1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流中国新能源汽车的市场发展前景的分析.精品文档.中国新能源汽车的市场发展前景的分析 中国新能源汽车的市场发展前景的分析(选题审批表,任务书,开题报告,中期报告,毕业论文14000字) 摘 要:近年来,新能源汽车的发展已经逐步被全世界所广泛关注,新能源提倡的绿色环保成为当今社会的主流趋势。但是新能源汽车的发展前景到底如何,仍然引起了巨大 .中国新能源汽车的市场发展前景的分析(选题审批表,任务书,开题报告,中期报告,毕业论文字)摘 要:近年来,新能源汽车的发展已经逐步被全世界所广泛关注,新能源提倡的绿色环保成为当今社会的主流趋势。但是新
2、能源汽车的发展前景到底如何,仍然引起了巨大的争议。本文首先分析了新能源汽车市场的发展机遇,接着分析了新能源汽车市场的潜在经济效应,以及其市场供求状况,然后得出了新能源汽车市场前景广阔的结论。关键词:低碳经济;支柱产业;汽车保有量;Analysis of Market Developing Tendency of Chinese New Energy VehiclesAbstract: In recent years, the development of new energy vehicles have gradually been widespread concern in the whol
3、e world, the new green energy advocates became the main trend of society today, but regarding to the future of the new energy vehicles aroused widely controversy. This paper firstly analysis the developing chance of new energy vehicles market, then analysis its potential market economic impact and b
4、asic condition of market supply and demand At last ,concluded that the new energy vehicles have brightly future of its development market. Keyword: low-carbon economy; pillar industry; vehicle holdings;摘要在中国从农业社会向工业社会、从传统社会向现代社会转变的现在,中国的大批农民工从农业和农村向非农业和城市流动已经成为一种必然现象。农民工在城市中不仅要面对社会保障、劳动权益等等问题,还要很直观的
5、面对他们子女的教育问题。在子女的教育中,学校教育无疑占据着非常重要的地位。农民工子弟学校在承担人口输入地义务教育责任的同时,也受到各种不公平的待遇。完善农民工子弟学校,是解决农民工子女教育问题的途径之一。本论文以贵阳市永恒小学为基本调查对象,深入了解该农民工子弟学校的现状,得知其在学校的硬件、学校的财政、学校的师资等方面都存在着很大的问题,进而分析研究导致这些问题的原因,并针对问题提出实际的建议和意见方案。关键词:农民工 农民工子弟学校 现状 AbstractAs the society improves from the traditional agricultural one t
6、o the modern industrial one, it has already been an inevitable phenomenon that a great deal of migrant workers move from rural communities or agriculture to city or non-agriculture. Not only the problems such as social security and laborers rights in city, but also would they face the children&rsquo
7、;s education directly. Among all kinds of education, it’s no doubt that school education is of the most importance. Schools for children of migrant workers from agricultural districts take responsibility of a compulsory education, and at the same time, various unfair treatments are also receiv
8、ed. Improving the facilities of those schools is one of the ways to settle down the children’s education of migrant workers. Taking Yong Heng school in Guiyang city as the basic subject of investigation, this thesis, by studying the current state of this school deeply, elicits a fact that ther
9、e are so many insufficiencies in hardware, finance and teacher etc in this school and a plan of practical proposition is taken out according to analyzing the cause of these problems.Keywords: Peasant laborer; Peasant laborer dependents school;Present situation 目 &n
10、bsp; 录 字摘 要 ABSTRACT前 言1一、研究方法与调查对象的基本情况3(一)研究方法3(二)调查对象基本情况4二、贵阳市农民工子弟学校现状,以永恒小学为例5 (一)师资力量不足且流动性大5(二)生源不稳定且学生流动性大,学生难管6(三)学校办学条件较差81.学校建设差82.学校管理不到位10(四)面临不公正待遇11 三、导致以上现状和问题的原因12(一)城乡二元结构体制造成农民工子女就学机会不公平12(二)财政困难导致农民工子弟学校办学困难13(三)农民工的流动性导致农民工子弟学校的学生
