3、光看着你的话,那么你还需要进行纠音的练习。但是,对于绝大多数的考友来说,其实达到一个满足托福100分的口语分数,只要按照今天的方法进行30-60小时的练习,就完全可以满足了。托福口语范文:家长是否要帮孩子解决困难题目Some parents prefer to help their kids to solve the problems and troubles they meet, while some parents prefer to let their children deal with difficulties by themselves. Which one do you thin
4、k is more reasonable and why?Sample ResponseI think that parents should let kids solve their own problems and troubles. Of course, there are some dangerous situations where a parent should help, but for the most part, children should be allowed to come up with their own solutions.First, parents need
5、 to remember that they will not always be there to help. Children will face many situations in the future on their own, so they need to become comfortable solving problems on their own.Second, children will remember how to do things better if they solve problems. Even if they make mistakes, the kids
6、 can learn what not to do. The process is important for understanding how to solve other troubles in the future.Therefore, I think that, when possible, parents should let kids learn to solve their own problems.托福口语范文:社区学校开设哪些课程题目The community school is going to start new courses on weekends for stud
7、ents to study. Which of the following courses would you like to choose?-courses on how to deliver a speech-courses on improving your photography-courses on business skillsSample ResponseIf I could take courses on the weekend, I would be most interested in classes about business skills because I coul
8、d use them in both my work and private life.Clearly, business skills would be helpful for work because I could do my job better. I would like to learn about writing different types of letters to clients and using my computer for work purposes.However, business skills would be helpful in my private l
9、ife, too. For example, I would like to learn to manage money better. I could learn about keeping records and making a budget in a business class.Since business skills are useful for all aspects of my life, I would be most interested in taking classes about them if I had the chance.托福相关文章: SAT考题又重复 中
10、国学生接下来该怎么办 英语口语3000句第一课(1-94) 2020托福听力5大出题规律是什么 美好的校园时光 中国合伙人观后感影评2020 2020年bec中级适合什么人考 关于参评优秀学生申请书范文 “天气热”的十大英语表达 托福口语哪些情况特别容易说错呢 托福口语中在刚开始说的部分就出现错误是比较忌讳的,因为考官往往也比较注意开头部分 托福口语能看美剧电影提高吗 很多人都觉得托福口语备考还是做题比较保险,对于诸如看美剧电影提升口语的做法也颇为 托福口语高频话题实用表达短语 话在心头口难开,托福口语中出现这种情况并不少见,也会对大家表述自己的想法造成不便 托福口语中扣分细节 托福口语实战考试中,考生常会遇到一些平时备考训练中没有遇到过的问题,并因此而遭到 第 5 页 共 5 页