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1、雅思口语part2如何拿高分做到这三步, 你的雅思口语part 2可以更出彩,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。做到这三步 你的雅思口语part 2可以更出彩雅思口语part2要在短短一分钟之内如何想出我们要说什么、怎样说好就成了很多考生比较头疼的一个问题。其解题方法说白了就是将任务卡上所给而bullet points(也就是You should say之后的几个要点)进行展开,一一论述,再加以衔接,形成一片完整的口语文章。所以在我们考part 2的时候大可分为以下几步:一、审题在拿到答题卡后仔细看清题目是必不可少的,很多人忽视了这一点,导致回答的时候答非所问,漏答要点,甚至支支吾吾了半天也

2、说不出来什么实质性内容,所以在拿到答题卡之后第一件事,看它到底要我们说什么。总结以前常考的题目,雅思口语part 2大致可以分为4大类话题,分别是place(地点),person(人),event(事件)以及object(物体)。首先要搞懂他让我们描述的到底是什么,不同的问法我们答题的侧重点也不一样。答题任务卡上的第一句往往会直接指出来,如Describe an old person you know who you respect。其次,根据下面的要点搞懂题目要我们说的是Who this person is?(是谁,身份、名字)、How you know the person?(怎么认识的)

3、、How long you have known him/ her?(认识ta多久)、以及And explain why you respect this person?(尊敬原因)。在这里也建议考生们在准备的一分钟内把这些要点的关键词写在草稿纸上,防止之后因为紧张忘记了我们要说什么。但一定要注意,记关键词即可,如这一题当中的old person, how know, how long, why respect。二、思考表述内容在了解了题目要我们说什么之后,最重要的就是快速地想出一个较为熟悉、比较好去表述的素材。在这里建议各位考生千万不要一味地追求表述的真实性,适当的时候以方便好去表述为主,甚

4、至可以去适当改编、虚构出某些思路。拿上述题目举例,我们可以从比较熟悉的老人展开,比如说我们的爷爷奶奶,或是学校的一位老教授。在这里我们以old professor为例,怎么认识的你可以说在学校的某节课上,认识多久我们就可以从逻辑想到大一认识的,那就是两三年的时间,最后为什么尊敬他我们可以从两方面展开论述,一是专业领域的学术知识特别强,让人佩服,另外的一点我们可以从私下的个人品质出发,比如说这个老教师虽然年纪很大,但是非常尽职尽责,从responsibility角度出发。这两个思路在我们遇到任何描述person的题目都是较为通用的。在这一部分,建议同学根据自己的情况,可以把要点记在草稿纸上,如果

5、觉得比较熟悉不记也没有太大问题。三、表述在想好我们要说什么之后,剩下的就是把所有的要点、关键词衔接成一篇完整的口语文章了。这一部分需要考生在复习阶段做到充分练习,一定要有连词成句,连句成段的能力。前期不熟悉可以把写下来,但是越临近考试就要对自己要求越高,脱稿练习,勤练多说。另外,在part 2当中,开头句都是可以提前准备好的,可以采用以下几种句型:When talking about ., it reminds me of .或是When it comes to , Id like to talk about .等等。在表述的时候一定要注意内容的衔接,千万不要给考官感觉你还是像在part 1一

6、样在一个一个回答问题,要注意我们表述内在的逻辑。最后总结一下,若是想在part 2中做到尽善尽美,要注意以下几点。首先,你的表述是要做到流利、连贯的,这一点完全是可以我们在课后通过对不同素材、不同话题的练习做到的;其次,part 2的表述一定注意衔接,千万不要死板的回答问题,通过一定的逻辑结构以及连接词形成一篇自然的文章;另外,在词语、句型的使用上要注意提高level,尽量避免出现所有人都会用的单词,平时记单词的时候要注意扩充同义词,丰富高级词汇量。若是在表述中出现了几个好的句型那就更为加分了。最后,在考试的时候,一定要注意,我们的雅思口语考试还是与考官交流沟通的过程,所以一定要注意我们表述地

7、要自然,多与考官进行眼神交流,让他感觉到你能够熟练地运用英语去表述你的想法。千万不要因为紧张导致我们发挥失常,这个就太得不偿失了。雅思口语新题付范文展示:健康的生活方式解题思路Describe a healthy lifestyle健康的生活方式You should say:what does healthy lifestyle mean to youwhat important aspect you have in your mindhow it is important健康的生活方式对你意味着什么健康的生活方式包含什么它有多重要口语范文A healthy lifestyle is some

8、thing we all talk about but only a few of us follow the rules to maintain it. I thank you for this wonderful topic and would like to talk about the importance of a balanced diet for having a healthy lifestyle.我们都在谈论健康的生活方式,但只有少数人遵循规则来保持它。我感谢你们这个精彩的话题,我想谈谈平衡饮食对于拥有健康生活方式的重要性。It is often said that what

