:High school graduates usually have two months break before they go to
20、college or university. The high school now requires all the graduates to do one of the following to take full advantage of this break.1. Students need to attend classes to complete university-level courses that have direct connection to their majors of study.2. Students need to join a team led by th
21、eir teacher to visit museums or historical sites and write a paper about it.Which one do you think is more beneficial for students? Why?Given detailed examples and reasons. Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples.具体回忆请点击:2017.9.24托福托福机经回忆题目给的第一个选择是学生提前上一些跟他们专业相关的一些大学级别的课程,第二个选择是由老师带队,去参观博物
22、馆和名胜古迹,完了还得写篇论文。细心的同学会注意到这道题目不仅题目长(去年开始的怪口味),而且最后还特别提示 “Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples” ,要求学生不要用死记硬背的例子,用自己的话写出来。这个提示其实并不新鲜,早在去年7月就已经出现。这条是特别针对那些考前背一下范文,考试时大段大段直接写在作文里的同学。因为这些句子不仅可能跟题目关联不大,而且也反映不出考生真实水平,所以官方现在对死记硬背是零容忍的态度。而这道题看似新鲜,其实所给选择跟以前考过的题目有诸多相通的地方。比如2017年1月14日这场:As a student
23、 of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break:1. Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, a student majoring in
24、engineering may take course in fine arts or social science.)2. Students must volunteer to work in the universitys city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town.( For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.)Which one do you
25、 think is more beneficial for students in their university? Why?怎么样,感觉是不是很神似,甚至可以说9月这场就是1月这场的变异题。同样都是好好利用break,第一个选择同样都是要学点东西,第二个选择同样都是要干点实事。9月这场考题,立场站在第一个那边,可以提及大学知识本身难度较高,需要提前适应,这样才能做好充分准备。而参观博物馆,名胜古迹随时都可以去,甚至以前就去过好多地方,没必要在大学前这个假期去。站在第二个这边,可以提及学习了这么久,好不容易等来个假期,又要搞学习,真心累。学生如果再有点抵触心理,那即使上课也学不进去。如果去干点别的,不仅是放松,而且只要用心去做,还能增长见识,学到实际的技能等。托福考试作文范文 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,小编给大家整理一些托福考试作文范文,下面小编就和大 托福写作高分满分范文 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,小编给大家整理了托福考试满分范文,下面小编就和大家 托福写作考试5个常见的语法失分点 托福写作考试5个常见的语法失分点有哪些?你有踩雷吗?快来一起看看吧,下面小编就和大 2020托福写作范文赏析TOEFL 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,小编给大家整理一些托福写作范文,下面小编就和大家分 第 12 页 共 12 页