1、Word关于国庆节的小学英语日记带翻译:不能乱扔垃圾 国庆节到了,街道繁华了,游客更多了。处处彩旗飘扬,商店和超市的门上挂着一串串红灯笼。夫子庙也不例外,人山人海,喧闹非凡。桥上,房顶,游船上都挂上了彩灯,五光十色,好看极了!不知不觉,天黑了下来,放烟火了!嗖的一声,一道火光冲上夜空,一瞬间,轰一声散开,火花在空中像很多的星星聚在一起,又很快散开,消逝。一阵阵的欢呼声响起,人们有的拍照,有的观赏夜景,有的买纪念品.大家蹦啊,跳啊,不管男女老少,都一个劲地笑,快乐极了! The National Day is coming, the streets are busy and there are
2、more tourists. Flags were flying everywhere, and a string of red lanterns hung on the doors of shops and supermarkets. Confucius Temple is no exception. It is bustling with people. On the bridge, on the roof, on the cruise ship has hung the colored light, is colorful, looks very good! Unknowingly, i
3、ts dark, and the fireworks are off! Whoosh sound, a fire rushed into the night sky, in a moment, boom sound spread, sparks in the air like countless stars together, and soon spread, disappear. There were cheers, some people took photos, some enjoyed the night view, some bought souvenirs. Everyone ju
4、mped, jumped, no matter men, women, old or young, they all laughed and were very happy! 但是,你留意到地上了吗?你看,有人乱扔垃圾,你一扔,我一丢,地上能不脏吗?假如你是大地,别人往你脸上丢垃圾,你能受得了吗?所以我们要从小做起,从我做起,爱惜环境,不能乱扔垃圾,别在喜庆的节日里给大地妈妈脸上抹黑哟! But did you notice the ground? You see, some people throw rubbish. When you throw it and I throw it, can the ground be clean? If you are the earth, can you bear it if others throw rubbish in your face? So we should start from a small age, from me, take good care of the environment, not litter, dont smear the earth mothers face in the festive Festival! 2