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1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流中科院大气物理所2002年发表论文清单.精品文档.中科院大气物理所2002年发表论文清单序号作 者作者排名论文题目刊物名称刊物类型年,卷,期,页1Yushun Wang, Mengzhao Qin1Multisymplectic structure and multisymplectic scheme for the nonlinear wave equationActa Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English SeriesCSCD2002,18(1), 169-1762Zhang Zhiyue1The

2、 alternating-direction schemes and numerical analysis for the three-dimensional seawater intrusion simulationActa Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English SeriesCSCD2002, 18(3), 389-4043Mu Mingquan and Li Chongyin1Indian ocean dipole and its relationship with ENSO modeActa Meteor. Sin.CSCD2002, 16(4)

3、, 489-4974Hao Zhenchun, Su Fengge, Xie Zhenghui2Macrodcale hydrological modeling over the Huaihe river basinActa Meteorologica SinicaCSCD2002, 16(3), 363-373 5苏凤阁,郝振纯1一种陆面过程模式对径流的模拟研究气候与环境研究CSCD2002,7(4),423-4326薛洪斌, 钟中, 薛峰3Zonally symmetric Ekman-CISK mechanism and 30-60-day low frequency oscillati

4、on near the equatorActa Meteorologica SinicaCSCD2002, 16(4), 498-5087Li Chongyin and Mu Mingquan1Further study on the essence of ENSOChinese J. Atmos. Sci.CSCD2002, 26(4)8Huang Ronghui, Chen Jinzhong1Geostrophic adaptation process and excitation of inertia-gravity waves in the strotospheric spherica

5、l atmosphereChinese J. Atmos. Sci.CSCD2002,Vol.26, 1-209Long Zhenxia, Li Chongyin1Interannual variation of tropical atmospheric 30-60 day low-frequency oscillation and ENSO cycleChinese J. Atmos. Sci.CSCD2002, 26(1), 51-6210薛峰, 林一骅, 曾庆存1Seasonal division of the general circulation of the atmosphere

6、and its abrupt change, Part IIIChinese J. Atmos. Sci.CSCD2002, 26(3), 243-25111Zeng Qingcun and Li Jianping1On the Interaction between Northern and Southern Hemispheric Atmospheres and the Essence of Tropical MonsoonChinese J. Atmos. Sci.CSCD2002, 26, 207-22612 ?Li Chongyin and Long Zhengxia1Intrase

7、asonal oscillation anomalies in the tropical atmosphere and El Nino eventsExchanges2002, 7(2), 12-1513IWASAKA, Shi Guangyu , SHEN Zhibao -2Number Concentration and Size Distribution of Aerosols in the Free Atmosphere over the Desert Areas in the Asian Continent, Balloon-borne Measurements in Summer

8、and Fall, 2001 at DunHuang, ChinaJournal of Arid Land Studies2002, 11(4) March, 347-35314Mikami,-, Shi Guangyu(11),-共15人11The Impact of Aeolian Dust on Climate,Sino-Japanese Cooperative Project ADECJournal of Arid Land Studies2002, 11(4), 211-22215Zhu Yanfeng, Ding Yuguo, He Jinhai1Coupling patterns

9、 of air-sea interaction at middle & lower latitudes and its interdecadal oscillationJournal of Tropical MeteorologyCSCD2002, 18(2)16Huang Ronghui1Studies on the variability and prediction of East Asian summer monsoonKorean J. Atmos. Sci.2002, Vol.5, 1-1217Lu, Riyu1Association between the surface tem

10、perature in Eurasia and the Changma withdrawalsKorean Journal of the Atmospheric Science2002, 5, 63-7018Kim, B.-J., R. Huang and R. Lu2Possible linkage between the East Asian winter monsoon and the summer rainfall in KoreaKorean Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences2002, 5, 111-12019陈文1El Nino和La Nina

11、事件对东亚冬,夏季风循环的影响大气科学CSCD2002, 26(5)20徐兴奎1长江三角洲地区地表月平均反照率的反演大气科学CSCD2002, 26(3), 394-40021王喜红, 石广玉, 马晓燕1东亚地区对流层人为硫酸盐辐射强迫及其温度响应大气科学CSCD2002,26(6),751-76022赵彦, 郭裕福1短期气候数值预报中的集合个数问题大气科学CSCD2002, 26(2), 279-28823陆日宇1华北汛期降水量变化中年代际和年际尺度分离大气科学CSCD2002,26(5),289-30224薛峰, 林一骅, 曾庆存1论大气环流的季节划分与季节突变III, 气候平均情况大气科

