1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流高考英语翻译模拟题目.精品文档.高考英语翻译模拟题1221. 我记不起她的名字了,但我告诉她我以在孤儿院工作为乐。(escape, pleasure)2. 这位老人坚信适度的运动有益健康。(belief, contribute)3. 他和合伙人商谈这件事时,不愿意对这事做任何承诺。(consult, commit)4. 你应该要求公司补偿损失。(suppose, demand, make)5. 尽管他退休已经好几年了,他仍然致力于他所热爱的教育工作。(as, devote)6. 尽管当时有二十五万美军驻扎在这个地区,我们仍然希望避免战争。(s
2、tation)7. 不要欺骗别人买你的治皮肤病的药,否则你会因非法销售被罚款。(deceive)8. 为了开露天宴会招待我的同学,我母亲正在厨房里忙着做晚餐。(employ)9. 那个年轻人不是不知道这可能性,假如他每天抽那么多的烟,到头来他会住进医院的。(ignorant, end)10. 各大报纸高度赞扬她,因为这是她第三次获得世界锦标赛的金牌。(praise)11. 那年在世界上部分地区蔓延的“非典”警告人们,贪吃野生动物是危险的。(warn)12. 了解自己心理上的需求很重要,因为它们会强烈影响你的选择。(affect)13. 老太太把手伸进口袋里寻找一枚硬币,说在超市购物越来越没人情
3、味了。(feel, get)14. 这两幅画在风格上彼此相似,但你认为哪一幅是赝品?(similar)15. 我欣赏漓江的美丽景色,然而我不适应那里的食物。(disagree)16. 他们强烈要求当局调查这一件事。(urge)17. 那天早上起床时,她突然想到一个有趣的英语作文题目。(occur)18. 一个主动的学生总是设法自己找到问题的答案,而不是等老师来解释。(find)19. 我信赖他的人格,但是,在我最需要帮助的时候,他使我失望了。(believe, fail)20. 依我的看法,你应该向警方控诉噪音,这是解决问题的最好办法。(complain, way)高考英语翻译模拟题1231.
4、 事实证明,电视给很多人,包括残疾人,带来了乐趣。(afford, include)2. 谁也不能阻止这个计划的实现,即使他握有绝对的权利。(prevent, power)3. 外籍教师对我们强调了勤奋学习的重要性和坚强意志的作用。(impress, will)4. 对你们来说,学会用英语思考比仅仅知道语法规则更重要。(morethan)5. 儿童只有通过一起学习和一起玩耍才能学会团队精神。(Only)6. 直到她读了这本新书后才对四川有了更多的了解。(Not until)7. 我们班每个人都梦想能成为2010年世博会的志愿者。(dream v. )8. 昨天早上看起来要下雨,结果却是个好天气
5、。(turn out)9. 我忽然领悟到他三年的英语教学确实有助于我很快地适应了大学的学习。(strike, fit)10. 为了确保所有学生的进步,这位老师真是煞费苦心。(pain, sure)11. 你能把这篇作文浓缩成140个单词吗?(boil)12. 铃声响了,但是小李的工作还没做完。(undo)13. 很多出国留学的年轻人并不理会国外给他们提供的优惠条件,毅然回来参加祖国建设。(take little notice, without hesitation)14. 据报道,新建的高速公路很宽,足以让汽车成六排并列行驶,来回方向各有三个车道。(enough)15. 要使我们的城市天更蓝,
6、地更绿,水更清,我们还得做大量的工作。(A lot, make)16. 总而言之,说我们的工作样样都好,或者一无是处,都是错误的。(regard, eitheror)17. 尽管李先生年纪大了,他坚持要跟我们一起去爬山。(insist)18. 他们的访问很成功,我们盼望他们再来大陆访问。(look)19. 谈到世界的天气在变暖时,科学家们说这不是个容易对付的问题。(get, deal)20. 要不是老师的帮助,我不可能获得第一名。(Had)高考英语翻译模拟题1241. 有趣的是,那位老师常常被误认为是学生,因为她外貌很年轻。(mistake, appear)2. 这所重建后的学校配备了如此先进
7、的语音实验室,使得学生们的英语听说能力提高得更快了。(equip, improve)3. 请你把这些报纸和杂志挪到隔壁房间去好吗?(would, transfer)4. 该运动员的家长请他们隔壁的大学生担任他们女儿的数学家教。(next-door, tutor)5. 你在做实验时不能让空气进到瓶子里去。(exclude)6. 我们的经理正在和一位外商商定销售事宜。(negotiate)7. 信不信由你,从这家旅馆可以看到庐山山谷景色很优美。(outlook)8. 为了维护他们休息的权利,居民们对工地噪音和尘土提出抗议。(protest)9. 我第一次写英语作文时犯了许多拼写错误。(make)1
8、0. 不管天有多晚,他从不把今天的事拖到明天。(put off)11. 请尽早做出决定,不然你会坐失良机。(or)12. 直到最近人们才开始注意到防止酸雨的问题吗?(强调结构) (prevent)13. 当第二次世界大战最后结束时很多国家发现自己面临着各种各样的问题。(end n.)14. 为了使学生适应变化的社会环境,老师必须拓宽学生的知识面。(adapt, widen)15. 李丹的学习态度和他父母对他的严格要求有关。(relate)16. 我最后一次看见汤姆的时候,他一个人在街上走。(The last time)17. 我对于在我陷入困境时你给予我的帮助表示万分感激。(grateful)
9、18. 她对她的儿子太宠爱了,经常不能察觉到他的错误。(be blind to)19. 我爸爸不愿意用新手机来替换他那只磨损不堪的老手机。(substitute)20. 为了提高你孩子的记忆力,你应该鼓励你的孩子学习一些短的诗歌。(encourage)高考英语翻译模拟题1251. 一个通晓事理的学生总是愿意听从老师们的忠告。(willing)2. 和老年人比起来,年轻人似乎比较喜欢通俗歌曲而不喜欢古典音乐。(compare, prefer)3. 许多大学毕业生决心去西部工作,为穷乡僻壤的建设做出自己的贡献。(determine, contribution)4. 那些对孩子太宠爱的家长,经常不能
10、察觉孩子的缺点。(be blind)5. 那位外籍教师经常提醒学生,英语写作需要长期的努力,不要临阵磨枪。(remind, long-term, prepare)6. 由于平时重视口头训练,小李在口试中对答如流。(attention, hesitation)7. 尽管天气很寒冷,学生们还是在早上七点一刻准时做早操。(despite)8. 英姿中学在艺术教育方面建立了很好的声誉。(reputation)9. 磁悬浮列车的速度给老人们留下了深刻的影响。(magnetic suspension, train, make)10. 你看过这部好电影吗?它说的是真人真事。(which, base)11.
