1、Word关于我的校园英语作文500字带翻译精选篇4 走进学校大门,立刻可以感受到学校浓浓的诗香气息,一进校内大门的右边,黄色的文化墙上篆刻着夷陵九咏的诗句,其余四周的墙壁呈现浅灰色,上面用古色古香的画框装饰着我国诗人的诗词。下课后,我们常常到那看一看,读一读,我们都被熏陶成一个个小诗人了。学校中间有一个大操场,操场中间是绿色的篮球场,四周是红色的跑道,同学们下课以后都喜爱在那里玩耍,有的打球、有的跳绳、还有的捉迷藏 Entering the school gate, you can immediately feel the strong poetic flavor of the school.
2、 As soon as you enter the right side of the school gate, the Yellow cultural wall is engraved with the verse of nine chants of Yiling. The rest of the surrounding walls are light gray, on which the poems of Chinese poets are decorated with antique picture frames. After class, we often go there to ha
3、ve a look. After reading, we are all cultivated into little poets. There is a big playground in the middle of the school. In the middle of the playground is a green basketball court, surrounded by red runways. After class, students like to play there. Some play, some jump rope, and some hide and see
4、k 学校对面是两栋教学楼,你别看它不是很高,它可是我们学习的天堂和老师们工作的宝地。教室里窗明几净,琅琅读书声从教室里传岀来,和窗外的小鸟一起演奏着一首欢快地歌。 Opposite to the school are two teaching buildings. Although they are not very high, they are the heaven of our study and the treasure of our teachers work. In the classroom, the windows are clear, and the sound of read
5、ing comes from the classroom, playing a happy song with the birds outside. 教学楼后面有一片小竹林,地上是小石子铺成的弯弯曲曲的小路,路旁种满了各种各样的花草树木,蜻蜓和蝴蝶在这里翩翩起舞,几丛青翠欲滴的竹子,它们是小鸟的乐园,这片小竹林为我们的校内增加了一道漂亮的风景线。 There is a small bamboo forest behind the teaching building. On the ground is a winding path paved with small stones. The roa
6、dside is full of all kinds of flowers and trees. Dragonflies and butterflies are dancing here. There are several clusters of green bamboo. They are the paradise of birds. This small bamboo forest adds a beautiful landscape to our campus. 这就是我漂亮的校内,我爱我的校内 This is my beautiful campus. I love my campus 2