12、学CSCD2002, 26(3), 307-31425Xue Feng, Bi Xunqiang, Lin Yihua1Modelling the Global Monsoon System by Iap 9L AGCMAdvances in Atmospheric SciencesSCIE2002, 18(3), 404-41226Lin Yihua, Lian Shumin, Zeng Qingcun1Slow Tropical Disturbances in Simple Air-Sea Coupled Model-Interaction between Different Type D

13、isturbancesChinese Journal of Atmospheric SciencesCSCD2002, .25(2), 129-13627林一骅, 傅云飞1简单热带海气耦合模型中不同扰动形式间的耦合作用大气科学CSCD2002,25(1),111-11728曾庆存, 李建平1南北两半球大气的相互作用和季风的本质大气科学CSCD2002, 26, 433-44829黄荣辉, 陈金中1平流层球面大气地转适应过程和惯性重力波的激发大气科学CSCD2002, 26, 299-30630李崇银, 吴静波1索马里跨赤道气流对南海夏季风爆发的重要作用大气科学CSCD2002, 26, 185

14、-19231刘海龙,李薇,张学洪,俞永强1一个大洋环流模式中赤道西太平洋暖池海面温度对西风爆发的响应大气科学CSCD2002, 26(2), 171-18432蔡树群,刘海龙,李薇2南海与邻近海洋的水通量交换海洋科学进展CSCD2002, 20(3)33周天军, 张学洪1印度洋海气热通量交换研究大气科学CSCD2002, 26, 161-17034孙菽芬, 李敬阳1用于气候研究的雪盖模型参数化方案敏感性研究大气科学CSCD2002,26(4), 558-575351.许黎 5. 石广玉5北京地区春末-初秋气溶胶理化特性的观测研究大气科学CSCD2002,26(3) ,401-41136韦志刚,

15、黄荣辉,陈文,董文杰2青藏高原地面站积雪的空间分布和年际变化特征大气科学CSCD2002, 26(4)37李崇银, 穆明权1ENSO-赤道西太平洋异常纬向风所驱动的热带太平洋次表层海温距平的循环地球科学进展CSCD2002, 17, 631-63838刘玉芝, 肖稳安, 石广玉3论大气二氧化碳温室效应的饱和度地球科学进展CSCD2002, 5, 654-65739姜大膀, 王会军, 朗咸梅1末次盛冰期气候模拟及青藏高原冰盖的可能影响第四纪研究CSCD2002,22(4), 323-331,40郜宪林, 冯士德2DII COE开发过程及分析高技术通讯增刊CSCD2002, 12(8), 3174

16、1方之芳,郭裕福,乔琪,方锦辉1北极海冰减少及其相关气象场的联系高原气象CSCD2002, 21(6), 565-57542徐兴奎, 林朝晖1青藏高原地表月平均反照率的遥感反演高原气象CSCD2002, 21(3), 233-23743于福江, 张占海, 林一骅1一个稳态Kalman滤波风暴潮预报模式海洋学报CSCD2002, 24(5), 26-3544王雨顺, 秦孟兆1变分与无穷维系统的高精度辛格式计算数学CSCD2002, 24(4), 431-436 45罗振东,谢正辉等2非饱和土壤水流问题的混合元法及其数值模拟计算数学CSCD200246李荣凤, 游小宝, P. Chu1夏季西北太平

17、洋等位势密度面上的副热带逆流科学通报CSCD2002, 47(5), 392-39547张耀存, 周天军2伴随南海季风爆发区域尺度环流演变机理的诊断分析和数值模拟南京大学学报CSCD2002, 38, 331-34048刘洪涛, 王斌, 薛峰, 宇如聪1大气环流模式降水的模拟对水汽方程差分方案的敏感性试验, 气候与环境研究CSCD2002, 7(1), 121-13449李崇银1关于ENSO本质的进一步研究气候与环境研究CSCD2002, 12, 160-17450黄荣辉, 陈文1关于亚洲季风与ENSO循环相互作用研究最近的进展气候与环境研究CSCD2002, 7(2), 146-15951曹