11、流动性大13(四)工资待遇低和工作环境差导致其师资力量不足且流动性大14(五)办学条件差、师资弱、管理混乱导致教学质量问题14结 语15参考文献18 致 谢19 摘 要:私募股权融资作为一种创新型融资方式,不仅可以为中小企业提供成长所需的大量资金,对改善企业结构和管理水平提供帮助,而且在促进企业未来发展等多方面起到了积极的推动作用,为中小企业迈向成功提供了一个良好的平台。文章分析了私募股权融资作为一种创新型融资方式在世界范围内快速发展,受到广大中小企业者青睐的原因,同时也揭示了中小企业在发展私募股权融资过程中所面临的问题,并提供了相关的解决对策。
12、关键字:私募股权;中小企业;对策 Small and medium-sized enterprise private equity financing discussed the countermeasuresAbstract:Private equity finance, as a new way of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises, can not only provide the amount of capital that required for growth to ameliorate enterpri
13、se structure and management level, but also played a positive role in enterprise future development in many aspects, and provide a favourable platform to success for small and medium-sized enterprises. This paper tell us why private equity financing is very popular for small and medium-sized enterpr
14、eneurs, which is rapidly development in the worldwide as one kinds of innovative financing, and promulgate the problems will facing when they develop the private equity finance and also, provide relevant solusions. Key words: Private equity finance; Small and medium-sized enterprise;Solusion目 &
15、nbsp; 录 字摘要1关键词1一、前言1二、私募股权融资是中小企业融资的创新2 (一)私募股权融资是中小企业发展的关键 2 (二)私募股权融资可以迅速增强企业实力 3 (三)私募股权融资为企业提供了高附加值的服务 4 (四)私募股权融资可以推进中小企业最终上市成功 4三、私募股权融资发展中存在的问题4 (一)融资管道单一,融资成本高 5 (二)法律法规不完善,政府定位不明确 5
16、 (三)市场退出机制不够完善 5 (四)企业缺乏良好的公司治理机制 6 (五)私募融资机构专业人员素质不高 6四、发展中小企业私募股权融资的对策6(一)鼓励民间资本进入私募股权融资 6(二)明确政府的作用,制定有关私募股权融资业的法律体系 6 1.发展私募股权融资业,首先要明确政府的作用和角色 6 2.完善相关法律法规,创造良好的外部发展环境 7 (三)建立多层次的产权交易市场,形成顺畅的退出机制 7
17、 (四)寻求专业机构的帮助并聘请富有经验的财务顾问 7 (五)加强融资各方诚信建设,提高市场透明度 8 (六)确定适当的融资规模 8 (七)完善中小企业自身发展 8 1.中小企业要建立私募融资的公司战略 8 2.对企业自身价值合理评估8 3.企业走新路亟须破除思想障碍9五、结束语9 参考文献9致谢11 论贪污贿赂罪的死刑废除(附答辩记录
18、)(包含选题审批表,任务书,开题报告,中期报告,毕业论文字,答辩记录,成绩评定册) 摘 要:虽然我国刑法对贪污贿赂罪规定了死刑这种最严厉的刑罚,但贪污贿赂犯罪现象仍然严重,表明死刑对遏制这类犯罪的作用是有限的。因为刑罚的威慑力不仅仅是在于它的严厉性,更重要的在于它的确定性和可预期性。对贪污贿赂罪适用死刑同刑罚的公正、效益、人道价值追求之间存在一定程度的背离。废除贪污贿赂罪的死刑规定,有利于开展反腐败领域的国际合作,维护我国法制的统一和权威,也有利于更新更利于遏制贪污犯罪替代刑,并对其他贪污贿赂犯罪人构成心理威慑,从而更加有利于打击贪污贿赂犯罪。但对贪污贿赂罪废除死刑的同时,需要进一
19、步完善贪污贿赂罪的刑罚体系。关键词:死刑废除;贪污贿赂;替代刑;死刑The Death Penalty Abolition of Embezzlement Abstract: Although our countrys criminal law stipulates the death penalty for embezzlement the most severe punishment. But the bribery crimes phenomenon still be very serious.This phenomenon shows that the effects of
20、 the death criminal are so limited.Because that the detand errent threat of the punishment is not only lies in its official handles but whats more important in its certiant and predict-tability death penalty applied for embezzlement with penalty justice, benefit, humane value pursuit and there exist
21、 certain degree of deviation between the things above.To abolished the provisions of the death penalty contributing to the development of international cooperation in the field of against corruption ,to safeguarding our countrys legal systems unification and authority and at the same time contributi
22、ng update the advantageous to the curb corruption crime alternative punishment and the other corruption offenders constitute psychological deterrent.Thus will more help combat corruption and bribery crime. But at the same time for embezzlement and abolished the death penalty we need further im