11、那本新出版的书图问并茂,因此受到读者的赞扬。(both, praise)12. 保持心理健康很重要,因为它会直接影响你的高中学习。(keep, affect)13. 这个小男孩在课上总是心不在焉,更不要说他课后的学习效率了。(efficiency)14. 每个人都碰到过至今都似乎不可能解决的问题。(come across)15. 太多的眼神交流也会导致麻烦, 因为盯着其他人看被认为是粗鲁的。(stare)16. 报告用明确的数字显示了近10年的普通家庭的平均生活水平。(in figures)17. 这个伟大的作曲家很年轻就去世了,留下一些未完成的著作。(leave behind)18. 当她听
12、到有人敲门时,她双手蒙起脸,尽力控制哭泣。(bury)19. 使他窘迫的是,在我的同事面前他跟不上我的指示。(confusion)20. 警察尽一切可能让这个唯一的目击者回忆谋杀的细节。(recall)高考英语翻译模拟题1221. 我记不起她的名字了,但我告诉她我以在孤儿院工作为乐。(escape, pleasure)Her name escaped me, but I told her that I took pleasure in working in the orphanage. 1. from sb/sth:逃脱 2. from sth: 泄露 3. 免除(无被动) 4.被遗忘(无被动
13、) 2. 这位老人坚信适度的运动有益健康。(belief, contribute)The old man has a firm belief that a proper amount of exercise contributes to good health.3. 他和合伙人商谈这件事时,不愿意对这事做任何承诺。(consult, commit)When he was consulting with his partner about the matter, he didnt want to commit himself on it.4. 你应该要求公司补偿损失。(suppose, dema
14、nd, make)You are supposed to demand that the company (should) make up for the loss.5. 尽管他退休已经好几年了,他仍然致力于他所热爱的教育工作。(as, devote)Retired as he has been for years, he still devotes himself to the education (which / that) he likes.6. 尽管当时有二十五万美军驻扎在这个地区,我们仍然希望避免战争。(station)Though some / about 250,000 Amer
15、ican soldiers were stationed in this area at that time, we still hoped that a war would be avoided.7. 不要欺骗别人买你的治皮肤病的药,否则你会因非法销售被罚款。(deceive)Dont deceive others into buying your medicine for skin disease, or youll be fined for illegal sale.8. 为了开露天宴会招待我的同学,我母亲正在厨房里忙着做晚餐。(employ)To give an outdoor par
16、ty to entertain my classmates, my mother is busily employing herself in preparing dinner in the kitchen.9. 那个年轻人不是不知道这可能性,假如他每天抽那么多的烟,到头来他会住进医院的。(ignorant, end)The young man is not ignorant of the possibility that he will end up in hospital if he smokes so much every day. 10. 各大报纸高度赞扬她,因为这是她第三次获得世界锦
17、标赛的金牌。(praise)Every leading newspaper praises her highly / sings her praises because it is the third time that she has won the gold medal in the World Championship.11. 那年在世界上部分地区蔓延的“非典”警告人们,贪吃野生动物是危险的。(warn)SARS, which spread through parts of the world that year, warned people that it was dangerous
18、to eat wild animals greedily. 12. 了解自己心理上的需求很重要,因为它们会强烈影响你的选择。(affect)Knowing your own psychological needs is important because they strongly affect your choices. 13. 老太太把手伸进口袋里寻找一枚硬币,说在超市购物越来越没人情味了。(feel, get)The old lady felt in her pocket for a coin, saying that shopping in a supermarket was gett
19、ing more impersonal.14. 这两幅画在风格上彼此相似,但你认为哪一幅是赝品?(similar)The two paintings are similar to each other in style, but which do you think is a fake?15. 我欣赏漓江的美丽景色,然而我不适应那里的食物。(disagree)I appreciated the beautiful scenery of the Lijiang River, and yet the food there disagreed with me.16. 他们强烈要求当局调查这一件事。(
