1、Word关于朋友的写人英语作文带翻译1900字 关于伴侣的写人(英语作文)带翻译1900字 一个夏天,我去超市给自己买薄荷味的饼干,雀巢的咖啡。我抱着它们走出超市。落寞而满意。 One summer, I went to the supermarket to buy myself Mint biscuits and Nestle coffee. I walked out of the supermarket with them in my arms. Lonely and contented. 我知道一个星期有两天我能遇见小鹿。她总蹲在门口的喷泉池边,池里的水会溅到她的脸。 I know I
2、can meet the deer two days a week. She always crouched by the fountain pool at the door, where water would splash into her face. 我走过去,分给她我买来的东西。她把咖啡粉放在嘴里干嚼,表情娇憨。 I went over and gave her what I had bought. She put coffee powder in her mouth and chewed it, with a charming expression. 我回头去买水给她。她很安静地看着
3、我,坦然自若。她的眼睛,凉爽,阴暗,如苔藓。 I went back to buy her water. She looked at me calmly and Her eyes were cool and dark, like moss. 小鹿从来都是两手空空。没有薄荷味的饼干,没有雀巢牌的咖啡,没有不劳而获的记忆。我不能确定她是否处在阳光中,由于我有时看不到她的影子。 The deer is always empty-handed. No mint biscuits, no Nestle coffee, no hard-earned memories. Im not sure if she
4、s in the sun, because sometimes I cant see her shadow. 我们在一条很长的路上漫步。阳光透过绿色的树叶照射到眼睛里,生生得疼。 We took a long walk. The sun shines through the green leaves into the eyes, causing pain. 小鹿在我那已经泛起泪水的瞳孔里留下了一个模糊不清的影子。 The deer left a vague shadow in my tearful pupil. 她会突然转身拉着我在这样的太阳下奔跑。一路上流淌的风景,耳边咆哮的风,开头溶化。天
5、空的颜色,瞬息万变。 She would suddenly turn around and run with me in the sun. The flowing scenery along the way, the whistling wind around the ear, began to melt. The color of the sky changes rapidly. 当我沉重的喘息声让她受不了的时候,她停下来。刮着我的鼻子说,你真没用。我便会很倔强地要求连续跑下去。 When my heavy breathing made her unbearable, she stopped
6、. Scrape my nose and say, youre useless. I will be very stubborn to ask to continue running. 于是我们就这样周而复始地重复着这个嬉戏。不厌其烦。 So we repeated the game over and over again. Not to mind taking the trouble. 我不喜爱这样的奔跑。我摆脱小鹿的手,蹲下来呕吐。 I dont like running like this. I broke free of the deers hand and squatted down
7、 to vomit. 我们彼此长时间地看着,并不说话。没有必要,在整个过程中,语言显得苍白。 We looked at each other for a long time without talking. Its not necessary. In the whole process, the language seems pale. 惋惜我不像同年的孩子那样活泼爱动。如此急速的奔跑几乎要了我的命。 Unfortunately, I am not as lively as the children of the same year. It almost killed me to run so
8、 fast. 最终我一个人独自走很久回家。天空是深蓝色的。一朵一朵的白云,颜色渐渐模糊,然后一瞬间,颜色完全隐去,只剩下黑暗。 Finally, I walked home alone for a long time. The sky is dark blue. One cloud after another, the color gradually blurred, and then in an instant, the color completely disappeared, leaving only darkness. 我想当我们相互握着对方手的时候,应当明白彼此心里所追求的东西。 I
9、 think when we hold each others hand, we should understand what we are pursuing in each others heart. 每个人心里都有自己真正想拥有的东西。于是一辈子查找。有的人得到了,有的人得不到,假如就此放任,那么也就无所谓那么急迫地查找了。信任我们都明白这个道理。 Everyone has something in his heart that he really wants to have. So I searched all my life. Some people get it, some peop
10、le dont get it. If they let it go, they wont be so eager to find it. I believe we all understand that. 我拥有小鹿手心最热的温度。我知道她心里想得到的,或者我以为我知道。然而小鹿相当沉静,仿佛鸵鸟,不管是悲是喜,她都把头扎进自己的羽毛里。 I have the hottest temperature in the palm of a deer. I know what she wants, or I thought I knew. However, the deer is quite quie
11、t, like an ostrich, whether sad or happy, she plunges her head into her feathers. 那个夏天的夜晚却特别寒冷。我几乎没有开冷气。 That summer night was very cold. I hardly turn on the air conditioner. 在空荡荡的屋子里生活,是需要士气的。孤独像空气无法躲避。我曾经要求小鹿来和我一起住,她拒绝了。 It takes courage to live in an empty house. Loneliness is like air that cann
12、ot be avoided. I asked the deer to come and live with me, but she refused. 我们都一样,不想为生活窒息,但是却安于生活的排序。 We are all the same. We dont want to suffocate our lives, but we are content with the order of our lives. 小鹿说,这个世界上存在着两种人。一种是掌握一切的人,一种是受控的人。 The deer said that there are two kinds of people in the wo
