1、Word关于秋天的英语作文500字 秋天是那么绚丽多彩,层岭尽染;秋天是硕果累累,五谷丰登的;秋天也是大雁南飞,山河壮丽的;秋天还是彩色的画笔,勾画出一幅幅刺眼的水彩画;秋天还是生气勃勃的春天草木萌发,夏天百鸟争鸣,冬天白雪纷飞,秋天就如唐代诗人刘禹锡在秋词中所写的:自古逢秋悲寂寥,我言秋日胜春朝。 Autumn is so colorful, layers and mountains are dyed; autumn is rich in fruits and grains; autumn is also wild geese flying in the south, the mountai
2、ns and rivers are magnificent; autumn is still a colorful brush, outlining dazzling watercolor paintings; autumn is still vibrant In autumn, as Liu Yuxi of the Tang Dynasty wrote in his autumn CI: since ancient times, autumn is sad and lonely, and I say autumn is better than spring Dynasty. 秋姑娘来了,她先
3、去看了看公园里的菊花。菊花仙子竞相开放,杨树和枫树的叶子飘飘悠悠地落下来,红色的枫叶像一只只小蝴蝶在翩翩起舞。松柏还是那么绿,大雁正在天上练它的毛笔字呢。 Autumn girl came, she first went to see the chrysanthemum in the park. Chrysanthemum fairy race to open, poplar and maple leaves fluttering leisurely down, red maple leaf like a little butterfly in the dance. The pine and
4、cypress are still so green. The wild goose is practicing its brush writing in the sky. 秋姑娘又去了果园,看着已经成熟的果实,露出了满足的笑容。梨树托起金黄色的灯笼,苹果露出了红红的脸颊,葡萄挂起成串的玛瑙 Autumn girl went to the orchard again, looking at the ripe fruit, showed a satisfied smile. Pear trees hold golden lanterns, apples show their red cheeks
5、, grapes hang strings of agate 秋姑娘还去了树林,观察松树的叶子那么青翠,枫树的叶子那么火红,杨树的叶子那么金黄简直是一幅五彩图。落叶从天而降,像一只只金黄色的蝴蝶落在了大地上,就像给大地盖上了一床金黄的被子。 Miss Qiu also went to the woods and saw that the leaves of pine trees were so green, the leaves of maple trees were so red, and the leaves of poplar trees were so golden Its just
6、a multicolored picture. Fallen leaves from the sky, like a golden butterfly fell on the earth, like to the earth covered with a golden quilt. 秋姑娘最终去了花园,她观察花园里的花争相开放,尤其是菊花,它们张开了一张张笑脸,红的像火,白的如云,粉的似霞,多姿多彩。 Autumn girl finally went to the garden, she saw the flowers in the garden competing to open, espe
7、cially chrysanthemums, they opened a smiling face, red like fire, white like clouds, pink like clouds, colorful. 秋天是个丰收的季节,果实累累;秋天是个漂亮的季节,五彩斑斓。秋天是大自然赐予我们的礼物,秋天也给我们留下了美妙的记忆。啊!我爱秋天! Autumn is a good harvest season with lots of fruits; autumn is a beautiful season with colorful colors. Autumn is a gift given to us by nature, and it also leaves us good memories. Ah! I love autumn! 3