1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 Chapter 11. Definition of MC Marketing Communication -Represents all the elements in a products marketing mix that facilitate exchanges by targeting the brand to a group of customers, positioning the brand as being distinct from competitive brands, and sharing the brands meaning and un
2、ique differences with the products target audience.2. Marketing Communication Tools Advertising, Sales promotion, Personal selling, Sponsorship marketing, Publicity Point-of-purchase communications Marketing communication involves using an assortment of different types of media.3. Brand Contact poin
3、ts (MC Tools) One-way non-personal contact: Advertising, Packing, Direct Marketing, Publicity, Sales Promotion Two-ways personal contact: Point-of-purchase, Direct selling, Personal selling Participating contact in two-ways communicationEvents, Sponsorship marketing, Trade Show, E-Commerce, Customer
4、 Service, Internal marketing4. MC Program Fundamental decisions, Implementation decisions, MC outcome, Program evaluation5. IMC Concept-is the philosophy and practice of selecting and coordinating all of a brands marketing communication element. “整合营销传播是一个业务战略过程,它是指制定、优化、执行并评价协调的、可测量的、有说服力的品牌传播计划,这些
5、活动的受众包括消费者、顾客、潜在顾客、内部和外部受众及其他目标。” 核心就是speak with one voice(用一个声音说话),就是要将所有企业进行的、与市场营销有关的传播活动,广告、促销、公关、直销、CI、包装、新闻媒体等等,进行一元化,形成一个统一的声音传达给消费者。6. Key features of IMC Profile the identified target market Use the relevant media Any message medium that is capable of reaching the target customers in a favo
6、rable light Achieve communication synergy Convey same brand message consistently across diverse channels Build customer relationships Influence target markets behavior Move target customers to action7. Brand equity 1)Brand Equity (from customers perspective)所谓品牌资产就是消费者关于品牌的知识(brand knowledge)。它是有关品牌
7、的所有营销活动给消费者造成的心理事实。 Brand knowledge Brand awareness and brand imageBrand awareness-Brand recognition (with hints), Brand recall (from memory without hints) Top-of-mind awareness, Brand DominanceBrand image-Types of brand associations Attributes -product/non-product related Benefits -functional, symb
8、olic and experiential Overall evaluation (attitude) Favorability, strength and uniqueness of brand associations 2)Brand equity (From organizations perspective)Focuses on outcomes extending from efforts to enhance a brands equity, such as achieving a higher market share, increasing brand loyalty and
9、being able to charge premium prices8. Enhancing brand equity Firstly, select a good brand name or logo Then, develop strong, favorable and unique associations in the consumers mind about brand Also, Brand equity can be enhanced by leveraging its positive associations with other brands (e.g.Brand All
10、iances:co-branding, ingredient branding), places, things, and people. Chapter 31. Attitude -Attitude means a general and somewhat enduring positive or negative predisposition towards, or evaluative judgment of a person or an issue.2. Components of attitude Cognitive-Beliefs- knowledge and thoughts a
11、bout an object or issue “Benz motor cars are well engineered”. Affective-Feelings and emotions “I like Iphone” Conative-A persons behavior tendency 3. Attitude change strategies to change beliefs to alter outcome evaluations or to introduce a new outcome into the evaluation process, eg. Evaluate bra
12、nds in a product category in terms of a particular product benefit that is strongly associated with their brand. 4. ELM:精细加工可能性模型 EL- Elaboration likelihood-Represents the possibility that consumers will elaborate on a MC message by thinking about and reacting to it and comparing it with their pre-e
13、xisting thoughts and beliefs regarding the product category, the advertised brand.心理学家佩蒂、卡西窝波和休曼提出ELM 模型。 消费者态度改变归纳为中枢(The Central Route)和边缘(The Peripheral Route)的两个基本说服路径. 中枢说服路径:人们有动机、有能力专注于沟通中逻辑论证. 指消费者能够有意识地认真考虑广告提供的信息, 对广告产品或目标的信息进行仔细思考、分析和归纳, 即进行精细加工, 并最终导致态度的转变或形成。(适用于理性消费者) 边缘说服路径:人们不去注意逻辑论证
14、而受表面特征的影响消费者不考虑商品本身的性能及证据, 不进行逻辑推理, 而是根据广告中的一些线索, 如专家推荐、广告诉求点的多少、信息源的可信度、广告媒体的威望、广告是否给人美好的联想和体验等直接对广告作出反应。(适用于情感性消费者) Chapter 41. Market Segmentation Segmentation and targeting customers allows marketersto deliver their messages to target market prevent wasted coverage to those whose are not target.
