1、精品名师归纳总结Book Report -Sister CarrieTheodore Dreiser August 27, 1871 December 28, 1945 is a American novelist. He was born in indiana trez townand His father is poor German immigrants. He accepted the early education in the public school and then study in Indiana University. Dreiser spent most time of
2、 his life to employ himself in news. When going through Chicago, New York and other cities, he accumulated a wealth of materials for his future literature withhis deeper understanding ofsociety. Dreiser is a pioneer and representative writer.Furthermore he is considered to be tied with Hemingway, Fa
3、ulkners American modern fiction and regarded as one of the big three.His first novel, Sister Carrie 1900, tells the story of a woman who flees her country life for the city Chicago and falls into a wayward life.Itsold poorly, but itlater acquired a considerable reputation. His second novel, Jennie G
4、erhardt, was published in 1911. Many of Dreisers subsequent novelsdealtwithsocialinequality.Hisfirstcommercial success was An American Tragedy 1925, which was made into a film in 1931 and again in 1951 as A Place in the Sun. Already in 1892, when Dreiserbegan workas a newspaperman, he had begun toob
5、serve a certain type of crime in the United States. Though primarily known as a novelist, Dreiser published his firstcollection of shortstories, Free and可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结Other Stories in 1918. The collection contained 11 stories. A particularly interesting story, My Brother Paul, was a brief
6、biography of his older brother, Paul Dresser,who was a famous songwriter in the 1890s. This story was the basis for the 1942 romantic movie, My Gal Sal. In 1944, American literature andArt grant awards to Dreiser. In 1945, he joined the communist party. In1945, December 28, Theodore Dreiser died in
7、Hollywood of California at his 74.years old.Sister CarrieisanovelbyTheodore Dreiserabout ayoung countrygirlwhomoves to the bigcity.she starts torealize her own AmericanDreambybecomingamistress tomen.she perceives as superior and later as a famous actress. The story happened in the 1980s and early 19
8、90s Chicago and New York. The novel mainlyaround the heroine Carrie and Hurst wood. Carrie was born in the countryside near Chicago. She is poor, but her vanity is very strong. So she was attracted by the rich life in city. Carrie is a representative of a thought of American working-classpeopleclimb
9、totheupperlevels.However,she disappointed immediately after becoming a member of the unemployment line and went into the mire of poverty and disease. At this moment, Carrie was aware of large differences between rich and poor. It is impossible for her toobtain her fantasy happiness. She has become y
10、oung salesman Evans and hotel manager Hurst woods mistress. Later, she became an actress inNewYork and went into the bourgeoisie-the high society.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结When she found her dream of life is not so attractive, instead, she found herselfveryemptyandboring.Inthisnovel,Dreiserdeliberatel
11、y describes Hurst wood. He is a member ofthe American society. In the physical, he had a favorable rich life. But in the spirit, he is a real poverty. He and his wifeand childrenare lack offeelings. Therefore, he feels refreshed and poured in love immediately after discovering Carries youth and vigo
12、r. When he and Carries sex was discovered, he was accused of public opinion and downfall.Afterreadingthisbook,Ithinkweshouldconsiderthebackground at that time. The rapid development ofthe industryinthe UnitedStates, inordertomaintainthetimedevelopment, theU.S. immigration policy custom changes idyll
13、ic country into an industrialized country. Capitalistvalues are verypopular. People are nearlysick on material. This kind of value blocks humans heart channels and thus the society formedthe feelingsofmental desert. Althoughdesirefrom internal explains the motivation,the materialistic city is a temp
14、tation tochange Carrie sdestiny. Ifshe has any sin or any unethical, the realityand the social environments should be more critical and cursed. You can say Carrie is stepping on the two men to reach the palace. In fact, it is indeed. Firstshe is a vanitygirland likes beautifulclothes. The most impor
15、tant thing is that she is very beautiful so that man cant help falling in love with her. Carrie is between conscience and dream crawling over可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结the loss. Charles H. Drouet is her first man. They met on the train to Chicago. Carrie doesnt love him, so does him. Drouet just regard
16、ed her as a tool. Hurst is her second man. If Carrie and Hurst are real love between them, so his money and position is the matchmaker. When hisdesire makes a mistake, he had cut the fame, wealth and status. This is the life.Butonce leftaChicago,Hurststragedy has begun. Broadway gathered the worldse
17、xtravagant materials. Carrie is acquaintance with the richMrs. Vances and she went the most splendid restaurant. Allof these encourage Carries desire. However, Hurst has nothing. Of course,At last, she left Hurst with 20 dollars.The story ends with the death of Hurst. Manyyears has passedaway, thisphenomenon exists tillnow. Those Middle-aged men who are successful are easily getting the young beautiful womans favor. I have one question. If those successful man are going bankrupt, do you think the young beautiful woman still stay withyou to waster her time.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载