18、杰,黄荣辉,谢应齐,陶云2西太平洋副热带高压演变物理机制的研究中国科学(D辑)CSCD2002,32(8),659-66652王守荣,黄荣辉,丁一汇2分布式水文-土壤-植被模式的改进及气候水文Off-line模拟试验气象学报CSCD2002,60(3),290-30053李崇银, 朱锦红, 孙照勃1年代际气候变化研究气候与环境研究CSCD2002, 12, 209-21954穆穆,李建平,丑纪范,段晚锁,王家城1气候系统可预报性理论研究气候与环境研究CSCD2002, 7(2), 227-23555吴国雄,刘新,张琼,钱永甫,毛江玉,刘屹岷,李伟平1青藏高原抬升加热气候效应研究的新进展气候与环

19、境研究CSCD2002, 7(2), 1-2056石广玉, 王喜红, 张立盛, 黄兴友, 赵宗慈, 高学杰, 徐影1人类活动对气候影响的研究II.对东亚和中国气候变化的影响气候与环境研究CSCD2002, 7(2), 255-26657吴持平, 张永兴, 季仲贞1三维指数型迎风格式以及在环境数值模拟中的初步应用气候与环境研究CSCD2002, 7(3), 332-33858王会军, 周广庆, 林朝晖1我国近年来短期气候预测研究的若干进展气候与环境研究CSCD2002,7(2), 220-226, 59布和朝鲁 纪立人 崔茂常1夏季我国干旱,半干旱区陆面过程能量平衡及其局地大气环流气候与环境研究

20、CSCD2002, 第7卷, 61-7360李东辉, 游小宝, 张铭2南海各月月平均流场的数值模拟气象科学CSCD2002, 12(4)61王喜红, 石广玉1东北地区云和地表反照率对硫酸盐直接辐射强迫的影响气象学报CSCD2002,60(6)62张韬,吴国雄,郭裕福1海-陆-气全球耦合模式能量收支的误差气象学报CSCD2002, 60(3),278-28863毛江玉,吴国雄,刘屹岷1季节转换期间副热带高压带形态变异及其机制的研究:副高结构的气候学特征气象学报CSCD2002, 60(4),400-40864毛江玉,吴国雄,刘屹岷1季节转换期间副热带高压带形态变异及其机制的研究:亚洲季风区季节转

21、换指数气象学报CSCD2002, 60(4),409-42065张韬,郭裕福,吴国雄1冷暖事件对大气能量循环和纬向平均环流影响的模拟研究气象学报CSCD2002, 60(5),51366吴国雄,刘屹岷,刘平,任荣彩 1气候纬向平均副热带高压和Hadley环流的下沉支比较气象学报CSCD2002, 5, 639-64067刘新,吴国雄,刘屹岷,刘平1青藏高原加热与亚洲环流季节变化和夏季风爆发气象学报CSCD2002, 6, 781-79368刘宇迪,季仲贞,朱红伟,李昕东,候志明1水平网格对Rossby波的影响气象学报CSCD2002, 60(4), 76-8469刘新,李伟平,吴国雄1夏季青藏

22、高原加热和北半球环流年际变化的相关分析气象学报CSCD2002, 60(3), 267-27770张立盛, 石广玉1相对湿度对气溶胶辐射特性和辐射强迫的影响气象学报CSCD2002, 60(2), 230-23771周兵 徐海明 吴国雄 何金海1云迹风资料同化对暴雨预报影响的数值模拟气象学报CSCD2002, 60(3), 308-31772周兵, 徐海明, 何金海1长江中游区域性暴雨发展机理合成分析南京气象学院学报CSCD2002,25(1),1-1373徐兴奎, 刘素红1中国地表月平均反照率的遥感反演气象学报CSCD2002, 60(2), 215-22074李薇, 宇如聪, 刘海龙1大气

23、模式中季节内振荡特征对不同海温强迫场的响应青岛海洋大学学报CSCD2002, 32(1), 9-1775王可丽,吴国雄,江灏,刘平2青藏高原云-辐射-加然效应和南亚夏季风1985年与1987年对比分析气象学报CSCD2002, 60(2), 173-17976朱艳峰, 丁裕国, 何金海1中低纬海气相互作用的耦合型态及其年代际振荡特征研究热带气象学报CSCD2002, 18(2), 139-14777杨燕, 朱抱真, 杨辉, 张瑞雪3热带大气对EL Nino 和 La Nino 的动力响应热带气象学报CSCD2002, 18(1),10-1978肖子牛, 晏红明, 李崇银3印度洋地区异常海温的偶

