1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上罗 维 邓 白 氏 服 务 协 议 书RoadWay D&B Services Agreement签约双方 (Both Parties):甲方:沈阳龙玺房地产开发有限公司 (以下简称“客户”)Party A: (Hereinafter “Customer” )乙方: 上海罗维邓白氏营销服务有限公司北京分公司(以下简称“罗维邓白氏”)Party B: RoadWay D&B Marketing Services Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter “RoadWay D&B )鉴于(Agree:)以下签名之客户,特此委托罗维邓白氏,自_2011_年_6_月_1_
2、日(“起始日”)起至_2011_年_7_月 12_日(“到期日”)止,提供下述服务和/或产品,并同意罗维邓白氏提供上述服务和/或产品的行为是基于其已收到客户依照本罗维邓白氏服务协议书(以下简称“协议”)所应支付之相应款项。The undersigned (“Customer”) hereby retains RoadWay D&B, to provide service/ product designated below, for the period beginning _2011_/_6_/_1_/ (“Start Date”) and ending _2011_/_7_/_12_/(Ex
3、piry Date), and agrees that RoadWay D&Bs provision of such service/ products is contingent on RoadWay D&B s receipt of the relative payment that is required to make under this RoadWay D&B Services Agreement (Hereinafter Agreement) in advance.电话营销服务(Tel Marketing Service) 1)产品(product): _TM(电话营销)_单价(
4、Unit Price):人民币RMB _300元_/坐席/天(Record) 数量(Records): 10个坐席,30天 协议总金额(Total):人民币RMB 90000元_(大写:人民币玖万元整) 2)执行流程:1.在外呼项目执行前三天由客户提供项目信息和外呼脚本,罗维邓白氏根据项目信息和外乎脚本对外呼人员进行培训;2.项目执行前一天进行外呼人员测试;3.项目执行期间,罗维邓白氏在每天外呼结束后提供当天的项目运作结果报告给客户,在全部外呼执行结束后七天内提供完整项目监控报告给客户。 3)支付方式: 在外呼项目执行完成并由罗维邓白氏提供项目监控报告及相应等额合法发票给客户后30日内支付协议
5、总金额的100%。 公司名称:上海罗维邓白氏营销服务有限公司北京分公司 开户行:建行北京华贸支行 账号: 注:罗维邓白氏及客户,一经签署本协议,即受本协议条款(包括背面之条款)之约束。背面之条款为本协议不可分割的一部分。RoadWay D&B and Customer by signing this Agreement agree to and intend to be bound by the terms hereof including the Terms of Agreement on the reverse side, which are made a part of this Agr
6、eement.客户档案 (CUSTOMER DETAILS)客户名称 (Name of Customer):_沈阳龙玺房地产开发有限公司 地址 (Address):_沈阳市浑南新区科幻路9号百科大厦三层 邮编 (Post Code):_ 电邮(Email):_ 电话 (Tel):_024-8014_ _ 传真(Fax):_024-_客户联系人(Contact Person): _佟媛媛_ 职务(Title):_策划主管_Accepted By: Accepted by Customer:RoadWay D&B Marketing Services Co., Ltd.(Authorized Si
7、gnature & Co. Chop)上海罗维邓白氏营销服务有限公司北京分公司 授权人签名(及公司章)_ _日期(Date): 日期(Date):以下内容为罗维邓白氏填写( For Office Use Only):客户编号(Subkey):_ 合同号(Contract Key): _销售(Sales):_魏维_ 客服(Customer Service):_协议条款一、销售及市场拓展解决方案本协议所指的销售及市场拓展解决方案系指根据客户业务需要并由客户提供相关商业资料及信息,罗维邓白氏以合法拥有、掌握的数据信息以包括但不限于电子邮件、传真、电话、直邮、短消息等方式(由客户根据实际需求在订单中选
8、择)进行相关的市场营销工作,藉此帮助客户获得商业机会的信息及相关服务。二、商业信息或资料为确保营销服务的顺利开展,客户应向罗维邓白氏提供相关商业信息或资料(以下简称“客户资料”),包含但不仅限于公司图标,图像,设计,音像,文字及其它资料等。客户应确保所提供的客户资料的内容不违反任何中国的法律、法规、公共道德准则或者损害到任何第三方的权益。为此,客户应当履行必要的审批、登记及其他法律程序。 客户明确理解罗维邓白氏并不是客户资料的所有者或提供方,也不是客户资料所承载的商品或服务的提供方。罗维邓白氏的义务限于将收到的客户资料以合法的方式传递送达给第三方。罗维邓白氏在任何时候以及任何情况下不因为与客户
11、用或未经授权地使用罗维邓白氏数据,将对罗维邓白氏造成不公平及无法弥补的严重伤害。客户不能进行或不可进行这种会对罗维邓白氏许可的信息的所有权和知识产权等合法权益造成损害的作为或不作为。3、未经罗维邓白氏事先书面许可,客户不得使用罗维邓白氏、罗维邓白氏的关联公司的任何商号、注册商标或服务标记外,亦不得公开任何涉及本协议或随附于本协议的订单的讯息。4、罗维邓白氏将按照罗维邓白氏处理自己的保密信息的方式处理所有客户书面指明为保密信息的信息。除了履行本协议项下约定的义务或作其内部分析之用之外,罗维邓白氏同意不使用该等客户指明的保密信息。但前述保密信息不包括:4.1 非因罗维邓白氏作为或不作为的方式而已经
12、或正在进入社会公开信息领域范畴的信息;4.2 在客户透露该信息给罗维邓白氏之前,已经被罗维邓白氏合法掌握的信息;4.3 第三方合法地透露给罗维邓白氏,且该项透露没有受到限制的信息;4.4 由罗维邓白氏独立研发,并没有使用或参考该信息的信息。 四、不担保和免责1、罗维邓白氏不会也不可能因履行本协议收取费用而保证或担保罗维邓白氏数据的完全正确、完整和即时。2、客户明确理解并承认销售及市场拓展解决方案的实施效果取决于多方客观因素。罗维邓白氏不对除罗维邓白氏数据质量及项目执行过程监控之外的任何问题对客户作出任何承诺或承担任何后果,包括但不限于销售及市场拓展解决方案的实施效果等。 五、协议的履行1、客户
13、应按照本协议所规定的价格及付款条件向罗维邓白氏付款。如有延迟付款的情形,罗维邓白氏将自应付款期限起按照万分之五的日息对未付款项收取违约金费用直至付款完毕。2、本协议适用于由罗维邓白氏提供给客户并在本协议内或在任何订单中说明的任何种类服务,包括但不限于信息和其他产品和服务。 3、除非客户以书面形式另行特别说明,客户的全体雇员均应视为客户的代理人并已获得授权可代表客户要求和接受罗维邓白氏的产品及服务,并且其行为根据本协议可对客户可产生约束力,并且应受本协议的约束。媛媛:该条款表述不畅,不适用我们的合约内容,且姜我们的全体雇员均视为代理人并确认已经获得授权课代表公司要求,对公司利益将产生潜在隐患。建
16、关本协议标的的完整的和仅有的协议。没有包含在本协议里的任何陈述、保证、承诺和条件对双方均没有法律约束力。八、法律适用及管辖1、本协议受公开颁布的中华人民共和国法律的约束。2、客户同意遵照任何适用的中华人民共和国法律规定的名誉权、隐私权、数据保护、或其他要求行事,如果不能遵照行事,则将被视为拒绝使用此等中国法律相应约束的信息、信息服务以及其他服务或产品。3、争议的管辖权:凡因本协议引起的或与本协议有关的任何争议,均应提交甲方所在地法院通过诉讼方式解决。 九、版本及效力本协议以中文和英文书就,协议原件一式五(5)份,客户持四(4)份英文文本和四(4)份中文文本,罗维邓白氏持有一(1)份英文文本和一
17、(1)份中文文本。中英文如有不同,以中文为准。十、标题本协议中的标题仅供协议双方参考,不应影响本协议的解释。Contract TermsArticle 1 Sales & Marketing Solutions The sales & marketing solutions as mentioned in the Agreement is information service that RoadWay D&B carries out relevant marketing operation by the following means including but not limited to
18、 E-mail, fax, telephone, direct mail and SMS (as determined by the subscriber from the order as per actual demand) with related business data and information provided by the subscriber in line with its business demand and legally owned and acquired by RoadWay D&B to help the subscriber to acquire bu