15、2. Targeting- demographic targeting-Age, income, family composition, life cycle, ethnicity geo-demographic targeting-A combination of demographic and lifestyle characteristics of consumers within geographic clusters3. Brand positioning help to determine- who is the target market, what the marketing
16、communication should say about the brand, and what media and message vehicles should be selected。 Develop an effective positioning statement-It should reflect a brands competitive advantageIt should motivate customers to action4. positioning strategies on overall evaluation (attitude) on brand attri
17、butes -Non-product related attributes, eg. Price, packaging, user and usage imagery Product-related attributes, eg. Color, size, design features On benefits-Functional,Symbolic- directed at desire for group membership, belongingness, self enhancement Experiential- provide sensory pleasure, eg. Looki
18、ng elegant, feeling wonderful and sounding superb. Chapter 51. Ad. Or Not to Ad. Arguments for investing in advertisingIt can increase profitability by increasing sales volume, enabling higher selling prices, and thus increasing revenue above the incremental advertising expense Arguments for reducin
19、g advertising expenditureWhile it presumes that past advertising will have longer term “carry over” effects and maintain revenue, it does not acknowledge that the absence of advertising in the current period will have an adverse effect on sales volume in the subsequent periods. Which approach is mor
20、e beneficial? 1:maintain status quoWhen the market is not price or ad. elasticWhen consumers have well-established preferences 2: build brand image by increased advertising for new products, luxury goods and products characterized by symbolic imagery 3: Increased volume by price discountingfor many
21、mature consumer goods where consumers have complete information about brandsVery little brand differentiation 4: Increase advertising and/or discount pricesWhen brands in the product category are inherently differentfor products that experience seasonal demand Chapter 61. Guidelines for creative bri
22、efing What is the background to this job? What is the strategy? What is our task on this job? What is the corporate and/or brand positioning? What are the clients objectives for this job? Whom are we talking to? What do they currently think /feel about our product/service? What do we want them to th
23、ink/feel about our product /service? What do we want them to do? What is the single-minded proposition? Why should our audience believe this proposition? How should we speak to them?2. creative strategy Functional oriented Unique selling proposition strategy- Make a superiority claim based on a uniq
24、ue product attribute that represents a meaningful, distinctive consumer benefit. The optimum creative technique Symbolic/experimental oriented Brand image strategy- Involves psychosocial differentiation Giving a brand a distinct identity or personality Suitable for product where there is relatively
25、little physical differentiation Also be described as transformational advertising-associate brand experience with a unique psychological characterisitics Resonance strategy- Match patterns in an advertisement with the target audiences stored experiences Emotional strategy- Appeals to romance, nostal
26、gia, compassion, excitement, joy, fear, guilt, disgust and regretCategory dominance oriented Genetic strategy- Makes no attempt to differentiate its brand from competitive offerings or to claim superiority Most appropriate for a brand that dominate a product category Pre-emptive strategy- Make a gen
27、eric type claim but does so with an assertion of superiority Appropriate for brand where there are few functional differences between competitors Preclude competitors from saying the same thingChapter 71. Copy Research is used to test the effectiveness of ads. Messages, is also called message resear
28、ch.Industry standard for message research: PACT- positioning advertising copy testing technique,The PACT methodology consists of nine message testing principles. (1) Provide measures that are relevant to the adverting objectives; (2) Prior agreement about how the results will be used in each specifi
29、c test;(3) Provide multiple measurements;(4) Be based on a model of human responses to communication;(5) Provide information for considering whether the ads. stimulus should be exposed more than once;(6) Alternative executions should be tested in the same degree of finish;(7) Provides controls to av
30、oid the bias normally found in the exposure context;(8) Consider the defining of the target market sample;(9) Demonstrate reliability and validity;2. Measures of message research:Measure of recognition and recall: (1)Starch readership service-magazine (2) Bruzzone test-TV(3) Burke day-after recall-
