1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流晚会主持人串词定稿.精品文档.开场节目陶笛演奏可爱的家庭Ocarina performance“lovely family” as opening program acted by lv hui, lin min, tang ming, wan sang, wang guoxiang and hu jinjin.(结束,主持人开场白开始)开场白张:Dear ladies and gentlemen, My lovely colleagues and friends, welcome to todays evening party.王:尊敬的各
2、位来宾,同事们、朋友们,合:大家,晚上好!张:Today, we hold Getrags New Year Party in this fascinating evening & the flickering light.彭:在这个迷人的夜晚,在这片闪烁的灯光下,我们共同迎来了格特拉克(江西)传动系统有限公司“2010年迎新晚会”。张:Looking back over the past year, in the spirit of seizing the day, all employees strived to do their best and created a gratifying
3、 performance. 王:牛耕沃野扬长去 ,虎啸群山大步来。在即将过去的一年里,公司全体员工只争朝夕、奋力拼搏,创造了喜人的业绩。张:In 2009, Getrag stood firm in the unprecedented challenges from the market, and were expanding step by step day after day.彭:2009年,getrag人在前所未有的市场挑战中站稳脚跟,在各种机遇下逐步壮大;张:Just a few days later, the year of 2009 will pass by, and then w
4、e will face a span -new future. So, ahead of the moment to welcome the new year, we wanna saluting to our staff and their families with gratitude, and thank you for your hard work and support. 王:再过几天,2009年的篇章就将被翻过,我们将迎来崭新的未来。彭:在这辞旧迎新的时刻,我们想对在座的各位以及仍然奋战在工作一线的广大员工和员工家属,说一声“谢谢”(谢谢合说,齐鞠躬),感谢你们一年来辛勤的工作和一
5、如既往的支持!张:Looking forward to the New Year, we alive with hope. Although it may have blocks on the forward way or we will meet difficulties, we still believe in future without fear.王:展望即将到来的一年,希望无限。也许前进中的道路并不平坦,也许还会遇到难关,但 我们毫不畏惧。张:Because, we are the one who is growing with the struggle, developing fr
6、om the innovation and always under way. 彭:因为我们要在拼搏中成长,在奋斗中前进,在创新中神采飞扬; 张:New year brings new hope, and seems to be such glorious and resplendent.王:新的一年,新的希望, 彭:新的一年,新的辉煌。 张:Here, we sincerely wish GETRAG will shine like the sun forever, always be full of passion, be full of vigor and be full of new
7、power. 王:在这里,衷心祝愿格特拉克在新的一年里,永远像清晨喷薄而出的太阳,彭:充满着生机,充满着活力,充满着希望。 合:让我们同娱同乐,度过今天美好的夜晚!张:Lets enjoy the good times together tonight. At the beginning of the party, please allow me to introduce our distinguished guests, they are王:在晚会开始之前,请先允许我为大家介绍出席今晚的贵宾,他们是张:next, lets invite our CEO- Mr. Gordon Spauldi
8、ng make a warm speech for todays party. 彭:接下来有请公司总裁 Gordon Spaulding先生为晚会致辞。(总裁讲话结束)张:Thank you for the presidents important speech from a strategic height. Following the goal, we will work much harder in the new year and create one after another glorious successes.王:感谢总裁高屋建瓴的重要讲话,新的一年,我们将沿着这一目标和要求,
9、顽强拼搏,开拓进取,赢得一个又一个更加辉煌的成绩。张:So lets begin the evening party for the new year. 彭:格特拉克(江西)传动系统有限公司“2010年迎春晚会”合:现在开始。节目串词彭:xxx,我是南方人,你是北方人,一南一北虽说许多风俗差异很大,但过年有许多习俗都是一样的,比如:贴春联,贴窗花王:恩,对啊,我们那儿还要放鞭炮,敬财神,发压岁钱彭:我们也是,都是为了除邪气,保平安,求吉祥王:也是为了把所有的烦恼留在过去的一年,祈盼来年福星高照。彭:看来不管是南方人还是北方人,过年的都有一点是共同的特点,都是要个人寿年丰,大吉大利,万事顺意。王
10、:所以说新年在我们每个人心目中都有一份特殊的情感。彭:During the Chinese Lunar New Year, Chinese people always set off firecrackers and paste spring festival couplets to celebrate the festival, as the new year is of special significance in our hearts. So lets welcome Wei Xingwang to bring an English song “new year in my heart