13、rld. One is the man who controls everything, the other is the man who controls everything. 那我们是哪种人呢? What kind of people are we? 想掌握又甘于被掌握的人。 A person who wants to control and is willing to be controlled. 我们对生活始终带有幻觉,并乐于接受。于是我们认为我们终会得到幸福。 We are always hallucinated and willing to accept life. So we
14、think we will be happy in the end. 我想起那个泪水中的影子,小鹿干嚼咖啡的娇憨表情。 I think of the shadow in the tears, the charming expression of the deer chewing coffee. 其实我们天生脆弱且无情。 In fact, we are inherently vulnerable and ruthless. 拆开饼干,它们开头发霉。 Open the biscuits and they begin to mouldy. 小鹿拉着我的手在阳光下奔跑。然后停下,然后再跑,直到我开头呕
15、吐。 The deer took my hand and ran in the sun. Then stop and run until I start vomiting. 她放手了。 She let go. 我们应当相互依靠。小鹿的影子在我的瞳孔里消失。 We should depend on each other. The shadow of the deer appeared in my pupil. 我点头。我拥有她手心最热的温度。 I nodded. I have the hottest temperature in her palm. 而她拥有什么? And what does s
16、he have? 天黑下来,我们告辞。夏天夜晚的凉风,满天闪着孤独光线的星星。 When it gets dark, lets say goodbye. The cool breeze of summer night, the stars shining lonely light all over the sky. 我观察一滴水,从自己的指间上划过。 I saw a drop of water crossing between my fingers. 我回头的时候,小鹿已经走远了。 When I looked back, the deer had gone far. 我忘不了她的眼睛,凉爽,阴
17、暗,如苔藓。那样的放纵和痛楚。 I cant forget her eyes, cool and dark, like moss. That kind of extravagance and pain. 我在人群中安静而孤独的走着。渐渐习惯了安静的无言。 I walked quietly and alone in the crowd. Slowly accustomed to silence. 由于一切都要安静而孤独的连续,不能转变。 Because everything has to be quiet and lonely to continue, can not change. 没有人会在
18、乎我内心的不舍和恐惊。于是它们被遗弃在角落里,成为溃烂的伤疤。 No one cares about my inner reluctance and fear. So they are abandoned in the corner and become festering scars. 毕业的时候,我打算去北方。 When I graduated, I decided to go north. 我和小鹿约在喷泉池边。我们看着对方的脸被溅湿,笑的时候,有光明的眼神和标致的唇线。一切都会如期而至。 My deer and I are at the fountain pool. We watche
19、d each others face splashed wet, and when we laughed, we had bright eyes and beautiful lip lines. Everything will come as planned. 有种不行及的惘然心情,捧着没有平安感的幻影。 There is an unreachable sense of frustration, holding the illusion of insecurity. 离别的时候,我去了超市。买了薄荷味的饼干和雀巢的咖啡。 When I left, I went to the supermark
20、et. I bought Mint biscuits and Nestle coffee. 我在大厅里观察了自动贩卖机。扔进几个硬币,现成的雀巢。 I saw vending machines in the hall. Throw in a few coins, ready-made Nestle. 我买了手机,把号码留给了小鹿。 I bought a cell phone and left the number to the deer. 在北方的几年里,我明白我和她都是深海里的鱼,我甚至听到潮水的声音。 Over the years in the north, I realized that
21、 she and I were deep-sea fish, and I even heard the sound of the tide. 手机就这样响了起来。 So the mobile phone rang. 我是小鹿,我想见你。 Im a deer. I want to see you. 对于她,我无力抗拒。由于我们要相互依靠。 I cant resist her. Because we have to depend on each other. 我们很宁静地坐在一家饭店里吃饭。舍命咀嚼的同时,也看着对方咀嚼。彼此睁大着眼睛,我知道有东西会从指间流过,但是不盼望是现在。 We sat
22、quietly in a restaurant for dinner. While chewing desperately, we also watch each other chew. Open your eyes to each other, I know something will flow through your fingers, but I dont want it to be now. 原来生活可以这样被咀嚼。 Life can be chewed like this. 我们不说话。由于在整个过程中,语言显得苍白。 We dont talk. Because in the wh
23、ole process, the language appears pale. 这好像是个不成文的法规。 This seems to be an unwritten rule. 为什么要去北方? Why go north? 由于那里没有让我担当不起的往事。 Because theres no past that I cant afford. 我们无法依靠一辈子那么长,我们始终都漫不经心。 We cant rely on it for a lifetime. Weve been careless. 掌握的本能被抛弃。 The instinct of control is abandoned. 我们在街头告辞。她轻轻地放开我的手。那一刻,我突然惶恐 We said goodbye on the street. She gently let go of my hand. At that moment, I suddenly panicked. 10