19、siness opportunities. Article Business information or data To secure smooth development of marketing services, the Subscriber shall provide RoadWay D&B with related business information or data (hereinafter referred to as “Subscriber Data”), including but not limited to art works, company logo, imag
20、e, design, audio data, literal data and other data etc. The Subscriber shall ensure data contents provided by the Subscriber shall not violate any Chinese laws and regulations, public morals or impair the rights and interests of any third party. For this reason, the Subscriber shall perform necessar
21、y examination and approval, registration and other legal procedures. The Subscriber clearly understands RoadWay D&B is neither the owner or provider of subscribers data or the provider of goods or services undertaken by subscribers data. RoadWay D&Bs obligation is only limited to transmit and delive
22、r subscribers data received to the third party by legal means. RoadWay D&B shall not be legally liable for authenticity, accuracy and legality of any subscribers data relating to the marketing services between RoadWay D&B and its subscriber at any time and under any circumstance. Should RoadWay D&B
23、undertake any legal responsibility arising out of it, the Subscriber shall give full compensation for the losses incurred thereof by RoadWay D&B. Article 3 Intellectual right property and confidentiality 1. RoadWay D&B reserves the right of all ownership and intellectual property rights of data info
24、rmation existing in any form legally owned by RoadWay D&B (hereinafter referred to as “RoadWay D&B data”, including: A original works, including edited information and its presentation screened, sorted or coordinated by RoadWay D&B, or existing materials made, collected or compiled by RoadWay D&B; B
25、 Business information and other information, including information not known or used currently, from which value or potential value can be acquired, and C any other information created, developed and maintained by RoadWay D&B with its resources. 2. The Subscriber may get access to RoadWay D&B data i
26、n performance of the Agreement. The Subscriber understands and agrees that its right to RoadWay D&B data is only limited to restricted application of specific RoadWay D&B data which is permitted to be inquired for the purpose of verification of information authenticity (the Subscriber may acquire no
27、n-exclusive, non-transferrable license granted by RoadWay D&B and such license is only for internal use by the Subscriber). The Subscriber shall neither use unauthorized information in any form nor use authorized information in any purpose other than for verification of authenticity of such informat
28、ion. The Subscriber shall take and maintain security measures to RoadWay D&B information during its application in order to effectively control information access by authorized users with need-to-know and protect information from unauthorized application, amendment, access, disclosure and disseminat
29、ion. Security measures taken shall not be lower than those taken by the Subscriber to protect its own information of the highest confidential level under any circumstance. Abusing or unauthorized application of RoadWay D&B data for commercial purposes will result in unfair grave damage to RoadWay D&
30、B which is not able to make up. The Subscriber shall not conduct such act or omission resulting in damage to the ownership and intellectual property rights and other legal rights and interests of authorized RoadWay D&B information. 3. The Subscriber shall neither use any trade name, registered brand
31、 name or service marks of RoadWay D&B and its associated companies nor disclose any information related to the Agreement or contained in the order attached hereto. 4. RoadWay D&B will handle information of all subscribers as indicated in writing as confidential information in accordance with the mea
32、ns by which RoadWay D&B handles its own confidential information. RoadWay D&B agrees not to use confidential information as indicated by such subscribers in any purposes rather than the application in performance of the specified obligations under the Agreement or for internal analysis. However the
33、foregoing confidential information does not include: 4.1Information which has been got into or is getting into social public information domain not due to RoadWay D&Bs act or omission; 4.2 Information which has been legally acquired by RoadWay D&B before it is disclosed to RoadWay D&B by the Subscri