9、 we eat defines what we become . It is indeed true and in my opinion, healthy living greatly depends on someone s eating habit. Having a balanced diet means eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions, and consuming the right amount of food and drink to achieve and maintain a healthy bod

10、y weight.人们常说“我们吃什么决定了我们成为什么样的人”。这是真的,在我看来,健康的生活很大程度上取决于一个人的饮食习惯。有一个均衡的饮食意味着吃各种各样的食物在适当的比例,并消费适量的食物和饮料,以实现和保持一个健康的体重。A healthy lifestyle is a combination of a sober and prudent living style with the soundness of body and mind. Both physical and psychological well-being is important in order to have

11、a healthy lifestyle. It does not depend on someone s economic status or geographic location. Rather it is the willingness to lead a good life with some fundamental good habits.健康的生活方式是冷静谨慎的生活方式与身心健康的结合。为了拥有健康的生活方式,身体和心理健康都很重要。它不取决于某人的经济地位或地理位置。而是愿意用一些基本的好习惯过好生活。A balanced diet has a paramount import

12、ance to remain fit both physically and psychologically. Biologically, a person is a living organism who needs food to survive like any other living organism on this planet. As a superior creature, we have plenty of food items to choose from and in a way, this has made our food habit quite complex. F

13、ast food, for example, in no way a good choice for us and yet we have become dependant on it. Obesity, for instance, is rare among people who have a good eating habit. Overweight has become one of the reasons people these days suffer from various diseases. Scientific research has proven that more th

14、an 30 percent health-related complexities could be avoided by having a good eating habit.均衡的饮食对保持身心健康至关重要。从生物学上讲,一个人是一个活着的有机体,他需要食物来生存,就像地球上任何其他活着的有机体一样。作为一个优越的生物,我们有很多食物可以选择,在某种程度上,这使得我们的饮食习惯相当复杂。例如,快餐对我们来说不是一个好的选择,但我们已经变得依赖它。例如,肥胖在有良好饮食习惯的人群中很少见。超重已成为当今人们患各种疾病的原因之一。科学研究证明,良好的饮食习惯可以避免30%以上的健康问题。The

15、 modern era is highly competitive and we are so busy these days than the past generations. However, this does not mean that we should not be aware of our health. We have got only one chance to live and some easy-to-follow rules like following a balanced diet, regular exercise, maintaining personal h

16、ygiene etc. can make a huge difference.现代竞争激烈,我们现在比过去几代人都忙。然而,这并不意味着我们不应该意识到我们的健康。我们只有一次生存的机会,一些简单易行的规则,如遵循均衡的饮食,定期锻炼,保持个人卫生等可以产生巨大的差异。A sound mind lies on a sound body and a body needs calories to properly function. As an intelligent species, we should not act foolishly. We should provide our body

17、with the right combination of food that provides necessary vitamins and calories to remain healthy - not more, not less and nothing harmful to our body and mind.一个健康的头脑取决于一个健康的身体,身体需要热量来正常运作。作为一个聪明的物种,我们不应该做傻事。我们应该给我们的身体提供正确的食物组合,提供必要的维生素和热量来保持健康不要多吃,不要少吃,不要对我们的身体和精神有害。雅思口语part2新题及范文:喜欢共事之人答题思路Descr

18、ibe someone you like to work/study with喜欢共事的人You should say:who this person iswhat this person doeshow long you have you known him/her你应该说:这个人是谁这个人做什么你认识他/她多久了口语范文1I have many colleagues and co-workers whom I think to be very proactive and talented and among them, I would like to mention (say a name

19、) whom I really enjoy working with. I have been working with him for the last 2 years and during this time I have always found him to be very talented, focused and deadline oriented co-workers. With him, all of my assignments and tasks were completed with perfect harmony and time.我有很多同事和同事,我认为他们非常积极

20、主动,很有才华,其中我想提到(说一个名字),我很喜欢和他们一起工作。在过去的两年里,我一直和他一起工作,在这段时间里,我发现他是一个非常有才华、专注、以截止日期为导向的同事。有了他,我所有的作业和任务都在完美的和谐和时间里完成了。Since both of us work in the same office, we work for the same company but we often work in different projects. When we both are assigned to the same project, we work almost most of the

21、 office time together.因为我们在同一个办公室工作,我们在同一个公司工作,但是我们经常在不同的项目中工作。当我们被分配到同一个项目时,我们几乎大部分时间都在一起工作。In the office, we mostly spend our time like two good colleagues and besides this, he has become a good friend of mine. We often go near a lake to have some fresh air, we go to a restaurant to have our lunch

