1、1.General2.Basic Principals and Institutions3.Space Technologies and the Principals of Their Application4.New Areas and New Developments5.The Astronautical Policy and Laws of ChinaChapter 7 1.GeneralThe origin of space law can be traced to the launching on 4 October 1957 of Sputnik I, the first arti
2、ficial Earth satellite. Since that time the legal regulation of outer-space activities has been largely centered in the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.Satellites now control communications and observation networks, while landings have been made on the moon and information-seeking s
3、pace probes dispatched to survey planets like Venus and Saturn. The research material gathered upon such diverse matters as earth resources, ionospheric activities, solar radiation, cosmic rays and the general structure of space and planet formations has stimulated further efforts to understand the
4、nature of space and the cosmos.Chapter 7 1.GeneralBeginning in 1957, nations began discussing systems to ensure the peaceful use of outer space. Bilateral discussions between the United States and USSR in 1958 resulted in the presentation of issues to the UN for debate. In 1959 the UN created the Co
5、mmittee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS).COPUOS in turn created two subcommittees, the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee and the Legal Subcommittee. The COPUOS Legal Subcommittee has been a primary forum for discussion and negotiation of international agreements relating to outer spa
6、ce. 和平利用外层空间委员会 - COPUOSChapter 7 1.General一、一、 Definition of outer space often simply called space,comprises the relatively empty regions of the universe outside the atmospheres of celestial bodies. Outer space is used to distinguish it from airspace and terrestrial locations. 二、Boundary between Ea
7、rths atmosphere and spacethere was no clear boundary between Earths atmosphere and space, as the density of the atmosphere gradually decreases as the altitude increases. Nevertheless, several boundaries have been set, namely: Chapter 7 1.General自然科学上,外层空间一般是指地球表面大气层以外的整个宇宙空间;在法律上,外层空间是指国家主权管辖范围以外的整个
8、空间及天体。:以空间的某种高度以空间的某种高度( (物理特征和大气层空气分物理特征和大气层空气分布情况布情况) )作为标准来确定空气空间与外层空间的界限。作为标准来确定空气空间与外层空间的界限。(1 1)空气构成说)空气构成说,有空气领域为“领空”,无空气为外空(2 2)地心吸力终止说)地心吸力终止说,航天器进入太阳引力范围(3 3)Krmn line ,altitude of 100 kilometers,Germanic Physicist ,established by Fdration Aronautique Internationale,随技术变化而变化。(4 4)地球静止轨道说)地
9、球静止轨道说,赤道平面垂直上空离地面约36,000公里的环绕地球的圆形轨道 (5 5)有效控制说)有效控制说,国家的主权管辖范围以有效控制能力为限(6 6)航空器飞行的最高限度说)航空器飞行的最高限度说(7 7)人造卫星运行的最低限度说)人造卫星运行的最低限度说,空间论中赞成者最多Chapter 7 1.General三、三、Sources of outer space lawSpace law regulates activities of states and private entities in outer space, primarily the use of satellites.
10、外层空间法是有关外层空间的法律地位和各国探索和利用外层空间活动的原则规则的总称。 联合国通过的6个宣言和5个条约,构成了外层空间法的基本内容 Declaration1. 1963 Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space ,各国探索和利用外层空间活动的法律原则宣言,宣布九条法律原则,在外层空间法的形成过程中具有开创意义和奠定基础的作用。2.1982 Principles Governing the Use by Stat
11、es of Artificial Earth Satellites for International Direct Television Broadcasting , 各国利用人造卫星进行国际直接电视广播所应遵守的原则3.1986 Principles relating to Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space 关于从外层空间遥感地球的原则Chapter 7 1.General4.1992 Principles Relevant to the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space 5.1999 Dec
12、laration on International Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for the Benefit and in the Interest of All States, Taking into Particular Account the Needs of Developing Countries6.1999 The Space Millennium: Vienna Declaration on Space and Human Development 关于在外层空间使用核动力源的原则关于在外层空间使用核
13、动力源的原则 关于开展探索和利用外层空间的国际合作,促进所有国家的福关于开展探索和利用外层空间的国际合作,促进所有国家的福利和利益,并特别要考虑到发展中国家的需要的宣言利和利益,并特别要考虑到发展中国家的需要的宣言, 简称“1999年外空国际合作宣言”) 空间千年:关于空间和人的发展的维也纳宣言空间千年:关于空间和人的发展的维也纳宣言,对于促进空间科技服务于和平目的,增进外空领域的国际合作,推动各国的经济和社会可持续的发展,将产生积极的影响Chapter 7 1.GeneralTreaties1.1967 Outer Space Treaty -Treaty on Principles Gov
14、erning the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies: forms the basis of international space law 2.1968 Rescue Agreement - Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer
15、 Space 3.1972 Liability Convention - Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects 4.1976 Registration Convention - Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space 5.1984 Moon Agreement - Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and other Ce
16、lestial Bodies 1. 外层空间条约外层空间条约2. 营救协定营救协定3. 国际责任公约国际责任公约4. 登记公约登记公约5. 月球协定月球协定Chapter 7 2.Basic Principals and Institutions一、Basic Principals of Outer Space Law(1) Principle of common benefit. Outer space, including the celestial bodies,is considered to be the common heritage of mankind and all Stat
17、es shall have the right to explore and use outer space.(2) Principle of non-appropriation. No state is allowed to claim sovereignty over outer space or the celestial bodies like moon and other planets. (3) Principle of demilitarization. No State is allowed to use outer space for military purposes. s