23、prove the embezzlement punishment system. Key words: The abolished of death penalty; Corruption and bribery; Alternative punishment; Death sentence &nb
24、sp; 摘要 钢铁产业是国民经济重要的基础产业,产业链长、关联度大、关联度高。有关数据表明,钢铁产业的工业增加值占了全国GDP的4%左右,它的总资产、营业收入、利润总额大体都占了全国工业整体的8%到9%。 然而中国钢铁工业是2008年以来全球金融风暴中受影响最重的行业之一。2008年10月以来钢铁业面临企业大面积减产、全行业亏损、库存大量增加、成本与价格倒挂等困难,大中型钢铁企业亏损面已达59
25、.15%,钢铁产业稳定发展面临着前所未有的挑战,应该看到,钢铁行业在经历了长期粗放型扩张后,必然要进行一次大的调整,中国钢铁产业如何通过对自身的调整应对本次金融危机的冲击已成为迫在眉睫的问题。本文通过对中国钢铁产业自身现状及其各影响因素的分析,指出钢铁产业目前存在的诸多问题,针对这些问题提出了改革的政策建议以及应对措施,并在此基础上预测中国钢铁产业未来的格局与走势,以期为钢铁产业的投资提供一些参考。 关键词:钢铁产业;行业分析;金融危机;投资;竞争 The brief analysis of China iron and steel industry &nbs
26、p; AbstractIron and steel industry is very important position and role. It should be said that the steel industry is an important basic industry of the national economy, industrial
27、 chain length, degree correlation, correlation is high. Some data from the iron and steel industry, the countrys industrial added value accounted for about 4% of GDP, its total assets, operating income, total profits in general has a market share of the overall national industrial 8% to 9%. Therefor
28、e, the status and role of its role in the national economy is very important. However, the Chinese iron and steel industry since the 2008 global financial crisis in the most affected industries. Since October 2008 the iron and steel industry faces large-scale production ente
29、rprises, industry-wide losses, a significant increase in inventory, cost and prices, such as difficulties in inversion, large and medium-sized steel enterprises has reached 59.15 percent loss, and stable development of the steel industry is faced with unprecedented challenges, it should be see that,
30、 iron and steel industry has undergone extensive expansion of long-term, is bound to be a big adjustment, the Chinese steel industry through the adjustment of their own to deal with the financial crisis has become a pressing issue. Based on the status of Chinas steel industry and its impact on their
31、 own analysis of the factors that currently exist in the steel industry many problems to deal with these problems, the reform bill, the measures to deal with, and based on this forecast the future pattern of Chinas iron and steel and the trend for investment in the steel industry to provide some ref
32、erence. 英语委婉语-礼貌视角下的有意不合作(7200字)摘 要:委婉语是语言交际中的“润滑剂”;合作原则和礼貌原则是言语交际中交际双方应该遵守的最基本的原则。虽然委婉语的使用违反了“合作原则”,却遵循了“礼貌原则”,因此委婉语的语用特点是在礼貌原则指导下的有意不合作。关键词:委婉语;合作原则;礼貌原则 English Euphemism: Intentional Non-cooperation under the Perspective of Politeness PrincipleAbstr
33、act: In language communication, euphemism is a lubricant, whereas Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle are the essential principles that both communicative participants should obey. Though the use of euphemism sins against Cooperative Principle, it observes Politeness Principle. Thus, the