22、 and sometimes we meet other friends. In the office, we often discuss the tasks and share our opinion on how to solve an emerging issue.在办公室,我们大部分时间都像两个好同事一样度过,除此之外,他已经成为我的好朋友。我们经常去湖边呼吸一些新鲜空气,我们去餐馆吃午饭,有时我们会遇到其他的朋友。在办公室,我们经常讨论任务和分享我们的意见如何解决一个新问题。I like to work with him mostly because of his pro-activ

23、eness and talent. He is a very good problem solver and always shows a professional and positive attitude to address a solution. He is a good team member and can work really hard to solve a problem. Apart from those qualities, he is a good listener and knows when to talk and when to remain silent. Th

24、ese are some great and exemplary qualities someone would seek from a team member and because of all these good qualities I enjoy and like to work with him.我喜欢和他一起工作主要是因为他的主动性和天赋。他是一个很好的解决问题的人,总是表现出专业和积极的态度来解决问题。他是一个很好的团队成员,能够非常努力地解决问题。除了这些品质,他还是一个很好的倾听者,知道什么时候该说话,什么时候该保持沉默。这些都是一些人会从团队成员身上寻求的伟大和模范的品质

25、,因为所有这些优良品质,我喜欢和他一起工作。口语范文2Mr Robertson is the CEO of my office and a hard worker. I have never seen such an active person like him before in my career. He is a very smart person and has a short beard. But he looks outstanding with his height. He is six feet tall. Mr Robertson has an outstanding ski

26、ll to impress people with his speeches. And he never argues with people even if they are wrong. Though he works in the same company where I am employed, I would like to work closely with him as I believe it would give a valuable opportunity to learn many things important for a career growth.罗伯逊先生是我办

27、公室的首席执行官,他工作很努力。在我的职业生涯中,我从来没有见过像他这样活跃的人。他是一个非常聪明的人,留着短胡子。但是他以他的身高看起来很突出。他六英尺高。罗伯逊先生有一个突出的技巧,用他的演讲打动人们。他从不与人争论,即使他们错了。虽然他和我在同一家公司工作,但我愿意和他紧密合作,因为我相信这会给我一个宝贵的机会去学习许多对职业发展很重要的东西。Basically, he is the boss of my office. This is a local manufacturing company in New York City. He takes care of the company

28、. The early life of this person was filled with agonies. So, he tries to care for all of his employees. Moreover, he is also responsible for running some other business organization apart from this one. He is also an influential member of the local business association. So, he passes a very busy tim

29、e during the working days.基本上,他是我办公室的老板。这是纽约当地的一家制造公司。他负责管理公司。这个人的早年生活充满了痛苦。所以,他努力照顾他所有的员工。除此之外,他还负责经营其他一些商业组织。他也是当地商业协会有影响力的成员。所以,他在工作日度过了一段非常忙碌的时间。I know the person for the past five years. In fact, it was my first job at his organization and I have been continuing here without any interval. And I

30、 wish to work here as long as I can. During this time, I have met him a number of times. In each of the meet, I have learned something newer. In the beginning, I did not have the idea that this shabby man would be the boss of this company until I met him officially for the first time in his office.我

31、认识这个人已经五年了。事实上,这是我在他的公司的第一份工作,我一直没有间断地在这里工作。我希望能在这里工作多久就在这里工作多久。在这段时间里,我见过他很多次。在每次见面中,我都学到了一些新的东西。一开始,我没有想到这个衣衫褴褛的人会成为这家公司的老板,直到我第一次在他的办公室正式见到他。Working with Mr Robertson will enrich my knowledge and skills. Besides, he is supportive of his staffs and loves to share his experience. Further, a sense o

32、f happiness works inside while working with him. For all such grounds, I want to work with Mr Robertson.与罗伯逊先生合作将丰富我的知识和技能。此外,他很支持他的员工,喜欢分享他的经验。此外,与他一起工作时,一种幸福感在他的内心产生作用。基于所有这些理由,我想和罗伯逊先生一起工作。雅思口语part 2如何拿高分相关文章:1.雅思托福gre词汇量多少雅思八月复考:那些关于雅思口语考试不得不 除了出国留学,雅思居然还有这么多用处?今天小编给大家带来雅思的作用,希望能够帮助 8月雅思考试再新增考次_部分城市因疫情变化 8月雅思考试再新增考次!部分城市因疫情变化被迫取消!今天小编给大家带来8月雅思考试再 取消北京语言大学2020年8月雅思考试的通知 雅思真人考官对话又回来了!今天小编给大家带来最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了, 最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了 雅思真人考官对话又回来了!今天小编给大家带来最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了, 第 15 页 共 15 页


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