20、urge)They urged that the local authorities (should) make / carry out investigation into the matter.17. 那天早上起床时,她突然想到一个有趣的英语作文题目。(occur)An interesting topic of the English composition occurred to her when she woke up that morning. 18. 一个主动的学生总是设法自己找到问题的答案,而不是等老师来解释。(find)An active student is always t
21、rying to find out the answers to the questions instead of waiting for the teacher to explain. 19. 我信赖他的人格,但是,在我最需要帮助的时候,他使我失望了。(believe, fail)I believe in him, but he failed me in my time of need. 20. 依我的看法,你应该向警方控诉噪音,这是解决问题的最好办法。(complain, way)In my opinion, you should complain to the police about
22、the noise, which is the best way to solve the problem. = As far as I am concerned, you should complain to the police about the noise, which is the best way of solving the problem.高考英语翻译模拟题1231. 事实证明,电视给很多人,包括残疾人,带来了乐趣。(afford, include)Facts prove that television has afforded pleasure to many people,
23、 including disabled people.= Facts prove that television has afforded pleasure to many people, disabled people included.2. 谁也不能阻止这个计划的实现,即使他握有绝对的权利。(prevent, power)No one can prevent the plan from being carried out even if he holds absolute power.3. 外籍教师对我们强调了勤奋学习的重要性和坚强意志的作用。(impress, will)The fore
24、ign teacher impressed upon us the necessity of diligent work and the function of a strong will.4. 对你们来说,学会用英语思考比仅仅知道语法规则更重要。(morethan)Its more important for you to learn to think in English than only to know grammar rules.5. 儿童只有通过一起学习和一起玩耍才能学会团队精神。(Only)Only by studying and playing together can chi
25、ldren learn to have the team spirit.6. 直到她读了这本新书后才对四川有了更多的了解。(Not until)Not until she read the new book did she begin to know more about Sichuan.7. 我们班每个人都梦想能成为2010年世博会的志愿者。(dream v. )Everyone in our class dreams of being a volunteer of the 2010 World Expo.8. 昨天早上看起来要下雨,结果却是个好天气。(turn out)It looked
26、like rain yesterday morning, but it had turned out to be a fine day.9. 我忽然领悟到他三年的英语教学确实有助于我很快地适应了大学的学习。(strike, fit)It struck me that his three years English teaching did help me quickly fit in with my study at college.10. 为了确保所有学生的进步,这位老师真是煞费苦心。(pain, sure)The teacher takes great pains to make sure
27、 (that) every student makes progress.11. 你能把这篇作文浓缩成140个单词吗?(boil)Can you boil this composition down to 140 words?12. 铃声响了,但是小李的工作还没做完。(undo)The bell rang, but Xiao Lis work was left / remained undone.13. 很多出国留学的年轻人并不理会国外给他们提供的优惠条件,毅然回来参加祖国建设。(take little notice, without hesitation)Many young people
28、who had studied abroad took little notice of the favorable terms offered by some countries and came back to build the motherland without hesitation.14. 据报道,新建的高速公路很宽,足以让汽车成六排并列行驶,来回方向各有三个车道。(enough)It is reported that the newly-built expressway is wide enough for six lanes of cars to drive side by s
29、ide, three in each direction. 15. 要使我们的城市天更蓝,地更绿,水更清,我们还得做大量的工作。(A lot, make)A lot is still to be done to make the sky of our city bluer, the land greener and the water cleaner.16. 总而言之,说我们的工作样样都好,或者一无是处,都是错误的。(regard, eitheror)Briefly / In a word / In sum / To sum up, its wrong to regard our work e
