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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上诸城市英语口语教学研讨暨龙源学校英语节现场会汇报材料创办英语特色教育 打造龙源教育品牌诸城市龙源学校2004年4月28日创办英语特色教育 打造龙源教育品牌龙源学校自成立以来,一直把英语教育作为学校的办学特色。在市教育局的正确领导和亲切关怀下,学校以“三个面向”为指导思想,以学生的发展为根本宗旨,以培养学生的综合语言运用能力为目标,根据外语学习的规律和我校目前外语教学发展的现状,在教学的目标、教学内容、实施策略、实施手段和评价等方面进行了重大的改革,取得了显著的成绩,在中考中英语成绩特别突出,连续夺冠,在历年的中学生英语能力竞赛中都有很多学生获奖。学校多次承担全市的英语

2、教改任务和教师培训任务,走在了教育的最前沿。学校的英语教学工作也得到了上级领导的肯定。 2001英语教研组被团市委评为“青年文明号”。学校英语教学正走出了一条有自己的特色的道路。一. 改革传统课堂教学,提高英语教学效益为突出英语教学特色,学校为英语教师创设了一流的教育教学环境。在这里人人都可以使用校园网了解最新的教育教学信息、查询最新的教育教学动向,不用出门就可以和专家对话,提高自己的教学业务水平。为提高英语教师的口语水平,学校还专门聘请了外籍教师,能听到地道的英语口语,极大地提高了教师的口语水平。今年暑假,学校还将外派首批16名英语教师前往澳大利亚进行培训学习,这对于英语教师又是一次极好的锻

3、炼。优良的教师队伍为英语教学改革奠定了良好的基础。1 培养听说读写能力课堂上,我们利用教室内现代化的教育教学设施为学生提供良好的英语学习条件。我们鼓励学生大胆地说英语,勇敢地用英语表达自己的想法。每学期我们都举行英语口语考试或者口头作文,学生口语表达能力不断进步。我们重视学生阅读能力的培养,既鼓励学生学会精读,认真扎实地学习英语基础知识,又鼓励学生泛读,具备快速获取知识的能力,接受知识和阅读理解的能力得到培养。同时,我们也强调英语的书写。每个班级每个学生都有一个书写本,坚持天天练习书法,形成了良好的书写习惯。学生的英语手抄报也办得有声有色。不仅是简单的书写,我们还强调协作能力的提高。我们抓住一

4、切时机开拓学生的英语思维,训练他们使用英语思考,然后写成几十字或者一百字的小文章。很多老师还要求学生把自己最高的写作水平和最高的书写记录在专门的英语写作本上,以便于日后有时间或修改或自我鼓励。有效的教学措施促进了学生的听说读写能力的提高。2 注重个别差异,实施分层次教学本学期学校在以前积累的分层次教学经验基础上又在初一级部就英语和数学两科实施了分层次教学。将初一级部十个行政班划分为两个单元,A、B、C三个层次,A层学生为英语成绩最差的学生,我们将最好的教师安排在A层上课。实践证明,分层次教学是一种有效的教学方式。它充分体现了因材施教的原则,有利于优生优培、后进生转化,大面积地提高了英语教学质量

5、。3 拿起表扬的武器,激励学生克服困难、完成任务用爱心培育爱心是我们学校的教育准则。我们重视赏识教育和成功教育的实施。正是因为我们相信每一个学生,鼓励每一个学生,激励他们不断地进步,把复杂的英语学习简单化,使学生体验到英语学习的乐趣,使我们的英语教学成绩越来越好。二. 创设英语环境,营造良好的英语学习氛围除通过主渠道向学生进行英语教育外,我们还积极开展第二课堂活动,培养学生学习英语的兴趣和特长。1 让墙壁说话,让草木劝学,让石头砺志。龙源学校的校园文化是丰富多彩的。漫步在学校的校园内,无论是处在风景怡人的龙源书苑、鲜花萦绕的甬路,还是欢腾的绿荫场,用中英文两种语言做成的各种文明提示牌、植物说明

6、、文化介绍,处处可见,坐立行走之间,你就可以轻松地学习地道的英语知识,了解英语的精髓, 为学生的英语发展营造了良好的环境。我们的校园文化也得到了上级领导的肯定。2003年12月龙源学校在山东省普及实验县检查验收中,以974分的优异成绩,位居诸城市第一名, 在全省也是最高分数之一。 省检查组领导高文浩同志在山东省对诸城市普实 督导评估反馈会议上的讲话中先后七次提名表扬龙源,并着重指出诸城市“涌现出了以龙源学校为代表的一批办学有特色学校,以孙立平为代表的一批事业心强、有创新精神、有思路的校长,培养了一大批教育教学成果丰硕的教师龙源学校的校园文化建设是我们所见到的省内外同类学校里边不能说是唯一的,也