18、uch as construction of military bases fortress, carrying out military exercises or positioning weapons of mass destruction. (4) Principle of rescuing astronauts. Astronauts are seen as the envoys of mankind and all the Contracting States shall be under an obligation to rescue the astronauts in distr
19、ess. (5) Principle of strict liability. The launching States shall be strictly liable for the damage to the Contracting States or a third State caused by their space objects. In this kind of case. it is unnecessary to establish fault which is usually required in a tort action. (6) Principle of regis
20、tration. Space objects have to be registered with the UN Secretary General and made public for information disclosure. (7) Principle of environmental protection. Space environment shall be protected and the launching States shall be under an obligation to protect outer space environment. (8) Princip
21、le of compliance with international law. All States are required to comply with international law and the principles of the Charter of the United Nations in their activities in outer space.Chapter 7 2.Basic Principals and InstitutionsChapter 7 2.Basic Principals and Institutions 依据依据各国探索和利用外层空间活动的法律
22、原则宣言各国探索和利用外层空间活动的法律原则宣言和和外层空间条约外层空间条约,国家从事外空活动的原则:,国家从事外空活动的原则:(一)共同利益原则及人类共同继承财产原则(一)共同利益原则及人类共同继承财产原则(二)自由探索和利用的原则(二)自由探索和利用的原则(三)不得据为己有原则(三)不得据为己有原则(四)和平利用原则(四)和平利用原则(五)救援宇航员原则(五)救援宇航员原则(六)外空物体登记和管辖原则(六)外空物体登记和管辖原则(七)保护空间环境原则(七)保护空间环境原则 Chapter 7 2.Basic Principals and Institutions二、二、 Instituti
23、ons of activities in outer space(一) The Moon Agreement The Moon Agreement was considered and elaborated by the Legal Subcommittee from 1972 to 1979. The Agreement was adopted by the General Assembly in 1979 in resolution 34/68. It was not until June 1984, however, that the fifth country, Austria, ra
24、tified the Agreement, allowing it to enter into force in July 1984. The Agreement reaffirms and elaborates on (详细说明)many of the provisions of the Outer Space Treaty as applied to the Moon and other celestial bodies, providing that:1. those bodies should be used exclusively for peaceful purposes, 2.t
25、heir environments should not be disrupted, Chapter 7 2.Basic Principals and Institutions3. the United Nations should be informed of the location and purpose of any station established on those bodies4. the Moon and its natural resources are the common heritage of mankind 5. an international regime s
26、hould be established to govern the exploitation of such resources when such exploitation is about to become feasible. As of 1 January 2008, 13 States have ratified, and an additional4 have signed the Moon Agreement. 月球非军事化月球非军事化为今世和后代人类利益而合作为今世和后代人类利益而合作科学研究自由科学研究自由保护月球环境保护月球环境人类共同继承财产与国际开发制度人类共同继承财
27、产与国际开发制度Chapter 7 2.Basic Principals and Institutions空间大国不批准该协定主要是对月球开发制度不满,也可能对月球非军事化不满。由于月球开发似乎遥不可及,发展中国家对协定的反应也并不很积极。 Chapter 7 2.Basic Principals and Institutions 1.Registry and space objectWhen a space object is launched into Earth orbit or beyond, the launching State shall register the space o
28、bject by means of an entry in an appropriate registry which it shall maintain.The term “launching State” means a State : (i) which launches or procures the launching of a space object; (ii) from whose territory or facility a space object is launched; two or more launching StatesThe contents of each
29、registry and the conditions under which it is maintained shall be determined by the State of registry concerned. 发射国设置登记册及应予登记的空间发射物应予登记的是“进入或超出地球轨道”的空间发射物,高空探测火箭和弹道导弹不必登记。Chapter 7 2.Basic Principals and Institutions2. Register maintained by the Secretary-General of the UN Each launching State shal
30、l inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the establishment of such a registry.The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall maintain a Register in which the information of the space object shall be recorded.There shall be full and open access to the information in this Register.th
31、e following information concerning each space object should be carried on its registry: (a) Name of launching State or States; (b) An appropriate designator dezigneit of the space object or its registration number; (c) Date and territory or location of launch; (d) Basic orbital parameters, including
32、: (i) Nodal period; (ii) Inclination ,inklinein ; (iii) Apogee pdi: ; (iv) Perigee; (e) General function of the space object.联合国设置登记册及应予登记的事项 联合国秘书长保管一份“空间发射物体总登记册”并充分公开听任查阅:(1) 发射国国名;(2) 发射物的标志或其登记号码;(3)发射日期和地点;(4)基本轨道参数(交点周期、倾斜角、远地点、近地点);(5)发射物的功能。Chapter 7 2.Basic Principals and Institutions3. Th
33、e other way to identify a space object Where the application of the provisions of this Convention has not enabled a State Party to identify a space object which has caused damage to it or to any of its natural or juridical persons, or which may be of a hazardous hzds,危险 or deleterious ,delitiris,有害,
34、有毒 nature, other States Parties, including in particular States possessing space monitoring and tracking facilities, shall respond to the greatest extent feasible to a request by that State Party, or transmitted through the Secretary-General on its behalf, for assistance under equitable and reasonab