11、” to all of us.王:接下来就请欣赏韦兴旺为大家带来的英文歌曲新年在我心(歌手上台,主持人下)抽取四等奖【王:非常好听一首英文歌曲,再次感谢韦兴旺的精彩表演!哎,*,你知道吗,今年的迎春晚会与往年有很多不同的地方。张:我当然知道了,今年公司节目多,而且内容丰富,有民族歌曲,器乐演奏,武术表演王:回答错误,其实今年我晚会最主要的是奖项特别的多,而其奖金也很丰厚哦!张:不错,今年晚会公司为我们广大员工准备了非常丰厚的奖品,共设置了特等奖、一等奖、二等奖、三等奖、四等奖五项大奖呢(一等奖,二等奖不是丰厚的奖品,汗颜!幸亏发现,奖品确定了再改吧)王:是啊,今年晚会奖项多,奖金丰厚,而且中奖
12、的概率也相当大,有三分之一的同事都可以抱着奖品回家哟。张:不要再说了,大家都等急了,我们还是先抽奖吧。王:There are so many rich prizes tonight, and now lets start the lucky draw for 4th prize.张:今天为我们抽取四等奖的嘉宾有:xxxxxx, 有请(临场发挥)王:Lets welcome * to draw lotteries. The amount is *.(彭拿抽奖箱子,哈哈哈哈)(互动:我们请最后的五位获奖者作为我们今天四等奖的代表,发表一下获奖感言!)】张:恭喜各位成为我们今天的四等奖得主,同时我们
13、也提醒没有获奖的同事不要灰心,因为后面还有更大的奖品在等着你。王:其实啊,我觉得今天不管是获奖还是没获奖都不重要,最主要的是要过的开心,玩的开心!张:不错,过年了,开心最终要;一轮抽奖环节过后,我们为大家准备了激情似火的拉拉操炫舞青春!王:The following program is fashionable, vigorous and full of passion. That is “PassionateGirls”.张:Lets welcome these 8 beautiful girls.王:朋友们,用你们最热烈的掌声和尖叫声,请出我们的8位天仙MM。 彭:刚才的节目是不是十分炫丽
14、,十分精彩呢?(观众回答,渲染气氛)彭:那就让我们再为这热情的浪潮加一些快乐的因素,有请任静轩为我们带来“脱口秀”表演。彭:Lets enjoy Ren Jingxuans talk show in the name of hapinesses.彭:大家掌声欢迎。张:走过灿烂,走过辉煌,曾经迷漫,曾经向往,一首好听的歌曲,总是让人寻味,让人难以忘怀。王:(Once we feel calmness and warm when hearing a song like the sunshine, once we yearn for the beauty when hearing a song li
15、ke holy light. 可以考虑删掉)A great song is always unforgettable and afford for thought.张:请欣赏女声独唱黄土高坡,演唱者:林敏王:The next program is solo by Lin min, “Loessial Fields” ,lets welcome with warm applause.王:掌声有请。张:下面请欣赏武术表演:表演者:郭恩有。张:The next, lets welcome Guo Enyou to bring a show of Chinese kung fu.抽取三等奖【彭:非常感
16、谢郭恩有的精彩表演,上一轮产生了我们四等奖的得主,接下来将抽取我们今天晚会的三等奖,今天三等奖的奖品是xxxxx,那么究竟是谁将获得我们的三等奖呢,有请我们的抽奖嘉宾为大家揭晓!Now lets start the lucky draw for 3rd prize.王:今天为我们抽取三等奖的嘉宾是xxxxx(临场发挥)彭:Lets welcome * to draw lotteries. (互动:我们请最后的五位获奖者作为我们今天三等奖的代表,发表一下获奖感言!)】(张拿箱子,哈哈哈哈)彭:哎,xx,你去看过车模表演吗?观众:当然看过拉,都是俊男美女呀。彭:那如果我问你看过箱模表演吗?观众:箱
17、模表演?那是什么?彭:嘿嘿,别急,接下来我就让你大开眼界一番。彭:If I say this is just a model show for cars, I think most of you have seen it before and reply to me carelessly “no big deal, ok?” But if I say this is a model show for transmission, maybe you have never seen before. Thats right, thats why I wanna recommend it to you
18、. Its really a special show and lets enjoy it.彭:有请钟维、卢卓、康少伟、倪振、李金金 、傅娟、余小娟为我们带来箱模秀。王、张:下面请欣赏情歌对唱神话涂明、吴乐春Please enjoy a love song called “fairy tale”,performed by Tu Ming & Wu Lechun.彭:高山流水,人生难觅是知音。王:As the old saying goes, a faithful friend is hard to find.彭:穿越古今的爱恋现已不见,唯一可见的是我们那天长地久的友谊。王:right now,
19、 the love through the veil of time is gone, the only emotion we can convey is our lasting friendship. Please enjoy Instrumental solo by Wu Lechun “Auld Lang Syne”.彭:下面请欣赏器乐独奏友谊天长地久,表演者:吴乐春,掌声欢迎!抽取二等奖【张: 又到我们抽奖的环节了,这次抽取的是我们今天二等奖,为我们抽取二等奖的领导有:xxxxx,欢迎各位领导(临场发挥)彭:Now lets start the lucky draw for 2rd p
20、rize. Lets welcome * to draw lotteries. (我们请最后的五位获奖者作为我们今天四等奖的代表,发表一下获奖感言!) 】(王拿箱子,哈哈哈)王:有一首非常经典的英文歌曲,它呢就像月亮代表我的心一样,被很多歌手翻唱。张:不错,经典就是经典,每次聆听总会给我们带来深深的触动。彭:There is a classical English song, just like the chinese song “The Moon tells you My Heart”, always be covered by many singers.彭:Thats right. Cla