7、是极少、极个别最好的学校之一 ”2 充分发挥现代信息技术教育的作用。自从校园网开设以来,我们学校的英语教师勤奋学习网页制作知识,制作了大量的英语学习网页,形成了资源共享、百花齐放的局面。我们还根据教学的需要,建立了自己的网页,既包括精彩的备课设计、教学软件、试题库等丰富的教学资源,又包括各种教学论文、教学总结、教学心得体会等第一手的经验积累,还着重开发了适合学生英语需要的学习资源。学生不仅可以自主使用学校的英语学习网页学习相关的英语知识,还可以制作自己的英语学习网页,把自己的学习经验告诉别人,达到资源共享,互相学习的目的。三. 开展丰富的英语活动,搭建学生发展的舞台1 育才长廊,师生同讲英语。





12、短的几天时间,小品、话剧、歌曲、歌舞、诗朗诵等形式的节目样样俱全;经典、流行完美结合,学生新思想、新风貌尽现其中。我们从中精选了部分优秀节目,向大家做了汇报演出。 今后,我们将在上级正确领导下,虚心学习兄弟学校的经验,锐意进取,开拓创新,努力工作,以一流业绩回报领导的关怀和同行们的支持。我们坚信:经过我们的不懈努力,我们的英语特色教育一定会更加辉煌,我们将坚定不移地创办英语特色教育,打造龙源教育品牌!Promote English Characteristic EducationCreate the Education Brand of Longyuan SchoolLongyuan Scho

13、ol of Zhucheng City takes it as the character to emphasis the English teaching. Since our school was founded, with the perfect lead and considerate attention, we make the three-directions our guidance, base on students making cultivation and development and regard it as our goal to educate the stude

14、nts general abilities of using the English language. According to the rule of Learning English and on the dependent of the situation and requirement of the current development of English teaching and learning, we have innovated a lot on many aspects of our English teaching and learning like Teaching

15、 Objective, Teaching Goal, Teaching Spirit, Teaching Material, Teaching Strategy, Teaching Method and Evaluation of the teaching. We have won the first in the entrance examination to go to senior high school. We have also obtained many prizes in the National English Proficency Contest for school Stu

16、dents during the past years. We have taken an active part in serving for the development of our school and done our best. We have been appointed to do the experience of the English teaching and train the English teacher of our city. At any time, we are standing on the point of the English education.

17、 And both our school and the bureau of education have affirmed our work. In 2001, the department of English in Longyuan was awarded Super Youth by Ministry of Youth League,Zhucheng City. Now we have formed our own character. The first aspect is to innovate the traditional English teaching and to imp

18、rove the over-all impact of English.In order to strengthen the English teaching, our school has set up the first-class education environment. We can know the newest teaching information and query the newly teaching intention with the school Internet. Here inside the schoolyard we can easily communic

19、ate with the education specialists. Furthermore, we also improved our levels of teaching methods. In order to improve the spoken English of the English teachers, the school has also retained foreign teachers. It is easy for English teachers to listen to standard spoken English and improve the spoken

20、 English. This summer sixteen English teachers will be first sent to Australia to train English. It is a good chance for the English teachers to be cultivated. Its believed that every one of them will fulfill the task successfully. Well-furnished teaching group effectively help develop the normal En

21、glish teaching 1. Improve the abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writingIn class, we not only make full use of the modern establishment of the classroom to make a good English setting for the students but also give classes in English. We also give at least one listening class in English s

22、ound laboratory once a week. All this help to improve the students ability. We encourage our students to speak out English without fear and express what they think in English. We often tell them to regard the classroom as a site of practicing English. Every school term, we hold English spoken examin

23、ations or oral composition competitions. The students abilities of spoken English are improving. Furthermore, we also make emphasis on cultivating the students abilities. On one hand, we encourage the students to practice intensive reading and try to form the basement of English knowledge. On the ot

24、her hand, we encourage them to do a lot of extractive reading and acquire the information fast. The abilities of both reading and comprehending are improved a lot at the same time. Meanwhile, we also pay full attention to the handwriting. Each student has a workbook to practice writing. And they sti

25、ck on practicing and the handwritings are getting better and better. They also write their own hand-written papers. Besides simple handwriting, we also emphasis on cultivating the abilities of finishing compositions. We take any occasion to open up their English thought and make them be used to thin

26、k in English language. Then we ask them to write a simple composition in about 100 words. Many teachers also suggest they write down the composition in their highest composition level with their best handwriting. So they can correct it or encourage themselves later. Effective Teaching methods help o

27、pen up a broad field for the students to improve their abilities.2. Stress individual differences and actualize teaching in different levels Based on the previous experience of teaching in different levels, we put it into practice to teach students in deferent levels on English and math in Grade one

28、. We divide the original ten classes into two units with A, B and C three levels. Level A is the students who did badly in English. And we have invited the best teachers to help them. It is proved that it is effective to teach in different levels. It is because it strongly stresses teaching students