34、pragmatic characteristic of euphemism is the intentional non-cooperation under the perspective of Politeness Principle.Key words: Euphemism; Cooperative Principle; Politeness Principle论环境保护的财政约束与现实选择(字)摘 要:环境保护属于公共产品,具有很强的外部性,因此市场无法有效提供。同时政府在环境保护过程中囿于其制度及机制安排的缺陷,存在着一定程度的政府失灵。为合理解决我国环境保护问题,国家须建
35、立健全环保投入机制,完善环保财政政策,构建和谐的环保税收体系,理顺各级政府的环保权限与职责。采用多种激励手段支持环保产业的发展。关键词:环境保护;财政政策;税收体系;环保产业Concerning Environmental Protection Fiscal Restraint and Realistic ChoiceAbstract: The environmental protection belong to the public product, strong externality, so the market cant provide. Meanwhile the governmen
36、t in environmental protection in the system and the process of constrained to arrange, the defects of mechanisms exist a certain degree of government failure. For reasonable solve problems in environment protection, the state shall establish and perfect the environmental protection investment mechan
37、ism, improve environmental fiscal policy and constructing harmonious environmental tax system, to rationalize all levels of government authority and responsibility environmental protection.Using a variety of incentive methods to support the development of environmental protection industry. Key words
38、: Environmental Protection; Fiscal Policy; Tax System; Environmental Protect- ion Industry摘 要:针对陈村花卉苗木的出口情况进行全面的调查,并对个别出口花卉苗木的检疫要求进行了研究。通过对花卉世界中的皿井、良种等花卉苗木出口企业的出口花卉苗木进行数量检查和现场检疫,并对其出口的种类、数量、批次等资料进行整理和分析,发现从09年5月11日至9月11这四个月中,输往日本、韩国等国家的富贵竹和输往荷兰的介质盆景的数量较大。其中输往韩国、日本、美国这三个国家的富贵竹占总批次的45.6%以上,而输往荷兰
39、的介质盆景就占到了总数的15.9%。由此可见富贵竹和介质盆景对陈村花卉苗木出口的影响关系重大。关键词:花卉出口;检疫;富贵竹;介质盆景;陈村Investigation of Flowers & Plant for Exports and its Quarantine Requirement in ChencunAbstract: The basal data of flowers and plant for exporting in Chencun were conducted and the quarantine requirement for some flowers were s
40、tudied from May to September in 2009. Though quantity inspected and quarantine to exports of plant and flowers that planted in Minjing, Liangzhong and others companies, them located in Chencun flowerworld, after analysis them variety, number and batch, find the number of lucky bamboo and the bonsai
41、are the largest. From May 11 to September 11, there are more than 45.6 percent of lucky bamboo be transported to South Korea, Japan, U.S. and 15.9 percent of bonsai be transported to Holland. So the exports of lucky bamboo and bonsai have a great effect on the exports of plant and flowers in Chencun
42、. Key words:Flowers for exports; Quarantine; Lucky bamboo; Bonsai; Chencun目 录 9000字摘 要 1关键词 11 前言 22 材料与方法 52.1 调查材料 52.2 
43、; 调查地点 52.3 调查时间 52.4 调查方法 53 结果与分析 63.1 各月基本数据统计与分析 63.2 出口国家和种类的分析 64 结论与讨论 74.1 出境富贵竹的监管与检疫 74.2 输欧盟介质盆景的
44、监管与检疫 8参考文献 10致 谢 11 内容简介八层框架结构办公楼结构毕业设计,建筑面积约为8000。设计分为两部分:第一部分是建筑部分,包括对办公楼周围环境的设计,建筑的平面设计,建筑立面设计,建筑剖面设计,建筑构造做法及材料的选用,外墙采用混凝土空心砌块砌筑,内部采用大空间办公,选用轻质砌块和空芯隔板隔断,有利于减轻建筑物自重。第二部分为结构设计,包括框架梁、板、柱的设计以及楼梯设计等。结构采用框架承重体系,水平内力分析采用底部剪力法,竖向内力分析采用弯矩二次分配法。其中框架梁柱采用弹性理论方案、板采用塑性铰线法理论进行设计。设计为抗震设计,因此设计过程中还进行了地震作用下弹性位移验算和罕遇地震作用下的弹塑性变形验算。结构设计满足强度、刚度和稳定性方面的要求。 关键词:混凝土框架结构 底部剪力法 弯矩二次分配法 内力组合 桩基础 目录及介绍b