24、极振荡与中国降水及温度的关系热带气象学报CSCD2002, 18(4), 335-34479张志跃1三维热传导型半导体问题的交替方向特征有限元方法系统科学与数学J. Sys. Sci. & Math. Scis.CSCD2002, 22(4), 395-40580张韬, 郭裕福, 吴国雄1一个具有高分辨率海洋分量的海气耦合模式应用气象学报CSCD2002, 13(6)81谢安,毛江玉,宋焱云,叶 谦2长江中下游地区水汽输送气候特征应用气象学报CSCD2002,13(1), 67-7782黄荣辉, 周连童1我国重大气候灾害特征,形成机理和预测研究灾害学报CSCD2002, Vol.11, 1-9

25、83赵颖, 王斌, 季仲贞1动力保守系统的一类双属性格式中国科学院研究生院学报CSCD2002, 19(1), 82-8584林万涛, 季仲贞, 王斌1强迫耗散非线性发展方程显式差分格式的计算稳定性中国科学院研究生院学报CSCD2002, 19(4), 86-8985季仲贞, 王斌, 赵颖, 杨宏伟1总能量守恒和辛几何算法中国科学院研究生院学报CSCD2002, 19(4)86郜宪林, 冯士德1软件过程和过程能力参考模型及其应用自动化理论,技术及应用2002, 9, 399-87郜宪林, 冯士德1决策支持系统体系结构模型初探自动化理论,技术及应用2002, 9, 481-88张昕, 王斌, 季

26、仲贞, 林万涛1“98.7”武汉暴雨模拟中的三维变分资料同化研究自然科学进展CSCD2002, 12(2), 156-16089程强, 王斌1基于最小程序行为分解的模式伴随化, 自然科学进展CSCD2002, 12(4):434-43790林万涛, 季仲贞, 王斌, 张昕1守恒格式与非守恒格式的比较研究自然科学进展CSCD2002, 12(12), 102-10491张学洪,李薇,金向泽,黄瑞新1压力坐标海洋环流模式的发展和应用前景自然科学进展CSCD2002,12(10),1015-102092Feng Shide, Ren Rongcai, Ji Zhongzhen1Heat Flux B

27、oundary Conditions for a Lattice Boltzmann Equation ModelChin. Phys. LettSCI2002, 19(1) 79-8293Feng Shide, Yang Jinglong, Gao Xianlin, Ji Zhongzhen1Lattice Boltzmann Model and Geophysical Hydrodynamic EquationChin. Phys. Lett.SCI2002, 19(3), 358-36194Feng Shide, Zhao Ying, Gao Xianlin, Ji Zhongzhen1

28、Lattice Boltzmann Numerical Simulation of a Circular CylinderChin. Phys. Lett.SCI2002, 19(6), 811-81795Li Chongyin, Mu Mingquan and Pan Jing1Indian Ocean temperature dipole and SSTA in the equatorial Pacific OceanChinese Science BulletinSCI2002, 47, 236-23996Lu, Riyu1Precursory SST anomalies associa

29、ted with the convection over the western Pacific warm poolChinese Science BulletinSCI2002, 47, 696-69997Li Rongfeng, You Xiao Bao, Peter Chu1Summertime Subtropical Countercurrent on isopycnal in the western North PacificChinese Science BulletinSCI2002,47(9),786-78998IN-SIK KANG, Y.M. Liu2Intercompar

30、ison of the climatological variations of Asian summer monsoon precipitation simulated by 10 GCMsClimate DynamicsSCI2002, 18, 383-39599Tianjun Zhou, Zhaoxin Li1Simulation of the east Asian summer monsoon by using a variable resolution atmospheric GCMClimate DynamicsSCI2002, 19, 167-180100Peter Chu, L

31、i Rongfenfg, You Xiaobao2Northwest Pacific Subtropical Countercurrent on Isopycnal Surface in SummerGeophysical Research LetterSCI2002, 29(0-10), 1029-101Li Jianping and Zeng Qingcun1A temperature inversion in a unified monsoon indexGeophysical Research LettersSCI2002, 29(8), 1151-1154102Chen Wen, H

32、ans-F. Graf, Masaaki Takahashi1Observed interannual oscillations of planetary wave forcing in the northern hemisphere winterGeophysical Research LettersSCI2002, 29(0,XXXX), 103Chen Wen1The Impacts of El Nino and La Nina on the Cycle of East Asian Winter and Summer MonsoonChinese Journal of Atmospher