34、ber. 4.3 Information which is legally disclosed to RoadWay D&B by a third party and such information which does not contain any restricted information; 4.4 Information which is developed by RoadWay D&B independently without application of or reference to such informationArticle 4 Waiver of liability
35、 and declaimer 1. RoadWay D&B will not and is unlikely to guarantee or warrant absolutely correctness, completeness and timeliness of its data for charges collected in performance of the Agreement depends on various objective factors. 2. The Subscriber understands and acknowledges the effect of the
36、sales & marketing solutions. RoadWay D&B will not make any commitment or undertake any consequence to the Subscriber for any problems except for RoadWay D&B data quality and project implementation process monitoring, including but not limited to the effect of sales & marketing solutions . Article 5
37、Performance of Agreement 1. The Subscriber shall make the payment to RoadWay D&B in accordance with the price and payment terms as specified in the Agreement. In case of delay in payment, RoadWay D&B will collect overdue fine for the payment overdue from the date of payment at the daily interest of
38、0.05% until all payment is made. 2. The Agreement shall be applicable to any kinds of services as described in the Agreement or any order provided to the Subscriber by RoadWay D&B, including but not limited to information, other products and services. 3. Unless otherwise specially illustrated in wri
39、ting by the Subscriber, all employees of the Subscriber shall be deemed as its agents and has been authorized to request and accept RoadWay D&Bs products and services on behalf of the Subscriber and their conducts shall have binding force upon the Subscriber according to the Agreement and be subject
40、 to the Agreement. 4. RoadWay D&B will send the required service report to the Subscriber within related working days upon performance of services as specified in the Contract, including but not limited to time, service contents, quantity, quality standards, price and total price as well as time of
41、payment by the Subscriber etc relating to the services provided by RoadWay D&B. The Subscriber shall verify the report contents within five (5) working days upon receipt of service report from RoadWay D&B. In the event that the Subscriber fails to verify the service report within the above-mentioned
42、 time and also fails to lodge any objection against the report thereof, it shall be deemed that the Subscriber has approved and verified all contents contained in the service report provided by RoadWay D&B. Article 6 Effectiveness and termination 1. The Agreement shall take effect after signed and s
43、ealed by both parties hereto. 2. In case of material breach by one party hereto, the observant party may suspend the services under the Agreement or special order without any prior notice to the defaulting party. The observant party may give out a written notice to request the defaulting party to ma
44、ke remedy against its breach, the observant party shall have the right to cancel the Agreement unilaterally at any time according to law should the defaulting party fails to take remedial measures against its breach within five (5) days upon receipt of the notice from the observant party; in the eve
45、nt that the costs for providing the Subscriber with services under the Agreement increases due to measures taken by the government or other reasons, both parties may consult with each other on the price for the remaining term and make amendment to the original price accordingly in line with cost inc
46、rease range. 3. Article 2, 3 and 4 of the Agreement shall survive upon expiration of the Agreement or termination under any circumstances. 4. In case either party hereto fails to continue to perform the Agreement due to reasons of state laws and policies, technical faults or force majeure, such party may propose to terminate the Agreement, and both parties hereto shall not be liable for each other. Article 7 Entirety The Agreement, including attachments hereto constituting an integral part of the Agreement as clearly indicated shall constitute an entire and sole agreeme