35、le conditions in the identification of the object.辨认空间发射物体的其它方法和程序 其它缔约各国,特别包括拥有空间监视和跟踪设备的国家,应在可行的最大限度内响应该缔约国所提出或经由联合国秘书长代其提出,在公允和合理的条件下协助辨认该物体的请求。提出这种请求的缔约国应在可行的最大限度内提供关于引起这项请求的事件的时间、性质及情况等情报。 Chapter 7 2.Basic Principals and Institutionsthe Rescue & Return of Astronauts, the Return of Objects Laun
36、ched into Outer Space1.缔约国在营救和送回宇航员营救和送回宇航员方面有以下三方面的义务:(1) Notify:Each Contracting Party which receives information or discovers that the personnel of a spacecraft have suffered accident or are experiencing conditions of distress or have made an emergency or unintended landing in territory under its
37、 jurisdiction or on the high seas or in any other place not under the jurisdiction of any State shall immediately:(a) Notify the launching authority or, if it cannot identify and immediately communicate with the launching authority, immediately make a public announcement by all appropriate means of
38、communication; (b) Notify the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who should disseminate disemineit,传播 the information without delay by all appropriate means of communication . Chapter 7 2.Basic Principals and Institutions(2) Rescue and rendering necessary assistance营救或援助营救或援助If, owing to accid
39、ent, distress, emergency or unintended landing, the personnel of a spacecraft land in territory under the jurisdiction of a Contracting Party, it shall immediately take all possible steps to rescue them and render them all necessary assistance. It shall inform the launching authority and also the Se
40、cretary-General of the UN of the steps it is taking and of their progress. If assistance by the launching authority would help to effect a prompt rescue or would contribute substantially to the effectiveness of search and rescue operations, the launching authority shall cooperate with the Contractin
41、g Party. Such operations shall be subject to the direction and control of the Contracting Party, which shall act in close and continuing consultation with the launching authority. (3)Return - 送回送回the personnel of spacecraft land in territory under the jurisdiction of a Contracting Party or have been
42、 found on the high seas or in any other place not under the jurisdiction of any State, shall be safely and promptly returned to representatives of the launching authority.Chapter 7 2.Basic Principals and Institutions2.Return space object 登记国对留置于外层空间的物体及其所载人员,保留管辖权和控制权。1) Notification - Each Contract
43、ing Party which receives information or discovers that a space object or its component parts has returned to Earth in territory under its jurisdiction or on the high seas or in any other place not under the jurisdiction of any State, shall notify the launching authority and the Secretary-General of
44、the United Nations.2)Recover - Each Contracting Party having jurisdiction over the territory on which a space object has been discovered shall take steps as it finds practicable to recover the object.3)Return - Upon request of the launching authority, objects launched into outer space or their compo
45、nent parts found beyond the territorial limits of the launching authority shall be returned to or held at the disposal of representatives of the launching authority, which shall, upon request, furnish identifying data prior to their return.4)Expenses - Expenses incurred in fulfilling obligations to
46、recover and return a space object or its component parts under paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article shall be borne by the launching authority. Chapter 7 2.Basic Principals and InstitutionsLiability for Damage Caused by Space Objects1.Subject of liability:“launching State“-赔偿的主体:发射国(i) launches or proc
47、ures(促成 ) the launching of a space object;(ii) from whose territory or facility a space object is launched;一国政府、非政府部门从事的此类活动,造成损害时该国都应承担国际赔偿责任。Whenever two or more States jointly launch a space object, they shall be jointly and severally sevrli liable for any damage caused.。2. “damage”-赔偿的范围 :loss o
48、f life, personal injury or other impairment of health; or loss of or damage to property of States or of persons, natural or juridical, or property of international intergovernmental organizations;“launching” includes attempted launching。损害不包括对发射国的国民的损害;对下列外国国民所造成的损害 参加发射操作应发射国邀请而自愿停留在紧接预定发射区或回收地带。 C
49、hapter 7 2.Basic Principals and Institutions3. criterion of liability - 赔偿责任的归责原则A launching State shall be absolutely liable to pay compensation for damage on the surface of the earth or to aircraft in flight.发射国对其空间发射物体对地面的损害负绝对责任。damage being caused to a space object of one launching State or to
50、persons or property on board such a space object by a space object of another launching State, the latter shall be liable only if the damage is due to its fault or the fault of persons for whom it is responsible.发射国对其空间发射物体在地面以外的地方造成的损害负过错责任。绝对责任绝对责任过错责任过错责任过错责任无过错责任公平责任谁主张,谁举证过错推定高危活动环境损害饲养动物产品质量紧急