30、ither as totally good, or as completely bad. 17. 尽管李先生年纪大了,他坚持要跟我们一起去爬山。(insist)In spite of his old age, Mr. Li insisted on climbing the mountain with us.18. 他们的访问很成功,我们盼望他们再来大陆访问。(look)Their visit is a success, and were looking forward to them / their coming to visit the mainland again.19. 谈到世界的天气在
31、变暖时,科学家们说这不是个容易对付的问题。(get, deal)Talking about the worlds becoming warmer / getting hotter and hotter, scientists say this is not an easy problem to deal with. 20. 要不是老师的帮助,我不可能获得第一名。(Had)Had it not been for the teachers help, I couldnt have won the first prize. 高考英语翻译模拟题1241. 有趣的是,那位老师常常被误认为是学生,因为她外
32、貌很年轻。(mistake, appear)It is interesting that the teacher is often mistaken for a student as she appears young.2. 这所重建后的学校配备了如此先进的语音实验室,使得学生们的英语听说能力提高得更快了。(equip, improve)The rebuilt school is equipped with such advanced language laboratories that the students can improve their English listening and
33、speaking ability more quickly.3. 请你把这些报纸和杂志挪到隔壁房间去好吗?(would, transfer)Would you be so kind as to transfer these newspapers and magazines to the next room?4. 该运动员的家长请他们隔壁的大学生担任他们女儿的数学家教。(next-door, tutor)The parents of the player / athlete asked their next-door college student to tutor their daughter
34、 in maths. 5. 你在做实验时不能让空气进到瓶子里去。(exclude)All air must be excluded from the bottle when you are doing the experiment. 6. 我们的经理正在和一位外商商定销售事宜。(negotiate)Our manager is negotiating a sale with a foreign businessman. 7. 信不信由你,从这家旅馆可以看到庐山山谷景色很优美。(outlook)Believe it or not, the hotel has a pleasant outlook
35、 over the valley of Mount Lu. 8. 为了维护他们休息的权利,居民们对工地噪音和尘土提出抗议。(protest)(In order) to defend / safeguard their right to rest, the residents protested (about) the noise and dust from the construction site. 9. 我第一次写英语作文时犯了许多拼写错误。(make)The first time I wrote an English composition, I made a lot of spelli
36、ng mistakes. 10. 不管天有多晚,他从不把今天的事拖到明天。(put off)However late it is, he never puts off what must be done today till tomorrow. 11. 请尽早做出决定,不然你会坐失良机。(or)Make up your mind as soon as possible, or you will miss the good chance.12. 直到最近人们才开始注意到防止酸雨的问题吗?(强调结构) (prevent)Was it not until recently that people b
37、egan to pay attention to the problem of preventing acid rain?13. 当第二次世界大战最后结束时很多国家发现自己面临着各种各样的问题。(end n.)When the Second World War finally came to an end, many countries found themselves faced with all kinds of problems. 14. 为了使学生适应变化的社会环境,老师必须拓宽学生的知识面。(adapt, widen)To adapt the students to the chan
38、ging social environment, the teacher must widen the students knowledge. 15. 李丹的学习态度和他父母对他的严格要求有关。(relate)Li Dans study attitude is related to his parents being strict with him. 16. 我最后一次看见汤姆的时候,他一个人在街上走。(The last time)The last time I saw Tom, he was walking down the street alone.17. 我对于在我陷入困境时你给予我的帮
39、助表示万分感激。(grateful)Im deeply grateful to you for your help when I was in trouble. 18. 她对她的儿子太宠爱了,经常不能察觉到他的错误。(be blind to)She spoils her son so much that she is always blind to his mistakes. 19. 我爸爸不愿意用新手机来替换他那只磨损不堪的老手机。(substitute)My father isnt willing to substitute the new mobile phone for his wor