21、ssic always touch us deeply and never go out of date. Now, lets enjoy the classical song you raise me up”, and to see if you can get the power from Wang Konghuos interpretation. 王:请欣赏由汪空火为大家带来的英文歌曲you raise me up(一个人说这三句中文,有点自问自答的感觉,还是三个人说吧)彭:(“轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻地来,我挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩”,做动作表示诗句)张:诶,你在干嘛呢?彭:我在用行
22、动介绍下面的节目啊。张:哦,我知道了,你是要说“轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻地来,我挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩”。彭:没错。RIght, I just wanna use my body language to express the meaning of the poem.张:不过下面这个节目可比你有创意和意境哦,他们将为我们带来再别康桥的英文朗诵版。张:But the next performance is more poetical, thats the recitation in English, Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again.彭、张:有请周长国、戚
23、子珺、万戈、陈娜、熊子维。张:优美的诗歌总是像一首优雅动听的曲调,拨动着我们每个人的心弦。接下来的这个节目的风格却跟刚才的节目完全不同, 王:A great poem just like a sweet & soft song, playing upon the strings of our hearts.But the following one is totally different.张:它动作滑稽,内容搞笑,装扮也颇具突破性张:不错,他就是我们今天最具娱乐性的节目六小天鹅,有请我们的小天鹅上场(互动:邀请观众和小天鹅合影,视情况定)王:At last, a genuinely funn
24、y comedy show-Dance of six little swans!抽取一等奖【王:再次感谢六位男士的精彩表演,时间过的真快,又到我们抽奖的时间了张:奖项现在是越来越大,接下来是抽取一等奖的环节,今天为我们抽取一等奖的嘉宾是:xxxx,有请某某总上台。(下面临场发挥)王:Now lets start the lucky draw for 1st prize. Lets welcome * to draw lotteries. (有请获奖者发表获奖感言!)】(张拿箱子,我去准备节目啦,哈哈哈哈)王:哎,xxx,你知道09年的潮流中最流行什么吗?张:当然知道了,那就是中国元素嘛,无论是
25、音乐还是产品,都掀起了一股不小的中国风浪潮呢。王:那你知道中国元素有哪些吗?张:有很多啊,像青花瓷,中国结,皮影戏这些都带着浓郁的中国色彩呢。王:恩,不仅如此,中国的传统服饰也是有着它独特的魅力呢。张:Yeah, I agree. Chinese element is so popular around the world due to its unique charm, and now the pretty girls will show us the beauty of cheongsam. 王:下面就请大家欣赏,由彭国姿、喻薇娜、李云菲、胡宗梅、梁玉琛为大家带来的旗袍舞!张:不知道大家是
26、否还对刚才富有韵律的旋律意犹未尽呢?那就让我们再次启程,置身于新一轮音乐的浪潮中吧。王:I believe that most of you want more beauty melody, so lets immerse in the remix of pop song.张:请欣赏歌曲串烧,表演者:林敏、颜小芳、胡玲、吴乐春、饶科远、章康乐、郭恩有、田光璧抽取特等奖【彭:终于到了我们抽取特等奖的时刻了,今年我们特等奖的奖项非常丰厚,奖金1600元,不知道谁将是我们今天的幸运儿,下面就有请我们今天特等奖的抽奖嘉宾:xxxx,掌声欢迎(临场发挥)】王:难忘今宵,难忘这不眠的欢乐之夜!那是心中涌动
27、的亲情与感动。彭:Its hard to forget this wonderful night, so much happiness revolving around us, because of the affection and sensation in our hearts. 张:难忘今宵,难忘这万家团圆的时刻,那是心中永存的真诚与祝福。彭:Its hard to forget this wonderful night, this great occasion for family gathering, because of the sincerity and blessing alw
28、ays stay.王:难忘今宵,难忘这欢乐的情景。彭:Tonight is so wonderful that unable to forget.张:难忘今宵,难忘这幸福的时光。彭:Tonight is so nice that unable to forget.王:让我们在罗琳优美的歌声中一同感受这难忘的今宵。彭:Lets enjoy this wonderful night in Luo Lins nice singing.结束语张:Unforget tonight, wherever you go.彭:难忘今宵,不论天涯与海角。 张:Say farewell to each other, no matter you know the one around you or not.王:告别今宵,不论故友与新交。 张:Lets wish a better tomorrow of Getrag (Jiang Xi) Transmission Corporation.彭、王:让我们共同祈祷,共同祝愿, 彭、王:祝愿格特拉克明天会更好。 合:让我们明年再相聚。 张:Lets get together in the next year.彭、王:格特拉克(江西)传动系统有限公司“2010年迎春晚会”到此结束。张:Thank you for your attending.