1、Word五一的演出_节日英语作文带翻译今日是五一国际劳动节,为了庆祝这个节日,我们舞蹈班特殊排练了舞蹈在中东演出。 Today is May 1st International Labor Day. In order to celebrate this festival, our dance class specially rehearsed dance performances in the Middle East. 五一这天一大早妈妈就叫醒了我。我抓紧睁开眼睛看了看时间,就抓紧穿好衣服,洗了脸喝妈妈动身啦。到了中东我看到了小伴侣都到了,老师正给小伴侣化妆,我也筹了过去,马老师也给我画起了舞
2、台状,好美丽啊,大家都画完我们又走了一次台。 My mother woke me up in the early morning of May Day. I quickly opened my eyes and looked at the time, then I put on my clothes and washed my face to drink my mothers departure. When I arrived in the Middle East, I saw that all the children had arrived. The teacher was making
3、up for the children. I also planned for the past. Mr. Ma also painted a stage for me. It was so beautiful. We went to the stage again after everyone finished painting. 很快11点就到啦,节目开头啦,是由893电台举办的,哥哥姐姐开头报幕,我们的节目排在其次不一会就到我们啦,台下好多人啊,我往下一看密密麻麻的人啊,当我们节目结束迎来啦热闹的掌声,下了台我兴奋的抱着妈妈亲了一口。我真的盼望还会有许多这样的演出。 Soon after
4、 11 oclock, the program began. It was held by radio 893. My brother and sister began to report. Our program came to us in the second place. There were many people on the stage. Ill watch the dense people next time. When our program ended, there was a warm applause. I hugged my mother happily and kissed her next time. I really hope there will be many such performances. 2