33、ic SciencesCSCD2002,26(4),359-376104Ren Baohua, Huang Ronghui2l0-25-Day Intraseasonal Variations of Convection and Circulation Associated with Thermal State of the Western Pacific Warm Pool during Boreal SummerAdvances in Atmospheric SciencesSCIE2002, 19(2), 321-336105IN-SIK KANG, Y.M. Liu2Intercomp

34、arison of atmospheric GCM simulated anomalies associated with the 1997/98 El NinoJ. ClimateSCI2002, 15, 2791-2805106Zhang Qiong, Wu Guoxiong and Qian Yongfu1The bimodality of the 100 hPa South Asia High and its relationship to the climate anomaly over East Asia in summerJ. Meteor. Soc. JapanSCI2002,

35、 80(4), 733-744107X. Zou, Hui Liu, R.A. Anthes2A statistical estimate of errors in the calcuation of radio-occultation bending angles caused by a 2D approximation of ray tracing and the assumption of spherical symmetry of the atmosphereJournal of Atmsopheric and Oceanic TechnologySCI2002, 19, 51-641

36、08张华,石广玉2Numerical explanation for accurate radiative cooling rates resulting from the correlated K-distribution hypothesisJournal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer SCI2002,74, 299-306109Yushun Wang, Mengzhao qin1Multisymplectic schemes for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equationMatiemat

37、ical and computer modelingSCI2002, 36(9/10), 963-977 110Liu Y.M., J.C.L. Chan, J.Y. Mao and G.X. Wu1The Role of Bengal Convection in the Onset of the 1998 South China Sea Summer MonsoonMon. Wea. Rev.SCI2002, 130, 2731-1744111Riyu Lu, J.-H. Oh and B.-J. Kim1200 hPa mid-latitudinal Rossby waves as a p

38、ossible link between the Indian and East Asian summer monsoonsTellusSCI2002, 54A, 44-55112Li Chongyin, H-R. Cho and J-T. Wang1CISK Kelvin wave with evaporation wind feedback and air-sea interaction-A further study of tropical intraseasonal oscillation mechanismAdv. Atmos. Sci SCIE2002, 19, 379-39011

39、3Lin Wantao, Ji Zhongzhen, Wang Bin, Yang Xiaodong1A comparative analysis of computational stability for linear and non-linear evolution equationsAdv. Atmos. Sci.SCIE2002, 19(4), 699-704114俞永强, 宇如聪, 张学洪, 刘海龙1A flexible coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation modelAdv. Atmos. Sci.SCIE2002, 19(1)

40、, 169-190115Zhang Tao, Guo Yufu, WU Guoxiong1Analysis of the zonal mean atmospheric climate state in IAP/LASG GOALS model simulationsAdv. Atmos. Sci.SCIE2002, 19(6), 1091-1102116Lu, Riyu, Chan-Su Ryu and Buwen Dong1Associations between the western North Pacific monsoon and the South China Sea monsoo

41、nAdv. Atmos. Sci.SCIE2002, 19, 12-24117Zhou Tianjun, Yu RC, Li ZX1ENSO-dependent and ENSO-independent Variability over the Mid-latitude North Pacific, Observation and Air-sea Coupled Model SimulationAdv. Atmos. Sci.SCIE2002, 19, 1127-1147118Lu, Riyu1Indexes for the summertime western North Pacific s

42、ubtropical highAdv. Atmos. Sci.SCIE2002, 19, 1004-1028119Zhao Ying, Wang Bin Ji Zhangzhen1Symplectic-like difference schemes for generalized Hamiltonian systemsAdv. Atmos. Sci. SCIE2002, 19(4), 719-726120Mu Mu, Duan Wansuo,Wang Jiacheng1The Predictability Problems in Numerical Weather and Climate Pr

43、edictionAdv. Atmos. Sci.SCIE2002, 19(2), 191-204121Zhu Yanfeng, Chen Longxun1The relatiohship between the Asian/Australian monsoon and ENSO on a quasi-four-year scaleAdv. Atmos. Sci.SCIE2002, 19(4), 727-740122王会军, 薛峰, 周广庆1The spring monsoon in South China and its relationship to large-scale circulat

44、ion featuresAdv. Atmos. Sci. SCIE2002, 19(4), 651-664123Ji Zhongzhen, Wang Bin, Zhao Ying, Yang Hongwei1Total energy conservation and the symplectic algorithmAdv. Atmos. Sci.SCIE2002, 19(3), 459-469124Ji Zhongzhen, Chen Jiabin1A new semi-lagrangian difference schemeProgress in Natural scienceSCIE2002, 1


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