31、TVMeasure of sales response(1) Behavior scan(2) ScantrackChapter 81. Strengths and limitations of TV adsStrengths : (1) Demonstration ability (2) Intrusion value (3)Ability to generate excitement(4) One on one reach (5) Ability to use humor (6) Effective with sales force and trade (7) Ability to ach
32、ieve impactLimitations : (1) Cost (2) Audience fractionalizations (3)Zipping and zapping (4) ClutterRadio adsStrengths (1) Ability to reach segmented audiences (2) Intimacy (3) Economy(4) Short lead times (5) Transfer of imagery from TV (6) Use of local personalitiesLimitations: (1) Clutter (2) No V
33、isuals (3) Audience fractionalization (4) Buying difficultiesChapter 9Content: Newspaper; Magazine; Yellow Page and Directory; Out of home ads; Packaging ; POPChapter 10Internet advertising formats(营销手段): (1) Websites (2) Display or banner ads(3) Web logs (Blogs, Podcasts) (4) Mobile phone and text
34、messaging(5) Email: (Opt-in versus spam, E-zines, Wireless email ads)(6) Rich media format: (Pop-ups, interstitials, superstitials, video ads)(7) Search engine ads:(Keyword-matching ads, Content-targeted ads)(8) Advertising via behaviroual targetingSearch engine advertising-SEA: The key to attract p
35、eople to a website is the use of search engine advertising.SEA is the fastest growing form of itnernet advertising.Internet search engines include a variety of well-known services that people use when seeking information.SEA attempts to place messages in front of people precisely when their natural
36、search efforts indicate they apparently are interested in buying a particular good or service.1. Keyword-matching advertising-Adwords: To become a sponsored links (赞助商链接), advertisers must bid for and purchase key words from search engine services,such as Google.2. Content- Oriented websites- Adsens
37、e: Advertisers can specify the websites where they want their ads to appear. Search engine services (Google) operate as an ad agency placing ads on other websites, taking a commission. Cost efficiency, pinpointed targeting and quick and easy assessment of ad effectiveness.3. Limitations of SEA- clic
38、k fraud: occurs when a competitor or other party clicks on a sponsored link repeatedly in order to reduce advertising effectiveness. Also occurs when employees of content-oriented repeatedly click on advertised websites in order to increase the revenue paid to thyem by a search engine- Bot software
39、systems, eg. RobViral Marketing 病毒式营销: The idea of marketing to a small group of consumers, who then pass the marketing message to others-creating a positive word-of-mouth or buzz常用于进行网站推广、品牌推广等,病毒式营销利用的是用户口碑传播的原理,因此病毒式营销成为一种高效的信息传播方式,而且,由于这种传播是用户之间自发进行的,因此几乎是不需要费用的网络营销手段。主要指它利用了目标消费者的参与热情,目标消费者受商家的
40、信息刺激自愿参与到后续的传播过程中. 目标消费者并不能从“为商家打工”中获利,他们为什么自愿提供传播渠道?首先,传播者传递给目标群的信息不是赤裸裸的广告信息,而是经过加工的、具有很大吸引力的产品和品牌信息,而正是这一披在广告信息外面的漂亮外衣,突破了消费者戒备心理的“防火墙”促使其完成从纯粹受众到积极传播者的变化。病毒式营销并非一种新的营销思想,而是把传统营销模式基于互联网的通路得以快速传播,病毒式营销的几个关键字:成本低,用户自发传播,有价值的信息Chapter 11Media Strategy-Specifying media objectives(明确媒体策略):Following is
41、sues to be considered:(1) Target population to be reached (2) Frequency (3) How close to the time of purchase(4) How much total advertising is necessary for reach and frequency(5) Budget to be allocated over time (6) Cost-effective way (7) Cost-effective waySelect target audience(选择目标受众)Four main ty
42、pes of information needed:(1) Buyer behavior-most meaningful basis to determine target audience(2) Demographic (3) Geographic (4) Value and lifestylesTiming:(1) Continuous持续性A relatively equal number of ad dollars is invested throughout the campaign(2)Pulsing 脉冲式Some ads are used during every period
43、 but the amount varies(3) Flighting 飞跃式Zero spending in low consumption months during the campaignSelecting media categories and vehicles(选择媒体投放方案)考虑以下问题(1) How many exposures are needed?An alternative approach: the efficiency index proceduresEstimate the exposure utility for each level of vehicle e
44、xposure or OTS (opportunity to see)Calculate the exposure distribution of the various media schedules Determine the value at each OTS level and then the total value across all OTS levelsDevelop an index of exposure efficiencyTo select a media schedule that generates the most exposure value per GRPTh
45、e range of effective reach can be thought of as being from 3 to 10 exposures during the mediaplanning periodEffective reach planning generally leads to using multiple media rather than exclusively depending on TVIt also involves giving up some of prime-time TVs reach to obtain greater frequency from
46、 other media at the same cost(2) TimingContinuityHow advertising is allocated How should the media budget be distributed throughout the period of the advertising campaignRecency planning PrincipleFew advertisers can afford to maintain an expensive continuous schedule-logic for discontinuous advertisingEPhrons principle of recency argument- support of continuous advertisingChapter 12Direct marketing(直复营销) is marketing material sent directly to the customer that is designed to create an immediate responseDirect selling(直销) Direct selling is a personnel contact, no longer a fixed busin