1、Word关于有趣的一天英语作文600字带翻译 早上,毛毛虫和蚂蚁在闲适地漫步,走着走着,它们惊异地发觉了半个鸡蛋壳,蚂蚁对毛毛虫说:不如我们来用它做一个跷跷板吧!说完毛毛虫立刻找来了一块木板,搭在了半圆形的鸡蛋壳上,它们俩当心翼翼地爬上跷跷板的两端,毛毛虫说:我们来比比谁重吧!蚂蚁爽快地答应了。只见跷跷板一会儿上升一会儿下降,难以分出胜败。这时,一只飞过的蝴蝶看到这情景,忽扇着绚丽多彩的翅膀对它们说:不如我来为你们助威加油吧!蚂蚁和毛毛虫都拍手叫好。 In the morning, caterpillars and ants are walking leisurely. They are su
2、rprised to find half an egg shell. Ants say to caterpillars, lets make a seesaw with it! After that, the caterpillar immediately found a board and put it on the semicircle egg shell. They climbed up the two ends of the seesaw carefully. The caterpillar said, lets compete with each other! The ant rea
3、dily agreed. Only saw seesaw rise and fall for a while, difficult to distinguish the winner. At this time, a flying butterfly saw this scene, and suddenly with colorful wings said to them, let me cheer you on! Ants and caterpillars clap their hands. 过了一会儿,毛毛虫和蚂蚁玩累了,蝴蝶说:我带你们到天上玩一玩吧!于是它们把鸡蛋壳做成了一个漂亮的热气
4、球飞上了天。毛毛虫往下一看,说:哇,大地原来这么小呀!人儿也小,树也小,房子也小!蝴蝶解释道:不是它们小,而是我们飞得高了呀!大家听了哈哈大笑起来。热气球一会飞到山上,一会儿飞到云彩上,一会儿飞到城市里,瞧!他们玩得多么欢乐,多么无忧无虑! After a while, caterpillars and ants tired of playing, butterfly said: I take you to play in the sky! So they made the eggshell into a beautiful hot-air balloon and flew to the sk
5、y. The caterpillar looked down and said, Wow, the earth is so small! Small people, small trees and small houses! The butterfly explained, its not that they are small, but that we are flying high! Everyone laughed at it. Hot air balloons will fly to the mountains, clouds and cities. Look! How happy a
6、nd carefree they are! 到了下午,漫天的乌云黑沉沉地压了下来,闪电越来越亮,雷声越来越响,眼见暴雨就要来临,毛毛虫急得团团转,只见蚂蚁灵机一动,说:我们把鸡蛋壳当雨伞吧!于是,他们齐心协力把鸡蛋壳翻过来,果真,哗,哗,哗,下起了倾盆大雨,他们躲在蛋壳伞下,一点儿也没有被淋湿,三个小伙伴听着外面的雨滴曲得意地笑了。 In the afternoon, the dark clouds all over the sky came down, the lightning was brighter and brighter, the thunder was louder and lo
7、uder. Seeing that the rainstorm was coming, the caterpillars were in a hurry. Only the ants had an idea and said, lets use the eggshell as an umbrella! So, they all worked together to turn over the eggshell. It rained cats and dogs. They hid under the umbrella of eggshell, and they were not wet at a
8、ll. The three little friends laughed proudly when they listened to the raindrop music outside. 天黑了,月亮阿姨带着小星星们出来做嬉戏,毛毛虫、蚂蚁和蝴蝶躺在蛋壳摇篮里,靠得紧紧的,看着深邃的夜空,进入了梦乡。 When it was dark, aunt moon came out with the little stars to play games. Caterpillars, ants and butterflies were lying in the cradle of eggshells, leaning tightly, watching the deep night sky and falling asleep. 就这样,三个小伙伴度过了丰富多彩而好玩的一天! In this way, the three little friends had a colorful and interesting day! 3