40、n-out one.20. 为了提高你孩子的记忆力,你应该鼓励你的孩子学习一些短的诗歌。(encourage)To improve your childs memory, you should encourage him / her to learn some short poems.高考英语翻译模拟题1251. 一个通晓事理的学生总是愿意听从老师们的忠告。(willing)A sensible student is always willing to take / follow his teachers advice. 2. 和老年人比起来,年轻人似乎比较喜欢通俗歌曲而不喜欢古典音乐。(co
41、mpare, prefer)Compared with old people, young people / the young seem to prefer pop songs to classical music. 3. 许多大学毕业生决心去西部工作,为穷乡僻壤的建设做出自己的贡献。(determine, contribution)Many college graduates are determined to work in West China and to make contributions to the building of / building the remote and
42、backward places. 4. 那些对孩子太宠爱的家长,经常不能察觉孩子的缺点。(be blind)The parents who / that spoil their children too much are always blind to their childrens shortcomings. 5. 那位外籍教师经常提醒学生,英语写作需要长期的努力,不要临阵磨枪。(remind, long-term, prepare)The foreign teacher often reminds the students that English writing needs long-t
43、eam effects and that they shouldnt start to prepare at the last moment. 6. 由于平时重视口头训练,小李在口试中对答如流。(attention, hesitation)Since Xiao Li pays attention to oral training at ordinary times, he answered questions without hesitation in the oral examination. = Because Xiao Li pays attention to oral training
44、 in normal time, he answered questions without hesitation in the oral examination. 7. 尽管天气很寒冷,学生们还是在早上七点一刻准时做早操。(despite)Despite the cold weather, the students still did morning exercises at exactly 7:15 a.m. 8. 英姿中学在艺术教育方面建立了很好的声誉。(reputation)Yingzi High / Middle School has built up a good reputati
45、on in art education. 9. 磁悬浮列车的速度给老人们留下了深刻的影响。(magnetic suspension, train, make)The speed of the magnetic suspension train made / left / had a deep impression on the old people. 10. 你看过这部好电影吗?它说的是真人真事。(which, base)Have you seen the good film, which is based on a true story?= Have you seen the good mo
46、vie, which is a story of real people and real events?11. 那本新出版的书图文并茂,因此受到读者的赞扬。(both, praise)Both pictures and texts of the newly-published book are excellent, so it is praised by the readers.12. 保持心理健康很重要,因为它会直接影响你的高中学习。(keep, affect)To keep healthy psychologically is very important because it will
47、 directly affect your senior high school study. 13. 这个小男孩在课上总是心不在焉,更不要说他课后的学习效率了。(efficiency)The little boy is always absent-minded in class, not to say his study efficiency after class.14. 每个人都碰到过至今都似乎不可能解决的问题。(come across)Everybody has come across the kind of problem that seems impossible to solve
48、 so far.15. 太多的眼神交流也会导致麻烦, 因为盯着其他人看被认为是粗鲁的。(stare)Too much eye contact can also lead to trouble, for staring at others is considered rude.16. 报告用明确的数字显示了近10年的普通家庭的平均生活水平。(in figures)In the report, the average living standards of ordinary families in the past ten years are showed in plain figures.17. 学生对学科是否感兴趣会使他的学习效果有所不同。(make a difference)Wh