29、 in according to their aptitudes. And it helps make the best and the worst better and better. The teaching qualities have already improved a lot. 3. Take praise as arms and encourage the students to overcome the difficulties and fulfill the taskIts another important criterion for our school to culti

30、vate the students with love. We pay full attention to appreciations of education. We believe the students, encourage them, bestir them to new hope and encourage them to fulfill the learning task. We encourage them to make English learning easy to learn and make them feel successful. And then our Eng

31、lish teaching is getting better and better.The second one is to make good English environment and construct the favourable studying atmosphere.Besides teaching the students in class, we also take active part in developing the second class and cultivating the interests and specialties1. Let the wall

32、talk. Let the plant encourage and let the stone forge the will.The school culture is rich and colorful. Strolling in the schoolyard of Longyuan School, no matter where you are, in the beautiful Literature Realm, along the road with flowers or on the jubilated green grassland, you can see all kinds o

33、f polite boards, culture introduction and explanation of the plants made of English and Chinese. In your daily life, you can easily learn the standard English and know the best part of western culture. The school has really made good studying atmosphere for the students and let them know and care al

34、l the things of the family, country and the world. Our culture has also been affirmed by the Education Department. In December, 2003, Longyuan School won the first in Zhucheng City by Score 974 in the checking and accepting of Practicing the Experiments in Physics, Chemistry and Biology in large sca

35、le in the town, Shandong Province. It is also one of the highest marks in Shandong Province. Gao Wenhao, Leader of the supervision, spoke high of Longyuan School seven times in the address at supervise-direct-evaluate-feedback meeting. He stressed that there has come out a group of schools, which, l

36、ike Longyuan School, are good at running. The headmaster, head of the super ones, has brought up a large number of excellent teachers with a lot of performances. To speak the truth, culture of Longyuan School is one of the most unique schools we have ever seen. 2. Let the Internet take effect.Since

37、we have built the school Internet, the teachers have been working hard at web and opened up broad sources. The boom of English has come into being. Based on the requirement of teaching and learning, we have received the excellent experience and opened up our own profound English studying website. It

38、 includes wonderful teaching plan, teaching intercourse, test questions reservoir and so on. It also includes all kinds of thesis, conclusion and experience about teaching and learning. Especially, we opened up the source favor to the students. Every student has known another well-educated and never

39、-tired teacher. The students can independently learn English from the website and make their own English studying website in order to communicate with others.The third one is to develop abundant English activity and build up the platform for the students development.The time of each class is short a

40、nd limited. We should make full use of all kinds of activities and make the limited time last long.1. The faculty speaks English together in the corridor. We have always advocated practicing English from the beginning, especially in the corridor. With the lead of the English teachers, all the teache

41、rs and students are interested in practicing English. They can make simple communications with each other like greeting and asking the way. The heat of learning English has been stirred up.2. Carry out the preparation activity. Every student should recite a paragraph of beautiful article and learn t

42、o sing an English song. English teacher should help train in time and they should pay their attention. It will be checked each every week to make sure that it can go on.3. Have a listening class each week. Make sure to have a listening class in English sound laboratory, listen to the standard spoken

43、 English and cultivate the English listening.4. Make full of the foreign teachers and strengthen the English teaching and speaking. Making full use of predominance of the foreign teachers and the wisdom of the other English teachers, the Chinese teachers of English take emphasis on listening and spo

44、ken English and both the two teachers work together and strengthen the English listening and spoken English. That is to say, based on the original teaching that each class practices English once a week, each class will add one given by Nancy, Alexander and Stephen. They will give one spoken English

45、class for each class according to the Teaching Plan for Foreign Teachers in 2003-2004 School Year of Longyuan School. In order to make sure that each class is well operated, the Chinese teachers of English should make preparation for the students.5. Open up English Corner. It is opened to help the s

46、tudents get the feeling of touching English and help them have confidence of themselves in studying English. It is an important strategy of making full use of the foreign teachers. The three foreigners are in charge. One Chinese teacher is invited to help make the timetable and organize the students

47、 to take part in. Each student from Grade One to Grade Three has the chance to take part in. The English corner is to take place twice every day except Sunday. Each corner has 20minutes. The first starts from 7:15 till 7:35. And the second starts from 6:25 to 6:45. It is held in the Literature Realm

48、.6. Hold a periodical activity of making hand-written papers of our own. We formed the special committee to judge the prizes. And we will speak high of the student and class that is good at writing. Furthermore, we will add marks to the student who writes tidily and carefully. All help to prompt the

49、 students handwriting. 7. Hold Longyuan School Chorus Competition every year. Each class will have to two English songs. And the songs should have good content full of youthful spirit and energy with the guidance of the teachers. The committee is also founded to judge the best in grade. The best one will get three prizes. On 26th, we held one. All the students did their best!


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